Thesis Chapters by Ayse Gur-Geden

The global spread of English has led to the commodification of the language in the neoliberal cap... more The global spread of English has led to the commodification of the language in the neoliberal capitalist economy. As a result, global textbooks are designed to maintain the power structure by promoting an idealized lifestyle, reproducing stereotypes and excluding the marginalized groups such as the Gypsies, the poor and the disabled. Inspired by the Brazilian Marxist progressive educator Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy (CP) theorists and practitioners argue that education is never neutral. Therefore, CP aims to liberate learners by questioning the status quo, to expose various kinds of discrimination, to give voice to the voiceless and to empower local knowledge. This study focuses on the theory and the practice of CP in my local context in Turkey. My experiences, observations, analysis of many textbooks and curricula as a student and an EFL instructor have pushed me to question the pedagogy and the materials employed in Turkey for a long time. In this dissertation, I argue that critical evaluation of the textbooks, qualitative data obtained from the teachers during interviews, and the materials developed by using the research data can contribute to the positive educational and social change CP aims. Findings from this study indicate that the content of textbooks used in this specific context in Turkey are quite sanitized and regulated, without any reference to local issues and global problems borne out of the economic, social and political systems. Teachers interviewed have expressed their discontent with the materials and the passive role of students in the education system, their desire to change the traditional pedagogy, and the attempts they have made. While the findings of this study should be treated with caution (due to the focus on a limited context and small number of participants), implications for EFL teachers are that they should critically analyse and evaluate their teaching contexts, issues and needs of the students to better grasp how CP may work in adaptation of the textbooks and developing materials in order to free their learners’ minds and actions from the influence of hegemonic powers.
The basic objective of this thesis is to explore the social conflict in Istanbul's Kumkapi distri... more The basic objective of this thesis is to explore the social conflict in Istanbul's Kumkapi district between the internal migrants from Eastern and South Eastern Anatolia and the African asylum seekers, in order to analyze the relationship between the groups, the perceptions of both sides about each other, and their problems. Firstly, the thesis covers migration theories, relevant terminology, international migration movements, important institutions and judicial texts.
In Cristina Garcia's Dreaming in Cuban and Bharati Mukherjee's
Desirable Daughters, though the s... more In Cristina Garcia's Dreaming in Cuban and Bharati Mukherjee's
Desirable Daughters, though the settings, historical events and cultural backdrops are different, the experiences are the same. Binary oppositions such as home/exile, matriarchy/patriarchy, and first generation/hybrid one and a half generation are dealt with in both of the works from a collective female perspective in seemingly individual narratives, comparing and contrasting the native land and United States, and picturing how these places shaped the lives of three generations.
Journal Papers by Ayse Gur-Geden

Intercultural Education, 2022
The paper focuses on the importance of Internationalisation at Home, access and support mechanism... more The paper focuses on the importance of Internationalisation at Home, access and support mechanisms which are provided and co-created by students and university departments to encourage sanctuary scholarship. The paper gives particular attention to activities that encourage meaningful interaction with local communities and widen international participation of marginalised groups, such as students from the global south and asylum seeker communities. The paper presents two case studies. The first case study focuses on a student-led project developed by the students and staff of Canterbury Christ Church University. The second case study projects students’ voices from the global south and refugee communities at The University of Kent and University College London (UCL). The experiences of these students highlight the importance of welcoming and supporting students from marginalised backgrounds. They also demonstrate the need for both curriculum-based and co-curricular activity and student services which provided tailored support and encouragement.

Due to its geographical position, Turkey has long been regarded by immigrants as a transit and de... more Due to its geographical position, Turkey has long been regarded by immigrants as a transit and destination
country. Among these immigrants, the most noticeable, due to their skin color are the African asylum seekers.
Though the majority of African asylum seekers ultimately aim to settle in Europe and other First World
countries, they need to earn a living during their stay in Turkey. As this research shows, they are typically
employed in various sectors of the informal economy, doing less desirable jobs, and are commonly victims of
fraud and abuse. This article addresses the issues of the workplace discrimination and exploitation they face,
noting racist attitudes, sexual and physical harassment, and the group’s helplessness and vulnerability. We
first examine irregular and transit migration to Turkey, focusing on asylum seekers. Next, to portray Turkey’s
image among them and explain their reasons for the migration from Africa to Turkey, we explore political
and economic relations between Turkey and African countries. We then present and discuss the findings of
the research. Finally, we offer solutions to the problems African asylum seekers face and report suggestions
for improving their conditions.
