A-Z Program List

Integral Care offers a wide range of programs and services that help adults and children living with mental illness, substance use disorder and intellectual or developmental disabilities.

search our glossary

  • Therapeutic Diversion Program (TDP):

    A residential therapeutic, wraparound respite program for those who need extended support. TDP helps break the cycle of crisis, homelessness, and emergency services by filling a gap in services between justice-involvement, mental health stabilizations, and pursuing the unhoused continuum options.
  • Youth Crisis Respite Program:

    The Youth Crisis Respite Program provides a safe and supportive environment for youth ages 13-17 in Travis County who are experiencing a crisis or need a break from life’s stressors. This short term, 24/7 supervised stay allows youth to decompress and is a less restrictive alternative to psychiatric hospitalization. Stays can range from a few days with an average stay up to 10 days, based on individual and family needs. Youth appropriate for crisis respite services are those at a low risk of harm to themselves or others. You may make referrals by contacting: [email protected]
  • Jail-Based Intake and Care Navigation

    The Jail-Based Intake and Care Navigation team helps eligible Travis County residents connect to ongoing behavioral health services while they are incarcerated at the Travis County Correctional Complex. The team also helps people who completed intakes at the Travis County Correctional Complex attend appointments and access services such as establishing social security benefits, getting medication and meeting with case managers and peer support specialists once they've been released.
  • Community Recovery Team (CRT):

    This program supports recovery in adults with diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Staff take a person-centered, holistic approach to help clients manage symptoms and work towards recovery goals. Services include medication management, life skills trainings, employment assistance, independent living skills, wellness services and more. Its services are mainly provided in the community.
  • Mobile Medical and Mental Health (M3) Team:

    The Mobile Medical and Mental Health (M3) Team is a collaboration between Integral Care, Community Care and UT Dell Medical School. M3 is under the Housing and Homeless Services umbrella and is a community-based team that provides intensive, multi-disciplinary care to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness with mental health, substance use and medical conditions. M3 takes a comprehensive approach, combining pharmacological, rehabilitative, and social interventions.
  • Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (EMCOT):

    The Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (EMCOT) works with the City of Austin first responders to divert jail bookings and emergency department (ED) admissions by providing real-time co-response for mental health crisis emergency calls as well as mental health training for first responders. They provide short-term community-based interventions to stabilize a person in a psychiatric crisis and connect them with Integral Care services or other appropriate care. EMCOT is also onsite at Central Booking and at the Travis County Correctional Complex to provide support upon an individual’s release.
  • Office-Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT):

    This outpatient program helps people who use drugs such as heroin and prescription pain medicine. The team includes a doctor, nurse and therapists who help support recovery and improve health. We provide medicine to manage and stop opioid use, medical support to assist with recovery, mental health care and medicine, individual counseling, group counseling, and case management. We also teach you recovery skills to manage and stop substance use.
  • Safe Landing:

    The Safe Landing team works closely with youth and their foster families to help make their experience successful. They develop and carry out a plan to help meet the family’s goals. Services include counseling, mental health care and medicine, family meetings guided by a therapist, parent coaching, safety planning and mental health crisis response.
  • Assisted Outpatient Treatment:

    This program helps people who are court ordered to seek treatment for their mental illness. An individual works with a team including the Probate Court Judge, attorneys, case managers, doctors, nurses, their family and a peer who has experience with mental illness and/or substance use. This team provides mental health care and medicine, one-on-one emotional support, help with housing, drug and alcohol treatment, and help building daily living skills. We bring our services to our clients – at home or in the community.
  • Transition Age Youth:

    This program supports youth and young adults 16-25 years old. It helps them get connected to the mental health services they need. Staff help clients explore life goals in school, work and relationships. Our team includes peers with mental health conditions, employment specialists and case managers. We bring our services to our clients.
  • Clinical High Risk-Psychosis (CHR-P):

    CHR-P serves youth and young adults 16-25 years old who may be at risk for developing psychosis. Staff help clients with relationships, school, work and life goals. Services include case management, help finding and keeping a job, life skills training and family education. We bring our services to our clients.
  • Veteran, Military & Family Services

    Help for anyone who has spent any length of time in any area of the United States armed forces. That includes the Reserve and National Guard. Find out more here.
  • Suicide Prevention:

    Integral Care provides suicide prevention services to students and families in many schools in Travis County as a part of our on-campus counseling services. We provide education and one-on-one emotional support for youth at risk for suicide. We work with the school to provide suicide risk assessments, communicate with parents, and connect youth to Integral Care’s mental health services and other local resources. In the event of a suicide, we provide support to family and friends.
  • Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Provider:

    TxHmL helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities live with their families or on their own. Integral Care may provide nursing care, mental health support, specialized therapies like physical, occupational and speech therapies, dental care, help with healthy eating, adaptive aids, opportunities to learn skills outside the home, including job skills training, and help finding and keeping a job.
  • Positive Assistive Community Engagement (PACE):

    This program supports adults and children living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who may be experiencing a crisis. Staff provide hourly in-home relief to help ease client and caregiver stress. Services include help managing stress, family and caregiver support like coping skills and de-escalation techniques and connection to other services.
  • IDD Intake/Enrollment:

    Intake and enrollment staff test adults and children for intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Staff connect eligible individuals to resources.
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCS):

    This program helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who live with their family, in their own home, in a host home/companion care setting, or in a home with no more than four people who also receive services. Services include funding for nursing care, staff to help with daily activities, mental health support, adaptive aids, residential assistance, minor home modifications, help finding and keeping a job, day programs, dental care, and specialized therapies like physical, occupational and speech therapies.
  • General Revenue (GR) Funded Services:

    These services help adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities stay in their own home or family’s home through respite and service coordination.
  • Crisis Intervention Specialists (CIS) Team:

    The CIS Team helps people ages 3-99 with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who have experienced a crisis or who are at risk of experiencing one. It provides crisis prevention support and services for up to 90 days. The goal is to help people stay safe and in the community.
  • Next Step Crisis Respite:

