Papers by Cecilia V Nunez

South African Journal of Botany, Aug 1, 2019
Active principles found in plants may aid in antiparasitic treatments, however it is important to... more Active principles found in plants may aid in antiparasitic treatments, however it is important to evaluate if they do not have cytotoxicity. The leishmanicidal and trypanocidal activities of Tarenaya spinosa were evaluated, as well as the cytotoxic potential of their extracts, as well as the phytochemical and antioxidant profile. The phytochemical profile was described by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Hydrogen ( 1 H-NMR) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC-DAD). The antiparasitic activity was performed with the promastigote forms of Leishmania spp. and epimastigotes from Trypanosoma cruzi. Cytotoxicity was assessed using NCTC mammalian clone 929 fibroblasts. The antioxidant potential was assessed with the DPPH free radical. The ethanolic extract (EETS) and aqueous (EATS) presented terpenes, steroids, nitrogen compounds, sugars, phenolic compounds (simple phenylpropanoides and coumarins), flavonoids and chacolnas. The polyphenolic profile showed that caffeic acid was the major compound of both extracts. It was observed that the EETS showed a significant antileishmania activity against L. brasiliensis (LC 50 81.75 μg/mL) and L. infantum (LC 50 141.6 μg/mL), whereas EATS had low antileishmania activity. Against T. cruzi, the extracts presented LC 50 N 1000 μg/mL. The extracts of T. spinosa present high antioxidant activity, with EETS having an IC 50 of 377.7 μg/mL and EATS IC 50 of 445.8 μg/mL. However, EETS was toxic to fibroblasts with an LC 50 of 397.9 μg/mL, whereas no cytotoxicity was observed for EATS. Therefore, EATS is a promising source of antioxidant compounds since it does not present cytotoxicity.

Research, Society and Development, Oct 30, 2022
A espécie Eleutherine bulbosa Miller (Urb.) apresenta uma vasta riqueza de substâncias isoladas, ... more A espécie Eleutherine bulbosa Miller (Urb.) apresenta uma vasta riqueza de substâncias isoladas, contudo, existem poucos trabalhos de indivíduos do bioma amazônico, podendo apresentar substâncias novas ou potenciais biológicos diferenciados. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a análise fitoquímica de E. bulbosa coletada na região de Altamira-PA, no bioma amazônico, e avaliar o potencial biológico de seus extratos. As folhas, flores e bulbos foram secos e posteriormente moídos. O material vegetal foi então submetido a extração com solventes orgânicos, e seus extratos analisados por CCDC. Por meio da análise de RMN foi possível caracterizar 5 substâncias: eleuterine (1), eleuterinol-8-O-β-glicosídeo (2), eleuterol (3), isoeleuterine (4) e eleuterinol (5). Os extratos e as substâncias foram submetidos a teste antitumoral, contudo, somente as amostras que apresentaram massa suficiente para teste foram avaliadas. O extrato hexânico do bulbo se mostrou significativo no teste antitumoral, causando morte celular de 50-60% contra as linhagens tumorais testadas. No ensaio antimicrobiano, eleuterol e isoeleuterine apresentaram potencial inibitório frente à Staphylococcus aureus e Pseudomonas fluorescens. Eleuterina, eleuterinol e isoeleuterina se mostraram importantes marcadores químicos desta espécie, por sua predominância na planta. Os resultados obtidos indicam a ação antimicrobiana e antitumoral de extrato hexânico da planta. Contudo, estudos mais aprofundados com as substâncias isoladas e extratos são necessários. Ainda, os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados em futuros estudos comparativos da espécie e gêneros da tribo, aliados à dados morfológicos e filogenia, para a solução de problemas taxonômicos.

Este material é um dos resultados gerados pelas pesquisas realizadas a partir do financiamento de... more Este material é um dos resultados gerados pelas pesquisas realizadas a partir do financiamento de vários editais de pesquisa do CNPq e CAPES, em que a lógica primordial é a pesquisa de cadeias produtivas e uso da biodiversidade, cuja base de produção é o campesinato. E onde a propriedade e uso da terra, seja em assentamento de reforma agrária ou Resex, são componentes das múltiplas formas em que cadeias produtivas, campesinato e biodiversidade, ou de forma mais ampla, mercado, sujeitos sociais e natureza, se conectam. Os trabalhos refletem momentos e conjunturas históricas e socioeconômicas que envolvem lideranças (de sindicatos, associações e de instituições do governo como Resex, ICMBIO e outros) que envolvem o processo de reprodução do campesinato amazonense com cadeias produtivas oriundas da biodiversidade, um processo de concretude, de originalidade e frequência nos debates (econômicos, políticos e culturais) e tal campesinato pode vir com os mais variados nomes culturais ou institucionais, ou oriundos de escolas econômicas: caboclo, ribeirinho, lavrador, agricultor familiar, pequeno agricultor, pescador ribeirinho, pescador artesanal, entre tantos outros. A espacialidade desse processo de reprodução de setores da sociedade amazonense ligadas às cadeias produtivas oriundas da biodiversidade e produzidas pelo campesinato é a estruturadora das relações de mercado capitalista, mediadas pelo lucro como objetivo final; mesmo que sejam com políticas de

