International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mindfulness For Performance is a programme that has been developed over 15 years. It aims to help... more Mindfulness For Performance is a programme that has been developed over 15 years. It aims to help athletes maintain effective attentional focus regardless of the disruptive sensations and thoughts induced by the performance situation. It is inspired by Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Acceptance Commitment Therapy programmes and has been adapted to the specificities of sport. It is composed of three steps: (a) psychoeducation and identification of the focus of attention, (b) mindfulness and acceptance training, and (c) integrating skills acquired into training and competition. This article reports the effects of MFP in two studies in national basketball players and in young table tennis players. The first study showed that mindfulness skills and free-throw accuracy during basketball games increased more in the experimental group than in the control group. Table tennis results revealed that participants who showed the highest percentage of adherence to the programme benefited m...
ABSTRACT Despite the increasing prevalence of mindfulness-based interventions in sport, no contex... more ABSTRACT Despite the increasing prevalence of mindfulness-based interventions in sport, no context-specific instrument currently exists to measure mindfulness in sport. The Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (MIS) was devised using a three-stage approach, to measure one’s ability to: (1) be aware of disruptive stimuli and their associated internal reactions; (2) adopt a non-judgmental attitude towards these stimuli and reactions; and (3) quickly refocus attention on goal-related cues. In stage 1, a pool of items was developed and assessed by six experts in the areas of mindfulness and instrument validation. In stage 2, exploratory factor analyses with data collected from undergraduate student-athletes (N = 370) resulted in a three-factor, 19-item version of the instrument. In stage 3, confirmatory analyses using structural equation modelling were conducted with a sample of elite athletes (N = 343). A final 15-item three-factor version displayed an acceptable model fit, with little evidence of invariance demonstrated across sport type and partial invariance across gender. In addition, the subscales of the MIS displayed significant correlations with conceptually-related variables such as flow, worry, concentration disruption, and perfectionism. Available online via
Cette recherche etudie l'influence d'un programme d'entrainement mental combine a une... more Cette recherche etudie l'influence d'un programme d'entrainement mental combine a une pratique physique intense sur la performance et sur le developpement de l'imagerie. Deux groupes de gymnastes feminines de haut niveau ont ete constitues. Le groupe experimental etait soumis a un entrainement physique et a un entrainement mental (EPM), le groupe controle (EP) uniquement a un entrainement physique et a une tâche neutre. Des mesures de la performance et de certaines capacites d'imagerie ont ete effectuees avant et apres l'experimentation. Les resultats montrent que les effets de l'entrainement mental associe a un entrainement physique ne different pas, statistiquement, de ceux d'un entrainement physique associe a une tâche neutre, excepte pour la poutre (des performances superieures sont obtenues par le groupe EP) et pour l'imagerie kinesthesique (des scores superieurs sont obtenues par le groupe EPM). Ces resultats conduisent d'une part a s...
This study examined the effects of a 14-week cognitive-behavioral teaching program on the motivat... more This study examined the effects of a 14-week cognitive-behavioral teaching program on the motivation, preparation, and putting performance of novice golfers. A cognitive-behavioral program was adapted from Boutcher and Rotella (1987) and was compared with a physical skills training group and a control group. The Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, Tusón, Briére, & Blais, 1995) was used to measure intrinsic versus introjected forms of selfregulation. Preputt routines and actual putting performance were measured by observer ratings. Participants completed all dependent measures prior to training and at 3 additional times spaced over 4-week intervals. The results showed that participants in the cognitive-behavioral program displayed enhanced intrinsic motivation, more consistent use of preputt routines, and improved putting performance relative to participants in the other 2 groups. Cognitive-behavioral participants also showed a significantly reduced use of introjec...
This study investigated the effect of a 12-session, implicit perceptual-motor training program on... more This study investigated the effect of a 12-session, implicit perceptual-motor training program on decision-making skills and visual search behavior of highly skilled junior female karate fighters (M age = 15.7 years, SD = 1.2). Eighteen participants were required to make (physical or verbal) reaction decisions to various attacks within different fighting scenarios. Fighters' performance and eye movements were assessed before and after the intervention, and during acquisition through the use of video-based and on-mat decision-making tests. The video-based test revealed that following training, only the implicit perceptual-motor group (n = 6) improved their decision-making accuracy significantly compared to a matched motor training (placebo, n = 6) group and a control group (n = 6). Further, the implicit training group significantly changed their visual search behavior by focusing on fewer locations for longer durations. In addition, the session-by-session analysis showed no signi...
