Papers by Carlo Del Gaudio
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2006
The island of Ischia, located at the northwestern end of the Gulf of Napoli (Italy), is a volcani... more The island of Ischia, located at the northwestern end of the Gulf of Napoli (Italy), is a volcanic area that is historically active (the Arso eruption, in 1302 and the Casamicciola earthquake, in 1883) and has diffuse hydrothermal phenomena. We present in this work a study of the surface deformation occurring in the island, which is based on applying the
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 2000
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 2000

[1] Phlegrean Fields is an active and densely populated caldera near Naples (Italy). Two major un... more [1] Phlegrean Fields is an active and densely populated caldera near Naples (Italy). Two major unrest episodes characterized its recent history, each leading to remarkable ground uplift and followed by slow subsidence. Fumaroles near the caldera centre underwent important chemical changes during these volcanic crises. Based on published data we show that a correlation exits between ground displacement and gas composition. Numerical modelling of hydrothermal circulation shows that periods of enhanced fluid injection at the base of the hydrothermal system, are consistent with the observed chemical variations. The model predicts an average increase in pore pressure and temperature within the system, suggesting potential effects on ground deformation. Literature data and simulation results show that periods of intense magmatic degassing could explain most of the features characterizing recent bradyseismic crises and should be considered a potential trigger for the unrest at Phlegrean Fields, as well as at other calderas in the world.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2010
Quaderni di Geofisica, 2009

Annals of geophysics = Annali di geofisica
Mt. Vesuvius, located along the SW border of the Campania Plane graben, is one of the most studie... more Mt. Vesuvius, located along the SW border of the Campania Plane graben, is one of the most studied volcanoes worldwide, from both the volcanological and the geophysical, geochemical and geodetic point of view. In order to better understand its dynamics, the deformation of the volcano has been already studied since the early '70s by setting up level-ling lines and, since a few years later, through trilateration networks, whereas ground tilt monitoring started in 1993. Tilt variations were recorded by an automatic surface station set up at the Osservatorio Vesu-viano (O.V.) bunker (OVO) and data recorded were transmitted to the O.V. Surveillance Centre in Naples. Afterwards, in 1996 two more iden-tical stations were set up close to Torre del Greco (CMD), and close to Tre-case (TRC). In 2002 the data acquisition system was replaced, while at the end of 2011 a Lily borehole sensor was set up at 26 m depth, replacing the old TRC tilt station. The paper describes in details the tilt n...

The tiltmetric dataset of Phlegraean Fields area showed a discrete correlation with the volcanic ... more The tiltmetric dataset of Phlegraean Fields area showed a discrete correlation with the volcanic dynamics, suggesting that tiltmetric monitoring is important for the surveillance of active volcanic areas. Tilt data recorded in 2006 at 2 stations belonging to the monitoring network of the Osservatorio Vesuviano (INGV, National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology, Italy) in the Phlegraean Fields are discussed in this paper. The acquired signals have shown a strong tiltmetric inversion that took place from the end of July 2006. After correcting tilt variations to eliminate the influence of temperature (influencing 90% of the signal at OLB station, hereafter OLB) a significant value of the tilt still remains. This change is related to a local inflation episode lasting 3 months, during an unrest phase that started 2 years before. It is interesting to note that tilt amplitude is much greater at OLB than the slope of the displacement field predicted by the theoretical inflation models...

Among geodetic methods used for monitoring ground deformation in volcanic areas, tiltmetry repres... more Among geodetic methods used for monitoring ground deformation in volcanic areas, tiltmetry represents the most rapid technique and therefore it is used by almost all the volcanological observatories in the world. The deformation of volcanic building is not only the result of endogenous causes (i.e. dykes injection or magma rising), but also non-tectonic environmental factors. Such troubles cannot be removed completely but they can be reduce. This article outlines the main source of errors affecting the signals recorded by Phlegraean tilt, network, such as the dependence of the tilt response on temperature and to the thermoelastic effect on ground deformation. The analytical procedure used to evaluate about such errors and their reduction is explained. An application to data acquired from the tilt network during two distinct phases of ground uplift and subsidence of the Phlegraean Fields is reported.
In this paper are shown the results obtained from Geometric High Precision Levelling survey perfo... more In this paper are shown the results obtained from Geometric High Precision Levelling survey performed at Ischia Island in June 2010. The measures have been carried out on the whole network of the island further expanded by increasing of the benchmarks and the establishment of new lines. The compensated height for each benchmark (Bm) are referred to Bm 1 located at Ischia harbour, were compared to those obtained in previous Levelling survey of 2003. The results show significant ground subsidence of different entities affecting various areas of the island. In addition, a further comparison with the measurements performed in 1987 confirms the existence of such differential movements characterised by subsidence velocity constant over time. At last, we found a good agreement between levelling and GPS velocities, calculated in time span 1997-2003.

