Papers by Davina Azalia Khan

This essay is intended to observe how Muslim community in Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country ... more This essay is intended to observe how Muslim community in Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country responds to global development issues, particularly Disaster Education (DE) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) issues. The Indonesia Muslim community in this essay is represented by Faith-Based Organisation (FBO) namely Muhammadiyah. The FBO has been playing important role in the community resilience and development that includes disaster relief and risk management; through providing service and guidance to the community, and relevant educational intervention based on faith values.
This is an essay I submitted as remedial essay on final assignment for the aforementioned module.
I received B as the result mark of this essay, meanwhile this essay was the only marking point for the module. I received comment from the examiner that it is too close with report style rather than essay, over-reliant on single sources & leading to summary, and some paragraphs are not connected to each other.
It maybe not a good essay, but I hope you’ll still find it useful to read it and learn from my mistake to avoid bad essay in any aspects (i.e. delivering argument, lexical aspects, citation style, using broader references/sources, etc.).
And please do not forget to cite properly if you use my work for your work, because this work was submitted to Turnitin. So, I am pretty sure if you do not cite it well, you will get caught as plagiarism.
Good luck! 😊
This paper discusses globalization as a phenomenon which also takes part in the changes of local ... more This paper discusses globalization as a phenomenon which also takes part in the changes of local society in Indonesia, especially in the Samin society which lives in the border areas of East and Central Java Province.
How deep globalization affect local society and how it generates challenges to human development acceleration (i.e. education, health and social welfare) in local society terms, are the main research questions of the paper.
* This paper was presented at 2011 Indonesia Focus Conference (May, 28-29) in the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America

This essay will discuss capability approach to questioning Indonesian responses in the current ph... more This essay will discuss capability approach to questioning Indonesian responses in the current phenomenon of World-Class University. There will be four parts of explanation and analysis. (1) the first part will describe about the term of World-Class University, using neoliberalism theory to explain the rational of WCU. (2) the second part will give glimpse explanation about two theories in the essay: human capital theory and capability approach. (3) the third part will inform about higher education system in Indonesia and its response to WCU. (4) the fourth part will identify challenges and problems of the response, (5) the last part is a reflection of the issue.
This is an essay I submitted as final assignment for the aforementioned module.
I received C as the result mark of this essay, meanwhile this essay was the only marking point for the module. It is truly not a good essay, and it is also my first essay submitted on my Master journey. However, I hope you’ll still find it useful to read it and learn from my mistake to avoid bad essay in any aspects (i.e. delivering argument, citation style, etc.).
And please do not forget to cite properly if you use my work for your work, because this work was submitted to Turnitin. So, I am pretty sure if you do not cite it well, you will get caught as plagiarism.
Good luck! 😊

ASEAN Plus Three (ASEAN+3) merupakan suatu forum yang berfungsi sebagai koordinator kerja sama an... more ASEAN Plus Three (ASEAN+3) merupakan suatu forum yang berfungsi sebagai koordinator kerja sama antara asosiasi negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan tiga negara Asia Timur, yaitu Cina, Jepang, dan Korea Selatan. Hal ini merupakan bentuk perluasan kerjasama ASEAN. ASEAN+3 mulai digagas pada KTT Informal ASEAN pada Desember 1997 di Malaysia, di mana PM Mahatir Muhammad mencetuskan ide untuk menjalin kerja sama lebih erat antara kawasan Asia Tenggara melalui ASEAN dengan kawasan Asia Timur yang diwakili China, Jepang, dan Korea Selatan. Ide ini kemudian terinstitusionalisasi secara resmi pada 1999 dengan nama ASEAN Plus Three. Untuk memperkuat kinerja, dibentuk pula East Asia Vision Group (EAVG) dan East Asia Study Group (EASG) atas usul Presiden Korea Selatan sebagai kelompok epistemic penunjang rezim ini. Merujuk pada Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation yang disepakati pada 28 November 1999, ASEAN+3 merupakan rezim