Papers by Mehmet KOCA

Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Jun 29, 2019
The Cuban Revolution is the famous armed struggle against the UScontrolled General Fulgencio Bati... more The Cuban Revolution is the famous armed struggle against the UScontrolled General Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, in the 1950s, by a group of socialism-minded insurgents.This struggle of the Cuban people against the dictatorial regime has also had important political and social effects in the development of the national liberation struggle of many countries, especially South America and some African countries. This success of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, who led the Cuban revolution, against Batista's dictatorship, made them popular around the world and turned them into icons of revolution, which were exemplified by youth in the youth scene in 1968. It has transformed. The Cuban Revolution, which had a great impact both politically and socially and culturally throughout the World. The Cuban Revolution was closely followed by the Turkish press at that time, and frequently its news and articles about it were published in the top pages of the newspapers. In this study, the reflection to the Turkish press of the Cuban Revolution, which has great effects in terms of world political history, and how the press is interpreted this revolution was tried to be explained through the example of Milliyet newspaper.

ODÜ Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi , 2021
Tanzimat dönemi modernleşme hareketleriyle başlayan alfabe tartışmaları, 1928’e kadar ülkemizde ç... more Tanzimat dönemi modernleşme hareketleriyle başlayan alfabe tartışmaları, 1928’e kadar ülkemizde çözüme ulaşmayı bekleyen en uzun süreli tartışmaların başında gelmiştir. O dönem alfabe sorununa getirilen ilk çözüm önerisi Arap alfabesinin tadil edilmesi ve harflerin ayrı yazılması, ikincisi öneri ise Arap alfabesi yerine Latin alfabesinin kullanılması olmuştur. Tanzimat ve meşrutiyet dönemlerinde süre gelen bu alfabe tartışmaları cumhuriyet döneminde de tüm hararetiyle devam etmiştir. Harf devrimi, Mustafa Kemal’in en çok önemsediği devrimlerin başında gelmekteydi. Bu sebeple kesin başarı için devrimin alt yapısını hazırlayarak en uygun zaman ve şartlar beklenmiştir. 1928 yılına gelindiğinde artık her alanda tartışılan bu alfabe meselesinin çözümü için Dil Encümeni adıyla bir komisyon kurulmuştur. İki ay içerisinde çalışmalarını tamamlayan komisyon Elifba Raporu adını verdiği bu raporu 1 Ağustos 1928 tarihinde Mustafa Kemal’e sunmuş ve rapor, onun da tavsiye ve düzeltmeleriyle son halini almıştır. Raporun tamamlanmasıyla Tanzimat’tan beri tartışılagelen alfabe meselesi kesin bir şekilde çözüme kavuşturulmuştur. Alanında uzman isimler tarafından on yedi farklı ülkenin alfabe ve gramer yapıları incelenerek hazırlanan bu rapor, harf devriminin bilimsel temellere dayandırılması açısından oldukça önemli bir rapordur. Bugün harf devrimini konu alan bütün çalışmalarda Elifba Raporu’ndan bahsedilmesine rağmen raporun tamamının Latin harflerine transkribe edilmiş hali bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada raporun tamamı orijinal haliyle transkribe ederek bu alanda çalışma yapan tüm araştırmacılara bir katkı sunmak amaçlanmıştır.