This article was published in 2008 as a part of the journal "Musikisinas", published by Bogazici... more This article was published in 2008 as a part of the journal "Musikisinas", published by Bogazici University Classical Turkish Music Club. It was written in Turkish and includes examples of the original Ottoman texts.
The article explores the life of a prominent women Composer: Leyla Saz. You can find examples of her work, ideas and memories; as well as some crucial information about the daily life, education and customs in Harem.
Conference Presentations by Ayse Gur-Geden

This study explores the conflict of interests in Istanbul’s Kumkapi district between the Kurdish ... more This study explores the conflict of interests in Istanbul’s Kumkapi district between the Kurdish migrants from
Eastern/South Eastern Anatolia and the African asylum seekers. While the survey with the Kurdish citizens
reveal the assumptions and attitudes about the African asylum seekers in the area, in-depth interviews
conducted with the Africans reveal their ideas about the locals and specific difficulties faced as black people
in Turkey. The analysis of Kumkapi research shows frequent examples of xeno-racism (a peculiar
combination of racism and xenophobia) as a result of the conflict. Therefore, the article aims to portray the
internal migrants residing at Kumkapi area both as victims and perpetrators, while expressing their
complaints and reactions. Regarding the increasing number of asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey, in
order to prevent the problems spread, permanent solutions will be offered and discussed.
Keywords: Internal migration, international migration, illegal migration, asylum seekers, Africa, Xeno-racism,
Papers by Ayse Gur-Geden

This report examines student mobility from various countries and regions to Turkey with regard to... more This report examines student mobility from various countries and regions to Turkey with regard to the trends, rationales, policies implemented by Turkey’s higher education institutions (HEIs) and the outcomes of the scheme.
The report addresses the representatives of Turkey’s higher education (HE) and stakeholders in HEIs to propose measures to increase Turkey’s attractiveness as a destination country. It may also benefit governments, education institutions, students and families in source countries from which international students hail to receive education in Turkey. The report is based on the review of the literature and research on globalisation, internationalisation of higher education (IoHE) and student mobility vis-à-vis the implications of these processes for Turkey. Besides these sources, the policy recommendations presented in the final section of the report are formulated from the author’s three-month long ethnographic research which has included observations at various HEIs, field notes across social and academic spaces where international student are engaged, interviews conducted with international as well as local students, institutional stakeholders, state officials and the representatives of non-governmental organizations, and the analysis of relevant documents.
The Introduction part introduces the definition of the key terminology employed in the report. It also captures the link between globalization, internationalization of higher education (IoHE) and inward student mobility. The second part titled Globalisation and Reconfiguration in Turkey’s Higher Education Policies tackles with the impact of globalization that has led Turkey to implement major changes in higher education policies and practices, which has eventually paved way to an increasing internationalization trend and student mobility. Next section, Internationalisation of Turkey’s Higher Education and Rationales for Inward Student Mobility, explains Turkey’s expectations from incoming students and the political, economic and cultural diplomacy advantages it brings. It also introduces key institutions involved and their function and role in student recruitment strategies. The fourth part focusing on Trends: Student Mobility from Strategic Regions introduces which countries and regions Turkey attracts highest number of students and why. It also explains on Turkey’s focus on strategic regions such as Africa, Balkans and Middle East with their specific dynamics and meanings. Finally, Looking into Future and Areas for Improvement presents a number of suggestions for policymakers and higher education institutions.

Türkiye, coğrafi konumundan dolayı göçmenler için hem bir geçiş hem de hedef ülke olarak algılanm... more Türkiye, coğrafi konumundan dolayı göçmenler için hem bir geçiş hem de hedef ülke olarak algılanmaktadır.
Bu göçmenler arasında en belirginleri deri renklerinden ötürü Afrikalı sığınmacılardır. Avrupa’yı ya da geliş-
miş dünya ülkelerini nihai hedef olarak tayin etseler de Afrikalı sığınmacılar Türkiye’de bulundukları süre
zarfında geçimlerini sağlamak durumundadırlar. Kayıt dışı ekonominin çeşitli sektörlerinde ve çalışma şartlarının
iyi olmadığı işlerde istihdam edilen Afrikalılar, çoğu zaman tacize ve dolandırıcılığa maruz kalmaktadırlar.