Frontiers in Pharmacology, Oct 21, 2022
Editorial on the Research Topic Are natural products, used as antitumoral/antiangiogenic agents, ... more Editorial on the Research Topic Are natural products, used as antitumoral/antiangiogenic agents, less toxic than synthetic conventional chemotherapy? Natural products can be isolated from several biological sources, such as plants, fungi, animals, plant cell cultures, among others. Some of these compounds can reduce tumor growth and the spreading of tumor cells by blocking their migration or preventing blood vessel formation that contribute to the colonization of distant tissues. A high percentage of drugs derived from natural products are published, however, most of them fail to gain approval for treating cancer by the European Medicines Agency in Europe or national regulatory authorities of regional reference in the Americas. It has been shown that combination of natural products with conventional clinical chemotherapy and radiotherapy in antitumoral and antiangiogenic treatments reduced the toxicity of the therapy Braicu et al., 2017). The major challenge is the lack of scientific evidence to support their approbation and determine the if it is beneficial to be used as monotherapy or if the combination with conventional therapies. Their use and approval require research that defines that these natural products offer adequate therapeutic action, are less toxic or have a synergistic effect and reduce toxicity in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy in combination. In this special issue, several articles and reviews discuss the beneficial use of natural products as antitumoral/antiangiogenic agents compared or in combination with synthetic conventional chemotherapy.

Processes, 2024
Cecropia sp. (Urticaceae) are commonly used in traditional medicine in South American countries f... more Cecropia sp. (Urticaceae) are commonly used in traditional medicine in South American countries for the treatment of different diseases. To date, the species Cecropia concolor Willd, of Amazonian occurrence, has not been investigated for its pharmacological potential. In this study, we described the chemical profile and the antileishmanial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of extracts of the leaves of C. concolor. The ethanolic extract and its partition phases (hexane, ethyl acetate and hydroethanolic) were analyzed for their chemical classes and phenolic content. Antileishmanial activity was assessed against Leishmania (L.) amazonensis. The antioxidant activity was evaluated using the DPPH method and in MRC-5 human fibroblast cells. Toxicity was tested against Artemia salina and in human cells (fibroblasts and cancer lines). The leaves of C. concolor have phenolic substances, such as flavonoids, as well as terpenes, steroids and alkaloids. Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, schaftoside and vicenin 2 were identified. The hydroethanolic phase showed a high concentration of phenolic compounds and pronounced antioxidant activity. The antileishmanial activity was observed in the ethanolic extract, with a promising effect of the hexane phase. The C. concolor ethanolic extract and its phases are non-toxic, which makes this species of interest in pharmaceutical and cosmetics applications.
IX Mostra da Pós-Graduação, Sep 28, 2017

Toxicon, 2020
Despite the plethora of studies on the behavior and values of consumers, research in the social s... more Despite the plethora of studies on the behavior and values of consumers, research in the social sciences tends to sideline the role of the cultural dimension of consumption in the assessment of vitality and resilience of urban retail systems. However, given the tendency for retailers to make consumers a key element in their strategies, the cultural approach seems to be a valuable alternative to firm-centric analysis. This paper seeks to face this challenge mobilizing the lens of Consumer Culture Theory (CCT). The aim is to show why consumerscapes matter in the assessment of urban retail resilience. According to Arnould (2005), CCT allows us to capture the motivating social and cultural contexts of retail patronage and purchasing behaviors and the myriad of motivating factors behind the retail purchase decision. People have a variety of projects that they tend to realize through shopping practices and consumption, and retailers offer the range of resources they need to accomplish such projects. Bearing these ideas in mind, we suggest that in order to assess the resilience of urban retailing we need to know the extent to which the different shopping districts provide consumers with the range of resources they want so as to fulfill their projects, and how retailers and public authorities can, in the long term, sustain or improve the levels of consumer satisfaction. These ideas are discussed both in a theoretical and empirical way supported by the data collected from consumer surveys carried out in three neighborhood shopping districts in Greater Lisbon.

