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Journal created:
on 18 June 2002 (#598950)
on 18 January 2010
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This is a community for those who are interested in investment, for beginners, experts, and anything in between. The hope is that those of you who are advanced would be so gracious as to share a little investment advice with the beginners. This community can also be used to post money management information and questions, such as about budgeting, about your credit report and credit ratings, loans, credit cards, etc.

Do NOT spam with get rich quick schemes, pyramid schemes and the like. This is also not a conspiracy theory community or a community interested in judging companies' moral standards, although feel free to ask if any of the members know of where to find information about a companies charitable history, etc. The moderator(s) will feel free to delete any post as necessary and remove posting access by the offending member. The moderator(s) also feel free to change community rules as necessary.

The recommended format to introduce yourself is:
Why are you interested in investing?
Are you a beginner or advanced investor?
If you have any experience, what particular investment area is it in? (i.e. stocks, bonds, CDs, etc...) Would you be okay answering questions that others might have for you?
Useful investment site(s) (if any):
Favorite form of investment:
