The Nantu Forest in Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia holds one of the few remaining pristi... more The Nantu Forest in Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia holds one of the few remaining pristine habitats in the island. The reserve is surrounded by human habituation which provide opportunity to study the impact of forest lost on biodversity. In addition, data on Nantu mostly focused on big mammals, as there is no previous herpetofauna survey at the area. Sampling of amphibian and reptile was conducted in June 2013 and in May June 2014 using-Visual Encounter Survey method, glue traps and transect sampling in seven different sites at the eastern part of Nantu. We categorized four habitat types based on human disturbances: high disturbed habitat (HDH), moderate disturbed habitat (MDH), low disturbed habitat (LDH) and pristine habitat (PH). A total of 680 individual amphibians (4 families; 17 species) and 119 individual reptiles (9 families; 29 species) were recorded. Species richness and species composition for amphibians and reptiles differs according to the level of human disturbances. Low level disturbances habitat demonstrated the highest diversity of amphibians and reptiles, whereas as expected, high distubed habitat showed the lowest diversity. Anthropogenic pressures in forest will decrease species richness of amphibian and reptiles. Although most amphibian and reptiles will be able to persist in low disturbances habitat, forest-dependent species will be lost when pristine forests are disturbed.
Indonesia have high diversity of Amphibians. Amphibians have an important role in eco system and ... more Indonesia have high diversity of Amphibians. Amphibians have an important role in eco system and produce many bioactive peptides. However, the genetic information of amphibians from Indonesia is very limited, especially Duttaphrynus melanostictus and Phrynoidis asper. The aims of this study are to determine the nucleotide sequence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) from D. melanos tictus and P. asper, to analyze their genetic diversity and their phylogenetic relationship. A total 668 base pairs of COI gene fragment were successfully amplified and their nucleotide sequence deter mined. P. asper (5 haplotypes) samples group have high haplotype diversity compared to D. mela nostictus (1 haplotype). The results of Basic Local Alignment Search Tools (BLAST) to the NCBI and BOLD database, showed 99 % 100 % identity to sequence of D. melanostictus. For the sequence of P. asper showed 99.23 % identity to sequence P. asper in BOLD database. There was no sequence of COI gene of P. asper in NCBI database. Genetic relationship among species in family Bufonidae, indicated that D. melanostictus has closer relation to P. asper than to another species, inspite of their pharapyletic characteristic. For intern species relationship of D. melanostictus, the data showed that D. melanostictus from Bogor have closer relationship to D. melanostictus from India than D. mela nostictus from China.
The Javan Tree frog, Rhacophorus margaritifer, is endemic to the island of Java (Fig.1). Its curr... more The Javan Tree frog, Rhacophorus margaritifer, is endemic to the island of Java (Fig.1). Its current stronghold includes the mountain range from Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park to Cibodas Botanical Garden in forested habitats at altitudes between 1400 meters above sea level (Ciwalen) to 1800 masl (Swamp svelte) with highest abundance in Cibeureum (1700 masl) (Kusrini et al., 2007; Lubis, 2008). It is also found in Mount Merapi National Park and in East Java around the Ijen plateau. The species is listed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN Red List 2009 (Iskandar et al., 2009) and not listed as a protected species by the Government Regulation 7 of 1999. The population density is believed to be stable (Kusrini et al., 2007) although habitat loss and disturbance are becoming increasing threats to its existence. Very little is known about the species' behavioural ecology and population biology. Research about the food and feeding behaviour of R. margaritifer is important to understand its conservation needs as well as to develop effective conservation interventions. Like many other frog species the Javan tree frog feed on a range of insects, and it is possible that the species is an important predator of several species of insects that are considered
Buku ini berisi panduan bergambar amfibi yang ditemukan di Jawa Barat. Foto-foto yang ada, termas... more Buku ini berisi panduan bergambar amfibi yang ditemukan di Jawa Barat. Foto-foto yang ada, termasuk berudu, berasal dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Mirza D. Kusrini beserta mahasiswa bimbingan di Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB.
Estuarine crocodile often considered as dangerous animal due to continual news of human crocodile... more Estuarine crocodile often considered as dangerous animal due to continual news of human crocodile conflict cases around the world. This study aimed to analyze the perception of visitors about estuarine crocodile in captivity and facilities in two captive breeding sites. We conducted field observation and structured interview to 120 respondents in two local zoos: the Indonesia Jaya Crocodile Park (TBIJ or crocodile park) in Bekasi and Ragunan Zoo (TMR or the zoo) in Jakarta. All visitors have low knowledge about estuarine crocodile, which they obtained mostly from mass media. Although most visitors know that estuarine crocodies are protected however in pratice their don’t have enough empathy to captive crocodiles. Visitors to both areas are local who lives near the vicinity of the park or zoo. Crocodile park visitors mostly came from Bekasi with an average number of visits 1 time and 1-hour length of visit. The reason for their visit were the closeness of the location and to learn crocodiles. The zoo visitors mostly came from Jakarta with an average number of visits more than 3 times and 6 hours length of visits. Respondents visited the zoo because of low cost and recreation. Visitors of the zoo provided positive review for several aspects in the zoo, while visitors in crocodile park gave positive review only on physical condition of crocodiles.
