Papers by elisabeth siahaan

Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. Stress triggered a negative behav... more Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. Stress triggered a negative behaviour from employees. In a long term, stress would decrease the whole organizational performance. This study aimed to understand the factor which led to employees’ stress within state-owned organization in Indonesia. All this time, each organization tried to improve their employees’ job satisfaction as it would commonly lead to a positive attitude from the employees. Employees’ organizational commitment was a key which led to organizational success. Work-family conflict had been manifested as a problem in the work-life as the employees could not balance their role as employees and as a family member. These variables were hypothesized to affect employees’ job stress level.The research was conducted at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Medan, one of major state-owned firm in Indonesia. The research was focused on married employees and had been working for at least 3 years. There were 72 employees ac...

AGRISAINS: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Agribisnis
his study aims to analyze the policies of the community oil palm rejuvenation program through the... more his study aims to analyze the policies of the community oil palm rejuvenation program through the oil palm plantation fund management agency (BPDPKS) in South Labuhanbatu Regency. The data analyzed were obtained from the research location in Aek Raso Village, Torgamba Subdistrict, South Labuhanbatu Regency by conducting structured interviews with 165 farmers who applied for aid. This rejuvenation program policy has requirements consisting of administrative aspects and financing aspects. Research shows that the value of aid funds provided by the government in implementing oil palm rejuvenation has not been able to support the costs required. The percentage of farmers who have 2 ha of land area is 78.8% while those who have 4 ha of land area are 21.2%, the age of productive farmers is 68% while 32% of age is not productive. Farmers who have a legality of land as much as 36% and who are not legal as much as 64%. This policy has not been specific to the location proven from the data of ...
Banks and Bank Systems, 2017
The purpose of this study is to determine the difference between three antecedent variables of pe... more The purpose of this study is to determine the difference between three antecedent variables of performance and the impact on employee job performance through reward, compared with institutions led by men and women. The method used was survey method. Quantitative explanation method was also used to explain the relation , difference, and influence between the variables.

Outsourced employment system has been well-known worldwide to improve organizational performance.... more Outsourced employment system has been well-known worldwide to improve organizational performance. An organization can reduce its recruitment and employee-related costs by using the outsourcing system. However, organizations should not rely on outsourcing too much. Agency problem may rise in the outsourcing system since the organization's performance does not benefit outsourced employees. Any employee-related benefit is managed by outsourcing provider. It will be hard for outsourced employees to deal with the client. The phenomenon may invite employees' intention to leave. This study is aimed to suppress employees' intention to leave as it may create a disadvantageous situation for both the client and provider. A number of 52 outsourced employees were participated in this study. Data were gathered using self-administered questionnaires. A correlation and path analysis were used to evaluate the proposed model. The research shows that intention to leave has a strong and significant correlation with job stress and job satisfaction. A regression analysis showed that the more stressed out the employees were, the stronger their intention to leave would get. However, the intention to leave can be reduced through their job satisfaction. There is no significant effect of employees' commitment on intention to leave. Nevertheless, commitment has a positive and significant effect towards their job satisfaction while stress does not affect it. Employees' organizational commitment becomes a great source of intention to leave through mediating effect of job satisfaction.

Organizations exist to achieve their goals. Compensation was given in trade of their efforts. How... more Organizations exist to achieve their goals. Compensation was given in trade of their efforts. However, many of the compensations given to the workers were one-sided. This could lead into unhappy workers. Female workers had a role conflict issue, as workers and as family members. The conflict made female workers unable to give their best. The aim of the present study was to re-evaluate the role of compensation as it was connected to employees' satisfaction, even their performance. We also evaluated whether the compensation might also compensate the role conflict within female workers. Data were gathered using self-administered questionnaires. Our path model explained 64.50% variance in employees' performance. Compensation played a major role in increasing job satisfaction and performance. It also helped to reduce the conflict perceived by female workers.

