Papers by Stéphanie Barral
Revue française de socio-économie, Dec 12, 2023
Socio-economic Review, Jun 26, 2023
Revue française de socio-économie, May 24, 2023
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2014
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2012
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2012
This handbook is a training tool designed for scholars and students teaching or studying agrarian... more This handbook is a training tool designed for scholars and students teaching or studying agrarian diagnosis. It was produced in the framework of the INRAD project, supported by the European Commission’s Asia Link program in order to promote innovative training in South-East Asian Universities. INRAD is an EU-supported program that aims at developing an academic curriculum on agricultural developmentand natural resource management in Asian Universities.
L'Année Sociologique, 2021

Autrepart, 2012
Regarding major tropical products such as coffee, cocoa, rubber, and palm oil, the shares of plan... more Regarding major tropical products such as coffee, cocoa, rubber, and palm oil, the shares of plantations in relation to smallholders differ with respect to countries, historical periods, and crops. Why do large estates still play an important role in the palm oil sector while they are marginal in the cocoa sector? This issue is addressed in the cases of Ghana and Indonesia through a brief survey of the literature, socioeconomic investigations in small farms, and participant observations in large estates. The change in this dualism depends on the conditions of introduction of each culture, and on related public policies. The difference between palm oil and cocoa also relates to more technical and economic factors such as economies of scale, type of product and planting material, agricultural calendars, and their impact on labor management. Today, family plantations are spreading around, using some of the resources of large estates.

Académique, Oct 16, 2014
Les grandes plantations, figures emblematiques de la production agricole capitaliste et heritages... more Les grandes plantations, figures emblematiques de la production agricole capitaliste et heritages directs de la periode coloniale, sont l’objet d’un interet politique accru dans plusieurs pays de la zone intertropicale. C’est le cas des plantations de palmier a huile en Indonesie, integrees principalement a de grandes firmes privees appartenant a des Indonesiens d’origine chinoise et dont le developpement est largement soutenu par les gouvernements successifs depuis les annees 1970. Ce chapitre s’interesse a leurs conditions d’expansion a partir de l’analyse du rapport salarial et des mecanismes de stabilisation de leurs ouvriers. L’etude de terrain menee au sein de six grandes plantations montre que, dans ce contexte d’Etat social liberal paternaliste, les politiques sociales des compagnies sont directement influencees par le marche local du travail. Le role majeur qu’elles jouent dans la definition des protections sociales, ainsi que celui du foncier dans la constitution de protections complementaires, expliquent les fortes disparites geographiques en termes de securite economique des ouvriers de plantations.

Revue de la régulation, Apr 18, 2013
Avec la mondialisation des echanges s’observe a l’heure actuelle un mouvement rapide de developpe... more Avec la mondialisation des echanges s’observe a l’heure actuelle un mouvement rapide de developpement du capitalisme agraire. Les grandes plantations, figure emblematique de cette forme de production agricole et heritage direct de la periode coloniale, sont l’objet d’un interet politique accru dans plusieurs pays de la zone intertropicale. C’est le cas des grandes plantations de palmier a huile en Indonesie, dont le developpement est largement soutenu par les gouvernements successifs depuis les annees 1970. Cet article interroge les conditions de l’expansion de ces grandes plantations par l’analyse du rapport salarial et des ressorts de la stabilisation des ouvriers au sein des plantations. Il ressort d’une etude de terrain menee au sein de six grandes plantations que, dans ce contexte d’Etat social liberal paternaliste, les politiques sociales des compagnies de plantation sont directement influencees par le marche local du travail. Toutefois, l’etude des trajectoires d’accumulation des ouvriers montre que la demande en travail n’est pas l’unique facteur explicatif : dans les zones de front pionnier ou sont mises en place de nouvelles plantations privees depuis les annees 1980, l’acces a la propriete fonciere est un second parametre qui influe le rapport salarial. Le role majeur que jouent les compagnies dans la definition des protections sociales, ainsi que celui du foncier dans la constitution de protections complementaires, explique les fortes disparites en termes de securite des ouvriers de plantation.
Etudes rurales, Jan 17, 2012
Editions des archives contemporaines eBooks, Nov 30, 2022
Entreprises Et Histoire, 2017
The social history of plantation capitalism in Indonesia highlights the development of several fo... more The social history of plantation capitalism in Indonesia highlights the development of several forms of agrarian capitalism and small-scale entrepreneurship by workers. State labour regulations and the local economic environment are the key explanatory factors that are analysed in this article. During the colonial period, workers were put to work by force through the indenture system and had very limited autonomy. Two decades of social movements followed the independence of Indonesia, during which social progress was achieved through the formalisation of labour laws. The liberalisation of work that was imposed afterwards has shifted the responsibility for social protection from the companies to the workers themselves who then became dependent on local land availability in order to sustain their retirement needs.

International Sociology, Mar 1, 2015
In the past few years, as economic crises went on in several parts of the world, flexibility and ... more In the past few years, as economic crises went on in several parts of the world, flexibility and security have become central issues for employment policy makers as well as for academics. Particularly concerned with high levels of unemployment, advanced political economies are seeking new ways to curb the situation by regulating the employment market on the basis of 'flexicurity'. The investigation presented in this book analyses to what extent worker security can be affected by flexibility strategies in different OECD countries and, in particular, in Italy over the last two decades. Does flexibility means reduced employment protections as they are commonly understood? Or can flexibility and security evolve together as current political and learned trends seek to promote? Within the public debate, flexibility is linked with a loss of security, which postulates that flexibility will have an overall negative impact on security. In this book, the authors focus on Italy but they also bring in Japanese, Spanish and German data in order to put the results into perspective. Flexibility can be defined in several ways, such as numerical, temporal, or wage flexibility. During the last two decades, advanced economies developed measures in order to reduce restrictions on fixed-term contracts as well as monetary incentives such as reduced social contributions paid by employers. Does this imply a reduction of security? The authors demonstrate that from the perspective of economic theory, it is not possible to assume differentials between standard and non-standard wages. No existing theory can answer this question; it is therefore an empirical issue that is studied in the book. In order to study the impact of flexibility on security, the authors choose one definition of 'security'. They consider 'work security' to be an issue of employment continuity related to organizations and regulations intended to ensure it, and they question the link between flexibility and security according to three main issues: they analyse the impact of flexibility on employment security, wage dynamics and social security. In order to do so, they remind us that empirical studies consider three parameters for the study of work security: employment continuity, adequate earnings and adequate resources provided by the social protection system. The authors then investigate how types of work contract affect worker security. In Italy, the formalization of regulations of work has always been a complex issue due to a diverse set of laws and collective agreements. The governments of the 1950s and 1960s developed a 'protective approach' to work based on the notion of full-time and open-ended contracts. From the late 1970s to the 1990s, the economic crisis and the reorganization of the industrial sector led to a gradual liberalization of regulations governing labour relations, as occurred in many advanced capitalist countries at that time.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
Travail permanent, travail temporaire, travail indépendant. Diversité et coexistence des formes d... more Travail permanent, travail temporaire, travail indépendant. Diversité et coexistence des formes de travail dans l'agriculture de plantatio
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 4, 2018
Papers by Stéphanie Barral
3ème vendredi du mois de 11 h à 13 h. Entrée libre, dans la limite des places disponibles.