Books by Ilias Giarenis
Επανέκδοση της μονογραφίας του 2008, με νέα σελίδωση.
Ηλίας Γιαρένης, Η συγκρότηση και η εδραίωση της αυτοκρατορίας της Νίκαιας. Ο αυτοκράτορας Θεόδωρο... more Ηλίας Γιαρένης, Η συγκρότηση και η εδραίωση της αυτοκρατορίας της Νίκαιας. Ο αυτοκράτορας Θεόδωρος Α΄ Κομνηνός Λάσκαρις [Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών Ερευνών - Μονογραφίες, 12], Αθήνα 2008, (σελίδες 411) [με ένα Χάρτη και αγγλική περίληψη].
[= Ilias Giarenis, Establishment and Consolidation of the Empire of Nicaea. The Emperor Theodoros I Komnenos Laskaris (Hellenic National Research Center, Institute for Byzantine Research - Monographs, 12), Athens 2008, 411 pages (in greek. With a Map <p. 411> and English Summary <pp. 345-350>).
Edited Books by Ilias Giarenis
Byzantinisches Archiv, 39
Επιστημονική επιμέλεια του συλλογικού τόμου, σε συνεργασία με τους: Α. Μαρά, Χ. Μπαλόγλου, Θ. Κυρ... more Επιστημονική επιμέλεια του συλλογικού τόμου, σε συνεργασία με τους: Α. Μαρά, Χ. Μπαλόγλου, Θ. Κυριακίδη
Papers by Ilias Giarenis
, στο Λίνος Γ. Μπενάκης (1928-2022). Ο άνθρωπος και το έργο του, πρόλογος - επιμέλεια Γιάννης Δημητρακόπουλος, Αθήνα 2024, 139-146., 2024
Στο κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η συμβολή του σπουδαίου μελετητή της βυζαντινής και μεταβυζαντινής φιλοσο... more Στο κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η συμβολή του σπουδαίου μελετητή της βυζαντινής και μεταβυζαντινής φιλοσοφίας Λίνου Μπενάκη (1928-2022) στην μελέτη της πνευματικής ιστορίας της Κέρκυρας, με έμφαση στον 19ο αιώνα και επικέντρωση στην εποχή λειτουργίας της Ιονίου Ακαδημίας (1824-1864).
«Η εορτή των Τριών Ιεραρχών στην Ιόνιο Ακαδημία: ο χαρακτήρας, η επιτέλεση και ο ιδεολογικός ορίζοντας», Ανάλεκτα Ανθρωπιστικών Επιστημών 3 [32], 5-28., 2024
Mediterranean world = 地中海論集, 2017
Ανάλεκτα Ανθρωπιστικών Επιστημών, 2023

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 12, 2020
A wealth of knowledge is kept behind libraries and cultural institutions in various digital forms... more A wealth of knowledge is kept behind libraries and cultural institutions in various digital forms without however the possibility of a simple term search, let alone of a substantial semantic search. One such important collection that contains knowledge, accumulated in the passage of the ages and remain inaccessible for the greater part, is Patrologia Graeca. So far, little research has been conducted to make this digital collection searchable to a certain degree, in order to retrieve and reveal its gathered knowledge in an efficient way. In this study, a novel approach is proposed which strives towards recognizing words from large printed corpora such as Patrologia Graeca. The proposed framework firstly applies an efficient segmentation process at word level and transforms the word-images of Greek polytonic script of the Patrologia Graeca into special compact shapes. Afterwards the contours of these shapes are extracted and compared with the contour of a similarly transformed query wordimage in order to locate the specific word in the digitized documents. For the comparison, we use a series of three descriptors, Hu's invariant moments for discarding unlikely similar matches, Shape Context for the contour similarity and the Pearson's correlation coefficient for final pruning of the dissimilar words and additional verification. Comparative results are presented by using instead of Pearson's correlation coefficient the Long-Short Term Memory Neural Network engine of Tesseract Optical Character Recognition system. The described framework due to the simplicity and efficiency that provides, can be applied for massive creation of search indexes and consequently semantic enrichment of Patrologia Graeca. The framework has the potential to be applicable for other printed collections with proper configuration of the parameters. An additional and very significant consequence of our method's effectiveness and simplicity is that it can be used as a pre-stage to provide a large number of word-image and label pairs, These pairs can be used for training neural networks or common classifiers such as k-nearest neighbor or state vector machine.