This study examined the contribution of situational probability information to the perceptual and... more This study examined the contribution of situational probability information to the perceptual and cognitive processes underlying decision-making behaviour during in situ Karate performance. Experts and novices were required to make decisions about various attacks in different fight scenarios. The order in which the fight situations were presented was modified in order to provide advanced probability information and identify whether fighters were able to use the latter information to make better decisions. Specifically, one of the attacks was repeated every four actions. Results revealed that experts were more accurate and faster than their less skilled counterparts to block and counterattack the opponent. The experts picked up the occurrence of the attack pattern after the fifth repetition whereas novices did not. This enabled experts to improve decision time and decision accuracy. Findings suggest that such superiority could stem from the perceptual and cognitive skills possessed b...
Background In combat sport, anticipation is an indispensable quality in order to avoid being hit.... more Background In combat sport, anticipation is an indispensable quality in order to avoid being hit. The aim of this study is knowledge about the efficacy of a "no-feedback" video-based perceptual training program for enhancing the decision-making of skilled male karate fighters. Material & Methods: This study examined the effectiveness of a "no-feedback" video-based perceptual training program to enhance decision-making of skilled karate fighters (n = 6) compared to control group (n = 6) and placebo group (n = 6). Participants in the intervention group completed six training sessions where they reacted to temporally occluded video footage of typical combat situations during which they had to mime, as rapidly and accurately as possible, the action which they would have carried out in the observed situation. Decision time and decision accuracy were assessed pre-and post-intervention and during acquisition. Number of action rules was recorded pre and post the implementation of the program. Results: Participants who received "no-feedback" video-based perceptual training significantly enhanced their decision accuracy and decision time during the period of the program and from pre-to post-test compared with both control and placebo group. Moreover, the absence of an increase in the number of verbalized action rules after the video training suggests that this approach may have promoted implicit learning. Conclusions: "No-feedback" video-based perceptual training program is an effective approach to enhance decision-making of skilled karate fighters without the accrual of explicit knowledge.
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2003
The purposes of this qualitative study were, (a) to compare the competitive strategies developed ... more The purposes of this qualitative study were, (a) to compare the competitive strategies developed by national and international female gymnasts through natural learning experiences, (b) to compare the competitive strategies used by national gymnasts who benefited from a psychological skills training (PST) program to those developed by international gymnasts via natural learning experiences, and (c) to investigate the functions these strategies served in the two aforementioned cases. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted with three international and six national gymnasts. Three of the six national gymnasts followed a PST, whereas the other three did not. The international gymnasts never benefited from PST neither before nor during the study. The results indicated that the strategies developed through natural experiences over time by the international gymnasts were wider and more elaborate than those of their national counterparts, but akin to those used by the national gymnasts who had benefited from a PST. The specific consequences of the characteristics of the international context and psychological skills training on the strategies gymnasts elaborated were also highlighted. Results are discussed relative to research on deliberate practice and sport talent development (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Romer, 1993).
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2005
However, the results of the various studies have to be taken with caution by practitioners workin... more However, the results of the various studies have to be taken with caution by practitioners working with elite athletes; more than a decade ago, Greenspan and Feltz (1989) reported that only three of the 23 published studies of psychological interventions were carried out with elite athletes. Moreover, small to moderate improvement in the performance were observed. Papers on methodological issues of research have noted five reasons for weak effect sizes of mental skill train
Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, 2015
Reçu le 22 février 2014-Accepté le 24 décembre 2014 Résumé. Cette étude vise à comprendre le déve... more Reçu le 22 février 2014-Accepté le 24 décembre 2014 Résumé. Cette étude vise à comprendre le développement de l'expertise décisionnelle en identifiant les différences de stratégies de recherche visuelle chez des taekwondoïstes experts et pré-experts lors d'un test basé sur la vidéo nécessitant de prendre des décisions en situations de combat. Il apparaît que les décisions des experts sont significativement plus pertinentes que celles des pré-experts notamment grâce à des stratégies de recherche visuelle efficaces impliquant de longues fixations visuelles en petite quantité. En revanche, l'analyse du pourcentage de temps de fixations visuelles ne présente pas différence significative entre les groupes. Aussi, aucune différence de stratégie visuelle n'est observée entre les bonnes et les mauvaises décisions. Nos résultats soulignent l'utilisation chez les experts, d'un « pivot visuel » en direction du plastron ou des zones proches de l'adversaire suggérant l'importance de la vision périphérique dans le processus décisionnel.
