Women In Love With Women — LiveJournal
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Intriguing women

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Okay, some things. My name is Digi ...Collapse )if you're at all interested in ramblings on myself and my family, click hereCollapse )
Current Location:
in my head
Current Mood:
cynical cynical
Current Music:
the postal service - beggining half of their only studio album
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Question: What's your biggest turn off both physically and personality wise? (If it's not already self explanatory, go ahead, explain why!)

Personality turn offs-laziness, neediness, insecurity, obsessive, too "forward" (especially in the beginning unless I'm feeling the same vibe, so we're going off each others vibes) dumb, close-minded, snobby, self-centered, ...the list does go on =/
Physical turn offs-bad hygiene, doesn't take care of herself, bad hair, rough high maintenance "looking"
Current Mood:
amused amused
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What do you want out of life?

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Question: Do you believe there is just one "one and only one" for everyone, or do you believe you can fall in love with more than just one person throughout one lifetime?
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hello lovely ladies :)
i'm very happy at the moment, not going out with my ex anymore (long story) and i got to kiss a beautiful girl on friday night :D
i was searching youtube and found this, so i thought id share, coz it's relevant, and she's gorgeous, so you need to watch :)

i hope this link works, let me know :)
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So, my name is Hannah, and i am 18. This looks like a great community, you guys seem like the perfect people to help me out :)


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Hi everyone :) I'm Missy
broke up w/ a girlfriend a few weeks ago
anyway, I'm lookin forward to getting to know
you all :)
Current Location:
my room
Current Mood:
Current Music:
uh huh her- explode
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Hello girls,
I'm new here, found the link through bicuriousgirls community.
I'm 20, veggie, love animals and listen to music. I already had one gf, but it was online relationship.
I would really like to get in touch with more bi or bicurious women/girls.

So nice to meet you all :3


Current Mood:
giggly giggly
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Question: When it comes to coming out do you think it is necessary (by necessary, I'm simply meaning do you think they have the right to know, even if they won't agree) for your entire family to know you are Bi/Lesbian/Curious to know or just the closest friends and family members?

Update: I fixed it so you can put entries on the site without my permission, but you do have to be a member, so if you aren't you should join!
Once again I'm deeply sorry for my mistake, I directed the "permission," emails to the wrong email, and I noticed it today that I had awaiting approvals on the actual community site. So I apologize once again =D
I'm totally excited now! To see this community take off! I promoted it again today on many different promo sites, but I encourage you to promote this community as well =D
Keep updating girlies!
I read all the entries by the way, I respond to them all, etc..
So I can't wait to hear from all of you =D


your moderator xotokadotxo
Current Mood:
bouncy bouncy
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Well let me apologize for not realizing that I had to approve your entries.
I just got an email asking me to approve some older entries that were posted in this community!
I feel terrible.
But I'm going to fix the problem this moment, to where it won't have to be approved because I rarely check my email.

Thank you so much for your guys support it means the world to me that you guys like this community =D
I absolutely love the fact that I could come in here totally new and create an enjoyable community!

Keep writing!

I love you girls =D

Current Mood:
sad sad
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