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Frogs are harvested in Indonesia for both domestic consumption and export.
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    • Multidisciplinary
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The disease chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd)
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Abskak: Studi keanekaraganm jenis arnfibi dilakukan di Cilember, Jawa Barat untuk mendagatkm data dasar sebagai bahm p e~i n b m g m mmajemen kawasan d m konservasi amfibi. Pengmbilan sampel selma 12 bulan ouni 2002 -Mei 2003) di sungai... more
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Labanan Research Forest, located in Berau District East Kalimantan, is a research forest under the management of Dipterocarps Research Center. The total area is 7.959 ha, making Labanan Research Forest as the largest of the 33 research... more
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      BotanyConservation BiologyBiologyEcology
AbstractThis paper provides a review of the natural history and harvest levels of the Asiatic soft-shell turtle Amyda cartilaginea in Indonesia. A. cartilaginea is distributed widely in Indonesia, mostly in wetlands of the major islands.... more
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Buku ini berisi panduan bergambar amfibi yang ditemukan di Jawa Barat. Foto-foto yang ada, termasuk berudu, berasal dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Mirza D. Kusrini beserta mahasiswa bimbingan di Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan... more
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    • Amphibian Conservation
Penelitian di bidang amfibi di Indonesia boleh jadi tertinggal dibandingkan penelitian satwa liar lainnya. Padahal, tidak kurang dari 450 jenis amfibi diketahui terdapat di Indonesia dan hanya sedikit informasi detil mengenai biologi dan... more
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    • Amphibian Conservation
... Sumsel 8 Rana chalconota White-lipped Frog/ Copper-Cheeked Frog Kongkang Kolam Lampung, Sumsel dan Bali 9 Капа kosii Poisonous Rock Frog Kongkang Racun Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatera dan Kalimantan Rhacophoridae 10 Nyctixalus... more
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Amphibian skin has been the source of a wide variety of biologically active compounds. This study was aimed to determine antifungal activity of skin secretion of two species of anurans endemic in Indonesia, the bleeding toad Leptophryne... more
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      TechnologyBiological SciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Several markets selling consumable softshell turtle found in Indonesia, but no research on domestic trade yet. Softshell turtle utilization quota by Ministry of Forestry (90% for export, 10% for domestic use) was only based on softshell... more
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Hasselt’s litter frogs (Leptobrachium hasseltii Tschudi 1838) is a wide spread species in Java and Sumatra, but there is no specific distribution map for this species. The purpose of this study is to identify the distribution of hasselt’s... more
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Kodok buduk (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) merupakan jenis kodok yang umum dijumpai di perkotaan dan keberadaannya sering diabaikan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pemilihan pakan dari kodok buduk di habitat alamnya, kelimpahan... more
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