Küba Devrimi, soğuk savaşın en yoğun yaşandığı 1950’li yıllarda, kapitalist kutbun lider ülkesi A... more Küba Devrimi, soğuk savaşın en yoğun yaşandığı 1950’li yıllarda, kapitalist kutbun lider ülkesi ABD’nin arka bahçesi tabir edilecek bir bölgede, halkın desteğini almış bir grup sosyalist görüşlü direnişçinin, ABD güdümündeki General Fulgencio Batista diktatörlüğüne karşı verdikleri meşhur silahlı mücadeledir. Küba halkının dikta rejimine karşı verdiği bu mücadele, başta Güney Amerika ve bazı Afrika ülkeleri olmak üzere, birçok ülkenin ulusal kurtuluş mücadelesinin gelişmesinde önemli siyasi ve sosyal etkileri oluşturmuştur. Küba devrimi içerisinde liderlik misyonu dolayısıyla öne çıkan Fidel Castro ve Ernesto Che Guevara’nın Batista diktatörlüğüne ve dolaylı olarak da ABD müdahaleciliğine karşı kazandıkları bu başarı, onları dünya genelinde popüler bir hale getirerek özellikle 1968 yılı gençlik olaylarında sol görüşlü gençlerin her haliyle örnek aldığı birer devrim ikonuna dönüştürmüştür. Dünya genelinde hem siyasi ve sosyal hem de kültürel anlamda büyük bir etki yaratan Küba Devrimi, Türk basını tarafından da o dönem yakından takip edilmiş, sık sık haberleri ve makaleleri gazetelerin baş sayfalarında yayınlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada dünya siyasi tarihi açısından büyük etkileri olan Küba Devriminin Türk basınına yansıması ve basının bu devrimi nasıl kaleme aldığı Milliyet gazetesi örneği üzerinden açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
The Cuban Revolution is the famous armed struggle against the US-controlled General Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, in the 1950s, with a group of socialism-minded insurgents.This struggle of the Cuban people against the dictatorial regime has also had important political and social effects in the development of the national liberation struggle of many countries, especially South America and some African countries. This success of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, who led the Cuban revolution, against Batista's dictatorship, made them popular around the world and turned them into icons of revolution, which were exemplified by youth in the youth scene in 1968. It has transformed. The Cuban Revolution, which had a great impact both politically and socially and culturally throughout the world, was closely followed by the Turkish press at that time, and frequently its news and articles were published in the top pages of the newspapers. In this study, the reflection of the Cuban Revolution, which has great effects in terms of world political history, to the Turkish press and how the press is interpreted this revolution is tried to be explained through the example of Milliyet newspaper.

Büyük ve köklü bir geçmişe sahip olan ve asırlardır Türkiye'nin doğu komşusu olan İran, geçen yüz... more Büyük ve köklü bir geçmişe sahip olan ve asırlardır Türkiye'nin doğu komşusu olan İran, geçen yüzyılın başında Rıza Şah Pehlevi'nin liderliğinde geniş çaplı bir reform hareketine sahne olmuştur. Kaçar Hanedanlığının, devleti ayakta tutabilmek için başlattığı reform hareketleri başarıya ulaşmamış, ülke içeride aşiret isyanlarına, dışarıda ise Rus ve İngiliz müdahaleleriyle yıkılmanın eşiğine gelmiştir. İran, Birinci Dünya Savaş'ında tarafsızlığını ilan ettiyse de Rus ve İngiliz işgaline uğramaktan kurtulamamıştır. Savaş sonrası yaşanan kargaşa ortamından faydalanan Rıza Şah, Kaçar Hanedanlığını tasfiye edip, Pehlevi Hanedanlığının temellerini atmıştır. Rıza Şah, iktidara gelişiyle birlikte yüzyıllardır "Persia" olarak bilinen ülkesinin adı da dâhil olmak üzere askeri, siyasi, ekonomik, toplumsal ve kültürel alanlarda çok ciddi yenilik ve değişiklikler yapmıştır. Zorunlu askerlik yasasıyla birlikte ülkedeki asker sayısını arttırmış, orduyu teknik anlamda modernize etmiştir. Eğitim alanında ülkede ilköğretimi zorunlu hale getirip, çok sayıda okul açmıştır. Karayolu ve demiryolu ulaşımında büyük mesafeler kat edilmiş Trans-İran demiryolunu inşa ettirmiştir. Kılık Kıyafet Yasasını çıkartarak daha modern giysiler giyilmesi ve şapka kullanılmasını sağlamıştır. Bunun gibi birçok düzenlemeye imza atan Rıza Şah, on beş yıllık iktidarı süresince güçlü ve modern bir İran oluşturmanın hayalini kurmuş bunun için uğraş vermiştir. Bu çalışmada İran'ı çağdaşlaştırmak, yeni ve güçlü bir ülke oluşturmak maksadıyla Rıza Şah tarafından uygulamaya konulan modernleşme hareketleri incelenmiştir.