    This program helps adults who are recovering from a mental health crisis who may also need housing. Clients can stay for up to 14 days. Staff help clients return to living in the community. Services include case management and social and life skills training. Clients are connected to local resources for ongoing support.
  • The Inn:

    This program is for adults having a mental health crisis. The Inn is a 16-bed overnight facility where a person can stay for up to 7 days. Services include help to regain stability, access to medicine, 24/7 nursing services, alcohol and drug use recovery support and mental health support groups. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and recovery support.
  • Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments (TCOOMMI):

    This program provides mental health services to youth ages 10-17 who are on probation and have mental health needs. A therapist and a probation officer work together to support the youth and family during the probation period. We also connect clients with other local resources if needed. Services are provided at home, school, court or other community locations.
  • School-Based Counseling:

    This program helps students experiencing emotional challenges or mental illness. We provide mental health services in 14 AISD schools and select Manor, Del Valle and Pflugerville schools. This includes one-on-one emotional support to children and families during and after school hours. Services are available year-round, including during school vacations.
  • SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR):

    This national program helps adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Integral Care helps clients who have a mental illness and/or use drugs or alcohol apply for benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) using the SOAR model. If eligible, clients can be awarded disability income and Medicaid benefits.
  • Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT):

    This program helps adults who are addicted to drugs like heroin and prescription pain medicine. Clients have access to medicine that stops withdrawal symptoms. Services include one-on-one emotional support, drug use and HIV education and life skills training.
  • Landlord Outreach:

    Integral Care works with landlords and apartment associations to provide safe and affordable housing to our clients. We support landlords by helping with late rental payments or property issues. In some cases, we can provide increased amounts for security deposits and payment for damages beyond normal wear and tear. Case managers provide 24/7 assistance to landlords if there is an issue with a client.
  • Homeless Outreach Street Team (HOST):

    This program is a partnership of Integral Care, the Austin Police Department, Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Downtown Austin Community Court. HOST helps adults living on the street get connected to housing, case management, mental and primary health care and alcohol and drug treatment.
  • Employment Services:

    Integral Care helps adults who live with mental illness and/or use drugs or alcohol seek employment. We help clients create career plans and find jobs that match their interests. Services include help with resumes, applications and interviewing, help building relationships with employers, help understanding disability income and support during employment. Staff bring services to our clients – at home or in the community.
  • Taking Texas Tobacco Free:

    The mission of Taking Texas Tobacco Free is to promote wellness among Texans by partnering with healthcare organizations to build capacity for system-wide, sustainable initiatives that will reduce tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure among employees, consumers, and visitors.
  • Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services:

    Integral Care can help with drug and alcohol treatment for adults and children who also experience a mental health issue. We have both residential and outpatient services. We support you through counseling, prevention education, medically supervised and assisted detox, and group therapy. We also provide access to medications and a psychiatrist. We work with clients to develop trust and build honest and helpful relationships throughout recovery. Call us at 512-472-HELP (4357). Press 1 for English, then 3.
  • Housing Services:

    Integral Care helps adults who live with mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs find safe and stable housing. This includes help for people at risk of losing their home. Depending on eligibility, services can include help paying rent and utilities, help with landlords, help getting benefits and disability income, and case management. Integral Care also provides drug and alcohol treatment, employment services, life skills training, nursing care and mental health care. We have permanent housing units in Travis County and offer short-term housing support.
  • Texas Home Living (TxHmL):

    Integral Care provides adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities service coordination and connection to a TxHmL program. The TxHmL program provides services and supports so that people with IDD can continue to live with their family or in their own homes. Services include funding for nursing care, respite, staff to help with daily activities, mental health support, adaptive aids, minor home modifications, help finding and keeping a job, day programs, dental care, and specialized therapies like physical, occupational and speech therapies.
  • Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASSR):

    This program helps adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who live in a nursing facility improve and maintain their health. Services include mental health support and primary health care.
  • IDD Employment Services:

    This program helps adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities get and keep jobs. Clients enrolled in the Home and Community-based Services Waiver (HCS) program, Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program, or referred by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) may be eligible.
  • HUB Learning Community (HLC):

    HLC is a resource for professionals who support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) across 27 Central Texas counties. It helps professionals address the complex medical, behavioral and psychiatric needs of individuals with IDD to avoid unnecessary institutionalization. Services include: training on understanding the unique challenges faced by individuals with IDD, evidence-based information and best practice for specific diagnoses and disorders, case analysis, problem solving, professional guidance and clinical recommendations.
  • Enhanced Community Coordination (ECC):

    This program helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities move from state supported living centers and nursing facilities to homes in the community. Services include help planning for a move and money to buy items needed for the move. The program also helps people who have already moved from state supported living centers and nursing facilities. Integral Care can provide those clients extra support for up to one year.
  • Crisis Respite Services:

    This program supports people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who may be having a mental health crisis. Services include: a safe place to stay for up to two weeks, help managing stress, independent living skills, family and caregiver education, follow up visits and support, and connection to other services.
  • Community First Choice (CFC):

    This program helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities learn and maintain daily living activities such as dressing, bathing and eating. Services are available to people with Medicaid.
  • Community Living Options Information Process (CLOIP):

    This program helps adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who live in state supported living centers find community living options, such as group homes or host homes.
  • Community-Based Support (CBS) Team:

    This program helps adults who live with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and a mental illness, who may also be experiencing a crisis. Staff help clients create plans to help them stay safe and prevent crises. The goal is to keep clients in the community and out of hospitals or jail. Staff connect clients to resources and help them work towards long-term health and wellness.
  • Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Waiver:

    This program provides community-based mental health services to children and youth ages 3-18 who live with a serious emotional disturbance. A special type of case management called wraparound is used to build a team of providers for the youth. Staff work to keep the youth at home with their families, in school and in their communities. Services include case management, help getting and keeping a job, and specialized therapies such as art and music therapy. The YES Waiver also provides support for parents.   Integral Care maintains an Interest List for individuals interested in receiving YES Waiver services. Families or the Legal Authorized Representative of an eligible child or youth who are interested in referring their child to the YES Waiver Services Program must first contact Integral Care’s YES Waiver Interest List Message Line at 512-804-3191.
  • Juvenile Justice:

