Books by Philip M Fearnside

Protected areas have numerous roles (such as biodiversity preservation, the development of scient... more Protected areas have numerous roles (such as biodiversity preservation, the development of scientific research, and the sustainable use of natural resources), but they are under threat from political and economic forces. The 837,000-ha Serra do Divisor National Park (SDNP) in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon combines the conservation of natural resources and maintenance of the productive activities of c. 400 resident families. The Brazilian and Peruvian governments have proposed a road linking Acre (Brazil) to Ucayali (Peru) that would bisect the SDNP. Another threat to the SDNP is a bill proposing its downgrading to an 'environmental protection area'. This study aims to map the land cover of the SDNP and its surroundings from 1988 to 2018 and analyze the dynamics of land-use change. Analysis of Landsat satellite images with supervised classification using the MaxVer algorithm shows that, during the 30-year period, pasture had the highest absolute land-cover gain, with 1986 ha in the interior and 7661 ha along the periphery of the SDNP. Only 1% of the park's primary forest was lost by 2018, but the proposed road and potential downgrading may result in accelerated deforestation and forest degradation in the near future.

Protected areas have numerous roles (such as biodiversity preservation, the development of scient... more Protected areas have numerous roles (such as biodiversity preservation, the development of scientific research, and the sustainable use of natural resources), but they are under threat from political and economic forces. The 837,000-ha Serra do Divisor National Park (SDNP) in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon combines the conservation of natural resources and maintenance of the productive activities of c. 400 resident families. The Brazilian and Peruvian governments have proposed a road linking Acre (Brazil) to Ucayali (Peru) that would bisect the SDNP. Another threat to the SDNP is a bill proposing its downgrading to an 'environmental protection area'. This study aims to map the land cover of the SDNP and its surroundings from 1988 to 2018 and analyze the dynamics of land-use change. Analysis of Landsat satellite images with supervised classification using the MaxVer algorithm shows that, during the 30-year period, pasture had the highest absolute land-cover gain, with 1986 ha in the interior and 7661 ha along the periphery of the SDNP. Only 1% of the park's primary forest was lost by 2018, but the proposed road and potential downgrading may result in accelerated deforestation and forest degradation in the near future.
Fearnside, Philip M. (ed.) 2015. Hidrelétricas na Amazônia: Impactos Ambientais e Sociais na Toma... more Fearnside, Philip M. (ed.) 2015. Hidrelétricas na Amazônia: Impactos Ambientais e Sociais na Tomada de Decisões sobre Grandes Obras. Vol. 2. Editora do INPA, Manaus. 297 pp. ISBN print: 978-85-211-0144-4 online: 978-85-211-0150-5 [Samuel, Hidrelétricas de Roraima, Rio Tapajós, Efeito estufa, Política energética].
Fearnside, Philip M. (ed.) 2015. Hidrelétricas na Amazônia: Impactos Ambientais e Sociais na Toma... more Fearnside, Philip M. (ed.) 2015. Hidrelétricas na Amazônia: Impactos Ambientais e Sociais na Tomada de Decisões sobre Grandes Obras. Vol. 1 Editora do INPA, Manaus. 296 p. ISBN print: 978-85-211-0143-7 online: 978-85-211-0151-2
Papers by Philip M Fearnside
Trindade, P.A.A., J.S. Araújo, V.M. Azevedo-Santos, F.W. Keppeler, T. Giarrizzo & P.M. Fearnside.... more Trindade, P.A.A., J.S. Araújo, V.M. Azevedo-Santos, F.W. Keppeler, T. Giarrizzo & P.M. Fearnside. 2022. Guerra serve de desculpa para destruição da Amazônia. Amazônia Real, 09 de junho de 2022.

Environmental Conservation , 2022
Protected areas have numerous roles (such as biodiversity preservation, the development of scient... more Protected areas have numerous roles (such as biodiversity preservation, the development of scientific research and the sustainable use of natural resources), but they are under threat from political and economic forces. The 837 000-ha Serra do Divisor National Park (SDNP) in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon combines the conservation of natural resources and the maintenance of the productive activities of c. 400 resident families. The Brazilian and Peruvian governments have proposed a road linking Acre (Brazil) to Ucayali (Peru) that would bisect the SDNP. Another threat to the SDNP is a bill proposing its downgrading to an 'environmental protection area'. This study aims to map the land cover of the SDNP and its surroundings from 1988 to 2018 and to analyse the dynamics of land-use change. Analysis of Landsat satellite images with supervised classification using the MaxVer algorithm show that, during the 30-year period, pasture showed the highest absolute land-cover gain, with 1986 ha in the interior and 7661 ha along the periphery of the SDNP. Only 1% of the park's primary forest was lost by 2018, but the proposed road and potential downgrading may result in accelerated deforestation and forest degradation in the near future.
Sinergias de Mudança da Agricultura Amazônica: Conflitos e Oportunidades. , 2022
OEco, 2022 Desenvolvimento... more Desenvolvimento amazônico sequestrado pelo crime organizado O crime organizado pode ser agora o ator dominante no financiamento do "desenvolvimento" na Amazônia
Books by Philip M Fearnside
Papers by Philip M Fearnside
• However, far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, who took office in January, is denying the accuracy of his own government statistics, calling INPE’s data “lies.”
• Like US President Trump, Bolsonaro has a history of denying scientific data and facts when they conflict with his ideology and policies, including the need for action to combat the escalating climate crisis.
• The conservation outlook for the rest of Bolsonaro’s four-year term is grim; he has in just six months dismantled Brazil’s environmental agencies, deforestation program and environmental licensing system.
• But an analysis indicates their criticism of INPE is flawed.
• Nonetheless, the Bolsonaro administration is taking measures against the agency, including firing INPE’s director Ricardo Galvão on Friday.
Yanai, A.M., P.M.L.A. Graça, L.G. Ziccardi, M.I.S. Escada & P.M. Fearnside. 2022. Brazil’s Amazonian deforestation: The role of landholdings in undesignated public lands. Regional Environmental Change 22: art. 30. [open access]
Fearnside, P.M. 2016. Greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric dams in tropical forests. pp. 428-438 In: J. Lehr & J. Keeley (eds.) Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Encyclopedia. John Wiley & Sons Publishers, New York, E.U.A. 912 pp. ISBN: 978-0-470-89441-5
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Portuguese translation / Tradução em Português
A Política Brasileira Ameaça as Políticas Públicas Ambientais. (tradução)
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