Sevgi Dönmez
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Papers by Sevgi Dönmez
Avşaroğlu Necropolis Site in Tohma Basin; Örentepe Höyük in Sultansuyu Basin and Tepecik Area. Survey on Malatya Mountains which is the second part of the research is conducted on the area located 1400-2000 meters above sea level which is still actively used today by highland cultures. During the research, defense structures and ceramic sherds which are considered to be largely used during Early Iron Age and Middle Iron Age have been identified from the six archaeological site.
Each of the Beypınar Tepe, Kilise Tepe, Seyituşağı Kale Archaeological Site, Meydan Kalesi, Cihan Kalesi and Aşağıköy/Kalebaşı archaeological sites are considered to be typical examples of defensive purpose settlements constructed by combining natural steep cliffs with stone build walls which are largely used in East Anatolian Region in Iron Age. In Üçgöze/Ziyaret Tepe area located upon Malatya Mountains where no archaeological structure are present and highland cultures enshrining the area; a ceramic sherd which is reflecting the Iron Age ceramic form
is found. Ceramics identified in archaeological sites on Malatya Mountains and Malatya Plain is compared with ceramics collected from systematic archaeological excavations and surveys conducted in Upper and Lower Euphrates Basin, Upper Tigris Region, Northeastern and Central Anatolia, Syria and Northern Mesopotamia, and significant results were obtained which are revealing interregional interaction.
human communities. Hunter-gatherer societies trying to accommodate themselves to the natural environment in the face of these sudden changes were forced to develop several strategies to survive. For human
societies organized around a common collective consciousness by blending the objective and symbolic elements; the selection and use of venue, and abstract and concrete means of information storage turned
into a means of information transfer used in developing a sense of social belonging or identity as well as in determining the boundaries of cognitive development. The feasts, which were carried out in areas that
functioned as collective memory spaces, the selection and processing of food needed for these feasts, and also the storage of food depending on their seasonal availability or famine conditions played an important
role in domestication of plants and animals as well as the transition to settled life for the first time ever.
MÖ 40 binlerde Üst Paleolitik dönemin başlaması ile birlikte, insanın bilişsel ve sembolik dünyasının gelişiminde büyük bir değişim ortaya çıkar. Karışık varlıkların tasvirli sanat eserlerinde ilk defa ortaya çıkışı, Üst Paleolitik avcı kültürlerin gelişimi ile paralellik göstermiştir. Karışık varlık figürlerinin ortaya çıkışında, avcı kültürler içerisinde yaygın bir inanç sistemini oluşturan şamanizmin ilkel biçimlerinin etkisi söz konusudur. Doğada güçlü ve zeki olana özenme, insanın fiziksel ve zihinsel kapasitesini bu güçle birleştirme arzusu, karışık varlık figürlerinin doğuşunun ana dinamiklerinden biridir. Dünyayı türler arası geçirgenliğe sahip, hayvansal bir duyarlılık ve canlılıkla algılayan Üst Paleolitik dönem insanın bilişsel dünyasında şeyler ve insan aynı düzlemde ve bir bütünlük içinde yer alıyor olmalıydı. Bu bütünlüğün ve “birlik” algısının kırılmasında, avcının, aynı düzlemde, aynı ruhsal birlik içerisinde yer alana karşı uyguladığı yasaklanmış şiddet olgusunun yarattığı korku ve gerilim, mitik düşünce yoluyla dengelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yasaklanmış
şiddet, kurban ile özdeşleşen bir bilinç durumu yaratmıştır. Üst Paleolitik ile başlayan bu yeni sembolik bilinç, güçlü ve vahşi olana yönelen şiddetin yarattığı gerilim ve korkunun kontrolünü, kurbanın gücü ile özdeşleşerek dengelemeye çalışmıştır. Başlangıçta insanhayvan
karışık varlıkların sunumları söz konusu iken, Neolitik dönem ile birlikte, ilk defa iki farklı hayvan ve insan birleşimi karışık varlıkların da ortaya çıkması, insanın bilişsel gelişiminin ulaştığı seviyeyi göstermesi bakımından önemlidir. Avcı toplayıcı toplumlarda kültürel geçirgenlik, devamlılık ve hareketlilik oldukça yaygın olduğundan bu çalışma,
özellikle karışık varlık sembollerinin yoğun olarak görüldüğü iki bölge, Üst Paleolitik Avrupa ve Neolitik dönem Yakındoğu’ya odaklanmıştır.
cuneiform scripts as a composite creature. The symbols of serpent goddess date back to the Neolithic Period. Probably the primitive civilizations thought that the forces of death and resurrection in nature were performed under the control of a goddess. In Anatolia of the 2nd millennium B.C., we are learning the information about the underworld goddesses from the Hittite cuneiform scripts. Accordingly, most of the goddesses, related to the underworld, were defined as the goddesses of fate and river banks. These goddesses have the abilities to grant long life and cure. The serpent goddess, displayed on the Harput Relief and described to have a serpent body below her waist, must be an underworld goddess, who appeared in the Ancient Babylon
Period as she carried the characteristics of the Egyptian art, and originated from Syria.
Furthermore, the serpent goddess, on the Harput Relief, seems to have an important role in determining the result of the war.
measures. Since demons cannot be destroyed physically, people tried to cast them away by the magic and rituals under a priest’s guidance in order to escape from the demons’ negative effects. By the means of these rituals and magic, demons were sent to the places where they belonged in the underworld or to the edges of life like deserts, prairies and mountains. Various figurines that functioned as a part of the rituals represented a group of monsters which had the status of Deities’ assistances. The rituals which were performed to fend off the demons, which were the agents of fear and evil, meanwhile played a great role in the development of the temples’ economy in Mesopotamia.
