Papers by Anargyros Koumparelis

Αν υπάρχει ένα είδος λόγου (genre) που χαρακτηρίζει την ύστερη νεωτερικότητα, ως μια εποχή καινοτ... more Αν υπάρχει ένα είδος λόγου (genre) που χαρακτηρίζει την ύστερη νεωτερικότητα, ως μια εποχή καινοτομίας, αυτή είναι η διαφήμιση. Με την εμφάνισή της καθιερώνεται ένα είδος λόγου χωρίς προηγούμενο στην ιστορία της επικοινωνίας. Η διαφήμιση αποτελεί επικοινωνιακό παρεπόμενο της μαζικής κοινωνίας και της μαζικής παραγωγής που την χαρακτηρίζει, της ομοείδειας των προϊόντων και του έντονου ανταγωνισμού μεταξύ των επιχειρήσεων όπως τον γνωρίσαμε στην ύστερη φάση του καπιταλιστικού μετασχηματισμού. Η πορεία της είναι απόλυτα ταυτισμένη με την εξέλιξη της εμπορευματικής κοινωνίας και την εμφάνιση του καταναλωτικού υποκειμένου στις Δυτικές κοινωνίες. Ως νέα και πολύτροπη γλώσσα, η διαφήμιση καθιερώνει, μαρτυρά και αποκαλύπτει μια μεταλλαγή στην σχέση του παραγωγού με τον καταναλωτή προσφέροντας στη μεταξύ τους επικοινωνία και συναναστροφή μια βάση συνταύτισης. Καθώς η ανάδειξη της μάρκας ενός προϊόντος ή της φίρμας μιας εταιρείας γίνεται μέσω προσώπων-παραστατών ο άνθρωπος καταλήγει προϊόν-έκθεμα όσο και τα προβαλλόμενα στις διαφημίσεις προϊόντα. Αλλά ο παραμορφωτικός χαρακτήρας της διαφήμισης δεν σταματά εδώ, οι διαφημίσεις εκτός του να εξωραΐζουν τη χρήση και τη χρησιμότητα των προβαλλόμενων, εξυμνούν και ως τούτου μεταβάλουν τη σημασία της καταναλωτικής πράξης καθιστώντας την παράγοντα υποστασιοποίησης του καταναλωτικού υποκειμένου. Διερευνώντας την επίδραση των διαφημίσεων διαπιστώνουμε, αφενός, την μίκρο-επενέργειά τους στην καταναλωτική συμπεριφορά και, αφετέρου, τη μάκρο-επενέργεια τους στο καταναλωτικό υπόδειγμα της κοινωνίας, με την πρώτη να αφορά την αλλαγή της συχνότητας χρήσης του προϊόντος και τη δεύτερη τη σημασία της στον κοινωνικό μας περίγυρο, ειδικά όταν το προϊόν αποτελεί σύμβολο οικονομικής και κοινωνικής υπεροχής. Πλην του προβαλλόμενου οι διαφημίσεις αναδεικνύουν την ίδια την πράξη τής κατανάλωσης δίνοντάς της έναν χαρακτήρα πιο σημαντικό από ό,τι πραγματικά έχει. Δύσκολα μπορεί κανείς να αποποιηθεί την “ευθύνη” των διαφημίσεων στη διέγερση της καταναλωτικής επιθυμίας και στη διαμόρφωση του καταναλωτικού έθους. Τίθεται λοιπόν το ερώτημα: μπορεί η