International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 2017
Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. Stress triggered a negativebehavi... more Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. Stress triggered a negativebehaviour from employees. In a long term, stress would decrease the whole organizational performance. This study aimed to understand the factor which led to employees' stress within state-owned organization in Indonesia. All this time, each organization tried to improve their employees' job satisfaction as it would commonly lead to a positive attitude from the employees. Employees' organizational commitment was a key which led to organizational success. Work-family conflict had been manifested as a problem in the work-life as the employees could not balance their role as employees and as a family member. These variables were hypothesized to affect employees' job stress level.The research was conducted at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Medan, one of major state-owned firm in Indonesia. The research was focused on married employees and had been working for at least 3 years. There were 72 employees across division selected in the research. The sample was proportionally taken from each division. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The data was analysed with correlation and multiple regression analyses.Correlation analysis showed that stress had a strong positive relationship with work-family conflict. Stress moderately correlated with the employees' organizational commitment level and satisfaction level. Multiple regression analysis showed that job satisfaction might reduce employees' job stress but it was insignificant. Job stress was positively and significantly affectedby employees' satisfaction and commitment. Employees' organizational commitment negatively and significantly affected the stress level. These relationships explained 64% of job stress variance.

Lake Toba is the biggest and the deepest volcanic lake through all SouthEast Asia, located in Par... more Lake Toba is the biggest and the deepest volcanic lake through all SouthEast Asia, located in Parapat, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Lake Toba is the tourism icon in Indonesia and is recommended to be one of the Global Geopark Network (GGN) tourism icons established by UNESCO. The number tourist who visits this destination is still low compared to other tourism destination in Indonesia. Many factors cause this condition. Hotel's hospitality service, which is an important role for tourism convenience, is not maximal. Therefore, the domestic and foreign tourists have not been able to fully enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba. Low quality of services may caused by the less effective of recruitment system, career development, and compensation systems which results employees's work diseffectiveness. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of how recruitment system and career development on the enhancing of working effectiveness through compensation as the intervening variable. The research was carried out at Niagara Hotel Parapat. The population of this study was 174 Niagara Hotel Parapat's employees and 64 of them were selected as samples for this research. The methode used in this research was Path Analysis. The result shows that recruitment system and career development simultaneously (test-F) have positive significant influence over compensation. There is a significant positive influence between recruitment over compensation, but there is no significant influence between the career development toward compensation. It caused career development possibility at Niagara Hotel is still too short and the compensation system is still under the province minimum wage. Recruitment system, career development, and compensation effect positive significantly to the effectiveness of the work. There are significant positive influence between recruitment system, career development, and compensation with respect to the effectiveness of the work of employees at Niagara Hotel Parapat. Recruitment is a dominant variable which influences to work effectiveness rather than career development, directly or indirectly through compensation. The research also shows that compensation is intervening variable for recruitment system but not for career development.

Information Management and Business Review , 2014
Nowadays, MLM Company around the world are highly developed, and companies especially in Indonesi... more Nowadays, MLM Company around the world are highly developed, and companies especially in Indonesia have been using a system of direct sales to the consumers. The career structure in MLM Company has been very much acknowledged. However, not all MLM distributors are able to achieve the line of succession. The purpose of this research is to analyse the main causes of career success in MLM Company. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods. The selection of samples is carried out using a snowball technique which retrieved as many as 198 distributors registered at the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Company in Medan, namely; PT. Herbalife Indonesia, PT. Orindo Ayu (Oriflame), PT. Sophi Martin Indonesia, PT. K-link, PT. Tupperware Indonesia and PT. Amway Indonesia. The result of the study finds that entrepreneurial competency and committment simultaneously have a significant influence to the career success of MLM distributors. Moreover, the study finds a partial relationship between the entrepreneurial commitment and motivation that has a significant effect on career success, while the entrepreneurial competency does not partially influence the success of career significantly. The results also show that entrepreneurial motivation is a moderating variable that is able to strengthen the influence of the entrepreneurial commitment to career success, as well as between the entrepreneurial competency and career success.

The results of this research are the confirmation results of previous year research. In the previ... more The results of this research are the confirmation results of previous year research. In the previous year, the hypothesized model was that career success was affected by the entrepreneurial competency and entrepreneurial commitment, moderated by entrepreneurial motivation. After testing quantitatively, through multiple linear regression analysis and confirmatory analysis, the results stated that entrepreneurial commitment did not significantly affect the formation of consultants career success in direct selling companies. In the next year, it was performed career success model test through qualitative method using in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and trainings of competency, commitment, and motivation in the formation of consultants career success in direct selling companies. The research results using qualitative method (in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and training) confirmed that commitment significantly affected the formation of consultants career success in direct selling companies. Based on in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and training that have been conducted, the results from qualitative analysis were able to confirm the model of career success tested, that career success could be achieved if it was possessed sufficient entrepreneurial competency, high entrepreneurial commitment, as well as high entrepreneurial motivation. These three things are a unity that cannot be separated in achieving career success in direct selling companies, therefore, the hypothesis in the first year is accepted.