Avşaroğlu Necropolis Site in Tohma Basin; Örentepe Höyük in Sultansuyu Basin and Tepecik Area. Survey on Malatya Mountains which is the second part of the research is conducted on the area located 1400-2000 meters above sea level which is still actively used today by highland cultures. During the research, defense structures and ceramic sherds which are considered to be largely used during Early Iron Age and Middle Iron Age have been identified from the six archaeological site.
Each of the Beypınar Tepe, Kilise Tepe, Seyituşağı Kale Archaeological Site, Meydan Kalesi, Cihan Kalesi and Aşağıköy/Kalebaşı archaeological sites are considered to be typical examples of defensive purpose settlements constructed by combining natural steep cliffs with stone build walls which are largely used in East Anatolian Region in Iron Age. In Üçgöze/Ziyaret Tepe area located upon Malatya Mountains where no archaeological structure are present and highland cultures enshrining the area; a ceramic sherd which is reflecting the Iron Age ceramic form
is found. Ceramics identified in archaeological sites on Malatya Mountains and Malatya Plain is compared with ceramics collected from systematic archaeological excavations and surveys conducted in Upper and Lower Euphrates Basin, Upper Tigris Region, Northeastern and Central Anatolia, Syria and Northern Mesopotamia, and significant results were obtained which are revealing interregional interaction.
human communities. Hunter-gatherer societies trying to accommodate themselves to the natural environment in the face of these sudden changes were forced to develop several strategies to survive. For human
societies organized around a common collective consciousness by blending the objective and symbolic elements; the selection and use of venue, and abstract and concrete means of information storage turned
into a means of information transfer used in developing a sense of social belonging or identity as well as in determining the boundaries of cognitive development. The feasts, which were carried out in areas that
functioned as collective memory spaces, the selection and processing of food needed for these feasts, and also the storage of food depending on their seasonal availability or famine conditions played an important
role in domestication of plants and animals as well as the transition to settled life for the first time ever.
MÖ 40 binlerde Üst Paleolitik dönemin başlaması ile birlikte, insanın bilişsel ve sembolik dünyasının gelişiminde büyük bir değişim ortaya çıkar. Karışık varlıkların tasvirli sanat eserlerinde ilk defa ortaya çıkışı, Üst Paleolitik avcı kültürlerin gelişimi ile paralellik göstermiştir. Karışık varlık figürlerinin ortaya çıkışında, avcı kültürler içerisinde yaygın bir inanç sistemini oluşturan şamanizmin ilkel biçimlerinin etkisi söz konusudur. Doğada güçlü ve zeki olana özenme, insanın fiziksel ve zihinsel kapasitesini bu güçle birleştirme arzusu, karışık varlık figürlerinin doğuşunun ana dinamiklerinden biridir. Dünyayı türler arası geçirgenliğe sahip, hayvansal bir duyarlılık ve canlılıkla algılayan Üst Paleolitik dönem insanın bilişsel dünyasında şeyler ve insan aynı düzlemde ve bir bütünlük içinde yer alıyor olmalıydı. Bu bütünlüğün ve “birlik” algısının kırılmasında, avcının, aynı düzlemde, aynı ruhsal birlik içerisinde yer alana karşı uyguladığı yasaklanmış şiddet olgusunun yarattığı korku ve gerilim, mitik düşünce yoluyla dengelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yasaklanmış
şiddet, kurban ile özdeşleşen bir bilinç durumu yaratmıştır. Üst Paleolitik ile başlayan bu yeni sembolik bilinç, güçlü ve vahşi olana yönelen şiddetin yarattığı gerilim ve korkunun kontrolünü, kurbanın gücü ile özdeşleşerek dengelemeye çalışmıştır. Başlangıçta insanhayvan
karışık varlıkların sunumları söz konusu iken, Neolitik dönem ile birlikte, ilk defa iki farklı hayvan ve insan birleşimi karışık varlıkların da ortaya çıkması, insanın bilişsel gelişiminin ulaştığı seviyeyi göstermesi bakımından önemlidir. Avcı toplayıcı toplumlarda kültürel geçirgenlik, devamlılık ve hareketlilik oldukça yaygın olduğundan bu çalışma,
özellikle karışık varlık sembollerinin yoğun olarak görüldüğü iki bölge, Üst Paleolitik Avrupa ve Neolitik dönem Yakındoğu’ya odaklanmıştır.
cuneiform scripts as a composite creature. The symbols of serpent goddess date back to the Neolithic Period. Probably the primitive civilizations thought that the forces of death and resurrection in nature were performed under the control of a goddess. In Anatolia of the 2nd millennium B.C., we are learning the information about the underworld goddesses from the Hittite cuneiform scripts. Accordingly, most of the goddesses, related to the underworld, were defined as the goddesses of fate and river banks. These goddesses have the abilities to grant long life and cure. The serpent goddess, displayed on the Harput Relief and described to have a serpent body below her waist, must be an underworld goddess, who appeared in the Ancient Babylon
Period as she carried the characteristics of the Egyptian art, and originated from Syria.
Furthermore, the serpent goddess, on the Harput Relief, seems to have an important role in determining the result of the war.
measures. Since demons cannot be destroyed physically, people tried to cast them away by the magic and rituals under a priest’s guidance in order to escape from the demons’ negative effects. By the means of these rituals and magic, demons were sent to the places where they belonged in the underworld or to the edges of life like deserts, prairies and mountains. Various figurines that functioned as a part of the rituals represented a group of monsters which had the status of Deities’ assistances. The rituals which were performed to fend off the demons, which were the agents of fear and evil, meanwhile played a great role in the development of the temples’ economy in Mesopotamia.