Turkey's eastern neighbor Iran, Reza Shah Pahlavi's leadership in recently suffered a large-scale reform movement. Reforms initiated by the Qajar dynasty to sustain the state failed, the country, was on the verge of collapse with tribal rebellions inside and Russian and British interventions outside. Iran declared its neutrality during the First World War and could not survive Russian and British occupation. Taking advantage of the postwar turmoil, Riza Shah liquidated the Qajar Dynasty and founded the Pahlavi Dynasty. When Rıza Shah came to power, he made significant changes in military, political, economic, social and cultural fields including the name of his country known as "Persia" for centuries. With the compulsory military service law, the amount of soldiers in the country has increased and the army has technically modernized. About education, primary education in the country has been made compulsory and has opened many schools. Trans-Iranian railway has been built with great distances in road and railway transportation. The Costume Law has been renewed and more modern clothing and hats have been used. Rıza Shah, who signed many such arrangements, dreamed of establishing a strong and modern Iran during his fifteen years of power and worked for it. In this study, the modernization movements put into practice by Reza Shah in order to modernize Iran and create a new and powerful country are examined.

Dünyada ve Türkiye’de, 68 diye bir dönemden bahsederken asıl kastedilen bir yıl değil, bir dönemi... more Dünyada ve Türkiye’de, 68 diye bir dönemden bahsederken asıl kastedilen bir yıl değil, bir dönemindir. 1966 ve 1971 yılları arasında yaşanan bu dönem, 1968 yılında yaşanan olayların yoğunluğu dolayısıyla 68 dönemi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. 1968 yılı, tüm dünya gençlerinin, özellikle de toplumun ilerici ve dinamik unsurunu oluşturan üniversite gençliğinin, sokaklara dökülerek dünya genelinde siyasal ve toplumsal hareketlilik yarattığı bir dönem olmuştur. Düşünen, okuyan, sorgulayan üniversite gençliği, yaşadığı dönemin siyasi ve sosyal sorunlarına kayıtsız kalmamış, dolayısıyla 1968 yılı, Dünya ve Türkiye tarihi için önemli bir dönüm noktası olmuştur. 1961 Anayasasının ülke genelinde oluşturduğu geçici özgürlük ortamından yararlanan üniversite gençliği, örgütlenmeye başlamış ve eğitimle ilgili taleplerini öğrenci guruplarının da desteğini alarak protesto gösterileriyle dile getirmeye çalışmışlardır. Öğrencilerin başlarda eğitim ile ilgili olan bu talepleri, hükümet yetkilileri tarafından kabul görmeyince, öğrenciler bu kez ülkedeki yönetim anlayışını ve ülkenin siyasal sistemini sorgulamaya başlamışlardır. Bu da öğrenciler arasında fikri ayrılıklara ve bölünmelere sebep olmuş neticede farklı görüşlerde birçok öğrenci gurubu ortaya çıkmıştır. Başlarda sakin birer protesto gösterisi olarak başlayan olaylar, zamanla yerini karşıt gurupların çatışma ve şiddet gösterilerine bırakmıştır. 68 olaylarının şiddet bilançosu oldukça ağır olmuş, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin hükümete verdiği 12 Mart Muhtırasına kadar geçen sürede sağ ve sol görüşlü öğrenci guruplarından onlarca ölü, yüzlerce yaralı verilmiştir. Bu bilgiler ışığında ele alınan bu çalışmayla, dünyada yaşanan 68 olaylarının, Türkiye’de nasıl bir etki oluşturduğunu ortaya koymak ve üniversitelerde yaşanan politik şiddeti, bu şiddeti ortaya çıkaran sebepleri ve bu şiddetin siyasal ve toplumsal sonuçları, yaşanan olaylar ele alınarak açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
When referring to a period of 1968 in the world and Turkey, what is meant is actually a symbolic name for a period of time rather than is a year. Therefore, when we say 68 movements which live the summit of 1968, it is necessary to understand a period which briefly create social and political mobility around 1966-1971 in terms of their effects. 1968 is the year when young people of the whole world, and especially the youth of the university, the most progressive and dynamic elements of society, are laid out on the streets. Thinking, reading, questioning youth were not unresponsive to the problems of the age, so it has been an important period in the history of the world and in Turkey in 1968. In a climate of freedom created by the Constitution of 1961, the youth began to organize and express their demands with their protests by the support of all student groups. In the beginning, when these demands, which are related to education, were not satisfied, they have begun to question the goverment concept and the political system of the country. This has led to disagreements and divisions among students. Over time, these tranquil protests have left its place to mutual clashes of opposing groups and violent demonstrations. The violence of the events of 68 was quite heavy; until memorandum of March 12 which is given to the government by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), it has been caused dozens of dead and hundreds of injured from left and right partisan groups.

