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We present an up date of our previous study [2] on how ν oscillations affect the signal from a supernova core collapse observed in the LVD detector at LNGS. In this paper we use a recent, more precise determination of the cross section... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsBeta decay
Within the XENON program, we are operating a double-phase time-projection chamber (TPC) using liquid xenon (LXe) as target material. The current phase, XENON100 installed in the LNGS, is in science mode since the beginning of 2010, with a... more
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Many experiments looking for dark matter are aiming to get the ton scale in the future. However, it is well known that scaling dark matter detectors to higher mass is not a sufficient condition for sensitivity and that an equally... more
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The Large Volume Detector (LVD) in the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy, is a ν observatory mainly designed to study low energy neutrinos from the gravitational collapse of galactic objects. The experiment has been monitoring... more
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The Forbush decrease following the large X2 solar flare on mid-February 2011 has been observed by the muon telescopes of the EEE Project, which are located in several Italian sites and at CERN. Data from two different telescopes of the... more
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    • Forbush decrease
We have constructed an MRPC with an active area of 82 Â 158 cm 2 . It has six gas gaps each of 300 mm width. The performance of this chamber measured at a CERN test beam is presented. Details concerning the construction are also given.
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1] For the first time, accurate measurements of electron and positron fluxes in the energy range 0.2 -10 GeV have been performed with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) at altitudes of 370 -390 km in the geographic latitude interval... more
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      Plasma PhysicsMagnetospheric PhysicsSouth Atlantic AnomalyEnergetic particles
A pulsed nanosecond IR laser diode system to automatically test the Single Event Effects in laboratory is described. The results of Single Event Latchup (SEL) test on two VLSI chips (VA HDR64, 0.8 and 1:2 mm technology) are discussed and... more
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      Heavy Ions PhysicsLaser Diode
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    • Particle Physics
The radiation emitted by 180-GeV/ c volume-reflected electrons and positrons impinging on a bent crystal has been measured by the H8RD22 Collaboration on the H8 beamline at the CERN SPS. A dedicated spectrometer has been developed to... more
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      Radiation EffectParticle Acceleration
2 Aguilar et al.
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaNuclear ReactionsSpace vehicles
2 Aguilar et al.
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaNuclear ReactionsAcceleration of Particles
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a large acceptance cosmic-ray detector ð0:5 m 2 srÞ designed to operate at an altitude of 400 km on the International Space Station. The AMS-02 silicon tracker contains 2264 silicon microstrip sensors... more
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    • International space station
Following the decision to maintain the International Space Station (ISS) on orbit until at least 2020 (possibly until 2028) the AMS collaboration decided to correspondingly extend the lifetime of the experiment. Since the limited amount... more
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    • International space station
2 Aguilar et al.
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaNuclear ReactionsAcceleration of Particles
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The trend of volume reflection parameters (deflection angle and efficiency) in a bent (110) silicon crystal has been investigated as a function of the crystal curvature with 400 GeV= c protons on the H8 beam line at the CERN Super Proton... more
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