Bu makale, Afrikalıların iş yerinde karşılaştıkları ayrımcılığı ve sömürüyü ele almakta; ırkçı tutumların,
fiziksel ve cinsel tacizlerin yanı sıra grubun çaresizliğinin ve savunmasızlığının altını çizmektedir. Makalede,
öncelikle sığınmacılara odaklanılarak düzensiz ve geçiş göçü incelenmektedir. İkinci olarak, Afrikalı sığınmacıların
Türkiye algılarını ortaya koymak ve Türkiye’ye göç nedenlerini incelemek maksadıyla, Türkiye ve
Afrika arasındaki politik ve ekonomik ilişkiler ele alınmaktadır. Ardından araştırmanın bulguları sunulmakta
ve tartışılmaktadır. Son olarak, Afrikalı sığınmacıların karşılaştıkları problemlere yönelik birtakım çözüm
önerileri ve mevcut durumlarını iyileştirmek için politika tavsiyeleri sunulmaktadır.

Due to its geographical position, Turkey has long been regarded by immigrants as a transit and de... more Due to its geographical position, Turkey has long been regarded by immigrants as a transit and destination country. Among these immigrants, the most noticeable, due to their skin color are the African asylum seekers. Though the majority of African asylum seekers ultimately aim to settle in Europe and other First World countries, they need to earn a living during their stay in Turkey. As this research shows, they are typically employed in various sectors of the informal economy, doing less desirable jobs, and are commonly victims of fraud and abuse. This article addresses the issues of the workplace discrimination and exploitation they face, noting racist attitudes, sexual and physical harassment, and the group' s helplessness and vulnerability. We first examine irregular and transit migration to Turkey, focusing on asylum seekers. Next, to portray Turkey' s image among them and explain their reasons for the migration from Africa to Turkey, we explore political and economic relations between Turkey and African countries. We then present and discuss the findings of the research. Finally, we offer solutions to the problems African asylum seekers face and report suggestions for improving their conditions.
Thesis Chapters by Ayse Gur-Geden
Desirable Daughters, though the settings, historical events and cultural backdrops are different, the experiences are the same. Binary oppositions such as home/exile, matriarchy/patriarchy, and first generation/hybrid one and a half generation are dealt with in both of the works from a collective female perspective in seemingly individual narratives, comparing and contrasting the native land and United States, and picturing how these places shaped the lives of three generations.
Journal Papers by Ayse Gur-Geden
country. Among these immigrants, the most noticeable, due to their skin color are the African asylum seekers.
Though the majority of African asylum seekers ultimately aim to settle in Europe and other First World
countries, they need to earn a living during their stay in Turkey. As this research shows, they are typically
employed in various sectors of the informal economy, doing less desirable jobs, and are commonly victims of
fraud and abuse. This article addresses the issues of the workplace discrimination and exploitation they face,
noting racist attitudes, sexual and physical harassment, and the group’s helplessness and vulnerability. We
first examine irregular and transit migration to Turkey, focusing on asylum seekers. Next, to portray Turkey’s
image among them and explain their reasons for the migration from Africa to Turkey, we explore political
and economic relations between Turkey and African countries. We then present and discuss the findings of
the research. Finally, we offer solutions to the problems African asylum seekers face and report suggestions
for improving their conditions.
The article explores the life of a prominent women Composer: Leyla Saz. You can find examples of her work, ideas and memories; as well as some crucial information about the daily life, education and customs in Harem.
Conference Presentations by Ayse Gur-Geden
Eastern/South Eastern Anatolia and the African asylum seekers. While the survey with the Kurdish citizens
reveal the assumptions and attitudes about the African asylum seekers in the area, in-depth interviews
conducted with the Africans reveal their ideas about the locals and specific difficulties faced as black people
in Turkey. The analysis of Kumkapi research shows frequent examples of xeno-racism (a peculiar
combination of racism and xenophobia) as a result of the conflict. Therefore, the article aims to portray the
internal migrants residing at Kumkapi area both as victims and perpetrators, while expressing their
complaints and reactions. Regarding the increasing number of asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey, in
order to prevent the problems spread, permanent solutions will be offered and discussed.
