Papers by Dr. Niki Lambropoulos
IGI Global eBooks, May 24, 2011
Product or company names used in this book are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the... more Product or company names used in this book are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI of the trademark or registered trademark. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data User-centered design of online learning communities / Niki Lambropoulos and Panayiotis Zaphiris, editors. p. cm. Summary: "This book is anchored in the concept that information technology empowers and enhances learners' capabilities adopting a learning summit on using the machine for the augmentation of human intellect for productivity, improvement, and innovation at individual, organizational, societal, national, and global levels"-Provided by publisher. Includes bibliographical references and index.

IGI Global eBooks, May 24, 2011
Scientific research on empathy started in the early 20th century. Only in 1992 did the developmen... more Scientific research on empathy started in the early 20th century. Only in 1992 did the development of cognitive neuroscience help di Pellegrino, Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese and Rizzolatti to identify the mirror neurons related to representations of an Object from a Subject, verifying Lipps’ (1903) and McDugall’s (1908) suggestions on empathy. Primary empathy is related to the automatic matching of the feelings of the other person (Fischer, 1980). An example is the relationship newborns have between each other on their first days on the earth. Another verification of mirror neurons was made by Rizzolati and Arbib (1998), as well as identification of the areas where the mirror neurons are located, interacting with areas in both hemispheres (Broca area 44 and PE/PC). Hiltz and Turrof (1978) referred to members’ comments on their closest friends, whom seldom or never see each other face to face. Preece and Ghozati (2001) made the first serious attempt to search and analyze empathy in online communities as well as understand it better towards sociability and usability. They used the process-based model of knowing, feeling and responding compassionately for distress by Levenson and Ruef (1992), and the results showed that empathy is widespread in communities. In 2002, Preston and de Waal presented their Perception-Action Model (PAM), a process-based suggestion on empathy. PAM states that: attended perception activates subject’s representations of the state, situation and object, and that activation of this representation automatically primes or generates the associated autonomic and somatic responses, unless inhibited. (p. 4) PAM also relates empathy to the levels of awareness, reconciliation and vicarious learning as well as effortful information processing. The latter, and the mirror neurons discovery, suggest that empathy can be taught and learned as it creates symmetries between the Subject and the Object, activating the primary empathy in human perception. Self-awareness leads to self-directed behaviour, then empathy arousal and, as such, arousal of shared intentions, feelings and thoughts for common goals, desires and beliefs for community building. Eslinger, Moll and de Oliveira-Souza (2002) are among the first neuroscientists to search for Subjects’ empathy from written text. They found that text judging showed different human brain pattern activation, strongly influenced by emotional experience of the text due to reasoning and judgment. As such, the hypothesis was the following: If empathic members are sensitive organs who have the ability to simulate members’ common visions, needs and suggestions (Goleman, McKee & Boyatzis, 2002), they could be detected on the Internet, form a group and be mediators or messengers between authorities and the public.
IGI Global eBooks, Jan 18, 2011

In the age of user-generated data, sentiment analysis can provide structures to shed light, analy... more In the age of user-generated data, sentiment analysis can provide structures to shed light, analyse, and make sense of abundant information. This paper aims at increasing understanding and making sense by implementing Sentiment Analysis over social media platforms and exploring related compositions between 2015-2022. The results of the research can be utilised in diverse contexts to predict the sentiments of tweets, and make predictions for long-term goals in terms of policymaking, and thus, it contributes to the overall research. The abstract needs a better structure that reflects the paper's content and main findings. The mixed methodology used, social media mining and sentiment analysis, as appropriate to the study's aim and objectives. However, the manuscript structure does not follow the scientific structure with specific data presentation, analysis, results extracted and discussed, appropriate conclusions, and implications for the research. In other words, it needs more work on following the scientific structures (rather than a book chapter) and more information and data presentation, analysis, and discussion as well as locating and comparing the results within the field of other related studies.
Abstract: This paper presents a proposal for open Universities based on Neomillennial Learning St... more Abstract: This paper presents a proposal for open Universities based on Neomillennial Learning Styles and Mobile Learning supported by Multi-Agent Systems and Ubiquitous Computing. Open Universities' infrastructure, design, methodology, implementation, models for ...
Operating the data-16 Managing the results-18 Linking the findings-19 CONCLUSION 20 REFERENCES 21-22