II. Dünya Savaşı yılları Türkiye tarihi açısından iç politikanın, tamamen dış politikaya bağlı ol... more II. Dünya Savaşı yılları Türkiye tarihi açısından iç politikanın, tamamen dış politikaya bağlı olarak gelişip değişkenlik gösterdiği yıllardır. Türkiye, batı bloğunda yer almak için batının siyasal sistemlerine uyum sağlayacak adımlar atması gerektiğinin de bilincindeydi. Öncelikle iç siyasal sistemin ve kurumların düzenlenmesi gerekiyordu. Bu anlamda tek partili sistemin terk edilerek çok partili hayata geçmek, dış dinamikler açısından bir zorunluluktu. Ocak 1946 yılında Demokrat Parti kuruldu ve 27 yıllık tek partili siyaset dönemi sona erdi. Haziran 1946’da Cemiyetler Kanunu’nda yapılan değişikliğin ardından sınıf esasına dayalı parti ve dernek kurulmasının yasal zemini oluşmuş ve kısa sürede ardı ardına birçok parti ve sendika kurulmuştur. Kurulan bu partilerin büyük çoğunluğu sosyalist eğilimli olmuştur. II. Dünya Savaşının sona ermesinden sonra Türkiye, Sovyetler Birliğiyle yaşadığı krize rağmen ilişkilerini düzeltmeye gayret gösterse de bu durum bir sonuç vermemiş ve savaş sonunda Sovyetler Birliğinin, Türkiye’den bir takım taleplerde bulunması ilişkileri kopma noktasına getirmiştir. Savaş sonunda oluşan Sovyet tehdidine karşı Türkiye ise ABD’ye yakınlaşmayı seçenek olarak görerek bu doğrultuda hareket etmiş böylece soğuk savaş döneminde uygulanacak olan Türk dış politikasının temelleri bu dönemde atılmıştır. Ayrıca Türk-Sovyet ilişkilerinin bozulması ülke içerisindeki siyasetin de yön değiştirmesine sebebiyet vermiş, Türk solu üzerindeki baskıların daha da artmasına yol açmıştır.
In the years of World War II, in terms of Turkey's history, domestic policy has totally developed and changed depending on foreign policy. Turkey was well aware that it needed to take steps to adapt to the political systems of the West to take part in the western bloc. Firstly, the internal political system and institutions had to be regulated. For this aim and under the influence of external dynamics it was necessary to abandon the one-party system and pass to a multi-party life. In January 1946, the Democratic Party was established and
the 27-year period of one-party politics ended. In June 1946, following the amendments was made in the Law on the Associations, the legal basis for the establishment of class-based parties and associations was formed, and many parties and trade unions were established
shortly afterwards. The majority of these parties were socialist oriented. After the end of World War II, Turkey tried to improve relations with the Soviet Union in spite of the crisis it experienced but this situation did not yield any result; at the end of the war, Soviet Union brought the relations to the point of breaking because of her demands from Turkey. Against the Soviet threat, which emerged at the end of the war, Turkey opted to approach to the US and moved accordingly, which laid the foundations of the Turkish foreign policy to be implemented during the cold war period. Moreover, the deterioration of Turkish-Soviet relations caused changes the political direction in the nation; this has led to further pressure on the Turkish left.