εξωραϊστική εμμονή, ως αποτέλεσμα της ομοείδειας και του έντονου ανταγωνισμού έστω, να ειδωθεί ως ένας δείκτης πραγματικότητας, δηλαδή, ως η πραγματικότητα υψωμένη σε μια δύναμη πειθούς; Κι αν ναι, από πού αντλείται αυτή η καλλωπιστική διάθεση των διαφημίσεων; Από την ανάγκη διαφοροποίησης, από το ακόρεστο του ανθρώπινου ψυχισμού, και από τα δύο; Αυτά τα ερωτήματα μπορεί να τα θέτω αλλά στην ουσία δεν τα’ απαντώ.. Οι διαφημίσεις των οποίων η τροπικότητα είναι έτσι κι αλλιώς προσανατολισμένη στην επιρροή συνιστούν αποτυπώματα της καταναλωτικής πράξης – αν και όχι πάντα. Ταγμένες στην προοπτική της ανάδειξης οι διαφημίσεις εξειδανικεύουν προϊόντα και καταναλωτές περιγράφοντας νοοτροπίες χρήσης και ικανοποιήσης. Η κολακεία διαρκώς παρούσα π.χ. «γιατί σας αξίζει το καλύτερο». Το αποτύπωμα της νοοτροπία στις διαφημίσεις, όσο κι αν στιγματίζεται από την κολλακευτική ιδιοτέλεια του διαφημιστή, δεν παύει να συνιστά μια υπερθετική εκδοχή τού υφιστάμενου. Διαφημίσεις όπως «έκαστος στο είδος του και ο Λουμίδης στους καφέδες» και «Amstel, γιατί έτσι σας αρέσει» κ.ά., συνοψίζουν ήθη και συνιστούν μαρτυρίες νοοτροπίας και κουλτούρας που είναι ευκολότερα ορατές όταν τις παρατηρούμε από χρονική απόσταση. Το θέμα της νοοτροπίας μπαίνει εδώ και θα πρέπει να μετρηθεί μέσα στο εμπειρικό υλικό… Αν υποθέσουμε ότι η αποτελεσματικότητα των διαφημίσεων είναι μετρήσιμη από τις πωλήσεις που επιφέρουν, αυτό δεν αποτελεί παρά μία μερικότητα της επιρροής τους. Για παράδειγμα, η γνώση του ονόματος Mercedes-Benz και η εκτίμηση για την ποιότητα των αυτοκινήτων της συγκεκριμένης αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας ξεπερνά κατά πολύ το δυνητικό αγοραστικό της κοινό. Η αναγνωρισιμότητα των διάσημων προϊόντων είναι τόσο έργο των διαφημίσεων όσο και έργο της υψηλής ποιότητας και ιδιαιτερότητά τους. Ως τρόποι επικοινωνίας των επιχειρήσεων με τα υποψήφια αγοραστικά τους κοινά, οι διαφημίσεις, εκφράζουν τόσο το habitus του λόγου των διαφημιστών-πωλητών όσο και αυτό των καταναλωτών-αγοραστών. Με αυτό δεδομένο, οι διαφημίσεις αποτελούν, αφενός, μαρτυρίες των πρακτικών ανάδειξης των επιχειρήσεων και των προϊόντων που προσφέρουν στην αγορά και, αφετέρου, τροχιοδεικτικά της καταναλωτικής υποστασιοποίησης και νοοτροπίας.