Objectives: The goal of this article is to better understand the use of mental imagery by athlete... more Objectives: The goal of this article is to better understand the use of mental imagery by athletes. Design: Exploratory qualitative study followed by interviews with multimedia assessment tool. Method: A first qualitative study was completed with two expert skydivers. The model obtained by the first study was tested in a second quantitative study with 32 skydivers. A multimedia tool was programmed to test the model so that films representing various content (internal or external views), characteristics (e.g., speed) and functions (e.g., to learn, to manage stress) was displayed during interviews in the second study. Results: Results of the first study suggested that the use of imagery can be functionally explained by three related elements: content (what is visualized), characteristics (how it is visualized) and functions (why it is visualized) of mental images. Results of the second study showed that the content and the characteristics of imagery are linked to the function sought. Moreover, we found that the mental images used (content, characteristics and functions) varied according to the level of expertise (novice, confirmed or experts) and with the situation (when preparing for the jump, before jumping out of the plane or after the jump). Conclusions: These results supplement the current stream of study, which has emphasized structural description of mental imagery since 1985. Our findings suggest that future research should build on structural dimensions of mental imagery and examine functional issues, because functional aspects have proved useful for understanding imagery use and for counseling athletes.
This study aimed to explore attentional foci and their temporal patterns in expert skaters in rea... more This study aimed to explore attentional foci and their temporal patterns in expert skaters in real competition situations. Individual self-confrontation interviews were held with 8 expert figure skaters while they watched their videotaped program performed in official competitions. Qualitative data analysis revealed that skaters used a substantial number of foci, which were classified by content and characteristics. Event listing was used to display the patterns of foci over time, revealing that skaters used distinct processes to prepare for, perform, and evaluate different program elements. These results highlighted the great flexibility and variability of attentional focus, according to circumstantial factors.
Objectifs.-Adapter la batterie américaine de tests de condition physique « Senior Fitness Test » ... more Objectifs.-Adapter la batterie américaine de tests de condition physique « Senior Fitness Test » (SFT) et élaborer des valeurs de références pour la population française âgée de 60 à 89 ans. Méthodes.-Les six tests de la batterie, les guides et les instructions ont été traduits en français et adaptés au système de mesure international. Une nouvelle organisation de passation des tests et un système de stockage des données anonymes ont été mis en place afin de pouvoir réaliser ces tests de manière individuelle ou en groupes lors de grandes manifestations. Les données ont été recueillies chez 1237 volontaires hommes et femmes âgés de 60 à 89 ans. Résultats.-Les consignes des différents tests du SFT ont été traduites et adaptées en français. Les valeurs de référence sont présentées dans cet article pour les différents groupes d'âge, selon le sexe. La passation nécessite 2 h 30 min pour un groupe de 30 personnes et 15 minutes pour une personne seule. Conclusion.-Deux fédérations sportives françaises (Fédération française EPMM sports pour tous [FFEPMM] et Fédération française d'athlétisme [FFA]) ont formés des éducateurs sportifs et sont en mesure d'administrer cette batterie. Peut être utilisée par des professionnels de l'activité physique. La phase suivante de recherche consistera à établir la validité et la fidélité de ces tests.
Objectives: This two-study article examines the functional aspects of the use of imagery and desc... more Objectives: This two-study article examines the functional aspects of the use of imagery and describes the relationship among function, content and characteristics of mental images used by expert golfers in different situations. Method: In Study 1, three methods of interviews (field interviews self-confrontation interviews and focus group) were used with 21 expert golfers to collect data about their use of imagery. In Study 2, 31 expert golfers were exposed to different situations (task-involving vs. ego-involving situations, easy vs. difficult tasks conditions) in order to examine the links between: (a) the function and the content, and the function and the characteristics of their mental images, and (b) the situation and the function of their mental images. Results: Results indicated that one category of content (images of the outcome with an internal perspective) was principally used by all participants. Moreover, the expert golfers adapted the content and the characteristics of their images according to the function that was required by the situation. The influence of the situation on imagery use highlighted in Study 1 was not confirmed in Study 2. Conclusions: Results confirm the links among function, content and characteristics of imagery postulated recently (
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of the recor... more The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of the record. Please see the repository URL above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mindfulness For Performance is a programme that has been developed over 15 years. It aims to help... more Mindfulness For Performance is a programme that has been developed over 15 years. It aims to help athletes maintain effective attentional focus regardless of the disruptive sensations and thoughts induced by the performance situation. It is inspired by Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Acceptance Commitment Therapy programmes and has been adapted to the specificities of sport. It is composed of three steps: (a) psychoeducation and identification of the focus of attention, (b) mindfulness and acceptance training, and (c) integrating skills acquired into training and competition. This article reports the effects of MFP in two studies in national basketball players and in young table tennis players. The first study showed that mindfulness skills and free-throw accuracy during basketball games increased more in the experimental group than in the control group. Table tennis results revealed that participants who showed the highest percentage of adherence to the programme benefited m...