Dialogoi!, Dec 12, 2022
Περίληψη Η ανάπτυξη συγκεκριμένων διδακτικών προσεγγίσεων και παιδαγωγικών μεθοδολογιών για τη δη... more Περίληψη Η ανάπτυξη συγκεκριμένων διδακτικών προσεγγίσεων και παιδαγωγικών μεθοδολογιών για τη δημιουργική αφήγηση μπορούν να υποστηρίξουν και να αξιοποιήσουν δυναμικά τη μάθηση, τις δεξιότητες των μαθητών/τριών και την αυτοέκφραση. Σε αυτό το άρθρο προτείνεται η εφαρμογή του καινοτόμου εκπαιδευτικού σεναρίου με την αξιοποίηση της «Ιστοριογραμμής του Ταξιδιού του Ήρωα» μέσω 2 μνημονικών εργαλείων με ατομική συμμετοχή των μαθητών/τριών λόγω των περιορισμών Covid-19. Στην έρευνα περίπτωσης πήραν μέρος 15 μαθητές/τριες δημιουργώντας ιστορίες πριν και μετά τη διδασκαλία των δύο μνημονικών εργαλείων, του «Αστεριού της Αφήγησης» και του «Ρολογιού του Ταξιδιού του Ήρωα». Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα, η παρέμβαση με το «Αστέρι της Αφήγησης» δεν είχε ουσιαστικές διαφορές, ενώ η παρέμβαση με το «Ρολόι του Ήρωα» ήταν επιτυχημένη. Παρ' όλα αυτά η έρευνα έδειξε μεγάλο αντίκτυπο των υπαρχόντων παραμυθιών και ταινιών στις μικρές ηλικίες, καθώς οι μαθητές/τριες άλλαξαν υπάρχουσες ιστορίες με γνωστούς ήρωες χωρίς να δημιουργήσουν, με ελάχιστες εξαιρέσεις, εντελώς αυθεντικές ιστορίες. Απαιτείται περαιτέρω έρευνα καθώς η έρευνα είναι μελέτη περίπτωσης με τη συμμετοχή μικρού αριθμού μαθητών/τριών.

Qeios, May 1, 2023
Due to the increasing conflict and complexity on a global level, our students, as future citizens... more Due to the increasing conflict and complexity on a global level, our students, as future citizens, must develop a new life, soft and transversal skills and competences, and the 4Cs+D (creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking + digital skills) for formal and non-formal learning. Creative Storytelling supports students to externalize and communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through their own stories. Stories narrative reframing sets them free from their real, stressful environment contributing to self-awareness, and self-esteem. Although there is rich research about storytelling, there are discrepancies in the ways a story can be structured and even evaluated for constructive feedback, especially to primary school students. In Computer-Supported Collaborative Storytelling (CSCS) students are usually invisible and reluctant to participate, especially if they belong to the SEN (Special Educational Needs) group. Thus, this article suggests pedagogical propositions to create an active, aware, and engaging learning community with the needed knowledge, skills, and competences to solve outer and inner problems. The first is the ASEMA Pyramid (Awareness, Sensitivity, Empathy, Motivation, and Activation) methodology which, together with the active participation eyeball and 4Cs+D skills building with message tagging, can advance students' engagement in active learning. These methods applied to the Hero's Journey and the Hero's Emotional Journey enable the teachers and their students to become more aware of students' processes and needs. Furthermore, these processes can visualise students' activities and choices with context-aware tools. Therefore, this article also proposes a set of Theatre Forum Tools to shed light on Primary School students' online learning activities and their discussion in creative storytelling.
IGI Global eBooks, Jan 18, 2011

