Papers by Laurențiu-Marian Angheluță

Cercetări Arheologice, 2024
The paper presents the discovery of a fragmentary iron helmet (23 fragments), during the 1990 arc... more The paper presents the discovery of a fragmentary iron helmet (23 fragments), during the 1990 archaeological campaign at Capidava (Constanța County). The helmet was found inside the horreum, in a room (an enclosed complex) that ended its functioning during the N2 of Phase IV, in the 580s AD. The intra muros granary (horreum frumentarium) is a three-aisled building preceded by a portico, close to the Main Gate and Gate Tower no 7. The helmet is a Spangenhelm of the Dair-el-Medineh type, made entirely out of iron. All 23 fragments belonged to the bowl of the helmet, with none from an eventual aventail, cheek pieces, or nose guard. As a first restoration method, before the physical one, we chose virtual restoration (anastylosis) of the existing fragments and virtual reconstruction of the helmet. Rezumat: Un coif din fier de tip Spangenhelm descoperit la Capidava (sec. VI p.chr.) Articolul prezintă un coif fragmentar din fier (23 de fragmente), descoperit în timpul campaniei arheologice din 1990 la Capidava (județul Constanța). Coiful a fost găsit în interiorul horreum-ului, într-o încăpere (un complex închis) care și-a încheiat funcționarea în timpul etapei N2 din faza IV de funcționare a fortificației romane, cândva în penultimul deceniu al sec. VI p.Chr. Grânarul (horreum frumentarium) este o clădire intra muros, cu trei nave precedată de un portic, aproape de Poarta Principală și Turnul (de poartă) nr. 7. Coiful este un Spangenhelm, din tipul Dair-el-Medineh, fiind realizat în întregime din fier. Toate cele 23 de fragmente au aparținut calotei coifului, dar niciunul nu provine de la un eventual aventail, piese de obrăzar sau apărători pentru nas. Ca primă metodă de restaurare, înaintea celei fizice, am ales restaurarea virtuală (anastiloza) a fragmentelor existente și reconstrucția virtuală a coifului.

Romanian Journal of Physics, 2023
In this paper is described the method and process for the development of an online 3D viewer dedi... more In this paper is described the method and process for the development of an online 3D viewer dedicated for displaying time lapse series of imaging data fused with the color texture of a 3D digitized surface. For a better understanding of the whole process and requirements for the repeatability of this experiment, the data acquisition and processing are also included. The paper details the importance of thermal imaging in Cultural Heritage investigation and its advantages for a correct assessment of the conservation state for different types of cultural goods. The concept of timelapse thermography is not new, but still greatly overlooked today. The presented application is a viable solution as a visualization and interpretation tool for large sets of imaging data, as it would result from timelapse series. For testing purposes an afresco experimental panel, with known hidden defects, was used in exterior conditions for timelapse thermography. Data acquisition and preparation for both imaging and 3D digitization are detailed in regards with the requirements the online accessibility.

Heritage, 2023
Complex demands in the field of cultural heritage preservation often require a multidisciplinary ... more Complex demands in the field of cultural heritage preservation often require a multidisciplinary approach and substantial volumes of multimodal data integration and management. The conventional approach to tackling these issues revolves around using different H-BIM (historical building information model) solutions. This paper presents a prototype for a web platform that moves closer to the idea of a digital twin for physical cultural assets. Based on a light development framework, it is designed for online open access and features a versatile custom 3D viewer for intuitive interaction with the presented data. The concept requires a workflow similar to the video game industry's 3D asset optimization to generate highly detailed 3D models and to facilitate the display of multilayered imaging data. The technological stack features a minimal MVC architecture framework and front-end stylesheets. It is designed to be independent of specific databases, enhancing portability for potential future open-source releases. Moreover, the platform employs WebGL libraries to create a dynamic 3D environment interaction. The capabilities of the web platform were tested in a case study regarding the documentation of an important 17th-century church in Romania. Further developments and current limitations of the platform are also discussed.

Cercetări Arheologice 30.2, 2023
The topic of this paper is a Roman cavalry sports helmet, or more specifically two halves of the ... more The topic of this paper is a Roman cavalry sports helmet, or more specifically two halves of the same item, made out of copper alloy. It is part of a category of highly decorated military equipment, designed for parade or, more precisely, used in equestrian games/processions by cavalrymen of the Roman army. It was discovered in the area of the Islaz Roman fortifications, on the Olt River Roman frontier, the so-called limes Alutanus. The discovery in itself is spectacular. Both parts of the helmet were discovered almost in the same place, in two separate occasions, both accidental, by private citizens, in a time span of four months. The two fragments that form a whole helmet are well preserved and they present a strong point for the Roman presence at Islaz. The item in itself is a rare and beautiful find, this helmet in particular being the second of its kind (type) known to be found in the world. The helmet is from the Vechten Type, or pseudo-Phrygian type, named after its only analogy, the helmet from Vechten (Netherlands).