100. Yılında Türk Siyaset ve Fikir Hayatında Alparslan Türkeş Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 2017
1960 Anayasasının sağladığı özgürlük ortamı, sol düşünceye harekete geçme fırsatı vermiştir. 1961... more 1960 Anayasasının sağladığı özgürlük ortamı, sol düşünceye harekete geçme fırsatı vermiştir. 1961 yılında TİP’in kurulması, bu dönemde sol yayınların artış göstermesi ve 1965 yılı seçimlerinde TİP’in 15 milletvekili ile meclise girmesi solun bu dönemdeki etkinliğinin bir göstergesidir. Solcu öğrencilerin, Amerika ve kapitalizm karşıtı gösterileriyle başlayan olayları, 1960’lı yılların sonuna doğru daha da etkili olmuş, zamanla dozunu arttırarak tüm ülkeye yayılan anarşi ve terör olaylarına dönüşmüştür. Bu durum özellikle milliyetçi ve muhafazakâr kesimleri fazlasıyla tedirgin etmiştir. Türkiye’de geniş bir halk kitlesi komünizm kavramı ile ilk kez bu dönemde karşılaşmıştır. O dönem, solcu grupların eylemlerinin ve komünizmin ülkeye yayılma tehlikesinin karşısında duran en etkili siyasi hareket, başında Alparslan Türkeş’in bulunduğu milliyetçi hareket olmuştur. 1944 yılında henüz genç bir üsteğmenken “Irkçılık-Turancılık” davasıyla adının yeni yeni duyulmaya başlandığı o günlerden başlayıp, hayata gözlerini kapadığı güne kadar gittiği her yerde komünizmin ne büyük bir tehlike olduğundan bahsetmiş, hem halkı hem de dönemin hükümetlerini komünizm tehlikesi konusunda uyarmıştır. Türkeş, bir konuşmasında “ Biz her türlü emperyalizmi ve yabancı kültürleri reddediyoruz, merde de namerde de muhtaç olmadan yaşayan bir Türkiye görmek istiyoruz.” diyerek sadece komünizmi değil milli olmayan her türlü görüş ve düşünceyi kesinlikle reddetmiştir. Bu bağlamda komünizme karşı sert söylemleri olan Alparslan Türkeş’in bu konuda ne düşündüğü özellikle basına yansıyan görüşleri çerçevesinde ortaya konulmuştur.
Thesis Chapters by Mehmet KOCA

Master Thesis, 2013
Büyük ve köklü bir geçmişe sahip olan ve asırlardır Türkiye’nin doğu komşusu olan İran, yakın bir... more Büyük ve köklü bir geçmişe sahip olan ve asırlardır Türkiye’nin doğu komşusu olan İran, yakın bir zamanda Rıza Şah Pehlevi’nin liderliğinde geniş çaplı bir reform hareketine sahne olmuştur. Kaçar Hanedanlığının, devleti ayakta tutabilmek için başlattığı reform hareketleri başarıya ulaşmamış, ülke içeride aşiret isyanlarına, dışarıda ise Rus ve İngiliz müdahaleleriyle yıkılmanın eşiğine gelmişti. İran I. Dünya Savaşında tarafsızlığını ilan ettiyse de Rus ve İngiliz işgaline uğramaktan kurtulamamıştır. Savaş sonrası yaşanan kargaşa ortamından faydalanan Rıza Şah, Kaçar Hanedanlığını tasfiye edip, Pehlevi Hanedanlığının temellerini atmıştır. Rıza Şah, iktidara gelişiyle birlikte yüzyıllardır “Persia” olarak bilinen ülkesinin adı da dâhil olmak üzere askeri, siyasi, ekonomik, toplumsal ve kültürel alanlarda çok ciddi yenilik ve değişiklikler yapmıştır. Zorunlu askerlik yasasıyla birlikte ülkedeki asker sayısını arttırmış, orduyu teknik anlamda modernize etmiştir. Eğitim alanında ülkede ilköğretimi zorunlu hale getirip, çok sayıda okul açmıştır. Karayolu ve demiryolu ulaşımında büyük mesafeler kat edilmiş Trans-İran demiryolunu inşa ettirmiştir. Kılık Kıyafet Yasasını çıkartarak daha modern giysiler giyilmesi ve şapka kullanılmasını sağlamıştır. Bunun gibi birçok düzenlemeye imza atan Rıza Şah, on beş yıllık iktidarı süresince güçlü ve modern bir İran oluşturmanın hayalini kurmuş bunun için uğraş vermiştir.