    This program helps youth ages 10-17 who are on probation through the Juvenile Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments (TCOOMMI) Special Needs Diversion Program. Treatment teams made up of a therapist, case manager and probation officer work together to counsel and educate the youth and their family on how to live successfully with a mental health diagnosis, complete probation requirements and avoid re-offenses. Services can be provided at home, school, court or other community locations.
  • Integrated Care in Schools:

    This program provides integrated, school-based mental and primary health care services to students in some Manor, Del Valle and Pflugerville Schools. Licensed therapists and nurses work together to provide convenient, quality care. Services include: counseling and support for children and families, wellness checks with nurses, sick child visits and ongoing care. Healthcare partners include: People’s Community Clinic and Children’s Wellness Center operated by the UT School of Nursing.
  • Families With Voices:

    This program supports families at risk of homelessness living in Manor. A team of community partners helps families overcome challenges, meet their everyday needs and improve their health and well-being. Services include help with food, transportation, housing, job training, one-on-one emotional support for children and families, and connection to local resources through trusted community partners.
  • Counseling and Mental Health Services:

    Our outpatient Behavioral Health Clinics support children and youth ages 3 to 17 who are experiencing emotional problems or mental health issues. We provide individual therapy and skills training to youth and families. You may also be eligible for case management and medication/psychiatric services. *To get started with services, you must attend a walk-in intake appointment at our St. John's Clinic (6937 N Interstate Hwy 35, Austin, TX 78752). Intake hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 8 AM to 2 PM, and on Thursdays from 10 AM to 4 PM. Please call (512) 472-HELP (4357) with any questions.
  • RA1SE:

    This program helps people ages 15-30 who have experienced their first episode of psychosis within the past 2 years. Psychosis can include hearing or seeing things others don’t or feeling that someone can control your thoughts. Staff help clients with relationships, school, work and life goals. Services include alcohol and drug use recovery skills, family education, suicide prevention, medicine and mental and primary health care. We bring our services to our clients.
  • Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES):

    This walk-in, urgent care clinic is for adults and children having a mental health crisis. A person in crisis might be hearing or seeing things that are not real or be in danger of injuring themselves. Services include care plans to help keep people safe, mental health support for up to 90 days, medicine and connection to other Integral Care programs.   Psychiatric Emergency Services Richard E. Hopkins Behavioral Health Building 1165 Airport Blvd., Second Floor, Austin, TX 78702 Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
  • Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT):

    This is a team made up of mental health professionals who help adults and children having a mental health crisis. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week anywhere someone needs help – at home, work or school, in clinics, or on the streets. A person in crisis might be hearing or seeing things that are not real or be in danger of injuring themselves. Services include mental health support for up to 90 days and care plans to help keep people safe. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and recovery support. MCOT also works with police and EMS.
  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA):

    Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour class that teaches people how to help someone who might be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Participants learn how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and drug and alcohol use. There are Adult and Youth classes (for people who work with youth ages 12-18). Register here.
  • Judge Guy Herman Center for Mental Health Crisis Care:

    The Herman Center offers mental health crisis care in a safe overnight facility. Staff help adults who are in crisis by providing medical support, emotional support, medicine and connection to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing support and recovery. Referrals come from law enforcement, healthcare providers and Integral Care Crisis Services. The Herman Center does not accept walk-ins.
  • Disaster Response Services:

    This program provides mental health crisis services for adults and children who have experienced a natural or man-made disaster. We offer mental health crisis support for disaster victims at the scene of the disaster or at shelters. We also help people indirectly affected by the disaster, such as someone experiencing anxiety or depression because a loved one was affected by the disaster.
  • 24/7 Crisis Helpline | 512-472-HELP (4357):

    The Helpline is staffed by mental health professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff provide crisis support, access to Integral Care programs, help with appointments and billing and connection to local resources.
  • Wellness Services:

    Integral Care helps adults living with mental illness who want to learn ways to lead a healthy life. Staff help clients learn how to make healthy choices, improve their diet, exercise and quit tobacco. Wellness services are available at all of our Integrated Mental and Primary Healthcare Clinics.
  • Tobacco Cessation:

    Integral Care helps adults living with mental illness who want to quit using tobacco. We provide one-on-one and group support as well as education to help you quit. If you are ready to quit and you are already an Integral Care client, contact your case manager. Other helpful tools for quitting are the Quitline at 1-877-YES-QUIT (1-877-937-7848), the YESQUIT website at http://www.yesquit.org/, and our step-by-step quit guide. The step-by-step guide is available at bit.ly/quitguide.
  • Suicide Prevention:

    Integral Care leads the Austin-Central Texas Suicide Prevention Coalition, which provides community education, advocacy and resources. We provide mental health crisis services and education for adults and children.
  • Safe Haven:

    This program provides temporary housing for homeless veterans living with mental illness. Clients are referred by the PATH/ACCESS program. There are private and semi-private rooms, three meals a day, laundry facilities and telephones. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and support.
  • PATH/ACCESS Homeless Services:

    PATH (Programs for Assistance in the Transition from Homelessness) helps adults who experience homelessness, live with a mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs get help and find housing. Staff are in the community every day connecting people to Integral Care programs and other local resources. Staff also provide support to people experiencing homelessness in the community at places like the ARCH, Salvation Army, Caritas of Austin, Trinity Center, public libraries, food pantries and soup kitchens.
  • Oak Springs Treatment Program:

    This intensive outpatient treatment program helps adults who live with mental illness and use alcohol or drugs. Staff help clients recover from drug and alcohol use by providing substance use treatment, mental health support, medical support, case management, one-on-one emotional support, education and support groups and life skills training. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and recovery support.
  • Next Step Crisis Respite:

    This program helps adults who are recovering from a mental health crisis who may also need housing. Clients are provided with a safe place to stay for up to 14 days and are supported as they transition back into the community. Services include: referrals to other community resources, case management and rehabilitation skills training.
  • Narcotic Treatment Program:

