UVSC Integrated Studies' Journal
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UVSC Integrated Studies' Journal

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

8:38AM - Paperback “The Draft Contract” by Polina Shinkina

“The Draft Contract” is a one-topic textbook from the series of the textbooks related to discussion of different aspects of business contract terms in the Chinese language. The textbook contains a number of useful phrases and words which might be used in the process of business negotiations.

The main purpose of this textbook is developing speaking skills by means of studying general questions. The skill of asking questions is very important in business talks with the Chinese trading partners as well as in business correspondence.

The grammar of this textbook presents different types of general questions, such as general questions with modal verbs and alternative questions. Each exercise includes one type of question and it makes the study process comfortable and easy to memorize.

Tags: Chinese, mandarin, business, trading, marketing, commercial, paperback, textbook, eBook, contract, dictionary, character, radicals, correspondence, decomposition, skills, speaking, writing, language, talks, negotiations, multiplication, number, subtraction, terms, division, alternative, discussion, question, quotation, addition, memorize

Saturday, June 17, 2017

5:42AM - “Open the Door to Chinese Book 3” by Polina Shinkina

Open the Door to Chinese Book 3 by Polina Shinkina is the best among the perfect Chinese language textbooks! This book combines simplicity and structural approach to the exercises with academic depth on the Chinese characters study.

Both the learners and the Chinese language teachers will find this textbook the most convenient in use and astonishingly efficient in achieving their educational results!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

5:35AM - 汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 饿 è ‘be hungry’

饣 shí eat,
丿 piě slash,
乛 yǐ second,
我 wǒ I,
丿 piě slash,
找 zhǎo look for,
扌 shǒu hand,
一 yī one,
亅 jué hook,
戈 gē spear,
弋 yì shoot,
一 yī one,
丿 piě slash,
丶 zhǔ dot,

饣 丿 乛 我 丿 找 扌 一 亅 戈 弋 一 丿 丶

Chinese, Character, Breakdown, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

More information: and

Monday, April 10, 2017

7:16AM - 汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 场 chǎng ‘stage’

土 tǔ earth
十 shí ten
一 yī one
丨 gǔn line
一 yī one
𠃓 character symbol
丿 piě slash
丿 piě slash

土十一丨一𠃓 丿丿

Tags: Breakdown, Character, Chinese, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

More information: and

Saturday, April 8, 2017

7:31AM - Decomposition of the Chinese radical 兀 yóu ‘lame’

Decomposition of the Chinese radical 兀 yóu ‘lame’,

一 yī one,
儿 ér boy,
丿 piě slash,
乚 yǐ second

兀一 儿 丿 乚

NB. Synonyms: Structural analysis of the Chinese characters, Breakdown of the Chinese characters, Chinese characters split.

More information: and

Decomposition of the Chinese character 中 zhōng ‘centre’,

口 kǒu mouth,
冂 jiōng down box,
一 yī one,
丨 gǔn line

中口 冂 一 丨

NB. Synonyms: Structural analysis of the Chinese characters, Breakdown of the Chinese characters, Chinese characters split.

More information: and

Friday, January 10, 2003

7:46PM - What is the plan

I hope that you all had a great holiday. I don't know if I have been left out of the loop, but I haven't heard anything for this upcoming semester. So what is the plan? If I don't hear anything here in the next week then I will start calling around so that I can plan accordingly.

Sunday, December 1, 2002

4:13PM - Interest in meeting with printer

Don, you mentioned that you wouldn't mind if others of us came to the printer. Could you post the time and place you are meeting I would like to come if I am still on campus.

Thursday, November 28, 2002

11:39AM - Intersections Meeting Notes

In attendance: Matt, Joey, Don, Kathryn, Jason

Went over flyers. Will be distributed next week.
Monday: Don talk to Scott - printer concerns
Monday: Don, make appt with printer
Wednesday: Meet with Printer, post results here
After Jan 1: Meeting in Library to brainstorm following issues:
Size: We are interested in dialog size, or previous intersections size
Cover Paper:

Monday, November 25, 2002

3:36PM - Flyers

I'm working on flyers today for distribution. The plan was to have them distributed today, but I'm behind. (sorry Carrie and Kathryn, who both had theirs to me on deadline). I'm not sure what kind of a dent we can make at this point in the semester, but I've been working on some.

Here are Carries:
Flyer 1
Flyer 2
Flyer 3

Here are mine:
don's flyer 1
don's flyer 2

Also, please note that I've updated the web site. Check it out and let me know what you think:

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

1:26PM - Intersections Meeting Minutes 11.20.2002


Matt, Don, Carrie, Kathryn, Gaylyn

Change Call for Paper due date to Jan 17.
Change Call for Papers submission to physical and / or electronic submission.
Every submission gets a return receipt

Make Call for Papers Flyers geared toward departments due this Saturday on intersections
Carrie - science, Don - Computer Science , Kathryn - Business
Final review of flyers ends mon 9, when they will be copied, distributed to all instructors. Carrie, Kathryn and Don will hand deliver flyers to select teachers and post in buildings for respective disciplines

Important Issues
Next meeting: Don's house, 7:00 pm, Tuesday night. Refreshments will be served.
Map / Directions to follow in confidential post (you must be logged into LiveJournal to see it).
We could use help: Consider making a flyer for one of your emphases or your major. Make it available to the respective faculty (and in those buildings where the department is mostly centered). These are due Saturday night (this weekend) so they can be distributed Monday and Tuesday
we need help distributing. Some areas of need are: Philosophy, History, Education, English, ... others

Friday, November 15, 2002

8:54AM - Wednesday in the Library: Intersections Meeting

Meet near the circulation desk in the Library (ask for Matt Quinlin).