The chronological order and analysis of Greek print detergent advertisements in this article, aim... more The chronological order and analysis of Greek print detergent advertisements in this article, aims to provide an elaborate model of observation of detergent advertisements and, in particular, their displacements in the period between 1902 and 2019. The empirical material of the study is composed of 300 detergent advertisements based on their use. The chronological tracking of advertisements is intended to capture the shifting of detergent products and, consequently, changes in our perception of cleanliness. The collected data of Advertisements are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Google Vision API. that detect objects and faces, read printed and handwritten text and build valuable metadata for further data analysis. According to theorists, this type of advertisements refers to the organizational principles of everyday life as well as to the practices of symbolic construction of social life, but it aims at the underlying cultural meanings, as its overall work refers to religious phenomena and ritual symbolic systems, for which it would be very difficult to find their correspondence with ads for detergents. Additionally, the previous analysis of this type of advertisements can be studied upon the theoretical framework of Maslow's model which focus in hierarchy of needs as indicated in the pyramid from the lower needs (physiological, security) to the higher needs (social, esteem, self-actualization). Cleanliness beyond practical need can also fulfil the need of one's sociability, so can be characterized as a need that is combined to others.

Print advertisements are a good ground for studying phenomena of textual and visual diversity. As... more Print advertisements are a good ground for studying phenomena of textual and visual diversity. As a combination of text and image, the advertisements represent a large number of varieties of social and commercial reality through which they reproduce and reinforce specific ideologies and correspondingly imaginative ones. Advertising is a reason for the commodity society and the mass culture that it entails, and as such defines textual (linguistic) behavior in the sense that it aligns the projected with linguistic and visual homogeneity and consequently stereotypes resulting from this. The aim of this article is to record and visualize the textual and visual signs in the printed advertisements concerning the way of showing Greece as a tourist destination between 1920 and 2019. The theoretical framework of this reading is based on two theoretical frameworks: first, in polygraphism and secondly in that of destination marketing and place branding. Furthermore, the technical framework provides a simple way to retrieve images and photos based on color and texture characteristics of the presented type of advertisements. Then, the referred framework creates a Lucene index of image features for contentbased image retrieval using local and global state-of-the-art methods. The ultimate goal of this recording is to reveal and retrieve the textual and visual varieties (mainly of the latter because of their unequal frequency in the empirical material), which indicates the self-determination of the Greeks, in relation to history and ethnography.

Posters are a good ground for studying phenomena of visual diversity. Visual culture refers to al... more Posters are a good ground for studying phenomena of visual diversity. Visual culture refers to all those elements of culture, the appearance of which is an important feature of its existence. All the more so when the purpose of the instrument being studied (poster in this regard) concerns art, that is, theater and, therefore, culture, which in the course of history is formed as a combination of human emotions, thoughts, teachings and experiences formed by social processes. It is not a matter of this article the graphic approach of the available material, but rather its semiological examination based on its subject matter, that is, the representation of the poster involved in the posters: variations of size and style, etc. In this spirit, posters are examined from the point of view of their own purpose and, above all, of their relationship with the alleged one. Thus, the purpose of the examination here is the finding and thematic classification of the posters concerning the events of the Athens & Epidaurus Festival and, in particular, those that concern the period from 1954 until today. In this context of intent, we are attempting: firstly, a concise and coherent bibliographic review of the subject poster and its relationship with society, since it has been shown up to date, secondly, linking the screening of the theatrical festivals through, thirdly, the classification, using data mining algorithms, of these posters and the exploration of the practices of promoting Greek tourism, to the extent that the study itself demonstrates the involvement in manifestations of the Greek Tourism Organization.

This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The a... more This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The aim of this study is, firstly, to record the key points in which the visibility and promotion of hotels and agencies is focused; secondly, to map out their shifts in time; and, third, to link the observable (textual and visual elements of point of view) with the historical context in which they are referred in order to relate the projected material and reality. The theoretical framework (ie, logging) moves on one hand to that of "polygraphism", as expressed by the complex reading of image and text and, on the other, to that of "visual sociology". The empirical material of the study consists of 117 hotel advertisements, covering the period from 1883 to 2019, as well as 59 agency advertisements covering the period from 1907 to 2019. The collected data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Google Vision API that detect objects and faces, read printed and handwritten text and build valuable metadata. To conclude, the combination of hotel and agency advertisements is intended to give to this study the sense of "market," in which different forms of service interweave to reveal the breadth of an "industry".

This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece fro... more This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece from the printed to the digital age. To this end, a significant number of printed publications and, respectively, a significant number of sites are being examined in the period from 2000 to 2019. The collected advertising data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machinelearning algorithms provided by the Weka Project. This inquiry seeks to compare the versatility of print and digital communication and, indirectly, to draw conclusions, at a practical level, the effectiveness of these two means of communication. However, the comparison of these two instruments is not limited to the wording of the differences and possibilities observed between them, but also to the conspicuousness of these differences in relation to marketing theory, the transition and, ultimately, its evolution from the conventional to his digital speech. Thus, in spite of the use of logical "polygraphism" expressed by complex image and text reading (in advertisements and webpages) or even logic of "visual sociology" for the scientist, the theoretical framework of the study is based on "hotel marketing" whose content is constantly enriched by "digital marketing".