IGI Global eBooks, Jan 18, 2011
Correspondence between everyday and scientific life is a blessing (Warren &am... more Correspondence between everyday and scientific life is a blessing (Warren & Jahoda, 1966). Although virtual communities are nowadays widely expanded, research online is not fully developed yet, as methodological approaches are not designed specifically for online research. In addition, the results from the evaluation and the reports do not find an immediate space of use. As such, the researchers use methodologies that deal with online situations borrowing methods and techniques from the “real” ones. Although the adaptations have the same principles, there are limitations due to the virtual nature of the research. In addition, multi-disciplinary approaches characterize virtual communities as different fields interact, such as learning approaches, psychology of the individual and the masses, sociology, linguistics, communication studies, management, human computer interaction and information systems. As a result, there is no methodology that, solely used, could bring results for adequate evaluation and implementation of the results in the community. Due to this complexity, we suggest Real Time Research Methodology based on Time-Series Design to study process-based activities; Focus Groups Methodology and Forum Messages Discourse Analysis as two of the most vital parts in the use of a multi-method. The other parts will depend on the nature and culture of the selected virtual community. Both focus groups (FG) and Forum Messages Discourse Analysis are referred as Extraction Group Research Methodology, or X-Groups. The reason for using X-Groups is the actual implementation of members’ suggestions into their environment as an interaction into an immediate space of use.
IGI Global eBooks, Jan 18, 2011

Learning experience by engaging learners in immersive worlds has been proved to accelerate the le... more Learning experience by engaging learners in immersive worlds has been proved to accelerate the learning pace as well as enhance the actual learners' knowledge acquisition, construction of group meaning as well as skills and competencies. This is possible by 3D immersive worlds as they are representations of reality. Also, accelerating learning strategies exist in performance related targets and training such as sports; athletes accelerate and enhance their performance. In fact, studies reveal that learning can be accelerated and deepened in short crash workshops if specific systematic procedures, techniques and methodologies are in place. Based on such research, we accept the aforementioned results and we propose that such a crash course can be strategically and dynamically structured specifically for eLearning. Moreover, we propose an example of an Innovation Management crash eCourse implemented in the Second Life 3D virtual world so to provide technology enhanced learning by immersive learner experience, called Learning eXperience+ (LX+). This is possible by engaging the learners in a learning zone, called the zone of proximal flow also by combining different teaching and learning styles based on specific key elements for more personalised learning experience.
EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 2004
Greek Teachers' online community of practice has recently made its entrance into the... more Greek Teachers' online community of practice has recently made its entrance into the online educational world. In an effort to open up existing systems of education, lifelong learning on the bases of blended learning, nationwide school communication and teachers' online ...

The Educational Project Management book is a practical guide to plan and create innovative and su... more The Educational Project Management book is a practical guide to plan and create innovative and successful educational projects for Technology Enhanced Learning. It goes beyond the traditional models and is anchored in new approaches to organise and deliver unique and successful educational projects. It is based upon the author's work and PhD thesis on discovering unique processes and theories based on Ethnotechnology and Human-Computer Interaction Education for appropriate solutions. Then, these were translated into tools for Technology Enhanced Learning projects. In the educational project example explored in this book, Educational Project Management aimed at tackling the eLearners’ total absence of active participation and engagement in creative eLearning communities’ discussions for 3 years. The identified solutions provided novel theories, newfound tools and evaluation techniques for engaging, active, effective and efficient creative eLearning communities. Hence, this Educat...

European Journal of Education Studies, 2020
Authentic reflective practice in real working conditions acts as a bridge between the university ... more Authentic reflective practice in real working conditions acts as a bridge between the university environment with the engagement and responsibility of a professional. Educating the pedagogy students as teachers is one of the main aims of the Department of Education and Social Work Sciences, University of Patras, Greece. An intervention to support students’ reflective practice with new technologies took place following the flipped classroom and collaborative learning approaches; 169 university students were registered in the associated online course. The course organization, the instructions and the educational material was provided via the course on eClass for the flipped classroom approach. Following collaborative learning methods, the students were divided into small teams, this is 20 students average for each group for teachers’ shadowing and small groups of 3-5 for onsite meetings with tutors. Other than the students’ reflective practice diaries, the tutors also kept observation...