Iran, which has been eastern neighbor of Turkey for ages and which has had a big history underwent a wide size reform process led by Reza Shah Pahlavi. Reforms done by Qajar Dynasty to make state continue couldn’t access to success and the country come to threshold of collapse because of rebellion of tribe in country and interference of Russia and England. Iran declared impartialness in First World War but didn’t get out of occupation of Russia and England. Using advantage of disorder following the war, Reza Shah put on end to Qajar Dynasty and established foundations of Pahlavi Dynasty. When Reza Shah got in power he made a lot of serious changes and reforms in politics, military, economic, social and cultural areas including name of his country known as Persia for ages. He increased amount of soldiers with Law of conscripting military and modernized army in the way of technical, by compelling primary school in education area, he opened a lot of schools, he development transportation of highway and rail way a lot and built Trans-Iran rail way. He ensured people to wear modern clothes instead of traditional clothes by passing law of appearance. By making a lot of regulations like this Reza Shah imagined creating a modern and strength Iran and strove for this during his power for fifteen years.
Papers by Mehmet KOCA
The Cuban Revolution is the famous armed struggle against the US-controlled General Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, in the 1950s, with a group of socialism-minded insurgents.This struggle of the Cuban people against the dictatorial regime has also had important political and social effects in the development of the national liberation struggle of many countries, especially South America and some African countries. This success of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, who led the Cuban revolution, against Batista's dictatorship, made them popular around the world and turned them into icons of revolution, which were exemplified by youth in the youth scene in 1968. It has transformed. The Cuban Revolution, which had a great impact both politically and socially and culturally throughout the world, was closely followed by the Turkish press at that time, and frequently its news and articles were published in the top pages of the newspapers. In this study, the reflection of the Cuban Revolution, which has great effects in terms of world political history, to the Turkish press and how the press is interpreted this revolution is tried to be explained through the example of Milliyet newspaper.
Turkey's eastern neighbor Iran, Reza Shah Pahlavi's leadership in recently suffered a large-scale reform movement. Reforms initiated by the Qajar dynasty to sustain the state failed, the country, was on the verge of collapse with tribal rebellions inside and Russian and British interventions outside. Iran declared its neutrality during the First World War and could not survive Russian and British occupation. Taking advantage of the postwar turmoil, Riza Shah liquidated the Qajar Dynasty and founded the Pahlavi Dynasty. When Rıza Shah came to power, he made significant changes in military, political, economic, social and cultural fields including the name of his country known as "Persia" for centuries. With the compulsory military service law, the amount of soldiers in the country has increased and the army has technically modernized. About education, primary education in the country has been made compulsory and has opened many schools. Trans-Iranian railway has been built with great distances in road and railway transportation. The Costume Law has been renewed and more modern clothing and hats have been used. Rıza Shah, who signed many such arrangements, dreamed of establishing a strong and modern Iran during his fifteen years of power and worked for it. In this study, the modernization movements put into practice by Reza Shah in order to modernize Iran and create a new and powerful country are examined.