Information Discovery and Delivery, 2021
Purpose This paper aims to present a methodology for the semantic enrichment on the scanned colle... more Purpose This paper aims to present a methodology for the semantic enrichment on the scanned collection of Migne’s Patrologia Graeca (PG), attempting to easily locate on the Web domain the scanned PG source, when a reference of this source is described and commented on another scanned or textual document, and to semantically enrich PG through related scanned or textual documents named “satellite texts” published by third people. The present enrichment of PG uses as satellite texts the Dorotheos Scholarios's Synoptic Index (DSSI) which act as metadata for PG. Design/methodology/approach The methodology consists of two parts. The first part addresses the DSSI transcription via a proper web tool. The second part is divided into two subsections: the accomplishment of interlinking the printed column numbers of each scanned PG page with its actual filename, which is the build of a matching function, and the build of a web interface for PG, based on the generated Uniform Resource Identi...

In this paper a case study for Patrologia Graeca (PG) is presented to reveal the difficulties tha... more In this paper a case study for Patrologia Graeca (PG) is presented to reveal the difficulties that arise when a semantic enrichment though interconnections is pursued with specific aim to discuss an alternative cooperative architecture between libraries. The presented case method interconnects the PG with a range of satellite scanned or editable texts to provide a better user navigation experience, easy citation for specific PG page and document interconnections. Although the semantic enrichment can be achieved by using semi-manual methods, this is not recommended due to the fact that these tasks are time consuming and costly. Therefore a new architecture for a better cooperation between libraries and cultural institutions is proposed in order to provide a framework for the application of Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Pattern recognition (PR) techniques for mass enrichment on Large corpora. The proposed framework creates the possibility for the participating libraries to cooperate...

Cappadocia journal of history and social sciences, 2022
Bu çalışmada Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti'nin önemli sultanlarından I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'in siyasi... more Bu çalışmada Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti'nin önemli sultanlarından I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'in siyasi ve askeri özelliklerinin yanı sıra karakteri de incelenmektedir. Sultan I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'in bu özellikleri Bizans İmparatorluğu'nun Georgios Akropolites, Niketas Khoniates ve Nikephoras Grigoras gibi önde gelen tarihçilerinin görüşleri karşılaştırılarak verilmektedir. Bizans tarihçileri Türkiye Selçuklu Sultanı I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'in özelliklerini anlatırken aslında dünya tarihinde sıklıkla görülen "ötekileştirme"yi eserlerine yansıtmışlardır. Bizans tarihçileri, İznik İmparatoru I. Theodoros Laskaris ile çarpışan Sultan I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'i Antik Pers kralları ile özdeşleştirirken Theodoros'u da III. Aleksandros yani Büyük İskender başta olmak üzere Yunan komutanlar ile özdeşleştirmişlerdir. Bu şekilde Bizans yazarları I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'i Doğu'nun despot ve sadece savaştan anlayan bir sultan olarak yansıtıp Yunan kökenli olanları bir anlamda yüceltmişlerdir. Ancak yine de tarihçiler Sultan Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'i bazı durumlarda cömert ve yardımsever olarak nakletmişlerdir. Ele alınan çalışmada Bizans kaynaklarından yararlanılarak Sultan I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'in karakteri ve eylemleri anlatılmakla birlikte Bizans yazarlarının kendileri dışındaki toplumlara nasıl baktığı irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır.

International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2020
A wealth of knowledge is kept behind libraries and cultural institutions in various digital forms... more A wealth of knowledge is kept behind libraries and cultural institutions in various digital forms without however the possibility of a simple term search, let alone of a substantial semantic search. One such important collection that contains knowledge, accumulated in the passage of the ages and remain inaccessible for the greater part, is Patrologia Graeca. So far, little research has been conducted to make this digital collection searchable to a certain degree, in order to retrieve and reveal its gathered knowledge in an efficient way. In this study, a novel approach is proposed which strives towards recognizing words from large printed corpora such as Patrologia Graeca. The proposed framework firstly applies an efficient segmentation process at word level and transforms the word-images of Greek polytonic script of the Patrologia Graeca into special compact shapes. Afterwards the contours of these shapes are extracted and compared with the contour of a similarly transformed query wordimage in order to locate the specific word in the digitized documents. For the comparison, we use a series of three descriptors, Hu's invariant moments for discarding unlikely similar matches, Shape Context for the contour similarity and the Pearson's correlation coefficient for final pruning of the dissimilar words and additional verification. Comparative results are presented by using instead of Pearson's correlation coefficient the Long-Short Term Memory Neural Network engine of Tesseract Optical Character Recognition system. The described framework due to the simplicity and efficiency that provides, can be applied for massive creation of search indexes and consequently semantic enrichment of Patrologia Graeca. The framework has the potential to be applicable for other printed collections with proper configuration of the parameters. An additional and very significant consequence of our method's effectiveness and simplicity is that it can be used as a pre-stage to provide a large number of word-image and label pairs, These pairs can be used for training neural networks or common classifiers such as k-nearest neighbor or state vector machine.

International Journal of Web Information Systems, 2021
Purpose This study aims to provide a system capable of static searching on a large number of unst... more Purpose This study aims to provide a system capable of static searching on a large number of unstructured texts directly on the Web domain while keeping costs to a minimum. The proposed framework is applied to the unstructured texts of Migne’s Patrologia Graeca (PG) collection, setting PG as an implementation example of the method. Design/methodology/approach The unstructured texts of PG have automatically transformed to a read-only not only Structured Query Language (NoSQL) database with a structure identical to that of a representational state transfer access point interface. The transformation makes it possible to execute queries and retrieve ranked results based on a specialized application of the extended Boolean model. Findings Using a specifically built Web-browser-based search tool, the user can quickly locate ranked relevant fragments of texts with the ability to navigate back and forth. The user can search using the initial part of words and by ignoring the diacritics of t...

The present article offers a critical edition of a letter by Nikolaos Mesarites (c. 1163 – post 1... more The present article offers a critical edition of a letter by Nikolaos Mesarites (c. 1163 – post 1216) to the archbishop of Proconnesos, through the study of the two manuscripts which reserve its text: Ambrosianus F 96 sup. [Diktyon num. 42764], of the first half of the 13th century, and Vindobonensis philologicus graecus 107 [Diktyon num. 71221], of the 16th century. The letter should be dated before 1203, when the Crusaders captured the island of Proconnesos. Mesarites thanks the archbishop for having sent him partridge eggs to his house in Constantinople. Nikolaos is fascinated by the large mumber of the partridges, and their eggs, at Proconnesos. He reports that he distributed the eggs he received to the members of his family, and that these had been a cause for quarrel during the meal, especially among the younger banqueters. Were they Nikolaos’ sons? In the concluding lines of
the letter, the writer makes a request to his addressee, not without a sense of humour: if he sends him eggs again, it would better be of a single kind and colour, because otherwise there would certainly be quarrels again. As he notes, he is not a gluttonous person or someone who likes to eat alone, and he likes to share what he has with the others. That is something he shares with his addressee, whom he thanks with this letter.
Byzantinisches Archiv, 39
Books by Ilias Giarenis
[= Ilias Giarenis, Establishment and Consolidation of the Empire of Nicaea. The Emperor Theodoros I Komnenos Laskaris (Hellenic National Research Center, Institute for Byzantine Research - Monographs, 12), Athens 2008, 411 pages (in greek. With a Map <p. 411> and English Summary <pp. 345-350>).
Edited Books by Ilias Giarenis
Papers by Ilias Giarenis
the letter, the writer makes a request to his addressee, not without a sense of humour: if he sends him eggs again, it would better be of a single kind and colour, because otherwise there would certainly be quarrels again. As he notes, he is not a gluttonous person or someone who likes to eat alone, and he likes to share what he has with the others. That is something he shares with his addressee, whom he thanks with this letter.
[= Ilias Giarenis, Establishment and Consolidation of the Empire of Nicaea. The Emperor Theodoros I Komnenos Laskaris (Hellenic National Research Center, Institute for Byzantine Research - Monographs, 12), Athens 2008, 411 pages (in greek. With a Map <p. 411> and English Summary <pp. 345-350>).
the letter, the writer makes a request to his addressee, not without a sense of humour: if he sends him eggs again, it would better be of a single kind and colour, because otherwise there would certainly be quarrels again. As he notes, he is not a gluttonous person or someone who likes to eat alone, and he likes to share what he has with the others. That is something he shares with his addressee, whom he thanks with this letter.
[= Ilias Giarenis, The pre-imperial history of the Laskareis family. Paper at the 1st Meeting of Byzantinists of Greece and Cyprus (Ιoannina, 25-27 September 1998). Summary of the Paper, in: 1st Meeting of Byzantinists of Greece and Cyprus. Plenary Presentations - Summaries of Papers, eds T. Kolias - E. Tsiouri, Ioannina 1999, 152-153 (in greek).]
[= Ilias Giarenis, The symbolic and ideological Use of the Nemanjid Tree in Mediaeval Serbia (in greek)]