Forum Manajemen Indonesia , 2015
After in-depth interviews were conducted and focus group discussion to the distributor (consultan... more After in-depth interviews were conducted and focus group discussion to the distributor (consultant) on multi the level companies or direct marketing (the selling) companies , that there was an improvement on entrepreneurship competence , there was an improvement on the commitment of entrepreneurship , an improvement on motivation entrepreneurship , there was an improvement on the success of safety career after in-depth interviews and FGD for the distributor multi the level of marketing (MLM) .These proved that the success of a model whose career has been produced through earlier trials that the model was appropriate and suitable for applied to companies multi the level of marketing and companies direct the selling. Based on in-depth interviews and focus group discussion known that the success of the career of objective according to the distributor (consultant) be achieved if a turnover of sales , the number of downline increase , income increased , living standard of living to be able to achieve better and better social status , because having a good job and having an increasingly broad promiscuity .For the distributor , career success achieved if the welfare of increasing their subjective , they feel satisfied berkarir in the business of direct selling , because having freedom (autonomy in their own business set .In addition every distributor (consultant) have a desire to reach the highest career. Based on the activities of women has been able to confirm that the results of this fgd success model whose career has been tested through in-depth interviews (depth) interview .After the focus group discussion (fgds , then the results show a trend that is not much different , it means the result of in-depth interviews conducted individually after collected and ditabulasi and analysis was conducted , the results from focus group discussion (fgds directs and strengthen the result of in-depth interviews. Key word: career success , competence of entrepreneurship , the commitment of entrepreneurship , motivation entrepreneurship.

Prasiding Seminar Penyelidikon Kerjasarno IJ|TM Terenggonu & Universiti Surnatero Utaro , 2016
Ethical behavior is the key to improve a firm's performance and survivability in the current fier... more Ethical behavior is the key to improve a firm's performance and survivability in the current fierce competition. However. we observe that the employees of PDAM Tirta Malem Kabanjahe acted unethically as they commonly seen late for work, early leave, and cannot be seen in the office even at working hour. They were, occasionally become angry and served their customer badly. This problem might arise due to their problem with emotional intelligence and their job dissatisfaction. This study aimed to analyze the linkage between the employees' emotional intelligence and job satisfaction level to the employees' ethical behavior. A number of 94 PDAM Tirla Malem Kabanjahe's lower management employee were participated in the study. The model was analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. This study showed that emotional intelligence and job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect to the employees' ethical behavior, both partially and simultaneously. This study also found that emotional intelligence play a major role to form the ethical behavior, A descriptive analysis is used to understand the big picture about the variable. This studv'found that the most influencinq factcr of iob satisfaction in PDAIII Tirta Malem Kabanjase was from their wage.
Kevw ords: E m otional I ntel lioen ce, J ob S atisfaction, Eth ical Be h avior