Learning experience by engaging learners in immersive worlds has been proved to accelerate the le... more Learning experience by engaging learners in immersive worlds has been proved to accelerate the learning pace as well as enhance the actual learners’ knowledge acquisition, construction of group meaning as well as skills and competencies. This is possible by 3D immersive worlds as they are representations of reality. Also, accelerating learning strategies exist in performance related targets and training such as sports; athletes accelerate and enhance their performance. In fact, studies reveal that learning can be accelerated and deepened in short crash workshops if specific systematic procedures, techniques and methodologies are in place. Based on such research, we accept the aforementioned results and we propose that such a crash course can be strategically and dynamically structured specifically for eLearning. Moreover, we propose an example of an Innovation Management crash eCourse implemented in the Second Life 3D virtual world so to provide technology enhanced learning by immer...

This paper follows our stream of research on Serendipity Engineering for series events connected ... more This paper follows our stream of research on Serendipity Engineering for series events connected in time and space. Occurring by rather hidden and unexpected connections Serendipity Engineering is also related to the bipolar decision making process: hesitate before taking the risk, accept and engage in serendipity or deny it. Although research exists within the Global Systems Science field for serendipity identification and engineering, the results are not encouraging as such research now fails in predictions. Massive global research and apparent impact is evident and reachable in social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. Furthermore, utilising a range of tools, methodologies and techniques, it may be possible to identify activities and hidden connections in both big and small data and predict, aid or even interfere in the decision making process. Such interference based on prediction can actually alter the future decision making users’ domino of events and items select...

Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments, May 31, 2011
Guest Editors' Introduction DISTRIBUTED LEADERSHIP FOR INTERCONNECTED WORLDS The technological ad... more Guest Editors' Introduction DISTRIBUTED LEADERSHIP FOR INTERCONNECTED WORLDS The technological advancements in the second half of the previous century generated the potential for participatory decision making in organizational and governmental institutions. Moreover, the digital networking environments on the Internet that enabled this type of decision making were accompanied by the emergence and establishment of on-line communities. Under this perspective, the range of communication mediated by ubiquitous computing allows problems, ideas, and suggestions of a specific nature to be considered when gathered into organizational and institutional virtual spaces. Within these spaces, the voices of individual customers, workers, organizational stakeholders, and/or citizens can be articulated and brought to bear on services, practices, and policies, as well as to join voices with salient others. Such naturally or intentionally formed communities and groups require roles within them to function. One of these roles is leadership; Chemers (1997), in his book titled, An Integrative Theory Of Leadership, suggested that leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Although this approach of one leader directing a group was representative of the 20 th century, the new, globally interconnected context sets the stage for the expectation that leadership is to be less directive and more collaborative The application of leadership attributes such as values, knowledge, and skills can now be found in and employed by the diversity of the group members and community rather than residing solely in just one, or just a few, individuals. Consequently, the communication that integrates the individuals within the collective allows for new attributes to be attached to the leadership construct. Thus, a new approach is being observed within the realms of cyberspace: distributed leadership. The term leadership usually refers to the traditional top-down model of centralizing control. Recently, however, a transformational aspect has become embedded within the term to indicate a bottom-up management mode. Simultaneously, the paradigmatic shift in media-interactive
Papers by Dr. Niki Lambropoulos
It is our pleasure to inform you that the following book has been published and is available on the Nova Science Publishers website:
From Dreamers to Doers: The Art and Science of Educational Project Management
Authors: Niki Lambropoulos, PhD (UK)
*The book offers new jobs and opportunties for educators,
TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) oriented.