Keywords: Internal migration, international migration, illegal migration, asylum seekers, Africa, Xeno-racism,
Papers by Ayse Gur-Geden
The report addresses the representatives of Turkey’s higher education (HE) and stakeholders in HEIs to propose measures to increase Turkey’s attractiveness as a destination country. It may also benefit governments, education institutions, students and families in source countries from which international students hail to receive education in Turkey. The report is based on the review of the literature and research on globalisation, internationalisation of higher education (IoHE) and student mobility vis-à-vis the implications of these processes for Turkey. Besides these sources, the policy recommendations presented in the final section of the report are formulated from the author’s three-month long ethnographic research which has included observations at various HEIs, field notes across social and academic spaces where international student are engaged, interviews conducted with international as well as local students, institutional stakeholders, state officials and the representatives of non-governmental organizations, and the analysis of relevant documents.
The Introduction part introduces the definition of the key terminology employed in the report. It also captures the link between globalization, internationalization of higher education (IoHE) and inward student mobility. The second part titled Globalisation and Reconfiguration in Turkey’s Higher Education Policies tackles with the impact of globalization that has led Turkey to implement major changes in higher education policies and practices, which has eventually paved way to an increasing internationalization trend and student mobility. Next section, Internationalisation of Turkey’s Higher Education and Rationales for Inward Student Mobility, explains Turkey’s expectations from incoming students and the political, economic and cultural diplomacy advantages it brings. It also introduces key institutions involved and their function and role in student recruitment strategies. The fourth part focusing on Trends: Student Mobility from Strategic Regions introduces which countries and regions Turkey attracts highest number of students and why. It also explains on Turkey’s focus on strategic regions such as Africa, Balkans and Middle East with their specific dynamics and meanings. Finally, Looking into Future and Areas for Improvement presents a number of suggestions for policymakers and higher education institutions.
Bu göçmenler arasında en belirginleri deri renklerinden ötürü Afrikalı sığınmacılardır. Avrupa’yı ya da geliş-
miş dünya ülkelerini nihai hedef olarak tayin etseler de Afrikalı sığınmacılar Türkiye’de bulundukları süre
zarfında geçimlerini sağlamak durumundadırlar. Kayıt dışı ekonominin çeşitli sektörlerinde ve çalışma şartlarının
iyi olmadığı işlerde istihdam edilen Afrikalılar, çoğu zaman tacize ve dolandırıcılığa maruz kalmaktadırlar.
Bu makale, Afrikalıların iş yerinde karşılaştıkları ayrımcılığı ve sömürüyü ele almakta; ırkçı tutumların,
fiziksel ve cinsel tacizlerin yanı sıra grubun çaresizliğinin ve savunmasızlığının altını çizmektedir. Makalede,
öncelikle sığınmacılara odaklanılarak düzensiz ve geçiş göçü incelenmektedir. İkinci olarak, Afrikalı sığınmacıların
Türkiye algılarını ortaya koymak ve Türkiye’ye göç nedenlerini incelemek maksadıyla, Türkiye ve
Afrika arasındaki politik ve ekonomik ilişkiler ele alınmaktadır. Ardından araştırmanın bulguları sunulmakta
ve tartışılmaktadır. Son olarak, Afrikalı sığınmacıların karşılaştıkları problemlere yönelik birtakım çözüm
önerileri ve mevcut durumlarını iyileştirmek için politika tavsiyeleri sunulmaktadır.
Desirable Daughters, though the settings, historical events and cultural backdrops are different, the experiences are the same. Binary oppositions such as home/exile, matriarchy/patriarchy, and first generation/hybrid one and a half generation are dealt with in both of the works from a collective female perspective in seemingly individual narratives, comparing and contrasting the native land and United States, and picturing how these places shaped the lives of three generations.
country. Among these immigrants, the most noticeable, due to their skin color are the African asylum seekers.
Though the majority of African asylum seekers ultimately aim to settle in Europe and other First World
countries, they need to earn a living during their stay in Turkey. As this research shows, they are typically
employed in various sectors of the informal economy, doing less desirable jobs, and are commonly victims of
fraud and abuse. This article addresses the issues of the workplace discrimination and exploitation they face,
noting racist attitudes, sexual and physical harassment, and the group’s helplessness and vulnerability. We
first examine irregular and transit migration to Turkey, focusing on asylum seekers. Next, to portray Turkey’s
image among them and explain their reasons for the migration from Africa to Turkey, we explore political
and economic relations between Turkey and African countries. We then present and discuss the findings of
the research. Finally, we offer solutions to the problems African asylum seekers face and report suggestions
for improving their conditions.