When referring to a period of 1968 in the world and Turkey, what is meant is actually a symbolic name for a period of time rather than is a year. Therefore, when we say 68 movements which live the summit of 1968, it is necessary to understand a period which briefly create social and political mobility around 1966-1971 in terms of their effects. 1968 is the year when young people of the whole world, and especially the youth of the university, the most progressive and dynamic elements of society, are laid out on the streets. Thinking, reading, questioning youth were not unresponsive to the problems of the age, so it has been an important period in the history of the world and in Turkey in 1968. In a climate of freedom created by the Constitution of 1961, the youth began to organize and express their demands with their protests by the support of all student groups. In the beginning, when these demands, which are related to education, were not satisfied, they have begun to question the goverment concept and the political system of the country. This has led to disagreements and divisions among students. Over time, these tranquil protests have left its place to mutual clashes of opposing groups and violent demonstrations. The violence of the events of 68 was quite heavy; until memorandum of March 12 which is given to the government by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), it has been caused dozens of dead and hundreds of injured from left and right partisan groups.
In the years of World War II, in terms of Turkey's history, domestic policy has totally developed and changed depending on foreign policy. Turkey was well aware that it needed to take steps to adapt to the political systems of the West to take part in the western bloc. Firstly, the internal political system and institutions had to be regulated. For this aim and under the influence of external dynamics it was necessary to abandon the one-party system and pass to a multi-party life. In January 1946, the Democratic Party was established and
the 27-year period of one-party politics ended. In June 1946, following the amendments was made in the Law on the Associations, the legal basis for the establishment of class-based parties and associations was formed, and many parties and trade unions were established
shortly afterwards. The majority of these parties were socialist oriented. After the end of World War II, Turkey tried to improve relations with the Soviet Union in spite of the crisis it experienced but this situation did not yield any result; at the end of the war, Soviet Union brought the relations to the point of breaking because of her demands from Turkey. Against the Soviet threat, which emerged at the end of the war, Turkey opted to approach to the US and moved accordingly, which laid the foundations of the Turkish foreign policy to be implemented during the cold war period. Moreover, the deterioration of Turkish-Soviet relations caused changes the political direction in the nation; this has led to further pressure on the Turkish left.
Thesis Chapters by Mehmet KOCA
Iran, which has been eastern neighbor of Turkey for ages and which has had a big history underwent a wide size reform process led by Reza Shah Pahlavi. Reforms done by Qajar Dynasty to make state continue couldn’t access to success and the country come to threshold of collapse because of rebellion of tribe in country and interference of Russia and England. Iran declared impartialness in First World War but didn’t get out of occupation of Russia and England. Using advantage of disorder following the war, Reza Shah put on end to Qajar Dynasty and established foundations of Pahlavi Dynasty. When Reza Shah got in power he made a lot of serious changes and reforms in politics, military, economic, social and cultural areas including name of his country known as Persia for ages. He increased amount of soldiers with Law of conscripting military and modernized army in the way of technical, by compelling primary school in education area, he opened a lot of schools, he development transportation of highway and rail way a lot and built Trans-Iran rail way. He ensured people to wear modern clothes instead of traditional clothes by passing law of appearance. By making a lot of regulations like this Reza Shah imagined creating a modern and strength Iran and strove for this during his power for fifteen years.
The Cuban Revolution is the famous armed struggle against the US-controlled General Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, in the 1950s, with a group of socialism-minded insurgents.This struggle of the Cuban people against the dictatorial regime has also had important political and social effects in the development of the national liberation struggle of many countries, especially South America and some African countries. This success of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, who led the Cuban revolution, against Batista's dictatorship, made them popular around the world and turned them into icons of revolution, which were exemplified by youth in the youth scene in 1968. It has transformed. The Cuban Revolution, which had a great impact both politically and socially and culturally throughout the world, was closely followed by the Turkish press at that time, and frequently its news and articles were published in the top pages of the newspapers. In this study, the reflection of the Cuban Revolution, which has great effects in terms of world political history, to the Turkish press and how the press is interpreted this revolution is tried to be explained through the example of Milliyet newspaper.