Cercetări Arheologice , 2022
This paper details the preparation stages and processes for the digital documentation and virtual... more This paper details the preparation stages and processes for the digital documentation and virtual reconstruction and restoration hypotheses of a heavily damaged archaeological artefact. The presented workflow starts with the immediate actions after the artefact unearthing, going through physical restoration, 3D digitization, virtual restoration (including virtual anastylosis) and a virtual reconstruction hypothesis proposal for the initial shape and looks of the object as when it was created. The artefact subjected to this process is an uncommon bronze vessel found on the premises of the Roman fort from Mălăiești, Prahova County, Romania. The scientific data and archaeological research have already identified with accuracy its dating, chemical composition, and the most probable functionality. All this information was disseminated in a recent study. The authors also discuss the good practice models applied in both virtual and physical restoration and how the two fields intertwine. The digital results are also exhibited in a simple but effective narrative style in the online medium, accessible at, designed for both public and expert scientific groups. Rezumat: În această lucrare sunt detaliate etapele pregătitoare și procesele din spatele unei documentări digitale, a reconstrucției virtuale și a ipotezelor de restaurare a unui artefact arheologic puternic afectat. Modul de lucru prezentat începe cu activitățile imediate de după dezgroparea artefactului, trecând prin restaurarea fizică, digitizarea 3D, restauarea virtuală (incluzând anastiloza virtuală) și o propunere de reconstrucție virtuală pentru aspectul și forma inițială a obiectului, așa cum ar fi fost creat. Artefactul supus acestui proces este un vas de bronz neobișuit, descoperit în perimetrul castrului roman de la Mălăiești, județul Prahova, România. Datele științifice și cercetările arheologice au putut identifica cu precizie datarea, compoziția chimică și cea mai probabilă utilizare a sa. Toate aceste informații sunt diseminate într-un alt studiu recent publicat. Autorii discută modele de practică utilizate atât în restaurarea virtuală cât și în ce a fizică și cum cele două domenii pot întrepătrunde. Rezultatele în format digital sunt expue într-un stil narativ simplu dar eficient în mediu online, accesibil la adresa ro/materials/ca29.1/malaiestiVessel/, fiind proiectat atât pentru publicul general cât și pentru grupurile de experți.
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2022
This paper presents an integrated multi-analytical documentation of a bronze vessel discovered in... more This paper presents an integrated multi-analytical documentation of a bronze vessel discovered in a 2nd century Roman military fort from ancient Dacia. The process involved 3D digitization, X-ray and hyperspectral imaging, and molecular, elemental, and structural analysis using Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results of the study revealed the composition of the vessel metal and of the interior coating and the state of conservation through metal quality, internal cracks and corrosion compounds mapping. A 3D virtual reconstruction of the original aspect is also proposed based on the digitization and metal characterization results.

This paper describes the good practice demonstrations and results of an open restoration site org... more This paper describes the good practice demonstrations and results of an open restoration site organized at Tismana Monastery, Gorj County. For about two weeks an interdisciplinary team consisted in student restorers and research scientists joined their efforts to apply and demonstrate a model of good practice in modern restoration. This model is based on the infrastructure offered by the mobile laboratory ART4ART deployed on-site. The activities comprised non-invasive and non-destructive investigations and monitoring in several working areas with various casuistry. The list of modern technology used includes: laser induced fluorescence, multispectral imaging, 3D laser scanning, digital microscopy and ground penetrating RADAR. A long term monitoring of the microclimate (temperature and relative humidity) was also maintained. The purpose of the mixed working groups was to exchange knowledge between restorers and scientists through on-site course-like presentations and demonstrations. ...

In această lucrare este prezentată o platformă de teleoperare prin Internet pentru un dispozitiv ... more In această lucrare este prezentată o platformă de teleoperare prin Internet pentru un dispozitiv de investigare a fluorescenţei induse cu fascicul laser, utilizat în investigarea suprafetelor pictate ale operelor de arta. Partea hardware a sistemului este alcatuită din dispozitivul de investigare transportabil şi un calculator personal utilizat ca şi server şi panou de control. Aplicaţia software utilizează arhitectura Client-Server pentru controlul dispozitivului şi recepţia informaţiilor răspuns. Interfaţa cu utilizatorul este realizată cu ajutorul tehnologiei web-server a platformei LabView. Dispozitivul este operat de la orice distanţă, în timp real, prin intermediul unei pagini web HTML. In this paper it is introduced an internet-based teleoperation platform for a laser induced fluorescence device used in the investigation of the painted surfaces of artworks. The hardware of the system consists of a transportable laser scanning device and a personal computer used as server and ...
2011 Developments in E-systems Engineering, 2011
The paper was generated by the identified needs for improved conservation strategy and long life ... more The paper was generated by the identified needs for improved conservation strategy and long life professional training, particularly for science conservators, art historians, restorers and conservators, and equally contributes to: i) new education instruments for on-line ...
Proceedings of the 9th …, 2008
... LAURENTIU ANGHELUTA1, JOAKIM STRIBER1, ROXANA RADVAN1 , IOANA GOMOIU2 ,VIVIAN DRAGOMIR3 1 Nat... more ... LAURENTIU ANGHELUTA1, JOAKIM STRIBER1, ROXANA RADVAN1 , IOANA GOMOIU2 ,VIVIAN DRAGOMIR3 1 National Institute of Research and Development for ... Then each 1ml of suspension was put in Petri dishes and poured nutrient medium (malt extract-agar). ...
2013 Sixth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, 2013
2010 Developments in E- …, 2010
In this paper we present an approach based on mathematical and computing aspects of a method fo... more In this paper we present an approach based on mathematical and computing aspects of a method for the correlation of images representing investigation results over the same area of an object. The aim of this algorithm is to associate the results with a three-dimensional ...
Papers by Laurențiu-Marian Angheluță