The article explores the life of a prominent women Composer: Leyla Saz. You can find examples of her work, ideas and memories; as well as some crucial information about the daily life, education and customs in Harem.
Eastern/South Eastern Anatolia and the African asylum seekers. While the survey with the Kurdish citizens
reveal the assumptions and attitudes about the African asylum seekers in the area, in-depth interviews
conducted with the Africans reveal their ideas about the locals and specific difficulties faced as black people
in Turkey. The analysis of Kumkapi research shows frequent examples of xeno-racism (a peculiar
combination of racism and xenophobia) as a result of the conflict. Therefore, the article aims to portray the
internal migrants residing at Kumkapi area both as victims and perpetrators, while expressing their
complaints and reactions. Regarding the increasing number of asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey, in
order to prevent the problems spread, permanent solutions will be offered and discussed.
Keywords: Internal migration, international migration, illegal migration, asylum seekers, Africa, Xeno-racism,
The report addresses the representatives of Turkey’s higher education (HE) and stakeholders in HEIs to propose measures to increase Turkey’s attractiveness as a destination country. It may also benefit governments, education institutions, students and families in source countries from which international students hail to receive education in Turkey. The report is based on the review of the literature and research on globalisation, internationalisation of higher education (IoHE) and student mobility vis-à-vis the implications of these processes for Turkey. Besides these sources, the policy recommendations presented in the final section of the report are formulated from the author’s three-month long ethnographic research which has included observations at various HEIs, field notes across social and academic spaces where international student are engaged, interviews conducted with international as well as local students, institutional stakeholders, state officials and the representatives of non-governmental organizations, and the analysis of relevant documents.
The Introduction part introduces the definition of the key terminology employed in the report. It also captures the link between globalization, internationalization of higher education (IoHE) and inward student mobility. The second part titled Globalisation and Reconfiguration in Turkey’s Higher Education Policies tackles with the impact of globalization that has led Turkey to implement major changes in higher education policies and practices, which has eventually paved way to an increasing internationalization trend and student mobility. Next section, Internationalisation of Turkey’s Higher Education and Rationales for Inward Student Mobility, explains Turkey’s expectations from incoming students and the political, economic and cultural diplomacy advantages it brings. It also introduces key institutions involved and their function and role in student recruitment strategies. The fourth part focusing on Trends: Student Mobility from Strategic Regions introduces which countries and regions Turkey attracts highest number of students and why. It also explains on Turkey’s focus on strategic regions such as Africa, Balkans and Middle East with their specific dynamics and meanings. Finally, Looking into Future and Areas for Improvement presents a number of suggestions for policymakers and higher education institutions.
Bu göçmenler arasında en belirginleri deri renklerinden ötürü Afrikalı sığınmacılardır. Avrupa’yı ya da geliş-
miş dünya ülkelerini nihai hedef olarak tayin etseler de Afrikalı sığınmacılar Türkiye’de bulundukları süre
zarfında geçimlerini sağlamak durumundadırlar. Kayıt dışı ekonominin çeşitli sektörlerinde ve çalışma şartlarının
iyi olmadığı işlerde istihdam edilen Afrikalılar, çoğu zaman tacize ve dolandırıcılığa maruz kalmaktadırlar.
Bu makale, Afrikalıların iş yerinde karşılaştıkları ayrımcılığı ve sömürüyü ele almakta; ırkçı tutumların,
fiziksel ve cinsel tacizlerin yanı sıra grubun çaresizliğinin ve savunmasızlığının altını çizmektedir. Makalede,
öncelikle sığınmacılara odaklanılarak düzensiz ve geçiş göçü incelenmektedir. İkinci olarak, Afrikalı sığınmacıların
Türkiye algılarını ortaya koymak ve Türkiye’ye göç nedenlerini incelemek maksadıyla, Türkiye ve
Afrika arasındaki politik ve ekonomik ilişkiler ele alınmaktadır. Ardından araştırmanın bulguları sunulmakta
ve tartışılmaktadır. Son olarak, Afrikalı sığınmacıların karşılaştıkları problemlere yönelik birtakım çözüm
önerileri ve mevcut durumlarını iyileştirmek için politika tavsiyeleri sunulmaktadır.