yang bertujuan sebagai self-help and support mechanisms in East Asia melalui jalinan kerja sama guna memperkuat usaha dalam kegiatan perdagangan, investasi, transfer tekonlogi; mempromosikan kerja sama industri dan pertanian; mempromosikan kegiatan pariwisata; dan lain-lain. Bahkan hingga saat ini tercatat 20 bidang spesifik yang menjadi concern aktifitas ASEAN+3. ASEAN+3 memiliki dua macam pertemuan yang rutin dilakukan, yakni Pertemuan Tingkat Menteri Keuangan dan Pertemuan Informal tingkat Deputi Bank Sentral dan Keuangan Pusat Tiap Negara. Perlu menjadi catatan bahwa dalam usaha bersama ini peran IMF tidak diperhitungkan, tidak seperti usaha penjagaan (surveillance) ekonomi intra-ASEAN yang melibatkan IMF dan institusi multilateral lainnya. Mengapa ASEAN+3? Dalam setiap politik kerja sama internasional tentu terdapat beragam pertimbangan sebelum bertemu pada satu tujuan dan membentuk rezim internasional. Penjelasan mengenai ini dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan rasional design (RD) yang mencakup variable-variable 2 Potongan paper kelompok ASEAN+3 Sebagai Perwujudan Harmony of Interest di Kawasan Asia Tenggara, untuk Mata Kuliah Teori Ilmu Hubungan Internasional (A), HI UGM, tahun ajaran 2009/2010. dependent seperti membership (keanggotaan), scope (lingkup isu yang ter-covered), centralization (berhubungan dengan otoritas, kedaulatan, dan koordinasi negara), control (mekanisme pengambilan keputusan), dan fleksibilitas (rezim ini adASEAN+3if ataukah transformatif). Beberapa variable tersebut dapat dipadukan dengan variable yang independent seperti distribution problems, enforcement problems, number of actors, dan uncertainty (terhadap informasi perilaku, preferensi negara lain). Tujuannya untuk mengetahui sejauh mana orientasi dan pertimbangan rezim ini dibentuk.
Conference Presentations by Davina Azalia Khan

The paper is trying to study and find the relation among globalization and literature... more ABSTRACT
The paper is trying to study and find the relation among globalization and literature, especially on how homogenization happens to teenlit as cultural outcomes in Indonesia. Furthermore, how it can influence the way people communicate or challenge to Bahasa Indonesia as national language.
Starting from the fact in recent 10 years, Indonesian literatures have been developed and started into a new world. The emerging of novel in popular genre or contemporary style has been increasing rapidly. This genre is called teenlit. It might be supported by the new domestic political circumstances. Many scholars argue that the main supporting system after political reformation in Indonesia (1998) has significant implication to the social and cultural aspects. Openness, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression become main issue afterwards. In addition, it decreased the gap of globalization wave that had been developed since late 1980s.
Globalization can be defined as the intensification among social relations. David Held (1999, p. 16) sees globalization is a process fuelled by, and resulting in, increasing cross-border flows of goods, services, money, people, information, and culture, while sociologist Anthony Giddens (1990, p. 64, 1991, p. 21) proposes to regard globalization as a decoupling or “distanciation” between space and time. From the definition above, we can see that globalization is kind of a set of intensification process among social relations around the world that related in easy way. What people do from one region influences another people from other region; even determine what they prefer to do afterwards, in almost all aspects of human life including idea, culture and the outcomes.
Literature is a creative writing contains idea, aesthetic, value, and other cultural aspects. From literature, the writer tells specific ideas and delivers important values to the readers. It creates a process of transferring information and sharing ideas. Furthermore, the readers are possible to tell what they got from the literature to other people. It means literature is something that can be produced, distributed, and consumed. Globalization since along time helped the distribution process from one to another region. In addition, literature can be seen as one of indication how civilization developed well. And it could create kind of standard for writing style where the product from “civilized” region leads the way. It also happens in Indonesian literature. Could it be influence the use of language? Or even social life?
Through finding some characteristics on Indonesian teenlit and the imported one, hopefully this paper is useful to study of globalization, literature, and cultural studies. That how globalization works on literature shifted to homogenization and further implication to the use of Bahasa Indonesia as national language.