ABSTRACT Despite the increasing prevalence of mindfulness-based interventions in sport, no contex... more ABSTRACT Despite the increasing prevalence of mindfulness-based interventions in sport, no context-specific instrument currently exists to measure mindfulness in sport. The Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (MIS) was devised using a three-stage approach, to measure one’s ability to: (1) be aware of disruptive stimuli and their associated internal reactions; (2) adopt a non-judgmental attitude towards these stimuli and reactions; and (3) quickly refocus attention on goal-related cues. In stage 1, a pool of items was developed and assessed by six experts in the areas of mindfulness and instrument validation. In stage 2, exploratory factor analyses with data collected from undergraduate student-athletes (N = 370) resulted in a three-factor, 19-item version of the instrument. In stage 3, confirmatory analyses using structural equation modelling were conducted with a sample of elite athletes (N = 343). A final 15-item three-factor version displayed an acceptable model fit, with little evidence of invariance demonstrated across sport type and partial invariance across gender. In addition, the subscales of the MIS displayed significant correlations with conceptually-related variables such as flow, worry, concentration disruption, and perfectionism. Available online via
Cette recherche etudie l'influence d'un programme d'entrainement mental combine a une... more Cette recherche etudie l'influence d'un programme d'entrainement mental combine a une pratique physique intense sur la performance et sur le developpement de l'imagerie. Deux groupes de gymnastes feminines de haut niveau ont ete constitues. Le groupe experimental etait soumis a un entrainement physique et a un entrainement mental (EPM), le groupe controle (EP) uniquement a un entrainement physique et a une tâche neutre. Des mesures de la performance et de certaines capacites d'imagerie ont ete effectuees avant et apres l'experimentation. Les resultats montrent que les effets de l'entrainement mental associe a un entrainement physique ne different pas, statistiquement, de ceux d'un entrainement physique associe a une tâche neutre, excepte pour la poutre (des performances superieures sont obtenues par le groupe EP) et pour l'imagerie kinesthesique (des scores superieurs sont obtenues par le groupe EPM). Ces resultats conduisent d'une part a s...
This study examined the effects of a 14-week cognitive-behavioral teaching program on the motivat... more This study examined the effects of a 14-week cognitive-behavioral teaching program on the motivation, preparation, and putting performance of novice golfers. A cognitive-behavioral program was adapted from Boutcher and Rotella (1987) and was compared with a physical skills training group and a control group. The Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, Tusón, Briére, & Blais, 1995) was used to measure intrinsic versus introjected forms of selfregulation. Preputt routines and actual putting performance were measured by observer ratings. Participants completed all dependent measures prior to training and at 3 additional times spaced over 4-week intervals. The results showed that participants in the cognitive-behavioral program displayed enhanced intrinsic motivation, more consistent use of preputt routines, and improved putting performance relative to participants in the other 2 groups. Cognitive-behavioral participants also showed a significantly reduced use of introjec...
This study investigated the effect of a 12-session, implicit perceptual-motor training program on... more This study investigated the effect of a 12-session, implicit perceptual-motor training program on decision-making skills and visual search behavior of highly skilled junior female karate fighters (M age = 15.7 years, SD = 1.2). Eighteen participants were required to make (physical or verbal) reaction decisions to various attacks within different fighting scenarios. Fighters' performance and eye movements were assessed before and after the intervention, and during acquisition through the use of video-based and on-mat decision-making tests. The video-based test revealed that following training, only the implicit perceptual-motor group (n = 6) improved their decision-making accuracy significantly compared to a matched motor training (placebo, n = 6) group and a control group (n = 6). Further, the implicit training group significantly changed their visual search behavior by focusing on fewer locations for longer durations. In addition, the session-by-session analysis showed no signi...