Treubia : A Journal on Ecology of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, Jan 11, 2018
Despite an early description, the rhacophorid frog (Chiromantis vittiger (Boulenger 1897)) is rel... more Despite an early description, the rhacophorid frog (Chiromantis vittiger (Boulenger 1897)) is relatively poorly known species. It has been found in several areas in the mountainous part of western Java, one of which is in the Chevron Geothermal Indonesia (CGI) concession area within Mount Halimun-Salak National Park. An ecological study of this species and its habitat was conducted in CGI from April to September 2008. The biological and ecological aspects of this tree frog such as morphology, habitat characteristics, breeding behaviour, and larval development are presented in this paper. This study found that the fertilised eggs hatch as free-swimming tadpoles. In addition, the availability of artificial habitat in the form of concrete ponds helps sustain the population throughout the year. We also report parental care in this species.
Pressures are mounting for the adoption of a Global Biodiversity Framework that transforms conser... more Pressures are mounting for the adoption of a Global Biodiversity Framework that transforms conservation and sustainable use efforts worldwide. Underlying this challenge is the biodiversity paradox: biological diversity predominantly concentrates in the tropics, while human, institutional, and financial resources are primarily located at higher latitudes both north and south. Addressing the biodiversity paradox requires the expansion and mobilization of human, institutional and financial resources around the world. We outline a model championed by the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) that builds on the Species Conservation Cycle (Assess-Plan-Act-Network-Communicate) and recognizes that most conservation action occurs at the national or local level. Various strategies are applied to this end by the partners of Reverse the Red, a global movement that ignites strategic cooperation and science-based action to ensure the survival of wild species and ecosystems. The SSC contributes t...
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
Geothermal as one of renewable resources, provide alternative to address the ever-increasing ener... more Geothermal as one of renewable resources, provide alternative to address the ever-increasing energy demand. Most of the sources are located in forest ecosystem, on which ecological impact took place. PT Supreme Energi Rantau Dedap (SERD) is geothermal power plant project located in protected forest of Bukit Jambul Gunung Patah, South Sumatera. To investigate the large mammal’s species richness and its occupancy, the research observe data from SERD camera trap data installed during exploration and construction phases. Data are then analyzed with single season occupancy modelling with habitat changes (distance), light and elevation as the impact parameters. There are 13, out of 14, large mammals that captured by the camera trap and one was identified on direct encounter. Mostly, the best occupancy model is with constants covariate. Hog badger and muntjac constantly apparent as high occupancy both in naïve occupancy and model result. Four species occupancies are affected by geothermal ...
Batik pythons (Python reticulatus) is one of reptiles currently getting international concern due... more Batik pythons (Python reticulatus) is one of reptiles currently getting international concern due to their high exploitation as export commodity. Excessive exploitation may threaten the stability of the population in the wild. The research of morphological characteristics of batik python conducted in North Sumatra was aimed to identify the characteristics of harvested P. reticulatus that has been processed at the slaughterhouses to predict changes in population structure in the wild. The data observed and analyzed were number of harvest, sex, sex ratio, morphometry, age class, reproductive maturity and feed type. Sex ratio from 272 specimens analysed from the slaughterhouse was 1: 0.86, or 53.68% males and 46.32% females, age class juvenileOf 29.04% with sex ratio of 1: 0.42 and adult of 70.96% with sex ratio of 1: 0.93. Mean snout vent length (SVL) of harvested Reticulated python was 272.67 cm (SD = 37.76). There was a significant difference in SVL between males (mean = 267, SD = 37.04) and females (mean = 278, SD = 37.91) at the same age class (p = 0.019). Results of this study support the conclusion of previous studies that commercial skin trade does not terminate the population of reticulated python in Indonesia. However, the tendency of smaller body size of harvesting python compared to previous studies indicates the possibility of excessive harvesting.