The Pattern Recognition through Data Mining Techniques of the Historical Advertisements is an ess... more The Pattern Recognition through Data Mining Techniques of the Historical Advertisements is an essential task within the digital documentation of cultural heritage. The classification is a tedious task and habitually consumes a lot of time if implements in a large number of advertising images stored in a Knowledge Data Base. The existence of automated categorization techniques to facilitate these sorting tasks, would improve a significant part of the digital documentation process. Additionally, the proper sorting of available advertisement images, allows optimized management and more efficient search through specific terms, thus contributing to better knowledge and interpretation of these elements. Especially, in advertisement research, data analysis and knowledge discovery capabilities of machine learning methods are proved very promising, supporting the human analyst in finding patterns and regularities in collections of real data. Association rules can be used to represent frequent patterns in data, in the form of dependencies among concepts-attributes. In this paper, a comparison of different classification techniques is presented for the task of classifying historical advertisement images data set. The comparison was conducted using WEKA, a tool and a library for machine learning and data mining algorithms that provides a broad spectrum of algorithms which are for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. Promising results have been obtained in terms of application and it is considered that these innovative techniques can contribute significantly to the historical advertisement research.

Print advertisements are a good ground for studying phenomena of textual and visual diversity. As... more Print advertisements are a good ground for studying phenomena of textual and visual diversity. As a combination of text and image, the advertisements represent a large number of varieties of social and commercial reality through which they reproduce and reinforce specific ideologies and correspondingly imaginative ones. Advertising is a reason for the commodity society and the mass culture that it entails, and as such defines textual (linguistic) behavior in the sense that it aligns the projected with linguistic and visual homogeneity and consequently stereotypes resulting from this. The aim of this article is to record and visualize the textual and visual signs in the printed advertisements concerning the way of showing Greece as a tourist destination between 1920 and 2019. The theoretical framework of this reading is based on two theoretical frameworks: first, in polygraphism and secondly in that of destination marketing and place branding.Furthermore, the technical framework prov...

The psychology of colors associated with persuasion is one of the most interesting aspects of mar... more The psychology of colors associated with persuasion is one of the most interesting aspects of marketing. The way a color affects our psychology depends on many factors, such as genes, environment, gender, age, education, and social context. Color as a valuable tool and an integral part of marketing communication directly affects our subconscious and attracts or rejects us with its hidden meaning. It is therefore very important to choose the right color which achieves communication with the consumer. Marketing experts affect consumer behavior with integrated marketing communication through various market research. Better position of a product in the market and increased profits, can be achieved by proper selection and combination of colors. The survey and statistical analysis of the data were conducted by using data mining algorithms applying classification rules. Segmentation is the process of classify advertisements according to the criterion of color into multiple homogeneous regi...

The Stroop test is a neuropsychological test that is internationally considered as reliable and s... more The Stroop test is a neuropsychological test that is internationally considered as reliable and sensitive for the control of frontal activity and executive function. In this research work, the Stroop test was carried out by using the Unity machine in a virtual test with exactly the same application methodology and measurement of the results. The new visual "ustroop" test was administered to a sufficient number of individuals in order to weigh the score relative to the initial test. Subsequently, additional games scenario in the form of a play script were added using well-known large company logos to observe the player's reaction to color, brand name and words.<br> Then the collected data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms, provided by the software package Weka, in order to evaluate the brand name and its relation to the color in the context of Marketing. In conclusion, visual gaming...

Having studied approximately 20,000 printed Greek advertisements covering the period from 1875 to... more Having studied approximately 20,000 printed Greek advertisements covering the period from 1875 to 2019, this article attempts to examine and describe the use of minors in them, depending on the type of product displayed, that is, the category to which this belongs. On the theoretical level, therefore, from the point of view of marketing science, the main concern of the study is to define the concept of "product category" and to examine it in conjunction with the consumer need or desire to meet and, in the same context, analyze and understand the "Product hypostases" on which the formation of his image is based on the public. The investigation of the large volume of empirical material resulted in 547 advertisements, in the visual part of which prominent minors. As we shall see,<br> these ads are not evenly distributed across all product categories, which has caused the causal explanation of this inconsistency. In this sense, using the content analysis techni...