This study examined the contribution of situational probability information to the perceptual and... more This study examined the contribution of situational probability information to the perceptual and cognitive processes underlying decision-making behaviour during in situ Karate performance. Experts and novices were required to make decisions about various attacks in different fight scenarios. The order in which the fight situations were presented was modified in order to provide advanced probability information and identify whether fighters were able to use the latter information to make better decisions. Specifically, one of the attacks was repeated every four actions. Results revealed that experts were more accurate and faster than their less skilled counterparts to block and counterattack the opponent. The experts picked up the occurrence of the attack pattern after the fifth repetition whereas novices did not. This enabled experts to improve decision time and decision accuracy. Findings suggest that such superiority could stem from the perceptual and cognitive skills possessed b...
Background In combat sport, anticipation is an indispensable quality in order to avoid being hit.... more Background In combat sport, anticipation is an indispensable quality in order to avoid being hit. The aim of this study is knowledge about the efficacy of a "no-feedback" video-based perceptual training program for enhancing the decision-making of skilled male karate fighters. Material & Methods: This study examined the effectiveness of a "no-feedback" video-based perceptual training program to enhance decision-making of skilled karate fighters (n = 6) compared to control group (n = 6) and placebo group (n = 6). Participants in the intervention group completed six training sessions where they reacted to temporally occluded video footage of typical combat situations during which they had to mime, as rapidly and accurately as possible, the action which they would have carried out in the observed situation. Decision time and decision accuracy were assessed pre-and post-intervention and during acquisition. Number of action rules was recorded pre and post the implementation of the program. Results: Participants who received "no-feedback" video-based perceptual training significantly enhanced their decision accuracy and decision time during the period of the program and from pre-to post-test compared with both control and placebo group. Moreover, the absence of an increase in the number of verbalized action rules after the video training suggests that this approach may have promoted implicit learning. Conclusions: "No-feedback" video-based perceptual training program is an effective approach to enhance decision-making of skilled karate fighters without the accrual of explicit knowledge.
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2003
The purposes of this qualitative study were, (a) to compare the competitive strategies developed ... more The purposes of this qualitative study were, (a) to compare the competitive strategies developed by national and international female gymnasts through natural learning experiences, (b) to compare the competitive strategies used by national gymnasts who benefited from a psychological skills training (PST) program to those developed by international gymnasts via natural learning experiences, and (c) to investigate the functions these strategies served in the two aforementioned cases. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted with three international and six national gymnasts. Three of the six national gymnasts followed a PST, whereas the other three did not. The international gymnasts never benefited from PST neither before nor during the study. The results indicated that the strategies developed through natural experiences over time by the international gymnasts were wider and more elaborate than those of their national counterparts, but akin to those used by the national gymnasts who had benefited from a PST. The specific consequences of the characteristics of the international context and psychological skills training on the strategies gymnasts elaborated were also highlighted. Results are discussed relative to research on deliberate practice and sport talent development (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Romer, 1993).
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2005
However, the results of the various studies have to be taken with caution by practitioners workin... more However, the results of the various studies have to be taken with caution by practitioners working with elite athletes; more than a decade ago, Greenspan and Feltz (1989) reported that only three of the 23 published studies of psychological interventions were carried out with elite athletes. Moreover, small to moderate improvement in the performance were observed. Papers on methodological issues of research have noted five reasons for weak effect sizes of mental skill train
Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, 2015
Reçu le 22 février 2014-Accepté le 24 décembre 2014 Résumé. Cette étude vise à comprendre le déve... more Reçu le 22 février 2014-Accepté le 24 décembre 2014 Résumé. Cette étude vise à comprendre le développement de l'expertise décisionnelle en identifiant les différences de stratégies de recherche visuelle chez des taekwondoïstes experts et pré-experts lors d'un test basé sur la vidéo nécessitant de prendre des décisions en situations de combat. Il apparaît que les décisions des experts sont significativement plus pertinentes que celles des pré-experts notamment grâce à des stratégies de recherche visuelle efficaces impliquant de longues fixations visuelles en petite quantité. En revanche, l'analyse du pourcentage de temps de fixations visuelles ne présente pas différence significative entre les groupes. Aussi, aucune différence de stratégie visuelle n'est observée entre les bonnes et les mauvaises décisions. Nos résultats soulignent l'utilisation chez les experts, d'un « pivot visuel » en direction du plastron ou des zones proches de l'adversaire suggérant l'importance de la vision périphérique dans le processus décisionnel.