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2024
Vismia japurensis Reichardt is a plant of ecological and chemical importance from which a variety... more Vismia japurensis Reichardt is a plant of ecological and chemical importance from which a variety of bioactive substances have been isolated. The current study aimed to establish in vitro cultures of this species as a source of secondary metabolites. Appropriate decontamination treatments and germination tests were performed and, after in vitro culture establishment, the propagated plants were multiplied in a sterile environment to increase the biomass of available experimental material. Seeds showed low contamination and a high germination percentage on Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with gibberellic acid (both at concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/L). V. japurensis nodal segments rapidly regenerated when first grown in WPM and then transplanted to Murashige and Skoog medium (MS). After 60 days in MS medium, the propagated plants were removed, lyophilized, and extracted with hexane and methanol. The hexane extract was fractionated via open column chromatography, and the substance isolated was purified by high performance liquid chromatography. Structural determination of the isolated substance was carried out using one and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. The isolated substance was identified as 1,8,10-trihydroxy-3,10-dimethyl-9(10H)-anthracenone, which, based on the conducted literature search, is reported for the first time.

Química Nova, 2024
The phytochemical study of Macrolobium acaciifolium extracts allowed the isolation and identifica... more The phytochemical study of Macrolobium acaciifolium extracts allowed the isolation and identification of 18 substances, 15 of which are reported for the first time in this species. From the methanolic extract of the leaves, the flavonoids luteolin-3'-O-α-L-rhamnoside (1), neoastilbin (2), astilbin (3), neoisoastilbin (4), isoastilbin (5), quercetin-3-O-α-L-rhamnoside (6), quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (7), kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside (8), quercetin-3-O-glicoside (9) and kaempferol-7-O-rutinoside (10) were isolated. From the methanolic extract of branches, the flavonoids chrysoeriol (13), apigenin (14), 7,4'-dihydroxyflavone (16), eriodictyol (17) and luteolin (18), in addition to the phenolic acids 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (11), 3-methoxy,4-hydroxybenzoate (12) and methyl 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (15) were isolated. The structural identification of the compounds was established by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H NMR), carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13 C NMR), heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC), heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) and correlated spectroscopy (COSY) analyses. In this paper, we also discuss about the anisotropic effects on H-1'', H-2'', H-5'' and H-6'' rhamnose of isomers dihydroflavonoids.

Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 2024
Vismia japurensis Reichardt is a plant of ecological and chemical importance from which a variety... more Vismia japurensis Reichardt is a plant of ecological and chemical importance from which a variety of bioactive substances have been isolated. The current study aimed to establish in vitro cultures of this species as a source of secondary metabolites. Appropriate decontamination treatments and germination tests were performed and, after in vitro culture establishment, the propagated plants were multiplied in a sterile environment to increase the biomass of available experimental material. Seeds showed low contamination and a high germination percentage on Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with gibberellic acid (both at concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/L). V. japurensis nodal segments rapidly regenerated when first grown in WPM and then transplanted to Murashige and Skoog medium (MS). After 60 days in MS medium, the propagated plants were removed, lyophilized, and extracted with hexane and methanol. The hexane extract was fractionated via open column chromatography, and the substance isolated was purified by high performance liquid chromatography. Structural determination of the isolated substance was carried out using one and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. The isolated substance was identified as 1,8,10-trihydroxy-3,10-dimethyl-9(10H)-anthracenone, which, based on the conducted literature search, is reported for the first time.
Revista Fitos, 2016
Isolamento de 4-hidroxifenil-6-cafeoil-β-Lglicosídeo e -sitosterol e avaliação das atividades an... more Isolamento de 4-hidroxifenil-6-cafeoil-β-Lglicosídeo e -sitosterol e avaliação das atividades antibacteriana, antioxidante e tóxica sobre Artemia salina de Casearia javitensis 4-Hydroxyphenyl-6-caffeoyl-β-L-glycoside and -sitosterol isolation and antibacterial, antioxidant activities and toxicity against Artemia salina by Casearia javitensis