    This program helps adults who are addicted to drugs like heroin and prescription pain medicine. The program offers a safe place to recover with medical support. Clients have access to medicine that reduces or stops withdrawal symptoms. Other services include one-on-one emotional support, drug use and HIV education, life skills training and Methadone Anonymous support groups.
  • Terrace at Oak Springs:

    Terrace at Oak Springs is an apartment complex for people experiencing chronic homelessness who also live with mental illness or substance use disorder. It features 50 fully-furnished, single occupancy efficiency apartments, an onsite clinic with primary and mental health care services, employment services, a community room and more. The clinic provides care to people living in the apartment complex as well as people who live in the surrounding community. Learn more.
  • Integrated Mental and Primary Healthcare Clinics:

    Our clinics provide mental health care and primary health care for adults who live with mental illness, an intellectual and/or developmental disability, and/or use drugs or alcohol. Mental healthcare services include one-on-one and group emotional support, exercise and nutrition programs, medicines and case management. Primary healthcare services include physical exams, sick visits and treatment for long-term health problems like heart disease and diabetes. An onsite partner provides the primary healthcare services at our clinics. Click here for clinic hours and locations.
  • The Inn:

    This 16-bed facility provides short-term crisis support for up to 7 days for adults recovering from a mental health crisis. Services include: medical stabilization, medications, 24/7 nursing services, rehabilitation for substance use and mental illness, group treatment and referrals to other services in the community.
  • Housing Coordination Team:

    This team helps people diagnosed with mental illness find financial assistance, grants and temporary and long-term housing options.
  • Hospital and Jail Diversion Program:

    This program provides overnight mental health crisis support for adults in a safe 31-bed facility. Services include mental health crisis care, case management, emotional support, medicine and connection to Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing support and recovery. Referrals are made by our Mobile Crisis Outreach Team, our Psychiatric Emergency Services and local hospitals.
  • Healthy Community Collaborative (HCC):

    This program helps adults who have been homeless for a year or more, who live with a mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs. Services include housing, case management, mental and primary health care, help finding a job and help applying for benefits. We bring our services to our clients – at home or in the community. HCC also provides mental health care at the Topfer Family Health Resource Center for people living at Community First! Village.
  • Feedback (Ombudsman):

    Feedback is important to us. Contact our Ombudsman to ask any questions, share any concerns or complaints, or provide feedback about Integral Care services, programs or staff.
  • Consumer Benefits Office:

    We help clients apply for Social Security services, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
  • Community Competency Restoration Program (CCRP):

    This program helps adults in the criminal justice system who are living with mental illness and have been found unable to stand trial. Staff help clients understand their mental illness symptoms and help them with everyday problems. Services include social and life skills training, case management, mental health testing, access to medicine and legal education. Legal education helps clients understand their charges and get ready to go to court.
  • Community AIDS Resources and Education (C.A.R.E.):

    This program helps adults living with or at risk of getting HIV who also live with a mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs. We offer mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment. Services include individual and group counseling, education and harm reduction supplies like needle cleaning kits, safer smoking kits and opioid overdose kits. We also have an outreach team in the community providing referral and linkage to community services.
  • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT):

    This program is for adults who live with mental illness, use drugs or alcohol and have been hospitalized multiple times. Clients receive treatment, rehabilitation and support services. Services include 24-hour mental health crisis support, one-on-one emotional support, access to medicine and nursing services. Teams fit their services to the needs of our clients, with a focus on housing and help with legal matters. We bring our services to our clients – at home or in the community.
  • ANEW and the Mental Health Bond Project:

    ANEW provides mental health support for adults on probation or parole. Services include mental health testing, medicine, life skills training, help finding other local resources, help finding transportation and jobs and help applying for benefits. The Mental Health Bond Project helps people who are currently in the county jail by providing treatment alternatives to incarceration.
  • Outpatient Detox (Formerly Ambulatory Detox):

    This program is for adults who want to stop using alcohol or drugs like opioids. Detox services are available for up to4 weeks. Staff help clients recover from drug and alcohol use by providing medicine, one-on-one support, education, support groups and social and life skills training. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources.
  • Alameda House

    This program helps adults with mental health illness and substance use disorders, who also experience chronic homelessness and extensive involvement with our criminal justice system. Services include drug and alcohol treatment, mental health care and medicine, case management, helping finding housing, job assistance and help getting medical and dental benefits. Groups teach life skills such as anger management and coping skills. It is a collaboration with Downtown Austin Community Court.
  • A

  • Alameda House
    • This program helps adults with mental health illness and substance use disorders, who also experience chronic homelessness and extensive involvement with our criminal justice system. Services include drug and alcohol treatment, mental health care and medicine, case management, helping finding housing, job assistance and help getting medical and dental benefits. Groups teach life skills such as anger management and coping skills. It is a collaboration with Downtown Austin Community Court.

  • ANEW and the Mental Health Bond Project:
    • ANEW provides mental health support for adults on probation or parole. Services include mental health testing, medicine, life skills training, help finding other local resources, help finding transportation and jobs and help applying for benefits. The Mental Health Bond Project helps people who are currently in the county jail by providing treatment alternatives to incarceration.

  • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT):
    • This program is for adults who live with mental illness, use drugs or alcohol and have been hospitalized multiple times. Clients receive treatment, rehabilitation and support services. Services include 24-hour mental health crisis support, one-on-one emotional support, access to medicine and nursing services. Teams fit their services to the needs of our clients, with a focus on housing and help with legal matters. We bring our services to our clients – at home or in the community.

  • Assisted Outpatient Treatment:
    • This program helps people who are court ordered to seek treatment for their mental illness. An individual works with a team including the Probate Court Judge, attorneys, case managers, doctors, nurses, their family and a peer who has experience with mental illness and/or substance use. This team provides mental health care and medicine, one-on-one emotional support, help with housing, drug and alcohol treatment, and help building daily living skills. We bring our services to our clients – at home or in the community.