Caecilians are the least known amphibians and most species are under threat due to urbanisation, ... more Caecilians are the least known amphibians and most species are under threat due to urbanisation, habitat degradation and climate change. Here we report the fourth sighting of Ichthyophis hypocyaneus, in Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park. The individual was found in a flooded grassland and we described habitat and vegetation in the vicinity of the site. We hypothesized that it was either breeding or feeding as it was active at the site, and flooding had provided both breeding habitat and numerous preys. Although being a single sighting we would like to draw attention to the fact that no ecological preferences have been described for the species, and that such studies are urgently needed.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Citizen science has become increasingly popular to collect data on biodiversity as it can cover a... more Citizen science has become increasingly popular to collect data on biodiversity as it can cover a large area and is cost-effective. However, gaps in biodiversity data are common especially related to data of herpetofauna, which is not received much attention. Project Amfibi Reptil Kita (ARK) is one of the programs created to collect data on the distribution of the herpetofauna in Indonesia. This research aims to analyse the contribution of citizen science through project ARK in increasing data of herpetofauna in Indonesia for the last four years. Most of the data in ARK (56.3%) were obtained during herpblitz, however, the percentage (43.86%) tend to increase in 2020. In total 433 species were reported consisting of 152 species of amphibian and 281 reptiles. Most of the data (70%) reported were from Java region. The lowest recorded data come from Papua and Maluku region. The most frequently reported amphibian species was Duttaphrynus melanostictus and the reptile species was Bronchoc...
Development and habitat loss in Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area affected snakes and forced them... more Development and habitat loss in Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area affected snakes and forced them to adapt in urban areas. Snakes in residential areas might increase encounter rate with humans which lead to human-snake conflict. The objectives of this research were to identify the diversity of snakes in residential areas based on rescue effort and to documents effort of those organizations on how to mitigate human-snake conflict through snake relocation. From 2015-2019, 37 snake species were reported found around residential areas in Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Javan spitting cobra Naja sputatrix and reticulated python Malayopython reticulatus are the most encountered snakes in residential areas. Jakarta has the highest total encounter of snakes compared to other area but Bogor has the highest diversity of snake species. Snake found in residential areas are sometimes “rescued” by snake reptile enthusiasts who formed a group. Most of these group does not have standard operating proc...
Wildlife hunting for subsistence is mostly reported in rural areas and performed by traditional p... more Wildlife hunting for subsistence is mostly reported in rural areas and performed by traditional people. Whereas it is also practiced in urban areas and targeted for abundant urban species such as the. water monitor (Varanus salvator). Urban hunting may be linked to pest control or pastime activity, which could be beneficial for wildlife management. Our purpose of study was to investigate hunting practice of water monitor in Bogor area, West Java, Indonesia. Data was collected between January and June 2020 to find characteristics and motivation of hunters, their hunting methods, and harvests. We were able to conduct face-to-face interviews with 42 local urban people, whom we followed in four huntinggroups during their search for wildlife. Generally, hunters were students, workers, or laborers, who hunt only during the weekends. To capture water monitors, some hunters used dogs and air rifles, while some others used nothing but bare hands. During our observation, 157 individual water ...
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2016
The parameters that were definitely linked to the perception on elephant conservation were level ... more The parameters that were definitely linked to the perception on elephant conservation were level of education and length of settlement within the conflict areas.Collective participation among community, government, related institutions, and civil society organizations are needed to lessen the conflicts. Perception or knowledge of farmers who live around the human-elephant conflict areas are considered to be strong due to their decent understanding about elephant conservation. It is proved by the community awareness of elephant habitat loss due to forest conversion to agriculture/plantations/settlementareas (68.93%), understanding about elephant protection and its habitat under specific Act (74.93%), and acknowledgement that elephant belongs to endangered species of which existence is very important for ecological balance (80.4%). Social, economic, and cultural conditions have several roles on community perception in human-elephant conflict areas. Community perception of Sumatran Ele...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Fig (Ficusspp.) trees have been known as keystone species in the tropics and provide food sources... more Fig (Ficusspp.) trees have been known as keystone species in the tropics and provide food sources for various species. The study aimed to reveal the diversity of fig trees in a tropical urban residential area of Sentul City, Bogor, West Java, as a part of a bigger study on the wildlife-fig relationship. A purposively selected sample (270 ha of housing, boulevard) and allFicuswere censused. Data on species diversity, height, diameter, and fruiting stage were taken. There were 389Ficustrees, belonging to 10 species, namelyF. benjamina, F. binnendykii, F. caulocarpa, F. elastica, F. kurzii, F. lyrata, F. maclellandii, F. macrocarpa, F. septica,andF. variegata, of which two species (F. lyrataandF. maclellandii) were non-native species.Ficuswere planted as a border, roadsides, shading trees, or ornament. Based on the number of individuals, the most common species wasF. benjamina(63.75%), followed byF. kurzii(14.4%) andF. lyrata(9.5%). As theF. benjaminacan grow big, only about half (56.4...
Softshell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) is categorized as Appendix II CITES and vuln... more Softshell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) is categorized as Appendix II CITES and vulnerable in IUCN Red List Data Book. Captive breeding of this turtle is important to continue their sustainable utilization. PT Ekanindya Karsa was one of the pioneers in captive breeding of this species since 2008. Until now, reference related to management and maintenance techniques of softshell turtle in captivity are few. This research aims to analyse feeding preferences in juveniles. The results will assist wildlife conservation efforts and improve captive breeding effort for the future. Research was carried out at PT. Ekanindya Karsa from July to October 2012. Fifteen juveniles were given food for 9 weeks comprises of tuna, shrimp, spinach and sweet potatoes with cafeteria methods. Based on the number of food intake and cost efficiency, prefereed food was sweet potato and tuna. Feeding activities were visible in the morning (7.00 – 10.00 am) and evening (7.00 – 10.00 pm) with ad libi...
Konflik manusia-gajah terjadi karena gajah keluar dari kawasan hutan sebagai habitat utamanya lal... more Konflik manusia-gajah terjadi karena gajah keluar dari kawasan hutan sebagai habitat utamanya lalu melakukan pergerakan masuk ke areal pertanian, perkebunan dan pemukiman masyarakat yang menimbulkan kerusakan yang berdampak kerugian sosial ekonomi. Untuk mengurangi dampak kerusakan tersebut masyarakat telah melakukan berbagai upaya mitigasi yang berbeda pada setiap daerah. Penelitian tentang upaya dan peran serta masyarakat dalam menanggulangi konflik manusia-gajah di provinsi Aceh telah dilakukan dari bulan Agustus 2013 sampai April 2014. Lokasi ditentukan secara purposive sampling dengan memperhatikan daerah yang terkena dampak konflik manusia-gajah, yaitu di Cot Girek-Aceh Utara, Mane-Pidie, Meureudu-Pidie Jaya, Sampoiniet-Aceh Jaya dan Pantai Ceureumen-Aceh Barat. Pengumpulan data dari 150 responden melihat upaya mitigasi konflik manusia-gajah yang dilakukan masyarakat dan peran serta masyarakat dalam menanggulangi konflik manusia-gajah. Upaya mitigasi yang paling banyak dilakuk...
Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis Schlegel and Muller 1845) conservation in the coastal area ... more Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis Schlegel and Muller 1845) conservation in the coastal area of Aceh Tamiang Regency faces difficulties because it involves many stakeholder. The objective of this study were to analyze stakeholder interest, influences and describe the relationship among stakeholder in the conservation of Batagur borneoensis at Aceh Tamiang District. The study was conducted in Aceh Tamiang District and respondents were selected using purposive sampling method. The data obtained using questionnaire, interview, and direct observation were analyzed with stakeholder clasification matrix, stakeholder interaction matrix and descriptive analysis. The results showed that there are twenty-seven stakeholder involved in the conservation of Batagur borneoensis which can be categorized as subjects, key players, context setters, and crowds. To achieve the management objectives of Batagur borneoensis conservation, stakeholder engagement needs to be improved through collaboration...
The Nantu Forest in Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia holds one of the few remaining pristi... more The Nantu Forest in Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia holds one of the few remaining pristine habitats in the island. The reserve is surrounded by human habituation which provide opportunity to study the impact of forest lost on biodversity. In addition, data on Nantu mostly focused on big mammals, as there is no previous herpetofauna survey at the area. Sampling of amphibian and reptile was conducted in June 2013 and in May June 2014 using-Visual Encounter Survey method, glue traps and transect sampling in seven different sites at the eastern part of Nantu. We categorized four habitat types based on human disturbances: high disturbed habitat (HDH), moderate disturbed habitat (MDH), low disturbed habitat (LDH) and pristine habitat (PH). A total of 680 individual amphibians (4 families; 17 species) and 119 individual reptiles (9 families; 29 species) were recorded. Species richness and species composition for amphibians and reptiles differs according to the level of human disturbances. Low level disturbances habitat demonstrated the highest diversity of amphibians and reptiles, whereas as expected, high distubed habitat showed the lowest diversity. Anthropogenic pressures in forest will decrease species richness of amphibian and reptiles. Although most amphibian and reptiles will be able to persist in low disturbances habitat, forest-dependent species will be lost when pristine forests are disturbed.
Indonesia have high diversity of Amphibians. Amphibians have an important role in eco system and ... more Indonesia have high diversity of Amphibians. Amphibians have an important role in eco system and produce many bioactive peptides. However, the genetic information of amphibians from Indonesia is very limited, especially Duttaphrynus melanostictus and Phrynoidis asper. The aims of this study are to determine the nucleotide sequence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) from D. melanos tictus and P. asper, to analyze their genetic diversity and their phylogenetic relationship. A total 668 base pairs of COI gene fragment were successfully amplified and their nucleotide sequence deter mined. P. asper (5 haplotypes) samples group have high haplotype diversity compared to D. mela nostictus (1 haplotype). The results of Basic Local Alignment Search Tools (BLAST) to the NCBI and BOLD database, showed 99 % 100 % identity to sequence of D. melanostictus. For the sequence of P. asper showed 99.23 % identity to sequence P. asper in BOLD database. There was no sequence of COI gene of P. asper in NCBI database. Genetic relationship among species in family Bufonidae, indicated that D. melanostictus has closer relation to P. asper than to another species, inspite of their pharapyletic characteristic. For intern species relationship of D. melanostictus, the data showed that D. melanostictus from Bogor have closer relationship to D. melanostictus from India than D. mela nostictus from China.
