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Cisadane River flows through ± 140 km, from Pangrango Mt. to Jawa Sea, with catchment area about 7,679.3 Ha. Cisadane River is used by local community to fulfill their daily need. Development of community activities along the river will... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiochemical Engineering
Cidanau River flows from Rawa Danau swamp, collecting water in Cidanau watershed, and out from the watershed at a waterfall, Cirug Betung. At the exit from the watershed, excavation of a channel, completed in 1940s, has lowered water... more
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In the future, greenhouses in Indonesia will be used not only in vegetable and ornamental crop production but also in the production of plant seedlings, either from seed or through tissue culture procedures. Specific structure should be... more
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    • Greenhouse Technology
As the breeding place for chickens (broilers), a chicken cage should be appropriately designed in order to expect high productivity in meat production. closed house system is used as an alternative for breeding chickens (broilers). The... more
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Abstrak: Salah satu permasalahan sumber daya air akibat aktivitas manusia adalah pencemaran badan air oleh limbah. Pemahaman mengenai aliran dan transpor pencemar dalam air tanah tidak mudah didapatkan. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya model... more
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Jurnal Teknik Pertanian (J-TEP) merupakan publikasi ilmiah yang memuat hasil-hasil penelitian, pengembangan, kajian atau gagasan dalam bidang keteknikan pertanian. Lingkup penulisan karya ilmiah dalam jurnal ini antara lain: rekayasa... more
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Intrusion of sea water is the infiltration of sea water into the soil. This might be caused by a groundwater excessive exploration. Tangerang District is one of the areas that have great potential sea water intrusion. The aim of research... more
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Causes of flooding can be caused by many things such as system capacity is decreased , the water flow rate increases , or a combination of both. Flood event occurs when the channel is no longer able to hold back the flow of water entering... more
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The protection of Karakelang wildlife sanctuary has been challenged by forest encroachment, timber harvesting and wildlife poaching - all of which are attributed to social economic condition of the communities living in the vicinity. A... more
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      BusinessGeographyNatural ResourcesSustainable agriculture
Western Java’s upland is a sanctuary of importants biodiversity in Indonesia for avifaunas, primates and mammals. Particularly for avifaunas, the upland becomes the last sanctuary after the disturbance and distraction by anthropogenic... more
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The Wallacea biogeographic region of Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda is globally renowned for exceptional endemism, but is currently emerging as a development frontier in Indonesia. We assessed patterns and drivers of forest loss... more
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Abstrak : Biochemical Oxygen Demand atau Kebutuhan Oksigen Biologis (KOB) adalah jumlah oksigen yang dibutuhkan oleh mikroorganisme untuk mendegradasi atau menguraikan senyawa organik berupa C, H, N, O yang terdapat dalam lingkungan,... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringWaterEnvironmental Studies