Kaiser Younis
Address: Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Papers by Kaiser Younis
At the global level, a science and technology initiative is required to solve the listed problems such as increasing food prices,
economic recession, increased competition for natural resources and climate change. Diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, oral health
and chronic renal failure also breakdown the nutritional status. Bio fortification, probiotic foods and food processing strategies
have shown the potential to overcome the malnutrition. A recently developed home based treatment for severe acute malnutrition
is recovering the lives of hundreds of thousands of children a year. Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) has changed radically
the treatment of severe malnutrition – providing foods that are safe to use at home and ensure quick weight gain in severely
malnourished children. This review of the literature throws light on the causes of malnutrition and some important strategies like
bio fortification, therapeutic diets, prebiotic foods and food processing to overcome malnutrition
to reduce the incidence of food borne disease is the need of an hour. Training is important in raising industry
awareness about hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) which ensures the potential benefits of
HACCP to the food industry, regulatory authorities and ultimately to the consumer. HACCP provides a means
to identify and assess potential hazard in food production and establish preventive control procedure s for
those hazards. The application of HACCP is actively encouraged and usually required to all of the food supply
chain. In meat processing we must create a high level of qualified potency in the safety of the product
produced by a processing system both by individual processors as well as processors operating under the
system of control. Meat processing is generally a process step to prevent and reduce hazards to safe levels by
applying the HACCP.
HAU 1 the juices of both guava and ber were extracted and analyzed for TSS, pH, total Sugar and reducing
sugar. Further the juices were adjusted with different TSS as 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% by adding cane sugar in
powder form and samples were fermented at 30 °C by using Saccharomyces cerevices var HAU 1. It was
observed that juice having TSS 15% showed higher ethanol production as compared to juices at other TSSin
both guava and ber fruits. 15% TSS juices were further adjusted with different pH by using diluted NaOH &
and kept for fermentation at 30°C. It was observedthat ber and guava juices having pH 4 yield higher
alcohol as compared to samples at other pH. It was also observed that there was lesser production of alcohol in
case of ber juices.
Key words: Wine,
At the global level, a science and technology initiative is required to solve the listed problems such as increasing food prices,
economic recession, increased competition for natural resources and climate change. Diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, oral health
and chronic renal failure also breakdown the nutritional status. Bio fortification, probiotic foods and food processing strategies
have shown the potential to overcome the malnutrition. A recently developed home based treatment for severe acute malnutrition
is recovering the lives of hundreds of thousands of children a year. Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) has changed radically
the treatment of severe malnutrition – providing foods that are safe to use at home and ensure quick weight gain in severely
malnourished children. This review of the literature throws light on the causes of malnutrition and some important strategies like
bio fortification, therapeutic diets, prebiotic foods and food processing to overcome malnutrition
to reduce the incidence of food borne disease is the need of an hour. Training is important in raising industry
awareness about hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) which ensures the potential benefits of
HACCP to the food industry, regulatory authorities and ultimately to the consumer. HACCP provides a means
to identify and assess potential hazard in food production and establish preventive control procedure s for
those hazards. The application of HACCP is actively encouraged and usually required to all of the food supply
chain. In meat processing we must create a high level of qualified potency in the safety of the product
produced by a processing system both by individual processors as well as processors operating under the
system of control. Meat processing is generally a process step to prevent and reduce hazards to safe levels by
applying the HACCP.
HAU 1 the juices of both guava and ber were extracted and analyzed for TSS, pH, total Sugar and reducing
sugar. Further the juices were adjusted with different TSS as 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% by adding cane sugar in
powder form and samples were fermented at 30 °C by using Saccharomyces cerevices var HAU 1. It was
observed that juice having TSS 15% showed higher ethanol production as compared to juices at other TSSin
both guava and ber fruits. 15% TSS juices were further adjusted with different pH by using diluted NaOH &
and kept for fermentation at 30°C. It was observedthat ber and guava juices having pH 4 yield higher
alcohol as compared to samples at other pH. It was also observed that there was lesser production of alcohol in
case of ber juices.
Key words: Wine,