  • C

  • Clinical High Risk-Psychosis (CHR-P):
    • CHR-P serves youth and young adults 16-25 years old who may be at risk for developing psychosis. Staff help clients with relationships, school, work and life goals. Services include case management, help finding and keeping a job, life skills training and family education. We bring our services to our clients.

  • Community AIDS Resources and Education (C.A.R.E.):
    • This program helps adults living with or at risk of getting HIV who also live with a mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs. We offer mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment. Services include individual and group counseling, education and harm reduction supplies like needle cleaning kits, safer smoking kits and opioid overdose kits. We also have an outreach team in the community providing referral and linkage to community services.

  • Community Competency Restoration Program (CCRP):
    • This program helps adults in the criminal justice system who are living with mental illness and have been found unable to stand trial. Staff help clients understand their mental illness symptoms and help them with everyday problems. Services include social and life skills training, case management, mental health testing, access to medicine and legal education. Legal education helps clients understand their charges and get ready to go to court.

  • Community Recovery Team (CRT):
    • This program supports recovery in adults with diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Staff take a person-centered, holistic approach to help clients manage symptoms and work towards recovery goals. Services include medication management, life skills trainings, employment assistance, independent living skills, wellness services and more. Its services are mainly provided in the community.

  • Consumer Benefits Office:
    • We help clients apply for Social Security services, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

  • D

  • Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services:
    • Integral Care can help with drug and alcohol treatment for adults and children who also experience a mental health issue. We have both residential and outpatient services. We support you through counseling, prevention education, medically supervised and assisted detox, and group therapy. We also provide access to medications and a psychiatrist. We work with clients to develop trust and build honest and helpful relationships throughout recovery. Call us at 512-472-HELP (4357). Press 1 for English, then 3.

  • E

  • Employment Services:
    • Integral Care helps adults who live with mental illness and/or use drugs or alcohol seek employment. We help clients create career plans and find jobs that match their interests. Services include help with resumes, applications and interviewing, help building relationships with employers, help understanding disability income and support during employment. Staff bring services to our clients – at home or in the community.

  • Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (EMCOT):
    • The Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (EMCOT) works with the City of Austin first responders to divert jail bookings and emergency department (ED) admissions by providing real-time co-response for mental health crisis emergency calls as well as mental health training for first responders. They provide short-term community-based interventions to stabilize a person in a psychiatric crisis and connect them with Integral Care services or other appropriate care. EMCOT is also onsite at Central Booking and at the Travis County Correctional Complex to provide support upon an individual’s release.

  • F

  • Feedback (Ombudsman):
    • Feedback is important to us. Contact our Ombudsman to ask any questions, share any concerns or complaints, or provide feedback about Integral Care services, programs or staff.

  • H

  • Healthy Community Collaborative (HCC):
    • This program helps adults who have been homeless for a year or more, who live with a mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs. Services include housing, case management, mental and primary health care, help finding a job and help applying for benefits. We bring our services to our clients – at home or in the community. HCC also provides mental health care at the Topfer Family Health Resource Center for people living at Community First! Village.

  • Homeless Outreach Street Team (HOST):
    • This program is a partnership of Integral Care, the Austin Police Department, Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Downtown Austin Community Court. HOST helps adults living on the street get connected to housing, case management, mental and primary health care and alcohol and drug treatment.

  • Housing Coordination Team:
    • This team helps people diagnosed with mental illness find financial assistance, grants and temporary and long-term housing options.

  • Housing Services:
    • Integral Care helps adults who live with mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs find safe and stable housing. This includes help for people at risk of losing their home. Depending on eligibility, services can include help paying rent and utilities, help with landlords, help getting benefits and disability income, and case management. Integral Care also provides drug and alcohol treatment, employment services, life skills training, nursing care and mental health care. We have permanent housing units in Travis County and offer short-term housing support.

  • I

  • Integrated Mental and Primary Healthcare Clinics:
    • Our clinics provide mental health care and primary health care for adults who live with mental illness, an intellectual and/or developmental disability, and/or use drugs or alcohol. Mental healthcare services include one-on-one and group emotional support, exercise and nutrition programs, medicines and case management. Primary healthcare services include physical exams, sick visits and treatment for long-term health problems like heart disease and diabetes. An onsite partner provides the primary healthcare services at our clinics. Click here for clinic hours and locations.

  • J

  • Jail-Based Intake and Care Navigation
    • The Jail-Based Intake and Care Navigation team helps eligible Travis County residents connect to ongoing behavioral health services while they are incarcerated at the Travis County Correctional Complex. The team also helps people who completed intakes at the Travis County Correctional Complex attend appointments and access services such as establishing social security benefits, getting medication and meeting with case managers and peer support specialists once they’ve been released.

  • L

  • Landlord Outreach:
    • Integral Care works with landlords and apartment associations to provide safe and affordable housing to our clients. We support landlords by helping with late rental payments or property issues. In some cases, we can provide increased amounts for security deposits and payment for damages beyond normal wear and tear. Case managers provide 24/7 assistance to landlords if there is an issue with a client.

  • M

  • Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT):
    • This program helps adults who are addicted to drugs like heroin and prescription pain medicine. Clients have access to medicine that stops withdrawal symptoms. Services include one-on-one emotional support, drug use and HIV education and life skills training.

  • Mobile Medical and Mental Health (M3) Team:
    • The Mobile Medical and Mental Health (M3) Team is a collaboration between Integral Care, Community Care and UT Dell Medical School. M3 is under the Housing and Homeless Services umbrella and is a community-based team that provides intensive, multi-disciplinary care to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness with mental health, substance use and medical conditions. M3 takes a comprehensive approach, combining pharmacological, rehabilitative, and social interventions.

  • N

  • Narcotic Treatment Program:
    • This program helps adults who are addicted to drugs like heroin and prescription pain medicine. The program offers a safe place to recover with medical support. Clients have access to medicine that reduces or stops withdrawal symptoms. Other services include one-on-one emotional support, drug use and HIV education, life skills training and Methadone Anonymous support groups.

  • Next Step Crisis Respite:
    • This program helps adults who are recovering from a mental health crisis who may also need housing. Clients are provided with a safe place to stay for up to 14 days and are supported as they transition back into the community. Services include: referrals to other community resources, case management and rehabilitation skills training.