Thesis Chapters by Davina Azalia Khan

Indonesia is one of the populous countries in the world, with more than 85% of 260 million people... more Indonesia is one of the populous countries in the world, with more than 85% of 260 million people are Muslims. Politically, as a Muslim majority country, Indonesia is not an Islamic state but a modern democratic country with religious views in its philosophy of national political foundation. The Muslim community itself is diverse in terms of interpretation on Islamic teaching and practices that lead to the emergence of various Muslim groups, moreover in democratic era. This diversity then influences the way to interpret democracy and develop discourse on democracy in every Muslim group. One of the main issues is whether democracy in Indonesia should adopt Western secular democracy concept. Consequently, it also makes the interpretation towards the concept of citizenship becomes complex. Indonesia represents very diverse religious and ethnolinguistic population; a majority are represented as belonging to a diversity of groups within Islam. My aim is to understand how they engage with the ideas of democracy.
This research then seeks to find how Muslims in Indonesia view towards democratic citizenship and how they inculcate it, especially in Muhammadiyah organisation context. Muhammadiyah is one of the oldest and largest mass Islamic organisation in Indonesia that well known with its “moderate Islamic thinking”. It started with a literature review on the general debate of Islam and democracy in the Muslim world, the diverse views in Indonesia, and how they deal with the issue of Islam and democratic citizenship. Furthermore, this study also aims to find how Muhammadiyah inculcates this view in university level. Document analysis research method is chosen to analyse Muhammadiyah’s policy documents and then qualitative content analysis method is used to analyse the university textbooks written by Muhammadiyah higher education institutions.
By searching this view and how they are being inculcated will make an understanding about compatibility of Islam and democratic citizenship, and also emerge new insight for democratic citizenship education for the Muslim community in the world.

Sunshine Policy is one of the most phenomenon reunification policies of South Korea government. T... more Sunshine Policy is one of the most phenomenon reunification policies of South Korea government. The policy opened the new era of inter-Korea relations, especially the government to government relations. It was even caused Kim Dae Jung, as a President and the initiator of the policy, awarded a Nobel Prize for his merit to establish the first Higher Summit among the two Korean leaders. It gained huge attention and compliments from international society. In fact, it was not happened in the domestic level. There were fusses in the society and politics sectors.
Polarization happened among two groups in the parliament, inter and within political parties, among medias, and even in the society. Supporters of Sunshine Policy named as progressive groups (left wing) and the oppositions named as conservative groups (right wing). Generally, the dispute based on polarization towards image of North Korea in the society. The polarization deepened into “ideological” views of the political parties on how policies towards North Korea adopted by the South Korean government. This phenomenon called South – South Conflict.
This thesis is writing to analyse why the conflict happened. Using two main aspects of Sunshine Policy as foreign policy, the sources of policy and the decision making process. Both of the aspects are influenced by the political culture of South Korean. Thus, the analysis will explain more on how the political culture affected the polarization and South-South Conflict.
Books by Davina Azalia Khan
Buku ini mencoba untuk memberikan gambaran tentang sistem pendidikan vokasi di Inggris
Papers by Davina Azalia Khan
This is an essay I submitted as remedial essay on final assignment for the aforementioned module.
I received B as the result mark of this essay, meanwhile this essay was the only marking point for the module. I received comment from the examiner that it is too close with report style rather than essay, over-reliant on single sources & leading to summary, and some paragraphs are not connected to each other.
It maybe not a good essay, but I hope you’ll still find it useful to read it and learn from my mistake to avoid bad essay in any aspects (i.e. delivering argument, lexical aspects, citation style, using broader references/sources, etc.).
And please do not forget to cite properly if you use my work for your work, because this work was submitted to Turnitin. So, I am pretty sure if you do not cite it well, you will get caught as plagiarism.
Good luck! 😊
How deep globalization affect local society and how it generates challenges to human development acceleration (i.e. education, health and social welfare) in local society terms, are the main research questions of the paper.
* This paper was presented at 2011 Indonesia Focus Conference (May, 28-29) in the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
This is an essay I submitted as final assignment for the aforementioned module.
I received C as the result mark of this essay, meanwhile this essay was the only marking point for the module. It is truly not a good essay, and it is also my first essay submitted on my Master journey. However, I hope you’ll still find it useful to read it and learn from my mistake to avoid bad essay in any aspects (i.e. delivering argument, citation style, etc.).
And please do not forget to cite properly if you use my work for your work, because this work was submitted to Turnitin. So, I am pretty sure if you do not cite it well, you will get caught as plagiarism.