International Journal of Economic Research, 2017
The role of civil servants (PNS) as the state servants is crucial in providing services to the pu... more The role of civil servants (PNS) as the state servants is crucial in providing services to the public. Improving the performance of civil servants cannot be separated from the work environment, how their commitment to the organization, work discipline, and motivation. In fact, the performance of civil servants is still not optimal yet, showing from the low capacity and quality of work. Generally speaking, the motivation and satisfaction of civil servants are still low. The working environment is still not supporting civil servants in performing their duties. The organizational commitment is still low, demonstrated with the lack of loyalty to the organization. There are some civil servants who do not have the discipline as expected. All of these factors are the factors allegedly affected the performance of civil servants in West Coast, North Sumatra Province. The respondents in this study were 335 civil servants in the three cities in West Coast region, including Sibolga, Padangsidimpuan, and Gunungsitoli. The results concluded that job satisfaction does not improve the performance of civil servants in West Coast region. Motivation does not significantly form the performance of civil servants in West Coast region. The performance of civil servants in the area is affected by discipline and organizational commitment. Commitment could improve the performance of civil servants in West Coast region.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), , 2017
In nowadays competition, a private hospital services could be categorized as monopolistic competi... more In nowadays competition, a private hospital services could be categorized as monopolistic competition. Many of new private hospital established were increasing in the current competition. In order to win, survive in competition, one had to offer a better performance, better competitive advantage from the others. As we spoke of services, one of critical point to build the advantage was through human assets management while reducing human error. A less likely error in services industries would generate a better performance and perceive value from the customer. The source of patients' compliance commonly occurred due to human error, especially the paramedic team. Therefore, we maximized hospital's human assets management to reduce error while preventing it happen in the future. This study aimed to evaluate the human assets management process to reduce human error on private medical field. A number of 138 paramedics of private hospital in Medan were involved in this study. Data were collected by using an organized questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression with SPSS. As result, we found that naturally, human factor tended to create an error while working. These level of error could be reduced overtime through an effective recruitment process and developing employees' skill related to their job. The most important factor to be considered was training and development as it would greatly reduce the human error. This study explained 40.4% variance of human error through selection, and training and development process.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR),, 2017
Each institution has always wanted a quality human resources as a valuable asset that is being so... more Each institution has always wanted a quality human resources as a valuable asset that is being sought and maintained. To get optimal results, organizations must be able to optimize factors that influence employee performance. Factors can increase employee performance are the extent to which human resource development and environmental work in an institution. This research aims to optimize human resource empowerment and work environment in the General Election Commission of North Sumatra Province so that it can produce the civil servants performance. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of human resource empowerment and work environment on the civil servants performance in General Commision Election (GEC) of North Sumatra Province with job satisfaction as a moderating variable. The research is descriptive quantitative and nature of the research is descriptive explanatory. Data collection is done through interviews, documentation and survey with questionnaires to 45 respondent which spread to all civil servants in General Commision Election of North Sumatra Province with saturated sampling methods. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression using SPSS software. Results of the study show the first models of human resource empowerment and environment simultaneously positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants of General Commision Election of North Sumatra Province. Partially each human resource empowerment and the work environment positive and significant impact on the performance of civil servants of North Sumatra Provincial Election Commission. Human resource empowerment becomes a dominant factor in improving performance compared to work environment. Results of the second model showed that job satisfaction is not as moderating variabel thet effect human resource empowerment and the work environment on the performance of civil servants.

International Journal of Economic Research, 2017
Competition of university graduates in Indonesia is increasing in line with the enactment of ASEA... more Competition of university graduates in Indonesia is increasing in line with the enactment of ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). In addition, the demands of the workforce on the competence of college graduates are getting higher. Private universities as the institution of higher education are very large in number compared with State Universities. Private universities which are established by the foundation is required to make efforts to increase the competency of graduates that yield high competitiveness. This study aims to see the antecedents of competence of private university graduates in Medan City. Factors studied in the antecedents include: management of foundation, university governance, dean leadership, lecturer's performance, and learning environment. The population in this study is the students at last semester at Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics at nine private universities in Medan City. The sample selection in this research was done by using multi stage sampling technique starting from the selection of private university using purposive sampling, and student selection using incidental sampling. The number of samples in the study was 576 students representing nine private universities proportionally. Data analysis is used descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling (SEM). This study concludes: (1) Foundation management has a positive and significant impact on university governance; (2) The management of the foundation directly has a positive and significant impact on the leadership of the dean; (3) The management of foundation has a positive and significant impact on lecturer's performance; (4) University management has a positive and significant impact on the leadership of the dean; (5) University governance has a positive and significant impact on lecturer's performance; (6) Dean leadership has positive and significant influence on lecturer's performance; (7) The performance of lecturers has a positive and significant impact on the competence of graduates; (8) Foundation management has a positive and significant impact on dean leadership through university governance; (9) Foundation management has a positive and significant impact on lecturer performance through university governance; (10) The foundation's management has a positive and significant impact on the performance of lecturers International Journal of Economic Research 236 Kuras Purba, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Elisabeth Siahaan & Parapat Gultom through the leadership of the dean; (11) University governance has a positive and significant impact on lecturers' performance through the leadership of the dean; (12) The management of the foundation has a positive and significant impact on the competency of graduates through the performance of lecturers; (13) University management has a positive and significant impact on the competency of graduates through the leadership of the dean; (14) Dean leadership does not have a positive and significant impact on graduate competency through lecturer's performance; and (15) The learning environment does not reinforce the influence of lecturers' performance on graduate competency.

