Bogor Agriculture University
Geophysics and Meteorology
About 60% of the nearly 40 x 106 t office produced in Indonesia are from the island of Java. However, the rice self-sufficiencythat has been attained and maintained since 1984 could be threatened by changing climate, and has been affected... more
Apriyana Y, Sarvina Y, Dewi ER, Pramudia A. 2017. Farmer adaptation strategy in paddy field affected by climate variability in monsoon regions. Asian J Agric 1: 9-16. Adaptation of agriculture cultivation to climate variability and... more
Rainfall zoning analysis with fuzzy clustering method has been performed at the centre of paddy area in the northern coast of Banten Province and West Java Province. Rainfall data recorded in the 1980-2006 period from 62 rainfall stations... more
Padi, jagung, kedelai dan bawang merah merupakan komoditas pangan unggulan di Indonesia. Jagung dan bawang merah umumnya ditanam sesudah padi atau kedelai di lahan sawah tadah hujan sehingga rentan terhadap kekeringan. Oleh sebab itu... more
6ui4u!qurad elogBv uep entau ~runi-irunuaa (, ad) eueheswsed qelowss 'el(!syoeE) uep ! B~I O~~L U I I Y O J~V !PIS lue10o~d 'eweuad s!lnuad !swas!p uep ue!6ea ,, 89 senlas 6u!ssu~-6u!sew (osnd) uaued le6e0 uesenl ue6uap ey nqy 899 uep eq... more
To cope with limited evapotranspiration data, recently, there are many evapotranspiration estimation methods have been developed. Those methods were generally developed in sub tropic region when climate is not similar with Indonesia and... more
Penelitian difokuskan untuk mengungkapkan keterkaitan antara indikator anomali iklim (yaitu anomali suhu permukaan laut di Pasifik Ekuator (anomali SST) dan Indeks Osilasi Selatan (IOS) dengan curah hujan, luas panen, dan produksi padi di... more
Abstrak. Penetapan waktu tanam yang tepat merupakan salah satu penentu keberhasilan panen dan peningatan produktifitas tanaman pangan. Kearifan lokal dan cara konvensional yang digunakan untuk menerapkan pola tanam telah mengalami bias... more
Rainfall zoning analysis with fuzzy clustering method has been performed at the centre of paddy area in the northern coast of Banten Province and West Java Province. Rainfall data recorded in the 1980-2006 period from 62 rainfall stations... more
Rainfall zoning analysis with fuzzy clustering method has been performed at the centre of paddy area in the northern coast of Banten Province and West Java Province. Rainfall data recorded in the 1980-2006 period from 62 rainfall stations... more
Analysis of Drought Level to Reduce Risk of Food Crop Harvest Fails in Banten Province ABSTRACT . Climate is one of the most important factor to the success of the agriculture production. Climate variability such as season change, lack or... more
Rainfall fluctuates with time and changes randomly, which unfavorable for most of the cropping, such as paddy. An early warning system is required to ensure a productive paddy cropping system. This paper describes the rainfall prediction... more
The vast territory of Indonesia and its position flanked by two oceans and two continents make the Indonesia's climate very dynamic and complex. On the other hand, climate variability and its change continue to occur and the impacts vary... more
Growing periods can be determined using water balance analysis to decrease harvest risk in certain area. Generally, there are two types of land use for crop i.e. irrigated land and non-irrigated land. The experiment objectives was to... more
Growing periods can be determined using water balance analysis to decrease harvest risk in certain area. Generally, there are two types of land use for crop i.e. irrigated land and non-irrigated land. The experiment objectives was to... more
Growing periods can be determined using water balance analysis to decrease harvest risk in certain area. Generally, there are two types of land use for crop i.e. irrigated land and non-irrigated land. The experiment objectives was to... more
Professor at Departement of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Doctoral Program Students, and staff at the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Planning Bureau of the Ministry... more
The paper describes about rainfall zoning and rainfall prediction modeling and its use for rice availability and vulnerability analysis. The study used rainfall data from Station Baros (Banten region), Station Karawang and Station... more