Good luck! 😊
Conference Presentations by Davina Azalia Khan
The paper is trying to study and find the relation among globalization and literature, especially on how homogenization happens to teenlit as cultural outcomes in Indonesia. Furthermore, how it can influence the way people communicate or challenge to Bahasa Indonesia as national language.
Starting from the fact in recent 10 years, Indonesian literatures have been developed and started into a new world. The emerging of novel in popular genre or contemporary style has been increasing rapidly. This genre is called teenlit. It might be supported by the new domestic political circumstances. Many scholars argue that the main supporting system after political reformation in Indonesia (1998) has significant implication to the social and cultural aspects. Openness, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression become main issue afterwards. In addition, it decreased the gap of globalization wave that had been developed since late 1980s.
Globalization can be defined as the intensification among social relations. David Held (1999, p. 16) sees globalization is a process fuelled by, and resulting in, increasing cross-border flows of goods, services, money, people, information, and culture, while sociologist Anthony Giddens (1990, p. 64, 1991, p. 21) proposes to regard globalization as a decoupling or “distanciation” between space and time. From the definition above, we can see that globalization is kind of a set of intensification process among social relations around the world that related in easy way. What people do from one region influences another people from other region; even determine what they prefer to do afterwards, in almost all aspects of human life including idea, culture and the outcomes.
Literature is a creative writing contains idea, aesthetic, value, and other cultural aspects. From literature, the writer tells specific ideas and delivers important values to the readers. It creates a process of transferring information and sharing ideas. Furthermore, the readers are possible to tell what they got from the literature to other people. It means literature is something that can be produced, distributed, and consumed. Globalization since along time helped the distribution process from one to another region. In addition, literature can be seen as one of indication how civilization developed well. And it could create kind of standard for writing style where the product from “civilized” region leads the way. It also happens in Indonesian literature. Could it be influence the use of language? Or even social life?
Through finding some characteristics on Indonesian teenlit and the imported one, hopefully this paper is useful to study of globalization, literature, and cultural studies. That how globalization works on literature shifted to homogenization and further implication to the use of Bahasa Indonesia as national language.
Thesis Chapters by Davina Azalia Khan
This research then seeks to find how Muslims in Indonesia view towards democratic citizenship and how they inculcate it, especially in Muhammadiyah organisation context. Muhammadiyah is one of the oldest and largest mass Islamic organisation in Indonesia that well known with its “moderate Islamic thinking”. It started with a literature review on the general debate of Islam and democracy in the Muslim world, the diverse views in Indonesia, and how they deal with the issue of Islam and democratic citizenship. Furthermore, this study also aims to find how Muhammadiyah inculcates this view in university level. Document analysis research method is chosen to analyse Muhammadiyah’s policy documents and then qualitative content analysis method is used to analyse the university textbooks written by Muhammadiyah higher education institutions.
By searching this view and how they are being inculcated will make an understanding about compatibility of Islam and democratic citizenship, and also emerge new insight for democratic citizenship education for the Muslim community in the world.
Polarization happened among two groups in the parliament, inter and within political parties, among medias, and even in the society. Supporters of Sunshine Policy named as progressive groups (left wing) and the oppositions named as conservative groups (right wing). Generally, the dispute based on polarization towards image of North Korea in the society. The polarization deepened into “ideological” views of the political parties on how policies towards North Korea adopted by the South Korean government. This phenomenon called South – South Conflict.
This thesis is writing to analyse why the conflict happened. Using two main aspects of Sunshine Policy as foreign policy, the sources of policy and the decision making process. Both of the aspects are influenced by the political culture of South Korean. Thus, the analysis will explain more on how the political culture affected the polarization and South-South Conflict.
Books by Davina Azalia Khan
This is an essay I submitted as remedial essay on final assignment for the aforementioned module.
I received B as the result mark of this essay, meanwhile this essay was the only marking point for the module. I received comment from the examiner that it is too close with report style rather than essay, over-reliant on single sources & leading to summary, and some paragraphs are not connected to each other.
It maybe not a good essay, but I hope you’ll still find it useful to read it and learn from my mistake to avoid bad essay in any aspects (i.e. delivering argument, lexical aspects, citation style, using broader references/sources, etc.).
And please do not forget to cite properly if you use my work for your work, because this work was submitted to Turnitin. So, I am pretty sure if you do not cite it well, you will get caught as plagiarism.