The chronological order and analysis of Greek print detergent advertisements in this article, aim... more The chronological order and analysis of Greek print detergent advertisements in this article, aims to provide an elaborate model of observation of detergent advertisements and, in particular, their displacements in the period between 1902 and 2019. The empirical material of the study is composed of 300 detergent advertisements based on their use. The chronological tracking of advertisements is intended to capture the shifting of detergent products and, consequently, changes in our perception of cleanliness.The collected data of Advertisements are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Google Vision API. that detect objects and faces, read printed and handwritten text and build valuable metadata for further data analysis. The used framework creates a Lucene index of image features for content-based image retrieval<br> using local and global state-of-the-art methods. According to theorists,...

International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, 2020
The chronological order and analysis of Greek print detergent advertisements in this article, aim... more The chronological order and analysis of Greek print detergent advertisements in this article, aims to provide an elaborate model of observation of detergent advertisements and, in particular, their displacements in the period between 1902 and 2019. The empirical material of the study is composed of 300 detergent advertisements based on their use. The chronological tracking of advertisements is intended to capture the shifting of detergent products and, consequently, changes in our perception of cleanliness. The collected data of Advertisements are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Google Vision API that detect objects and faces, read printed and handwritten text and build valuable metadata for further data analysis. According to theorists, this type of advertisements refers to the organizational principles of everyday life as well as the practices of symbolic construction of social life, but it aims at the underlying cultural meanings, as its overall work refers to religious phenomena and ritual symbolic systems, for which it would be very difficult to find their correspondence with ads for detergents. Additionally, the previous analysis of this type of advertisements can be studied upon the theoretical framework of Maslow's model which focus in hierarchy of needs as indicated in the pyramid from the lower needs (physiological, security) to the higher needs (social, esteem, self-actualization). Cleanliness beyond practical needs can also fulfils the need of one's sociability, so can be characterized as a need that is combined to others.

Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era
This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece fro... more This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece from the printed to the digital age. To this end, a significant number of printed publications and, respectively, a significant number of sites are being examined in the period from 2000 to 2019. The collected advertising data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Weka Project. This inquiry seeks to compare the versatility of print and digital communication and, indirectly, to draw conclusions, at a practical level, the effectiveness of these two means of communication. However, the comparison of these two instruments is not limited to the wording of the differences and possibilities observed between them, but also to the conspicuousness of these differences in relation to marketing theory, the transition and, ultimately, its evolution from the conventional to his digital speech. Thus, in spite of the use of logical “polygraphism” expressed by complex image and text reading (in advertisements and webpages) or even logic of “visual sociology” for the scientist, the theoretical framework of the study is based on “hotel marketing” whose content is constantly enriched by “digital marketing”.

This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The a... more This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The aim of this study is, firstly, to record the key points in which the visibility and promotion of hotels and agencies is focused; secondly, to map out their shifts in time; and, third, to link the observable (textual and visual elements of point of view) with the historical context in which they are referred in order to relate the projected material and reality. The theoretical framework (i.e., logging) moves on one hand to that of “polygraphism”, as expressed by the complex reading of image and text and, on the other, to that of “visual sociology”. The empirical material of the study consists of 117 hotel advertisements, covering the period from 1883 to 2019, as well as 59 agency advertisements covering the period from 1907 to 2019. The collected data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Google...

This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece fro... more This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece from the printed to the digital age. To this end, a significant number of printed publications and, respectively, a significant number of sites are being examined in the period from 2000 to 2019. The collected advertising data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Weka Project. This inquiry seeks to compare the versatility of print and digital communication and, indirectly, to draw conclusions, at a practical level, the effectiveness of these two means of communication. However, the comparison of these two instruments is not limited to the wording of the differences and possibilities observed between them, but also to the conspicuousness of these differences in relation to marketing theory, the transition and, ultimately, its evolution from the conventional to his digital speech. Thus, in spite of the use of logical "polygraphism" expressed by complex image and text reading (in advertisements and webpages) or even logic of "visual sociology" for the scientist, the theoretical framework of the study is based on "hotel marketing" whose content is constantly enriched by "digital marketing".

