Bogor Agriculture University
Ekonomi Pertanian
South Kalimantan is a province with large dryland area . This potency can be used for maize cultivation that will contribute to national maize production and play an important role as import substitution. One of the major problems in... more
The failure of green revolution has encouraged people to return to a locally based sustainable agriculture. The Dayak community has implemented this farming system, which is called turn-back cultivation, since their ancestor. However,... more
The objectives of this research are: (1) to observe marketing channels, functions and marketing institution who involved in siam orange distribution, (2) to analize marketing costs, marketing shares, marketing margin, profit and marketing... more
Corn demand in the world and domestic market increases with the development of corn-based feed and food industries. During 1990-2007, imported corn increased 10.46 per cent each year. On the other hand, South Kalimantan has dryland area... more
Tidal area is one of agricultural resources which have high economic value if it is managed well. However, as marginal land, its development meets few challenges. One of them is low productivity because of input use efficiency. These... more
South Kalimantan is a province with large dryland area. This potency can be used for maize cultivation that will contribute to national maize production and play an important role as import substitution. One of the major problems in maize... more
This research’s objective is to know financial feasibility of Siam Orange (Citrus nobilis Lour). The research was done in Tatakan Village, South Tapin District, South Kalimantan. Stratified sampling method was used in this research. The... more
Since GATT has been created in 1947, the world entered era of trade liberalization. Developing countries themselves began to open their economy in the 1980s and 1990s in order to increase economic growth which expected to the reduction of... more
We report here the analysis of factors those influence the production and profitability of swampland rice farming in South Kalimantan Indonesia. Four sub-districts which represented 2 major swamp agroecology (tidal and monotonous swamp)... more
We report here the evaluation of ecological performance and economic status of turning back farming practiced by indigenous people of Dayak Meratus. The scoring based on LEISA (Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture) was applied... more
Palm oil plantation has played an important role in the Indonesian economy and livelihood. However, the implementation of PIR/NES palm oil partnership still encounters many problems and obstacles, even it brought drawback on environment... more
South Kalimantan is well known as a province with large area of dryland. This potency can be used in maize farming that will increase national maize production and play an important role as import substitution. One of the major problems... more
The failure of green revolution has encouraged people to return to a locally based sustainable agriculture. The Dayak community has implemented this farming system, which is called turn-back cultivation, since their ancestor. However,... more
We report here the analysis of factors those influence the production and profitability of swampland rice farming in South Kalimantan Indonesia. Four sub-districts which represented 2 major swamp agroecology (tidal and monotonous swamp)... more
We report here the evaluation of ecological performance and economic status of turning back farming practiced by indigenous people of Dayak Meratus. The scoring based on LEISA (Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture) was applied... more
The research purposes are to identify the communication network among palm oil farmers in Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) marketing, to explore the roles of farmer in the marketing, and to excavate the problems encountered. The research was... more
Asslamu'alaikum wr.wb Dalam rangka meningkatkan kekompakan kelas X IPA 1 kita akan membuat seragam untuk kelas kita seperti yang kita rencanakan sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil diskusi kita beberapa hari yang lalu maka diberikan hak kepada... more
Siswa SMP mengalami kesulitan belajar dalam mata pelajaran IPA karena minat, motivasi, kebiasaan belajar, intelegensi dan kosentrasi yang rendah. Selain itu, mata pelajaran IPA juga dinilai abstrak salah satunya pada materi listrik.... more