Bogor Agriculture University
Computer Engineering
Sultan Hasanuddin lahir di Makassar pada 11 januari 1631, dia merupakan putera dari Sultan Malik Asy-Said, Raja Gowa ke-15. Nama lengkap Hasanuddin adalah I Mallombasi Muhammad Bakir Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangepe. Gelar Hasanuddin... more
- by Dini Andin
Temperature is one thing that can explain the environmental conditions. The need for data on environmental conditions have prompted humans to create a tool that can determine the environmental conditions, one of which is to determine the... more
Oksigen terlarut atau DO (Dissolved Oxygen), yang sering juga disebut dengan kebutuhan oksigen (Oxygen Demand) merupakan salah satu parameter penting dalam analisis kualitas air. Nilai DO yang biasanya diukur dalam bentuk konsentrasi ini... more
The Linked Brazilian Amazon Rainforest Data contains observations about deforestation of rainforests and related things such as rivers, road networks, population, amount of cattle, and market prices of agricultural products. The Linked... more
Spatial variation in landscape and soil properties combined with temporal variations in weather can result in yield patterns that change annually within a field. The complexity of interactions between a number of yield-limiting factors... more
We projected US agricultural production in 2030 and 2090 at 45 representative sites, using 2 scenarios of climate change, developed with the Hadley Centre Model and the Canadian Centre Climate Model, and the DSSAT (Decision Support... more
Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) was performed on 26 patients admitted for chest pain deemed at low risk for myocardial infarction. Pharmacologic stress in the emergency department on a 24-hour basis was administered by nurses and... more
Tillage is an important procedure for modifying the soil environment to enhance crop growth and conserve soil and water resources. Process-based models of crop production are widely used in decision support, but few explicitly simulate... more
In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the licensure of tobramycin solution for inhalation (TOBI). Although a number of additional antibiotics, including other aminoglycosides, β-lactams, antibiotics in the polymyxin... more
In recent years gazetteers based on semantic web technologies were discussed as an effective way to describe, formalize and standardize place data by using contextual information as a method to structure and distinguish places from each... more
Exploring complex spatiotemporal data can be very challenging for non-experts. Recently, gestural interaction has emerged as a promising option, which has been successfully applied to various domains, including simple map control. In this... more