Aquaculture, Oct 1, 2018
This study evaluated the use in vitro and in vivo of Bixa orellana seed extracts on the hematolog... more This study evaluated the use in vitro and in vivo of Bixa orellana seed extracts on the hematological and biochemical parameters of Colossoma macropomum co-infected with bacterium and monogenean, Anacanthorus spathulatus. The extract presented antimicrobial and antiparasitic activity in vitro against the pathogens. Fish supported the toxicity test and in vivo assay used 180 fish distributed in six treatments in triplicate: non-parasitized fish non-injected with A. hydrophila; non-parasitized fish non-injected exposed to acetone 0.2%; parasitized fish injected non-treated with the extract; parasitized fish injected treated with 125 μg mL −1 of extract in 2 h bath for two consecutive days; parasitized fish injected treated with 250 μg mL −1 of extract in 2 h bath for two consecutive days; parasitized fish injected treated with 125 μg mL −1 of extract for 12 h. After last bath, the fish were examined. Acetonic extract showed minimal inhibitory concentration of 125 μg mL −1 against A. hydrophila in the in vitro test and 100% efficacy against monogenean with therapeutic baths in relation to control non-treated in the in vivo test. Aeromonas hydrophila infection did not cause mortality. The gross pathology analysis showed ascites and hemorrhagic liver, kidney and spleen. Increased hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and total number of erythrocytes was followed by a decrease in hematocrit percentage in non-treated fish compared to basal group. Lymphocytes from fish in the control group were higher than in the other groups. Glucose was higher in treated fish than that found in those of basal and control. The results demonstrated that B. orellana bath was an effective alternative to treat fish diseases.

Química Nova, 2009
Recebido em 24/8/08; aceito em 19/11/08; publicado na web em 2/4/09 SALICYLATES ISOLATED FROM LEA... more Recebido em 24/8/08; aceito em 19/11/08; publicado na web em 2/4/09 SALICYLATES ISOLATED FROM LEAVES AND STEMS OF Salix martiana Leyb. (SALICACEAE). Salix martiana Leyb. is an endemic species from the Amazon river floodplain areas (varzeas), of the State of Amazonas. Stems and leaves were extracted with dichloromethane, methanol and hydro-alcohol and these extracts were fractionated by using conventional chromatographic techniques. The major substances isolated, salicin and trichocarposide (6-0-p-coumaroyl salicin), were determined through analyses of NMR 1D (1 H and 13 C) and NMR 2D (gHSQC and gHMBC). These compounds were isolated for the first time in Salix martiana Leyb. (Salicaceae). The percentage of these compounds in S. martiana is very high. The extracts were analyzed for their DPPH antioxidant capacity and the methanolic from the leaves and the hydro-alcoholic from the stems were the more active.
Revista Fitos, Oct 29, 2018
| Avaliação do potencial antioxidante e anti-Helicobacter pylori ... more | Avaliação do potencial antioxidante e anti-Helicobacter pylori in vitro de extratos de plantas medicinais utilizadas popularmente na região amazônica REVISÃO BOTÂNICA Produção de metabólitos secundários por meio da cultura de tecidos vegetais Production of secondary metabolites by plant tissue culture
Papers by Cecilia V Nunez
sendo selecionada para a pesquisa do potencial biotecnológico dos seus micro-organismos endofíticos. As folhas de D. macrophylla
foram lavadas, submetidas à desinfecção, fragmentadas e inoculadas em BDA e Ágar Sabouraud com oxitetraciclina e incubadas a 30 °C por 20 dias. Isolaram-se 47 fungos e destes, 21 fungos morfologicamente diferentes foram selecionados para a prospecção química e biológica. O cultivo submerso foi realizado em Caldo Sabouraud ou Batata Dextrose, a 26 °C e 120 rpm durante 14-30 dias. Os líquidos metabólicos foram filtrados e submetidos à partição líquido-líquido com diclorometano e
acetato de etila. Os metabólitos do micélio foram extraídos em ultrassom com diclorometano, acetato de etila e metanol. Os extratos e fases foram analisados por cromatografia em camada delgada e por ressonância magnética nuclear de 1H. Além disso, eles foram testados quanto às atividades antimicrobiana, antioxidante e contra Artemia salina. Como resultado deste trabalho a taxa de colonização fúngica de D. macrophylla foi de 94%. Nos 21 extratos foram encontrados
indícios de substâncias fenólicas, terpenos, açúcares e em quatro deles, alcaloides. As fases AcOEt dos fungos Dm SB 43 e Dm BDA 12c foram ativas contra A. salina, com CL50 de 109,5 e 605,5 μg/mL, respectivamente. Nenhum extrato apresentou atividade antioxidante e
18 mostraram atividade antimicrobiana pelo menos para uma bactéria. O fungo Dm SB 33 apresentou o maior espectro de atividade, sendo
ativo contra quatro bactérias: Enterobacter cloacae, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumanii e Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Apenas
o fungo Dm SB 33 demonstrou atividade contra S. aureus e não foram observadas atividades contra E. coli. Portanto, este estudo demonstrou a diversidade de classes químicas e o potencial de atividades biológicas dos fungos endofíticos de D. macrophylla.