(Matt, I don't have Jason's address, can you reply with it?)

Meeting Agenda to follow. Send me any agenda item you have.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

12:08AM - Meeting Tomorrow Cancelled!

Please respond with a good meeting time:
Wednesday next week, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon or 2:00 PM or 4:00 PM


Monday, November 11, 2002

10:50AM - Meeting this week!

Let's meet Wednesday at Matt Quinlin's office (ask for him at the circulation desk in the library) at 2:00. If you are coming later than 2, please ask at the info desk where you can find Matt's Intersections Meeting.

Wednesday is Club Rush Day, I'm going to do some flyers tonight and Joey is going to get the academic clubs to put our journal promos out. Great idea Joey.

I'm going to schedule a "how to" livejournal meeting. It can be just before, or after our Wednesday meeting. Or, if someone has a laptop, and we can get a connection in the place we are going to meet, we could go over it during the meeting.

Friday, November 8, 2002

9:49AM - The Best Intentions

I'd intended to have a meeting today at 2, but I'm flying out today around then, so it won't be happening. Sorry for being less than in contact. Let's meet on Wednesday at 2 at Matt Quinlins office. Let me know if that won't work.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

11:45AM - Meeting Cancelled

Our second staff meeting is cancelled for tomorrow so members of the staff can attend the funeral of Ryan Dodds.

I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone.

Sunday, October 27, 2002

5:07AM - An Additional Goal

In addition to scholarly, well-researched, stimulating articles, I would like to publish these articles so that they have some sort of thematic development, or cohesiveness. In other words, in choosing among equally good submissions we should publish those that tell some sort of tale.

Friday, October 25, 2002

1:16PM - Note

In the next five days I will make an effort to contact Jim Price and Renee Van Buren regarding student submissions from the biology/ecology/genetics area of study. I will also contact John Reese in an effort to find photography students interested in submitting art (although, since Jason is spearheading the formatting project, it might be wise for him to make art contacts?)

I am also looking for editors from the Computer Science program.

Will keep posted on progress.

1:07PM - Note: Ryan Blohm

Ryan Blohm has also accepted a position on our staff.

1:05PM - Note: Katherine Tew

Katherine Tew has accepted a position on our staff (thanks Joey).

12:44PM - Staff, Layout, and Promotion


Gaylnn Parker
Today I added Gaylynn Parker to our staff. I'll let her introduce herself here later, but she is a technical writer and is going to be able to help us get some good papers. I've sort of layed out my vision for her, so let me put it to you here:

Consensus Operation: Staff functions in consensus mode. We argue for what we want to do, and we must all agree in order to proceed. I will function as a block-breaker where needed, but I don't anticipate needing to do that. Any idea is subject to group ratification. I will admit to being a rather intense personality, but I wear that in the expectation that if I will be told so by my co-workers.

Publishing Goals:We will publish papers that were highly evaluated in terms of academic excellence (including proper rigour), intellectual stimulation, and the integration of disciplines, in that order. Thus, an integrated but unstimulating paper is worth less than an academically excellent, stimulating one. Intellectual stimulation, is of course, a much more subjective discipline.

Work Progression Part of my job is to make sure we deliver the goods. As such we need to communicate in several ways. I'm asking each of you to participate in this electronic forum, here is the central place for all public debate (papers will be discussed privately) and discussion. We will have a meeting weekly where will will hammer out issues that require face to face communication, and we want to find a time that is good for everyone. If someone can't make the meeting they will look to this forum to comprehend what was done and offer objections if there are any.

My Goals One of my rather immediate goals is to get more Science, Engineering and Business representation on our staff, and hopefully, like horses running to water, a selection of submissions from those areas. Matt Quinlin has an idea for someone who might qualify in the area of the Sciences (Integrated Studies student).


I have spoken to him yet, but I nominate Jason Call to direct the format change effort. I'm excited by his enthusiasm and vision. What do you say? (note, I'm not saying do all the work, but to make sure we do what we need to do to achieve the format change). I would like to come up with a date that either says the new format is ready to enter data into or we abandon the effort and inhabit the old format. I'm of course assuming it is easier to inhabit the old format.


I'd like to take the additional responsiblity of promotion. I'd like to work with any of you that know professors chair, or deans to promote the journal in their respective departments. I'm going to bring in some fliers to distribute to each department, with discipline specific content in the flyers. Anyone who wants to help here, is welcome.

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