This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The a... more This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The aim of this study is, firstly, to record the key points in which the visibility and promotion of hotels and agencies is focused; secondly, to map out their shifts in time; and, third, to link the observable (textual and visual elements of point of view) with the historical context in which they are referred in order to relate the projected material and reality. The theoretical framework (ie, logging) moves on one hand to that of "polygraphism", as expressed by the complex reading of image and text and, on the other, to that of "visual sociology". The empirical material of the study consists of 117 hotel advertisements, covering the period from 1883 to 2019, as well as 59 agency advertisements covering the period from 1907 to 2019. The collected data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Google Vision API that detect objects and faces, read printed and handwritten text and build valuable metadata. To conclude, the combination of hotel and agency advertisements is intended to give to this study the sense of "market," in which different forms of service interweave to reveal the breadth of an "industry".

Springer - Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era, pp. 209-218, 2019
This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The a... more This article examines the development of printed hotel and agency advertisements in Greece. The aim of this study is, firstly, to record the key points in which the visibility and promotion of hotels and agencies is focused; secondly, to map out their shifts in time; and, third, to link the observable (textual and visual elements of point of view) with the historical context in which they are referred in order to relate the projected material and reality. The theoretical framework (i.e., logging) moves on one hand to that of "polygraphism", as expressed by the complex reading of image and text and, on the other, to that of "visual sociology". The empirical material of the study consists of 117 hotel advertisements, covering the period from 1883 to 2019, as well as 59 agency advertisements covering the period from 1907 to 2019. The collected data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Google Vision API that detect objects and faces, read printed and handwritten text and build valuable metadata. To conclude, the combination of hotel and agency advertisements is intended to give to this study the sense of "market," in which different forms of service interweave to reveal the breadth of an "industry". Z32 This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access.

Springer - Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era, pp. 137-144, 2019
This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece fro... more This article examines the transition of the promotion of Hotels and Travel Agencies in Greece from the printed to the digital age. To this end, a significant number of printed publications and, respectively, a significant number of sites are being examined in the period from 2000 to 2019. The collected advertising data are analyzed and transformed to assume suitable form for the execution of the respective machine-learning algorithms provided by the Weka Project. This inquiry seeks to compare the versatility of print and digital communication and, indirectly, to draw conclusions, at a practical level, the effectiveness of these two means of communication. However, the comparison of these two instruments is not limited to the wording of the differences and possibilities observed between them, but also to the conspicuousness of these differences in relation to marketing theory, the transition and, ultimately, its evolution from the conventional to his digital speech. Thus, in spite of the use of logical "polygraphism" expressed by complex image and text reading (in advertisements and webpages) or even logic of "visual sociology" for the scientist, the theoretical framework of the study is based on "hotel marketing" whose content is constantly enriched by "digital marketing".
Papers by Anargyros Koumparelis
Διοργάνωση: Ελληνική Ακαδημία Μάρκετινγκ - 2004
Μιλούν και γράφουν:
Γιώργος Αυλωνίτης
Γιώργος Σιώμκος
Αθανάσιος Κουρεμένος
Βασίλης Μιχαλολιάκος
Κώστας Γείτονας
Jacques Ellul
Γιώργος Ζώτος, Χριστίνα Μπουτσούκη, Αγγελική Κοσμοπούλου
Αθανάσιος Κανελόπουλος
Πρόλογος, Επιμέλεια ύλης, Έκδοση: Ανάργυρος Κουμπαρέλης
Από το Περιοδικό Μάρκετινγκ & Επικοινωνία, τ.1, 2004.
Δεν παρατίθενται εδώ τα αποτελέσματα των ελληνικών εκλογών (αναμετρήσεων) στο διάστημα μεταξύ 1975-2004.