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Inuyasha Lovers

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(no subject) [Aug. 21st, 2010|09:07 pm]
Inuyasha Lovers

[1 - 28] Full Moon O Sageshite ~Mitsuki~
[1 - 25] Bleach ~Ukitake~
[1 - 6] Bleach ~Rukia~
[1 - 21] Bleach ~Hinamori~
[1 - 11] Bleach ~Gen~
[1 - 73] Bleach ~Musical~
[1 - 23] Inuyasha ~Kanna~
[1 - 6] Hikaru No Go ~Sai~
[1 - 8] APH ~Egypt~
[1 - 4] Black Jack ~Kuroo~

"Follow the faaaake link that was planed by Aizen."
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JOTILWO - inu fanfic [Apr. 30th, 2008|10:06 pm]
Inuyasha Lovers

[mood |restlessrestless]

Title: Journy Of Two In Love With One
Length: 1/?
Genre: General/Romance/Angst
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Warnings: KogaxKagome slightly
Pairings: main - inukag others kogakagome
Summary: Kagome's feeling lonely Inuyasha has been off visiting Kikyo and she doesn't feel needed anymore

A/N: Written forever ago. Haven't reread in awhile. I hope its good. :) Review please!

( Chapter 1: )

( Chapter 2: )

( Chapter 3: )

( Chapter 4: )
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Yo. [Sep. 22nd, 2007|10:27 am]
Inuyasha Lovers

[mood |sadsad]
[music |Sadness And Sorrow]

Hi.Gais im new.My sister is twitchytwitch and my mom is Bele_vie So hi.
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(no subject) [Aug. 13th, 2005|02:08 pm]
Inuyasha Lovers

Come Join kouga_stills, a stills community for Kouga, from Inuyasha!
Still a fairly new community, in need of members!
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(no subject) [Aug. 6th, 2005|11:30 am]
Inuyasha Lovers

[mood |creative]
[music |My will]

just ome of a fanfuc from my sick perverted mind.......

I was gathering my clothes as I stepped out of the spring. Then a man came out of the bushes with a smile on his face. O M F G I thought while letting out a shrill scream.
“What the *Censored* is your problem,” I shirked while snatching my bow and arrows. After tugging on my kimono I started the pursuit. “Am I some kind of show for you pervert? How long were you there? Who are you?” This all came flying out of my mouth as I fired arrows at him while running like hell.
“Please…. Stop! ” He screamed as he tried to dodge the arrows. I did so hoping that focusing my energy on running instead of aiming would help my efforts.
“Just who the hell do you think you are,” I asked while hogtying him. “Spying on me like that is not a good thing do!”
“My name is Miroku. Please forgive me. I was just um…….” He tried to lie his way out of trouble. My green eyes gave a piercing cold stare.
“Ok Miroku. That still doesn’t answer my other questions. How long were you there? Why were you there? And last…. What do you want with me?”
“I was there shortly before you got some berries out of your things. I was gathering firewood and well I couldn’t resist myself. Who are you? And um… Would you mind bearing my child?” He trailed off.
“I’m Akeya… and I didn’t hear the last part.” I asked fearing the answer.
“Akeya would you bear my child?”
“What do YOU think?” My voice cracked.
“Untie me and we can make it happen!” he said eagerly.
“Hell NO!” I shot at back.
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(no subject) [Jul. 28th, 2005|07:30 pm]
Inuyasha Lovers

Yeah... aaa...
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(no subject) [Jun. 30th, 2005|02:02 pm]
Inuyasha Lovers
If this isn't allowed I'll delete it right away!!!
Image hosted by
Come join inuyasha_itest, an Inuyasha icontest/challenge community.
This is NOT and icontest for all the characters, but strictly for Inu Yasha himself!
Pit your icons up against one another in a challenge, then everybody votes! FUN!
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(no subject) [Jun. 17th, 2005|05:06 am]
Inuyasha Lovers

[mood |depressedstill depressed]
[music |Every heart... *sigh*]

OH! I also wanted to know how you can change the thing from post comment to something you want to say... and the background... can someone help me out?
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(no subject) [Jun. 17th, 2005|05:04 am]
Inuyasha Lovers

[mood |depresseddepressed]
[music |Every Heart]

Hey people, I am new to this community. But I am not new to Inuyasha. I love Inuyasha... but anyways... I don't know.. see ya....
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(no subject) [Jun. 15th, 2005|10:28 pm]
Inuyasha Lovers

[mood |okayokay]
[music |green day: holiday]

ok here is some of my fanfic it's in 3rd person so yeah

You go for a walk. You need to think. You take so mutch time to help others yet they are jackasses to you. Lost in thought you don't realize somthing is in your way until you step on it. You look down and nearley scream. It's a woman. She is unconsious. You grab the stuff surounding her then herself to take them to your cave. She needs medical attentoin. She looked rather odd. Her skirt was gren and short. Her shirt had a giant bow red on the front. You got to the cave you fixed her leg and mended other bones. You wondered what did this to her. It couldn't get out of your mind. You were close to being done then she woke up. She saw you and how you were a demon.

here's the link
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