The Javan Tree frog, Rhacophorus margaritifer, is endemic to the island of Java (Fig.1). Its curr... more The Javan Tree frog, Rhacophorus margaritifer, is endemic to the island of Java (Fig.1). Its current stronghold includes the mountain range from Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park to Cibodas Botanical Garden in forested habitats at altitudes between 1400 meters above sea level (Ciwalen) to 1800 masl (Swamp svelte) with highest abundance in Cibeureum (1700 masl) (Kusrini et al., 2007; Lubis, 2008). It is also found in Mount Merapi National Park and in East Java around the Ijen plateau. The species is listed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN Red List 2009 (Iskandar et al., 2009) and not listed as a protected species by the Government Regulation 7 of 1999. The population density is believed to be stable (Kusrini et al., 2007) although habitat loss and disturbance are becoming increasing threats to its existence. Very little is known about the species' behavioural ecology and population biology. Research about the food and feeding behaviour of R. margaritifer is important to understand its conservation needs as well as to develop effective conservation interventions. Like many other frog species the Javan tree frog feed on a range of insects, and it is possible that the species is an important predator of several species of insects that are considered
Buku ini berisi panduan bergambar amfibi yang ditemukan di Jawa Barat. Foto-foto yang ada, termas... more Buku ini berisi panduan bergambar amfibi yang ditemukan di Jawa Barat. Foto-foto yang ada, termasuk berudu, berasal dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Mirza D. Kusrini beserta mahasiswa bimbingan di Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB.
Estuarine crocodile often considered as dangerous animal due to continual news of human crocodile... more Estuarine crocodile often considered as dangerous animal due to continual news of human crocodile conflict cases around the world. This study aimed to analyze the perception of visitors about estuarine crocodile in captivity and facilities in two captive breeding sites. We conducted field observation and structured interview to 120 respondents in two local zoos: the Indonesia Jaya Crocodile Park (TBIJ or crocodile park) in Bekasi and Ragunan Zoo (TMR or the zoo) in Jakarta. All visitors have low knowledge about estuarine crocodile, which they obtained mostly from mass media. Although most visitors know that estuarine crocodies are protected however in pratice their don’t have enough empathy to captive crocodiles. Visitors to both areas are local who lives near the vicinity of the park or zoo. Crocodile park visitors mostly came from Bekasi with an average number of visits 1 time and 1-hour length of visit. The reason for their visit were the closeness of the location and to learn crocodiles. The zoo visitors mostly came from Jakarta with an average number of visits more than 3 times and 6 hours length of visits. Respondents visited the zoo because of low cost and recreation. Visitors of the zoo provided positive review for several aspects in the zoo, while visitors in crocodile park gave positive review only on physical condition of crocodiles.
Treubia : A Journal on Ecology of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, Jan 11, 2018
Despite an early description, the rhacophorid frog (Chiromantis vittiger (Boulenger 1897)) is rel... more Despite an early description, the rhacophorid frog (Chiromantis vittiger (Boulenger 1897)) is relatively poorly known species. It has been found in several areas in the mountainous part of western Java, one of which is in the Chevron Geothermal Indonesia (CGI) concession area within Mount Halimun-Salak National Park. An ecological study of this species and its habitat was conducted in CGI from April to September 2008. The biological and ecological aspects of this tree frog such as morphology, habitat characteristics, breeding behaviour, and larval development are presented in this paper. This study found that the fertilised eggs hatch as free-swimming tadpoles. In addition, the availability of artificial habitat in the form of concrete ponds helps sustain the population throughout the year. We also report parental care in this species.
Pressures are mounting for the adoption of a Global Biodiversity Framework that transforms conser... more Pressures are mounting for the adoption of a Global Biodiversity Framework that transforms conservation and sustainable use efforts worldwide. Underlying this challenge is the biodiversity paradox: biological diversity predominantly concentrates in the tropics, while human, institutional, and financial resources are primarily located at higher latitudes both north and south. Addressing the biodiversity paradox requires the expansion and mobilization of human, institutional and financial resources around the world. We outline a model championed by the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) that builds on the Species Conservation Cycle (Assess-Plan-Act-Network-Communicate) and recognizes that most conservation action occurs at the national or local level. Various strategies are applied to this end by the partners of Reverse the Red, a global movement that ignites strategic cooperation and science-based action to ensure the survival of wild species and ecosystems. The SSC contributes t...