Good luck! 😊
How deep globalization affect local society and how it generates challenges to human development acceleration (i.e. education, health and social welfare) in local society terms, are the main research questions of the paper.
* This paper was presented at 2011 Indonesia Focus Conference (May, 28-29) in the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
This is an essay I submitted as final assignment for the aforementioned module.
I received C as the result mark of this essay, meanwhile this essay was the only marking point for the module. It is truly not a good essay, and it is also my first essay submitted on my Master journey. However, I hope you’ll still find it useful to read it and learn from my mistake to avoid bad essay in any aspects (i.e. delivering argument, citation style, etc.).
And please do not forget to cite properly if you use my work for your work, because this work was submitted to Turnitin. So, I am pretty sure if you do not cite it well, you will get caught as plagiarism.
Good luck! 😊
The paper is trying to study and find the relation among globalization and literature, especially on how homogenization happens to teenlit as cultural outcomes in Indonesia. Furthermore, how it can influence the way people communicate or challenge to Bahasa Indonesia as national language.
Starting from the fact in recent 10 years, Indonesian literatures have been developed and started into a new world. The emerging of novel in popular genre or contemporary style has been increasing rapidly. This genre is called teenlit. It might be supported by the new domestic political circumstances. Many scholars argue that the main supporting system after political reformation in Indonesia (1998) has significant implication to the social and cultural aspects. Openness, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression become main issue afterwards. In addition, it decreased the gap of globalization wave that had been developed since late 1980s.
Globalization can be defined as the intensification among social relations. David Held (1999, p. 16) sees globalization is a process fuelled by, and resulting in, increasing cross-border flows of goods, services, money, people, information, and culture, while sociologist Anthony Giddens (1990, p. 64, 1991, p. 21) proposes to regard globalization as a decoupling or “distanciation” between space and time. From the definition above, we can see that globalization is kind of a set of intensification process among social relations around the world that related in easy way. What people do from one region influences another people from other region; even determine what they prefer to do afterwards, in almost all aspects of human life including idea, culture and the outcomes.
Literature is a creative writing contains idea, aesthetic, value, and other cultural aspects. From literature, the writer tells specific ideas and delivers important values to the readers. It creates a process of transferring information and sharing ideas. Furthermore, the readers are possible to tell what they got from the literature to other people. It means literature is something that can be produced, distributed, and consumed. Globalization since along time helped the distribution process from one to another region. In addition, literature can be seen as one of indication how civilization developed well. And it could create kind of standard for writing style where the product from “civilized” region leads the way. It also happens in Indonesian literature. Could it be influence the use of language? Or even social life?
Through finding some characteristics on Indonesian teenlit and the imported one, hopefully this paper is useful to study of globalization, literature, and cultural studies. That how globalization works on literature shifted to homogenization and further implication to the use of Bahasa Indonesia as national language.
This research then seeks to find how Muslims in Indonesia view towards democratic citizenship and how they inculcate it, especially in Muhammadiyah organisation context. Muhammadiyah is one of the oldest and largest mass Islamic organisation in Indonesia that well known with its “moderate Islamic thinking”. It started with a literature review on the general debate of Islam and democracy in the Muslim world, the diverse views in Indonesia, and how they deal with the issue of Islam and democratic citizenship. Furthermore, this study also aims to find how Muhammadiyah inculcates this view in university level. Document analysis research method is chosen to analyse Muhammadiyah’s policy documents and then qualitative content analysis method is used to analyse the university textbooks written by Muhammadiyah higher education institutions.
By searching this view and how they are being inculcated will make an understanding about compatibility of Islam and democratic citizenship, and also emerge new insight for democratic citizenship education for the Muslim community in the world.
Polarization happened among two groups in the parliament, inter and within political parties, among medias, and even in the society. Supporters of Sunshine Policy named as progressive groups (left wing) and the oppositions named as conservative groups (right wing). Generally, the dispute based on polarization towards image of North Korea in the society. The polarization deepened into “ideological” views of the political parties on how policies towards North Korea adopted by the South Korean government. This phenomenon called South – South Conflict.
This thesis is writing to analyse why the conflict happened. Using two main aspects of Sunshine Policy as foreign policy, the sources of policy and the decision making process. Both of the aspects are influenced by the political culture of South Korean. Thus, the analysis will explain more on how the political culture affected the polarization and South-South Conflict.