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    • Institut Pertanian Bogor
The aim of the study was to know the population condition in savannah invaded by plant of Melaleuca sp and Eucalyptus sp specially disavan of mixture Ud-Udi. Useful research as reference data in nimble population walabi management in... more
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This study aimed to determine the capital position and company's performance in Indonesia during the 2008-2012 period and to determine the factors that affected the company's financial flexibility in Indonesian firms. The samples of this... more
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Rapid forest exploitations can cause forest degradation, and eventually may cause the global climate change, because of that, the balance of the forest sustainability must be kept as well. The implementation of silviculture system called... more
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    • Geography
Rapid forest exploitations can cause forest degradation, and eventually may cause the global climate change, because of that, the balance of the forest sustainability must be kept as well. The implementation of silviculture system called... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Studies