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
Geothermal as one of renewable resources, provide alternative to address the ever-increasing ener... more Geothermal as one of renewable resources, provide alternative to address the ever-increasing energy demand. Most of the sources are located in forest ecosystem, on which ecological impact took place. PT Supreme Energi Rantau Dedap (SERD) is geothermal power plant project located in protected forest of Bukit Jambul Gunung Patah, South Sumatera. To investigate the large mammal’s species richness and its occupancy, the research observe data from SERD camera trap data installed during exploration and construction phases. Data are then analyzed with single season occupancy modelling with habitat changes (distance), light and elevation as the impact parameters. There are 13, out of 14, large mammals that captured by the camera trap and one was identified on direct encounter. Mostly, the best occupancy model is with constants covariate. Hog badger and muntjac constantly apparent as high occupancy both in naïve occupancy and model result. Four species occupancies are affected by geothermal ...
Batik pythons (Python reticulatus) is one of reptiles currently getting international concern due... more Batik pythons (Python reticulatus) is one of reptiles currently getting international concern due to their high exploitation as export commodity. Excessive exploitation may threaten the stability of the population in the wild. The research of morphological characteristics of batik python conducted in North Sumatra was aimed to identify the characteristics of harvested P. reticulatus that has been processed at the slaughterhouses to predict changes in population structure in the wild. The data observed and analyzed were number of harvest, sex, sex ratio, morphometry, age class, reproductive maturity and feed type. Sex ratio from 272 specimens analysed from the slaughterhouse was 1: 0.86, or 53.68% males and 46.32% females, age class juvenileOf 29.04% with sex ratio of 1: 0.42 and adult of 70.96% with sex ratio of 1: 0.93. Mean snout vent length (SVL) of harvested Reticulated python was 272.67 cm (SD = 37.76). There was a significant difference in SVL between males (mean = 267, SD = 37.04) and females (mean = 278, SD = 37.91) at the same age class (p = 0.019). Results of this study support the conclusion of previous studies that commercial skin trade does not terminate the population of reticulated python in Indonesia. However, the tendency of smaller body size of harvesting python compared to previous studies indicates the possibility of excessive harvesting.
Caecilians are the least known amphibians and most species are under threat due to urbanisation, ... more Caecilians are the least known amphibians and most species are under threat due to urbanisation, habitat degradation and climate change. Here we report the fourth sighting of Ichthyophis hypocyaneus, in Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park. The individual was found in a flooded grassland and we described habitat and vegetation in the vicinity of the site. We hypothesized that it was either breeding or feeding as it was active at the site, and flooding had provided both breeding habitat and numerous preys. Although being a single sighting we would like to draw attention to the fact that no ecological preferences have been described for the species, and that such studies are urgently needed.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Citizen science has become increasingly popular to collect data on biodiversity as it can cover a... more Citizen science has become increasingly popular to collect data on biodiversity as it can cover a large area and is cost-effective. However, gaps in biodiversity data are common especially related to data of herpetofauna, which is not received much attention. Project Amfibi Reptil Kita (ARK) is one of the programs created to collect data on the distribution of the herpetofauna in Indonesia. This research aims to analyse the contribution of citizen science through project ARK in increasing data of herpetofauna in Indonesia for the last four years. Most of the data in ARK (56.3%) were obtained during herpblitz, however, the percentage (43.86%) tend to increase in 2020. In total 433 species were reported consisting of 152 species of amphibian and 281 reptiles. Most of the data (70%) reported were from Java region. The lowest recorded data come from Papua and Maluku region. The most frequently reported amphibian species was Duttaphrynus melanostictus and the reptile species was Bronchoc...
Development and habitat loss in Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area affected snakes and forced them... more Development and habitat loss in Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area affected snakes and forced them to adapt in urban areas. Snakes in residential areas might increase encounter rate with humans which lead to human-snake conflict. The objectives of this research were to identify the diversity of snakes in residential areas based on rescue effort and to documents effort of those organizations on how to mitigate human-snake conflict through snake relocation. From 2015-2019, 37 snake species were reported found around residential areas in Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Javan spitting cobra Naja sputatrix and reticulated python Malayopython reticulatus are the most encountered snakes in residential areas. Jakarta has the highest total encounter of snakes compared to other area but Bogor has the highest diversity of snake species. Snake found in residential areas are sometimes “rescued” by snake reptile enthusiasts who formed a group. Most of these group does not have standard operating proc...
Wildlife hunting for subsistence is mostly reported in rural areas and performed by traditional p... more Wildlife hunting for subsistence is mostly reported in rural areas and performed by traditional people. Whereas it is also practiced in urban areas and targeted for abundant urban species such as the. water monitor (Varanus salvator). Urban hunting may be linked to pest control or pastime activity, which could be beneficial for wildlife management. Our purpose of study was to investigate hunting practice of water monitor in Bogor area, West Java, Indonesia. Data was collected between January and June 2020 to find characteristics and motivation of hunters, their hunting methods, and harvests. We were able to conduct face-to-face interviews with 42 local urban people, whom we followed in four huntinggroups during their search for wildlife. Generally, hunters were students, workers, or laborers, who hunt only during the weekends. To capture water monitors, some hunters used dogs and air rifles, while some others used nothing but bare hands. During our observation, 157 individual water ...