Objectives: The goal of this article is to better understand the use of mental imagery by athlete... more Objectives: The goal of this article is to better understand the use of mental imagery by athletes. Design: Exploratory qualitative study followed by interviews with multimedia assessment tool. Method: A first qualitative study was completed with two expert skydivers. The model obtained by the first study was tested in a second quantitative study with 32 skydivers. A multimedia tool was programmed to test the model so that films representing various content (internal or external views), characteristics (e.g., speed) and functions (e.g., to learn, to manage stress) was displayed during interviews in the second study. Results: Results of the first study suggested that the use of imagery can be functionally explained by three related elements: content (what is visualized), characteristics (how it is visualized) and functions (why it is visualized) of mental images. Results of the second study showed that the content and the characteristics of imagery are linked to the function sought. Moreover, we found that the mental images used (content, characteristics and functions) varied according to the level of expertise (novice, confirmed or experts) and with the situation (when preparing for the jump, before jumping out of the plane or after the jump). Conclusions: These results supplement the current stream of study, which has emphasized structural description of mental imagery since 1985. Our findings suggest that future research should build on structural dimensions of mental imagery and examine functional issues, because functional aspects have proved useful for understanding imagery use and for counseling athletes.
This study aimed to explore attentional foci and their temporal patterns in expert skaters in rea... more This study aimed to explore attentional foci and their temporal patterns in expert skaters in real competition situations. Individual self-confrontation interviews were held with 8 expert figure skaters while they watched their videotaped program performed in official competitions. Qualitative data analysis revealed that skaters used a substantial number of foci, which were classified by content and characteristics. Event listing was used to display the patterns of foci over time, revealing that skaters used distinct processes to prepare for, perform, and evaluate different program elements. These results highlighted the great flexibility and variability of attentional focus, according to circumstantial factors.
Objectifs.-Adapter la batterie américaine de tests de condition physique « Senior Fitness Test » ... more Objectifs.-Adapter la batterie américaine de tests de condition physique « Senior Fitness Test » (SFT) et élaborer des valeurs de références pour la population française âgée de 60 à 89 ans. Méthodes.-Les six tests de la batterie, les guides et les instructions ont été traduits en français et adaptés au système de mesure international. Une nouvelle organisation de passation des tests et un système de stockage des données anonymes ont été mis en place afin de pouvoir réaliser ces tests de manière individuelle ou en groupes lors de grandes manifestations. Les données ont été recueillies chez 1237 volontaires hommes et femmes âgés de 60 à 89 ans. Résultats.-Les consignes des différents tests du SFT ont été traduites et adaptées en français. Les valeurs de référence sont présentées dans cet article pour les différents groupes d'âge, selon le sexe. La passation nécessite 2 h 30 min pour un groupe de 30 personnes et 15 minutes pour une personne seule. Conclusion.-Deux fédérations sportives françaises (Fédération française EPMM sports pour tous [FFEPMM] et Fédération française d'athlétisme [FFA]) ont formés des éducateurs sportifs et sont en mesure d'administrer cette batterie. Peut être utilisée par des professionnels de l'activité physique. La phase suivante de recherche consistera à établir la validité et la fidélité de ces tests.
Objectives: This two-study article examines the functional aspects of the use of imagery and desc... more Objectives: This two-study article examines the functional aspects of the use of imagery and describes the relationship among function, content and characteristics of mental images used by expert golfers in different situations. Method: In Study 1, three methods of interviews (field interviews self-confrontation interviews and focus group) were used with 21 expert golfers to collect data about their use of imagery. In Study 2, 31 expert golfers were exposed to different situations (task-involving vs. ego-involving situations, easy vs. difficult tasks conditions) in order to examine the links between: (a) the function and the content, and the function and the characteristics of their mental images, and (b) the situation and the function of their mental images. Results: Results indicated that one category of content (images of the outcome with an internal perspective) was principally used by all participants. Moreover, the expert golfers adapted the content and the characteristics of their images according to the function that was required by the situation. The influence of the situation on imagery use highlighted in Study 1 was not confirmed in Study 2. Conclusions: Results confirm the links among function, content and characteristics of imagery postulated recently (
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of the recor... more The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of the record. Please see the repository URL above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.
Papers by Jean Fournier