Sin dalla metà del XVIII secolo, con l’inizio di grandi campagne di scavo eseguite in varie parti... more Sin dalla metà del XVIII secolo, con l’inizio di grandi campagne di scavo eseguite in varie parti del mondo, l’archeologia ebbe un grande impulso nello studio sistematico delle civiltà antiche ed in particolare di quelle di epoca romana. Gli scavi di Pompei ed Ercolano, iniziati sotto il dominio di Carlo III di Borbone, risultano infatti essere la più grande testimonianza storica sia della civiltà romana che dei fenomeni geologici e vulcanici avvenuti nell’area napoletana. In questo contesto lo studio del Serapeo di Pozzuoli (Macellum romano scoperto accidentalmente nel 1738 durante lo scavo di una fondazione), sin dall’inizio degli scavi archeologici avviati nel 1750, ha alimentato un intenso dibattito scientifico relativamente alle cause delle variazioni del livello del mare che avevano interessato l’intera costa flegrea [Babbage, 1847; Breislak, 1792, 1798, 1801; Caristie, 1816; De Jorio, 1820; Letizia, 1774; Lyell, 1850; Niccolini, 1829-1839]. Giuseppe Mercalli manifestò il suo ...

L'isola d'Ischia, localizzata nel settore nord-occidentale del Golfo di Napoli, è un'area vulcani... more L'isola d'Ischia, localizzata nel settore nord-occidentale del Golfo di Napoli, è un'area vulcanica attiva, come testimoniato sia dall'attività registrata in epoca storica (eruzione dell'Arso del 1302), che dalla diffusa attività idrotermale presente nell'isola. Il monitoraggio geodetico dell'isola viene effettuato su base sistematica dall'INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano (INGV-OV) tramite una rete di stazioni GPS, costituita da 24 vertici 3D di cui 3 in acquisizione continua ed una rete di livellazione geometrica costituita da circa 250 caposaldi altimetrici distribuiti su circa 90 km di linea di livellazione. Al fine di caratterizzare in dettaglio la complessa morfologia presente in un'area ristretta dinamicamente attiva (in località Fango, nella parte nord-occidentale dell'isola) è stato recentemente realizzato un modello tridimensionale del terreno (DEM) di elevata risoluzione spaziale e caratterizzato da precisione decimetrica. Il modello 3D deriva dall'elaborazione di dati raccolti durante un rilievo aereo tramite Laser Scanning (LS) e presenta il notevole vantaggio di fornire l'andamento del terreno anche al di sotto della vegetazione. La disponibilità di dati geodetici puntuali (vertici GPS e caposaldi altimetrici) nell'area di interesse, ha consentito l'associazione dei movimenti osservati a fenomeni gravitativi recenti, probabilmente modulati da strutture vulcano-tettoniche evidenti dall'analisi morfologica del DEM da LS.
The surveillance of the Neapolitan volcanic area (Mt. Vesuvius, the Phlegrean Fields and the isla... more The surveillance of the Neapolitan volcanic area (Mt. Vesuvius, the Phlegrean Fields and the island of Ischia) represents the principal activity of the Osservatorio Vesuviano. Such an activity is carried out also through the study of ground deformations.

Abstract Geodetical monitoring of the Neapolitan Volcanic District was historically carried out b... more Abstract Geodetical monitoring of the Neapolitan Volcanic District was historically carried out by means of networks located on the area to be investigated. Such networks, also allowing very high accuracies in the deformation measurement, give only an information related to the networks geometry, therefore preventing to highlight eventual migrations of the deformation outside these ones. The “areal” information retrieved by the spaceborne Differential SAR Interferometry (DIFSAR) technique allows such evaluations, besides indicating eventual new sites for more detailed measurements to be carried out with classical techniques. Spaceborne DIFSAR allows moreover to get a temporal coverage better than the classical techniques, considering the revisiting time of the SAR sensors. The principal results of the last years on the geodetical monitoring of the Phlegrean Fields (Naples, Italy) will be hereby presented, in particular on the integration between interferometric and classical geodeti...

The presentation is focused on the main results obtained in the framework of CAT-1 (1065, Integra... more The presentation is focused on the main results obtained in the framework of CAT-1 (1065, Integration of SAR Interferometry with classical geodetic techniques for ground deformation monitoring in the Neapolitan volcanic area) and DUP (MINERVA, Monitoring by INterferometric SAR of Environmental Risk in Volcanic Areas) activities, aimed at the integration of EO (ERS/ENVISAT) data with geodetic data from ground networks (mainly GPS and levelling) for ground deformation monitoring in the Phlegrean Fields volcanic area, which gave bradyseismic activity in recent time. Differential SAR Interferometry is a powerful technique for the geodetical monitoring of the area, as the information retrieved has been always comparable, both in space and time, with terrestrial data. Moreover, the information from spaceborne sensors is more effective in comparison with ground data, as it covers a wide area with an higher temporal sampling, if compared to the mean repetition time of field measurements. Be...
Papers by Carlo Del Gaudio