International Journal of Economic Research, 2017
The role of civil servants (PNS) as the state servants is crucial in providing services to the pu... more The role of civil servants (PNS) as the state servants is crucial in providing services to the public. Improving the performance of civil servants cannot be separated from the work environment, how their commitment to the organization, work discipline, and motivation. In fact, the performance of civil servants is still not optimal yet, showing from the low capacity and quality of work. Generally speaking, the motivation and satisfaction of civil servants are still low. The working environment is still not supporting civil servants in performing their duties. The organizational commitment is still low, demonstrated with the lack of loyalty to the organization. There are some civil servants who do not have the discipline as expected. All of these factors are the factors allegedly affected the performance of civil servants in West Coast, North Sumatra Province. The respondents in this study were 335 civil servants in the three cities in West Coast region, including Sibolga, Padangsidimpuan, and Gunungsitoli. The results concluded that job satisfaction does not improve the performance of civil servants in West Coast region. Motivation does not significantly form the performance of civil servants in West Coast region. The performance of civil servants in the area is affected by discipline and organizational commitment. Commitment could improve the performance of civil servants in West Coast region.

Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (SJHSS) , 2018
Every company always wants quality human resources as a valuable asset that is consistently sough... more Every company always wants quality human resources as a valuable asset that is consistently sought and maintained. A company must be able to optimize supporting factor from employee productivity itself to get the optimal result of work. One factor that can improve productivity includes the layout of production facilities and supervision of work that exist in a company. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the layout of production facilities and supervision of existing work on production employees of Mawar Bakery. It involves the addition of motivation as a moderating variable to produce good productivity from existing production employees. This research is quantitative descriptive research, and the nature of the research is explanatory. Population includes production employees located at Mawar Pinang Baris, Mawar Setia Budi and Mawar Gatot Subroto involving 132 employees with a sample of 100 employees taken by simple random sampling. Data collection techniques were conducted by documentation studies and distributing questionnaires. The technique of data analysis by using regression analysis of Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA). The result of the test without the effect of moderation indicates that layout of the production facility and work supervision respectively have the positive and significant effect to work productivity of production employees. Work supervision becomes the dominant factor in increasing productivity compared to the layout of production facilities. Test results with moderation effects indicate that motivation is not as a variable that can moderate the influence of job control variables on work productivity of production employees. Thus productivity of production employees will increase if the layout of available facilities and work supervision applied to Mawar Bakery has been following the needs so that production employees can work efficiently.
The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the condition of the hypothesized model was ... more The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the condition of the hypothesized model was that career success was affected by the entrepreneurial competency and entrepreneurial commitment, moderated by entrepreneurial motivation. Based on in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and training that have been conducted, the results from qualitative analysis were able to confirm the model of career success tested, that career success could be achieved if it was possessed sufficient entrepreneurial competency, high entrepreneurial commitment, as well as high entrepreneurial motivation. The research results confirmed that commitment significantly affected the formation of consultants career success in direct selling companies.

Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. Stress triggered a negativebehavi... more Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. Stress triggered a negativebehaviour from employees. In a long term, stress would decrease the whole organizational performance. This study aimed to understand the factor which led to employees' stress within state-owned organization in Indonesia. All this time, each organization tried to improve their employees' job satisfaction as it would commonly lead to a positive attitude from the employees. Employees' organizational commitment was a key which led to organizational success. Work-family conflict had been manifested as a problem in the work-life as the employees could not balance their role as employees and as a family member. These variables were hypothesized to affect employees' job stress level.The research was conducted at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Medan, one of major state-owned firm in Indonesia. The research was focused on married employees and had been working for at least 3 years. There were 72 employees across division selected in the research. The sample was proportionally taken from each division. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The data was analysed with correlation and multiple regression analyses.Correlation analysis showed that stress had a strong positive relationship with work-family conflict. Stress moderately correlated with the employees' organizational commitment level and satisfaction level. Multiple regression analysis showed that job satisfaction might reduce employees' job stress but it was insignificant. Job stress was positively and significantly affectedby employees' satisfaction and commitment. Employees' organizational commitment negatively and significantly affected the stress level. These relationships explained 64% of job stress variance.
Papers by elisabeth siahaan
Kevw ords: E m otional I ntel lioen ce, J ob S atisfaction, Eth ical Be h avior
Kevw ords: E m otional I ntel lioen ce, J ob S atisfaction, Eth ical Be h avior