Institute of Archaeology "Vasile Parvan"
Classical Archaeology
On the centennial anniversary of archaeological excavations in Istros (Histria), the authors present a brief survey of the researches carried out from 1914 to our days, the most significant results and the main publications reflecting the... more
Marea Neagră este principalul factor de influenţă geo-climatic în zona Histriei, ca de altfel în tot arealul litoralului.
This study presenting the first general inventory of tumuli in Histria area has two main components: the first part concerning technical and methodological approach (application of different GIS techniques) and a second part presenting... more
The correspondence between the Commission of Historic Monuments and the manager of the archaeological site Histria, S. Lambrino, found in the archive of the National Institute for Historical Monuments concerns the „Forests House”... more
First aerial photographs used by archaeologists in Histria - 1926-1931, 1931 and 1935.
Analyse des mouvements de la flotte athénienne et, en conclusion, la date de 438 av. J-C est proposée.
L’article se propose une brève présentation des principales directions envisagées par les recherches archéologiques menées à Histria pendant les 100 ans de fouilles et, en même temps, de formuler les principaux objectifs de la recherche... more
Il y a trente ans, Histria, la célèbre colonie milésienne sur la côte occidentale de la Mer Noire, dans laquelle on effectuait des fouilles archéologiques depuis 1914 (cette année on aurait dû fêter 80 ans de fouilles), n'était connue que... more
The article is intended to analyse the information that we have today about the urbanism of the Greek city, in its different stages of development. The opportunity was the observation on orthophotoplans of traces that could be interpreted... more
First aerophotographs used in Histria
Cuvinte cheie: Histria, sector basilica " Pârvan‛, bothros, complex eclesiastic roman; zid de incintă roman târziu; clădiri arhaice, clasice şi elenistice. Keywords: Histria; the Basilica " Pârvan‛ sector; bothros; roman ecclesiastical... more