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Measurement of the coronal magnetic field is a crucial ingredient in understanding the nature of solar coronal phenomena at all scales. We employed STEREO/COR1 data obtained during a deep minimum of solar activity in February 2008... more
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We present the numerical simulations of winds from evolved giant stars using a fully non-linear, time dependent 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code. This study extends our previous fully non-linear MHD wind simulations to... more
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    • Organic Chemistry
We present the results of a resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of an equatorially confined streamer belt using observational constraints for the heating and acceleration of the solar wind. To initiate the 2.5 dimensional MHD... more
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      ThermodynamicsOrganic ChemistryMagnetohydrodynamicsAstrophysical Plasma
An analytic model is developed for the erosion of protoplanetary gas discs by high velocity magnetized stellar winds. The winds are centrifugally driven from the surface of rapidly rotating, strongly magnetized young stars. The presence... more
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Nitrogen is a critical ingredient of complex biological molecules [1]. Molecular nitrogen, however, which was outgassed into the Earth's early atmosphere [2], is relatively chemically inert and nitrogen fixation into more chemically... more
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We present an in-depth study of two superflares (F1 and F2) detected on an active binary star CC Eridani by the Swift observatory. These superflares triggered the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) in the hard X-ray band on 2008 October 16 and... more
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    • Organic Chemistry
We present the first magnetohydrodynamic model of the stellar chromospheric heating and acceleration of the outer atmospheres of cool evolved stars, using alpha Tau as a case study. We used a 1.5D MHD code with a generalized Ohm's law... more
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The search for life in the Universe is a fundamental problem of astrobiology and modern science. The current progress in the detection of terrestrial-type exoplanets has opened a new avenue in the characterization of exoplanetary... more
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    • Geology
The chemical enrichment of the Universe is considerably affected by the contribution of cool evolved stars. We studied the O-rich star R Peg and the C-rich star V Oph, using respectively the VLTI/GRAVITY and VLTI/MIDI instruments. We... more
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    • Physics
Comets are small bodies thought to contain the most pristine material in the solar system. However, since their formation ≈4.5 Gy ago, they have been altered by different processes. While not exposed to much electromagnetic radiation,... more
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      PhysicsOrganic Chemistry
Introduction: The evolution of the Sun’s magnetic activity throughout the history of the Solar System is a key factor in understanding the past and current state of surfaces and atmospheres of planets in the inner Solar System. The... more
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The search of life in the Universe is a fundamental problem of astrobiology and a major priority for NASA. A key area of major progress since the NASA Astrobiology Strategy 2015 (NAS15) has been a shift from the exoplanet discovery phase... more
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It is currently unknown how common life is on exoplanets, or how long planets can remain viable for life. To date, we have a superficial notion of habitability, a necessary first step, but so far lacking an understanding of the detailed... more
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Jupiter's radio emission has been linked to its planetary-scale magnetic field, and spacecraft investigations have revealed that most planets, and some moons, have or had a global magnetic field. Generated by internal dynamos,... more
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    • Physics
The field of exoplanetary science is making rapid progress both in statistical studies of exoplanet properties as well as in individual characterization. As space missions provide an emerging picture of formation and evolution of... more
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Recent progress in obtaining high spatial resolution images of the solar corona in the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) with Hinode, TRACE, SDO and recent Hi-C missions and soft X-ray (SXR) bands opened a new avenue in understanding the solar... more
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    • Physics
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    • Physics
For the first time in human history, we will soon be able to apply the scientific method to the question "Are We Alone?" The rapid advance of exoplanet discovery, planetary systems science, and telescope technology will soon... more
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We are now on a clear trajectory for improvements in exoplanet observations that will revolutionize our ability to characterize their atmospheric structure, composition, and circulation, from gas giants to rocky planets. However,... more
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      PhysicsMaterials Science