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2016
The parameters that were definitely linked to the perception on elephant conservation were level ... more The parameters that were definitely linked to the perception on elephant conservation were level of education and length of settlement within the conflict areas.Collective participation among community, government, related institutions, and civil society organizations are needed to lessen the conflicts. Perception or knowledge of farmers who live around the human-elephant conflict areas are considered to be strong due to their decent understanding about elephant conservation. It is proved by the community awareness of elephant habitat loss due to forest conversion to agriculture/plantations/settlementareas (68.93%), understanding about elephant protection and its habitat under specific Act (74.93%), and acknowledgement that elephant belongs to endangered species of which existence is very important for ecological balance (80.4%). Social, economic, and cultural conditions have several roles on community perception in human-elephant conflict areas. Community perception of Sumatran Ele...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Fig (Ficusspp.) trees have been known as keystone species in the tropics and provide food sources... more Fig (Ficusspp.) trees have been known as keystone species in the tropics and provide food sources for various species. The study aimed to reveal the diversity of fig trees in a tropical urban residential area of Sentul City, Bogor, West Java, as a part of a bigger study on the wildlife-fig relationship. A purposively selected sample (270 ha of housing, boulevard) and allFicuswere censused. Data on species diversity, height, diameter, and fruiting stage were taken. There were 389Ficustrees, belonging to 10 species, namelyF. benjamina, F. binnendykii, F. caulocarpa, F. elastica, F. kurzii, F. lyrata, F. maclellandii, F. macrocarpa, F. septica,andF. variegata, of which two species (F. lyrataandF. maclellandii) were non-native species.Ficuswere planted as a border, roadsides, shading trees, or ornament. Based on the number of individuals, the most common species wasF. benjamina(63.75%), followed byF. kurzii(14.4%) andF. lyrata(9.5%). As theF. benjaminacan grow big, only about half (56.4...
Softshell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) is categorized as Appendix II CITES and vuln... more Softshell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) is categorized as Appendix II CITES and vulnerable in IUCN Red List Data Book. Captive breeding of this turtle is important to continue their sustainable utilization. PT Ekanindya Karsa was one of the pioneers in captive breeding of this species since 2008. Until now, reference related to management and maintenance techniques of softshell turtle in captivity are few. This research aims to analyse feeding preferences in juveniles. The results will assist wildlife conservation efforts and improve captive breeding effort for the future. Research was carried out at PT. Ekanindya Karsa from July to October 2012. Fifteen juveniles were given food for 9 weeks comprises of tuna, shrimp, spinach and sweet potatoes with cafeteria methods. Based on the number of food intake and cost efficiency, prefereed food was sweet potato and tuna. Feeding activities were visible in the morning (7.00 – 10.00 am) and evening (7.00 – 10.00 pm) with ad libi...
Konflik manusia-gajah terjadi karena gajah keluar dari kawasan hutan sebagai habitat utamanya lal... more Konflik manusia-gajah terjadi karena gajah keluar dari kawasan hutan sebagai habitat utamanya lalu melakukan pergerakan masuk ke areal pertanian, perkebunan dan pemukiman masyarakat yang menimbulkan kerusakan yang berdampak kerugian sosial ekonomi. Untuk mengurangi dampak kerusakan tersebut masyarakat telah melakukan berbagai upaya mitigasi yang berbeda pada setiap daerah. Penelitian tentang upaya dan peran serta masyarakat dalam menanggulangi konflik manusia-gajah di provinsi Aceh telah dilakukan dari bulan Agustus 2013 sampai April 2014. Lokasi ditentukan secara purposive sampling dengan memperhatikan daerah yang terkena dampak konflik manusia-gajah, yaitu di Cot Girek-Aceh Utara, Mane-Pidie, Meureudu-Pidie Jaya, Sampoiniet-Aceh Jaya dan Pantai Ceureumen-Aceh Barat. Pengumpulan data dari 150 responden melihat upaya mitigasi konflik manusia-gajah yang dilakukan masyarakat dan peran serta masyarakat dalam menanggulangi konflik manusia-gajah. Upaya mitigasi yang paling banyak dilakuk...
Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis Schlegel and Muller 1845) conservation in the coastal area ... more Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis Schlegel and Muller 1845) conservation in the coastal area of Aceh Tamiang Regency faces difficulties because it involves many stakeholder. The objective of this study were to analyze stakeholder interest, influences and describe the relationship among stakeholder in the conservation of Batagur borneoensis at Aceh Tamiang District. The study was conducted in Aceh Tamiang District and respondents were selected using purposive sampling method. The data obtained using questionnaire, interview, and direct observation were analyzed with stakeholder clasification matrix, stakeholder interaction matrix and descriptive analysis. The results showed that there are twenty-seven stakeholder involved in the conservation of Batagur borneoensis which can be categorized as subjects, key players, context setters, and crowds. To achieve the management objectives of Batagur borneoensis conservation, stakeholder engagement needs to be improved through collaboration...