Turkey's eastern neighbor Iran, Reza Shah Pahlavi's leadership in recently suffered a large-scale reform movement. Reforms initiated by the Qajar dynasty to sustain the state failed, the country, was on the verge of collapse with tribal rebellions inside and Russian and British interventions outside. Iran declared its neutrality during the First World War and could not survive Russian and British occupation. Taking advantage of the postwar turmoil, Riza Shah liquidated the Qajar Dynasty and founded the Pahlavi Dynasty. When Rıza Shah came to power, he made significant changes in military, political, economic, social and cultural fields including the name of his country known as "Persia" for centuries. With the compulsory military service law, the amount of soldiers in the country has increased and the army has technically modernized. About education, primary education in the country has been made compulsory and has opened many schools. Trans-Iranian railway has been built with great distances in road and railway transportation. The Costume Law has been renewed and more modern clothing and hats have been used. Rıza Shah, who signed many such arrangements, dreamed of establishing a strong and modern Iran during his fifteen years of power and worked for it. In this study, the modernization movements put into practice by Reza Shah in order to modernize Iran and create a new and powerful country are examined.
When referring to a period of 1968 in the world and Turkey, what is meant is actually a symbolic name for a period of time rather than is a year. Therefore, when we say 68 movements which live the summit of 1968, it is necessary to understand a period which briefly create social and political mobility around 1966-1971 in terms of their effects. 1968 is the year when young people of the whole world, and especially the youth of the university, the most progressive and dynamic elements of society, are laid out on the streets. Thinking, reading, questioning youth were not unresponsive to the problems of the age, so it has been an important period in the history of the world and in Turkey in 1968. In a climate of freedom created by the Constitution of 1961, the youth began to organize and express their demands with their protests by the support of all student groups. In the beginning, when these demands, which are related to education, were not satisfied, they have begun to question the goverment concept and the political system of the country. This has led to disagreements and divisions among students. Over time, these tranquil protests have left its place to mutual clashes of opposing groups and violent demonstrations. The violence of the events of 68 was quite heavy; until memorandum of March 12 which is given to the government by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), it has been caused dozens of dead and hundreds of injured from left and right partisan groups.
In the years of World War II, in terms of Turkey's history, domestic policy has totally developed and changed depending on foreign policy. Turkey was well aware that it needed to take steps to adapt to the political systems of the West to take part in the western bloc. Firstly, the internal political system and institutions had to be regulated. For this aim and under the influence of external dynamics it was necessary to abandon the one-party system and pass to a multi-party life. In January 1946, the Democratic Party was established and
the 27-year period of one-party politics ended. In June 1946, following the amendments was made in the Law on the Associations, the legal basis for the establishment of class-based parties and associations was formed, and many parties and trade unions were established
shortly afterwards. The majority of these parties were socialist oriented. After the end of World War II, Turkey tried to improve relations with the Soviet Union in spite of the crisis it experienced but this situation did not yield any result; at the end of the war, Soviet Union brought the relations to the point of breaking because of her demands from Turkey. Against the Soviet threat, which emerged at the end of the war, Turkey opted to approach to the US and moved accordingly, which laid the foundations of the Turkish foreign policy to be implemented during the cold war period. Moreover, the deterioration of Turkish-Soviet relations caused changes the political direction in the nation; this has led to further pressure on the Turkish left.
Iran, which has been eastern neighbor of Turkey for ages and which has had a big history underwent a wide size reform process led by Reza Shah Pahlavi. Reforms done by Qajar Dynasty to make state continue couldn’t access to success and the country come to threshold of collapse because of rebellion of tribe in country and interference of Russia and England. Iran declared impartialness in First World War but didn’t get out of occupation of Russia and England. Using advantage of disorder following the war, Reza Shah put on end to Qajar Dynasty and established foundations of Pahlavi Dynasty. When Reza Shah got in power he made a lot of serious changes and reforms in politics, military, economic, social and cultural areas including name of his country known as Persia for ages. He increased amount of soldiers with Law of conscripting military and modernized army in the way of technical, by compelling primary school in education area, he opened a lot of schools, he development transportation of highway and rail way a lot and built Trans-Iran rail way. He ensured people to wear modern clothes instead of traditional clothes by passing law of appearance. By making a lot of regulations like this Reza Shah imagined creating a modern and strength Iran and strove for this during his power for fifteen years.