  • O

  • Oak Springs Treatment Program:
    • This intensive outpatient treatment program helps adults who live with mental illness and use alcohol or drugs. Staff help clients recover from drug and alcohol use by providing substance use treatment, mental health support, medical support, case management, one-on-one emotional support, education and support groups and life skills training. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and recovery support.

  • Office-Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT):
    • This outpatient program helps people who use drugs such as heroin and prescription pain medicine. The team includes a doctor, nurse and therapists who help support recovery and improve health. We provide medicine to manage and stop opioid use, medical support to assist with recovery, mental health care and medicine, individual counseling, group counseling, and case management. We also teach you recovery skills to manage and stop substance use.

  • P

  • PATH/ACCESS Homeless Services:
    • PATH (Programs for Assistance in the Transition from Homelessness) helps adults who experience homelessness, live with a mental illness and/or use alcohol or drugs get help and find housing. Staff are in the community every day connecting people to Integral Care programs and other local resources. Staff also provide support to people experiencing homelessness in the community at places like the ARCH, Salvation Army, Caritas of Austin, Trinity Center, public libraries, food pantries and soup kitchens.

  • S

  • Safe Haven:
    • This program provides temporary housing for homeless veterans living with mental illness. Clients are referred by the PATH/ACCESS program. There are private and semi-private rooms, three meals a day, laundry facilities and telephones. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and support.

  • SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR):
    • This national program helps adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Integral Care helps clients who have a mental illness and/or use drugs or alcohol apply for benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) using the SOAR model. If eligible, clients can be awarded disability income and Medicaid benefits.

  • Suicide Prevention:
    • Integral Care leads the Austin-Central Texas Suicide Prevention Coalition, which provides community education, advocacy and resources. We provide mental health crisis services and education for adults and children.

  • T

  • Taking Texas Tobacco Free:
    • The mission of Taking Texas Tobacco Free is to promote wellness among Texans by partnering with healthcare organizations to build capacity for system-wide, sustainable initiatives that will reduce tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure among employees, consumers, and visitors.

  • Terrace at Oak Springs:
    • Terrace at Oak Springs is an apartment complex for people experiencing chronic homelessness who also live with mental illness or substance use disorder. It features 50 fully-furnished, single occupancy efficiency apartments, an onsite clinic with primary and mental health care services, employment services, a community room and more. The clinic provides care to people living in the apartment complex as well as people who live in the surrounding community. Learn more.

  • The Inn:
    • This 16-bed facility provides short-term crisis support for up to 7 days for adults recovering from a mental health crisis. Services include: medical stabilization, medications, 24/7 nursing services, rehabilitation for substance use and mental illness, group treatment and referrals to other services in the community.

  • Tobacco Cessation:
  • Transition Age Youth:
    • This program supports youth and young adults 16-25 years old. It helps them get connected to the mental health services they need. Staff help clients explore life goals in school, work and relationships. Our team includes peers with mental health conditions, employment specialists and case managers. We bring our services to our clients.

  • V

  • Veteran, Military & Family Services
    • Help for anyone who has spent any length of time in any area of the United States armed forces. That includes the Reserve and National Guard. Find out more here.

  • W

  • Wellness Services:
    • Integral Care helps adults living with mental illness who want to learn ways to lead a healthy life. Staff help clients learn how to make healthy choices, improve their diet, exercise and quit tobacco. Wellness services are available at all of our Integrated Mental and Primary Healthcare Clinics.

  • C

  • Clinical High Risk-Psychosis (CHR-P):
    • CHR-P serves youth and young adults 16-25 years old who may be at risk for developing psychosis. Staff help clients with relationships, school, work and life goals. Services include case management, help finding and keeping a job, life skills training and family education. We bring our services to our clients.

  • Counseling and Mental Health Services:
    • Our outpatient Behavioral Health Clinics support children and youth ages 3 to 17 who are experiencing emotional problems or mental health issues. We provide individual therapy and skills training to youth and families. You may also be eligible for case management and medication/psychiatric services.

      *To get started with services, you must attend a walk-in intake appointment at our St. John’s Clinic (6937 N Interstate Hwy 35, Austin, TX 78752).

      Intake hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 8 AM to 2 PM, and on Thursdays from 10 AM to 4 PM.

      Please call (512) 472-HELP (4357) with any questions.

  • F

  • Families With Voices:
    • This program supports families at risk of homelessness living in Manor. A team of community partners helps families overcome challenges, meet their everyday needs and improve their health and well-being. Services include help with food, transportation, housing, job training, one-on-one emotional support for children and families, and connection to local resources through trusted community partners.

  • I

  • Integrated Care in Schools:
    • This program provides integrated, school-based mental and primary health care services to students in some Manor, Del Valle and Pflugerville Schools. Licensed therapists and nurses work together to provide convenient, quality care. Services include: counseling and support for children and families, wellness checks with nurses, sick child visits and ongoing care. Healthcare partners include: People’s Community Clinic and Children’s Wellness Center operated by the UT School of Nursing.

  • J

  • Juvenile Justice:
    • This program helps youth ages 10-17 who are on probation through the Juvenile Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments (TCOOMMI) Special Needs Diversion Program. Treatment teams made up of a therapist, case manager and probation officer work together to counsel and educate the youth and their family on how to live successfully with a mental health diagnosis, complete probation requirements and avoid re-offenses. Services can be provided at home, school, court or other community locations.

  • R

  • RA1SE:
    • This program helps people ages 15-30 who have experienced their first episode of psychosis within the past 2 years. Psychosis can include hearing or seeing things others don’t or feeling that someone can control your thoughts. Staff help clients with relationships, school, work and life goals. Services include alcohol and drug use recovery skills, family education, suicide prevention, medicine and mental and primary health care. We bring our services to our clients.

  • S

  • Safe Landing:
    • The Safe Landing team works closely with youth and their foster families to help make their experience successful. They develop and carry out a plan to help meet the family’s goals. Services include counseling, mental health care and medicine, family meetings guided by a therapist, parent coaching, safety planning and mental health crisis response.