Labanan Research Forest, located in Berau District East Kalimantan, is a research forest under th... more Labanan Research Forest, located in Berau District East Kalimantan, is a research forest under the management of Dipterocarps Research Center. The total area is 7.959 ha, making Labanan Research Forest as the largest of the 33 research forest in Indonesia. Labanan Research Forest has high biodiversity due to its various kinds of biophysical characteristics. Nevertheless, the database of biodiversity in Labanan Research Forest has not been well documented yet. We did exploration to investigate potential of flora and fauna in Labanan Research Forest, consisting of vegetation, mammals, birds and herpetofauna. The exploration recorded 65 families and 183 genera of plants, 26 families and 53 genera of understorey plants, 41 species of mammals, 131 species of birds, and 71 species of herpetofauna. High biodiversity will be used as icon to promote Labanan Research Forest in order to increase researchers' interest to conduct further study at the site. Labanan
Penelitian di bidang amfibi di Indonesia boleh jadi tertinggal
dibandingkan penelitian satwa liar... more Penelitian di bidang amfibi di Indonesia boleh jadi tertinggal dibandingkan penelitian satwa liar lainnya. Padahal, tidak kurang dari 450 jenis amfibi diketahui terdapat di Indonesia dan hanya sedikit informasi detil mengenai biologi dan ekologi yang diketahui. Sementara itu survei yang dilakukan oleh para ahli, yang kebanyakan adalah peneliti dari luar Indonesia, kerapkali menemukan jenis-jenis baru yang belum dideskripsikan. Pengalaman selama beberapa tahun terakhir menunjukkan bahwa hasrat mahasiswa ataupun peneliti lokal di bidang penelitian biologi dan ekologi amfibi sebenarnya meningkat pesat. Sayangnya, hal ini terkendala oleh minimnya pengetahuan mengenai metoda penelitian terutama saat melakukan penelitian di alam. Sebenarnya informasi mengenai metoda survei dan penelitian amfibi dapat dilihat dari berbagai buku ataupun jurnal ilmiah yang kebanyakan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Namun demikian, banyak informasi tersebut yang tidak dapat digali oleh mahasiswa dan peneliti lokal karena adanya kendala dalam bahasa. Buku ini berkembang dari modul yang dibuat penulis saat mengajar mahasiswa jurusan KSHE Fakultas Kehutanan IPB maupun mahasiswa/peneliti muda dari berbagai institusi dalam berbagai pelatihan. Merekalah yang mendorong agar penulis mengembangkan modul tersebut menjadi sebuah buku yang mengetengahkan berbagai cara melakukan survei dan penelitian amfibi dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kepada merekalah, para herpetologis Indonesia di masa datang, buku ini saya persembahkan.
Buku ini berisi panduan bergambar amfibi yang ditemukan di Jawa Barat. Foto-foto yang ada, termas... more Buku ini berisi panduan bergambar amfibi yang ditemukan di Jawa Barat. Foto-foto yang ada, termasuk berudu, berasal dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Mirza D. Kusrini beserta mahasiswa bimbingan di Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB.
Papers by Mirza Kusrini
dibandingkan penelitian satwa liar lainnya. Padahal, tidak
kurang dari 450 jenis amfibi diketahui terdapat di Indonesia dan hanya sedikit informasi detil mengenai biologi dan ekologi yang diketahui. Sementara itu survei yang dilakukan oleh para ahli, yang kebanyakan adalah peneliti dari luar Indonesia, kerapkali menemukan jenis-jenis baru yang belum dideskripsikan. Pengalaman selama beberapa tahun terakhir menunjukkan bahwa hasrat mahasiswa ataupun peneliti lokal di bidang penelitian biologi dan ekologi amfibi sebenarnya meningkat pesat. Sayangnya, hal ini terkendala oleh minimnya pengetahuan mengenai metoda penelitian terutama saat melakukan penelitian di alam. Sebenarnya informasi mengenai metoda survei dan penelitian amfibi dapat dilihat dari berbagai buku ataupun jurnal ilmiah yang kebanyakan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Namun demikian, banyak informasi tersebut yang tidak dapat digali oleh mahasiswa dan peneliti lokal
karena adanya kendala dalam bahasa. Buku ini berkembang dari modul yang dibuat penulis saat mengajar mahasiswa jurusan KSHE Fakultas Kehutanan IPB maupun mahasiswa/peneliti muda dari berbagai institusi dalam berbagai pelatihan. Merekalah yang mendorong agar penulis
mengembangkan modul tersebut menjadi sebuah buku yang
mengetengahkan berbagai cara melakukan survei dan penelitian amfibi dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kepada merekalah, para herpetologis Indonesia di masa datang, buku ini saya