  • School-Based Counseling:
    • This program helps students experiencing emotional challenges or mental illness. We provide mental health services in 14 AISD schools and select Manor, Del Valle and Pflugerville schools. This includes one-on-one emotional support to children and families during and after school hours. Services are available year-round, including during school vacations.

  • Suicide Prevention:
    • Integral Care provides suicide prevention services to students and families in many schools in Travis County as a part of our on-campus counseling services. We provide education and one-on-one emotional support for youth at risk for suicide. We work with the school to provide suicide risk assessments, communicate with parents, and connect youth to Integral Care’s mental health services and other local resources. In the event of a suicide, we provide support to family and friends.

  • T

  • Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments (TCOOMMI):
    • This program provides mental health services to youth ages 10-17 who are on probation and have mental health needs. A therapist and a probation officer work together to support the youth and family during the probation period. We also connect clients with other local resources if needed. Services are provided at home, school, court or other community locations.

  • Transition Age Youth:
    • This program supports youth and young adults 16-25 years old. It helps them get connected to the mental health services they need. Staff help clients explore life goals in school, work and relationships. Our team includes peers with mental health conditions, employment specialists and case managers. We bring our services to our clients.

  • Y

  • Youth Crisis Respite Program:
    • The Youth Crisis Respite Program provides a safe and supportive environment for youth ages 13-17 in Travis County who are experiencing a crisis or need a break from life’s stressors. This short term, 24/7 supervised stay allows youth to decompress and is a less restrictive alternative to psychiatric hospitalization. Stays can range from a few days with an average stay up to 10 days, based on individual and family needs. Youth appropriate for crisis respite services are those at a low risk of harm to themselves or others. You may make referrals by contacting: [email protected]

  • Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Waiver:
    • This program provides community-based mental health services to children and youth ages 3-18 who live with a serious emotional disturbance. A special type of case management called wraparound is used to build a team of providers for the youth. Staff work to keep the youth at home with their families, in school and in their communities. Services include case management, help getting and keeping a job, and specialized therapies such as art and music therapy. The YES Waiver also provides support for parents.


      Integral Care maintains an Interest List for individuals interested in receiving YES Waiver services. Families or the Legal Authorized Representative of an eligible child or youth who are interested in referring their child to the YES Waiver Services Program must first contact Integral Care’s YES Waiver Interest List Message Line at 512-804-3191.

  • 123

  • 24/7 Crisis Helpline | 512-472-HELP (4357):
    • The Helpline is staffed by mental health professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff provide crisis support, access to Integral Care programs, help with appointments and billing and connection to local resources.

  • C

  • Clinical High Risk-Psychosis (CHR-P):
    • CHR-P serves youth and young adults 16-25 years old who may be at risk for developing psychosis. Staff help clients with relationships, school, work and life goals. Services include case management, help finding and keeping a job, life skills training and family education. We bring our services to our clients.

  • D

  • Disaster Response Services:
    • This program provides mental health crisis services for adults and children who have experienced a natural or man-made disaster. We offer mental health crisis support for disaster victims at the scene of the disaster or at shelters. We also help people indirectly affected by the disaster, such as someone experiencing anxiety or depression because a loved one was affected by the disaster.

  • E

  • Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (EMCOT):
    • The Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (EMCOT) works with the City of Austin first responders to divert jail bookings and emergency department (ED) admissions by providing real-time co-response for mental health crisis emergency calls as well as mental health training for first responders. They provide short-term community-based interventions to stabilize a person in a psychiatric crisis and connect them with Integral Care services or other appropriate care. EMCOT is also onsite at Central Booking and at the Travis County Correctional Complex to provide support upon an individual’s release.

  • H

  • Hospital and Jail Diversion Program:
    • This program provides overnight mental health crisis support for adults in a safe 31-bed facility. Services include mental health crisis care, case management, emotional support, medicine and connection to Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing support and recovery. Referrals are made by our Mobile Crisis Outreach Team, our Psychiatric Emergency Services and local hospitals.

  • J

  • Judge Guy Herman Center for Mental Health Crisis Care:
    • The Herman Center offers mental health crisis care in a safe overnight facility. Staff help adults who are in crisis by providing medical support, emotional support, medicine and connection to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing support and recovery. Referrals come from law enforcement, healthcare providers and Integral Care Crisis Services. The Herman Center does not accept walk-ins.

  • M

  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA):
    • Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour class that teaches people how to help someone who might be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Participants learn how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and drug and alcohol use. There are Adult and Youth classes (for people who work with youth ages 12-18). Register here.

  • Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT):
    • This is a team made up of mental health professionals who help adults and children having a mental health crisis. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week anywhere someone needs help – at home, work or school, in clinics, or on the streets. A person in crisis might be hearing or seeing things that are not real or be in danger of injuring themselves. Services include mental health support for up to 90 days and care plans to help keep people safe. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and recovery support. MCOT also works with police and EMS.

  • Mobile Medical and Mental Health (M3) Team:
    • The Mobile Medical and Mental Health (M3) Team is a collaboration between Integral Care, Community Care and UT Dell Medical School. M3 is under the Housing and Homeless Services umbrella and is a community-based team that provides intensive, multi-disciplinary care to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness with mental health, substance use and medical conditions. M3 takes a comprehensive approach, combining pharmacological, rehabilitative, and social interventions.

  • N

  • Next Step Crisis Respite:
    • This program helps adults who are recovering from a mental health crisis who may also need housing. Clients can stay for up to 14 days. Staff help clients return to living in the community. Services include case management and social and life skills training. Clients are connected to local resources for ongoing support.

  • O

  • Outpatient Detox (Formerly Ambulatory Detox):
    • This program is for adults who want to stop using alcohol or drugs like opioids. Detox services are available for up to4 weeks. Staff help clients recover from drug and alcohol use by providing medicine, one-on-one support, education, support groups and social and life skills training. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources.

  • P

  • Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES):
    • This walk-in, urgent care clinic is for adults and children having a mental health crisis. A person in crisis might be hearing or seeing things that are not real or be in danger of injuring themselves. Services include care plans to help keep people safe, mental health support for up to 90 days, medicine and connection to other Integral Care programs.


      Psychiatric Emergency Services
      Richard E. Hopkins Behavioral Health Building
      1165 Airport Blvd., Second Floor, Austin, TX 78702

      Open 24 hours, 7 days a week

  • R

  • RA1SE:
    • This program helps people ages 15-30 who have experienced their first episode of psychosis within the past 2 years. Psychosis can include hearing or seeing things others don’t or feeling that someone can control your thoughts. Staff help clients with relationships, school, work and life goals. Services include alcohol and drug use recovery skills, family education, suicide prevention, medicine and mental and primary health care. We bring our services to our clients.

  • S

  • Suicide Prevention:
    • Integral Care leads the Austin-Central Texas Suicide Prevention Coalition, which provides community education, advocacy and resources. We provide mental health crisis services and education for adults and children.

  • T

  • The Inn:
    • This program is for adults having a mental health crisis. The Inn is a 16-bed overnight facility where a person can stay for up to 7 days. Services include help to regain stability, access to medicine, 24/7 nursing services, alcohol and drug use recovery support and mental health support groups. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and recovery support.

  • Therapeutic Diversion Program (TDP):
    • A residential therapeutic, wraparound respite program for those who need extended support. TDP helps break the cycle of crisis, homelessness, and emergency services by filling a gap in services between justice-involvement, mental health stabilizations, and pursuing the unhoused continuum options.

  • Transition Age Youth:
    • This program supports youth and young adults 16-25 years old. It helps them get connected to the mental health services they need. Staff help clients explore life goals in school, work and relationships. Our team includes peers with mental health conditions, employment specialists and case managers. We bring our services to our clients.

  • Y

  • Youth Crisis Respite Program:
    • The Youth Crisis Respite Program provides a safe and supportive environment for youth ages 13-17 in Travis County who are experiencing a crisis or need a break from life’s stressors. This short term, 24/7 supervised stay allows youth to decompress and is a less restrictive alternative to psychiatric hospitalization. Stays can range from a few days with an average stay up to 10 days, based on individual and family needs. Youth appropriate for crisis respite services are those at a low risk of harm to themselves or others. You may make referrals by contacting: [email protected]

  • C

  • Community First Choice (CFC):
    • This program helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities learn and maintain daily living activities such as dressing, bathing and eating. Services are available to people with Medicaid.

  • Community Living Options Information Process (CLOIP):
    • This program helps adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who live in state supported living centers find community living options, such as group homes or host homes.

  • Community-Based Support (CBS) Team:
    • This program helps adults who live with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and a mental illness, who may also be experiencing a crisis. Staff help clients create plans to help them stay safe and prevent crises. The goal is to keep clients in the community and out of hospitals or jail. Staff connect clients to resources and help them work towards long-term health and wellness.

  • Crisis Intervention Specialists (CIS) Team:
    • The CIS Team helps people ages 3-99 with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who have experienced a crisis or who are at risk of experiencing one. It provides crisis prevention support and services for up to 90 days. The goal is to help people stay safe and in the community.

  • Crisis Respite Services:
    • This program supports people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who may be having a mental health crisis. Services include: a safe place to stay for up to two weeks, help managing stress, independent living skills, family and caregiver education, follow up visits and support, and connection to other services.

  • E

  • Enhanced Community Coordination (ECC):
    • This program helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities move from state supported living centers and nursing facilities to homes in the community. Services include help planning for a move and money to buy items needed for the move. The program also helps people who have already moved from state supported living centers and nursing facilities. Integral Care can provide those clients extra support for up to one year.

  • G

  • General Revenue (GR) Funded Services:
    • These services help adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities stay in their own home or family’s home through respite and service coordination.

  • H

  • Home and Community Based Services (HCS):
    • This program helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who live with their family, in their own home, in a host home/companion care setting, or in a home with no more than four people who also receive services. Services include funding for nursing care, staff to help with daily activities, mental health support, adaptive aids, residential assistance, minor home modifications, help finding and keeping a job, day programs, dental care, and specialized therapies like physical, occupational and speech therapies.

  • HUB Learning Community (HLC):
    • HLC is a resource for professionals who support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) across 27 Central Texas counties. It helps professionals address the complex medical, behavioral and psychiatric needs of individuals with IDD to avoid unnecessary institutionalization. Services include: training on understanding the unique challenges faced by individuals with IDD, evidence-based information and best practice for specific diagnoses and disorders, case analysis, problem solving, professional guidance and clinical recommendations.

  • I

  • IDD Employment Services:
    • This program helps adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities get and keep jobs. Clients enrolled in the Home and Community-based Services Waiver (HCS) program, Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program, or referred by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) may be eligible.

  • IDD Intake/Enrollment:
    • Intake and enrollment staff test adults and children for intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Staff connect eligible individuals to resources.

  • P

  • Positive Assistive Community Engagement (PACE):
    • This program supports adults and children living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who may be experiencing a crisis. Staff provide hourly in-home relief to help ease client and caregiver stress. Services include help managing stress, family and caregiver support like coping skills and de-escalation techniques and connection to other services.

  • Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASSR):
    • This program helps adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who live in a nursing facility improve and maintain their health. Services include mental health support and primary health care.

  • T

  • Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Provider:
    • TxHmL helps adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities live with their families or on their own. Integral Care may provide nursing care, mental health support, specialized therapies like physical, occupational and speech therapies, dental care, help with healthy eating, adaptive aids, opportunities to learn skills outside the home, including job skills training, and help finding and keeping a job.

  • Texas Home Living (TxHmL):
    • Integral Care provides adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities service coordination and connection to a TxHmL program. The TxHmL program provides services and supports so that people with IDD can continue to live with their family or in their own homes. Services include funding for nursing care, respite, staff to help with daily activities, mental health support, adaptive aids, minor home modifications, help finding and keeping a job, day programs, dental care, and specialized therapies like physical, occupational and speech therapies.
