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Vertebrates are currently going extinct at an alarming rate, largely because of habitat loss, global warming, infectious diseases, and human introductions. Island ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to invasive species and other... more
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Vertebrates are currently going extinct at an alarming rate, largely because of habitat loss, global warming, infectious diseases, and human introductions. Island ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to invasive species and other... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesMexican StudiesIsland StudiesBiodiversity
Townsend’s shearwater (Puffinus auricularis auricularis) is an endangered seabird endemic to the Revillagigedo Archipelago. It nested on Socorro, Clarion, and San Benedicto Islands. It was extirpated by the Barcena volcano on San... more
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      Environmental EducationScience CommunicationPacific Island StudiesConservation Biology
To assess the potential disease risks posed by resident Columbiformes to the reintroduction of the Socorro Dove Zenaida graysoni to Socorro Island, Mexico, the endemic Socorro Ground Dove Columbina passerina socorrensis and the recently... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyPacific Island StudiesConservation Biology
Avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) has been implicated in the decline of avian populations in the HawaiianIslands and it is generally agreed that geographically isolated and immunologically naïve bird populations are particularly vulnerable... more
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      Conservation BiologyVector-Borne DiseaseMalariaInsect Molecular Biology
To commemorate the sesquicentennial of Charles Darwin´s “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”, we address an essential topic in this publication. Domestic pigeons were extremely important in shaping Darwin’s theory of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsMorphological evolutionHistory of Science
Based on physiognomic criteria and a cluster analysis based on 90 plots (14 in prairie and grassland, 35 in shrubs, 38 in forest and 3 in secondary vegetation) we classifi ed the vegetation of Socorro Island. In addition to coastal... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
The Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE), a partnership comprising 67 of the world’s biodiversity conservation non-governmental organizations, has pinpointed where Endangered and Critically Endangered species exist at one remaining known... more
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      Environmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation BiologyConservation Ecology
Recently acquired tissue makes possible a first molecular assessment of the taxonomic position of the Soccoro Island endemic mimid Mimodes graysoni . Mitochondrial DNA sequence data from the ND-2 gene was analyzed using parsimony, maximum... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)OrnithologyConservation BiologyBird (Ornithology)
Since early in its taxonomic history, placement of the Socorro Wren (Thryomanes sissonii) has been an object of contention. Of particular interest is its current placement in the genus Thryomanes, which makes that genus ditypic and leads... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyConservation Biology and Ecology of Seabirds and IslandsBird evolution and taxonomy
Bird vocalizations have become important tools in the study of taxonomic relationships, behavioral ecology, and sexual selection. In this paper, we present and compare vocalizations of 12 avian species at Socorro and Clarion islands in... more
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      BioacousticsPacific Island StudiesConservation BiologyPacific Islands
The population size of the Socorro Mockingbird Mimodes graysoni, which represents a monotypic genus endemic to Socorro Island, Mexico, has declined dramatically within the last 40 years. Postulated causal factors include competitive... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationOrnithology
The Socorro Mockingbird (Mimodes graysoni) is an endangered species endemic to Socorro Island, México (Collar et al. 1992). Although, widely distributed on Socorro in the past (Jehl & Parkes 1982), a population of about 300 mockingbirds... more
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      OrnithologyPacific Island StudiesConservation BiologyConservation Biology and Ecology of Seabirds and Islands
The Socorro Mockingbird Mimodes graysoni is endemic to Socorro Island, Mexico, and has declined dramatically in this century. Study of its population size, distribution, and structure is currently under way to help assess its conservation... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyConservation Biology and Ecology of Seabirds and Islands
First description of the nest and eggs of the Socorro Mockingbird--The Socorro Mockingbird (Mimodes graysoni) represents a monotypic genus endemic to Isla Socorro, Mexico (Brattstrom and Howell 1956). Formerly abundant on Socorro, this... more
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      OrnithologyPacific Island StudiesConservation BiologyConservation Biology and Ecology of Seabirds and Islands
Body size differences typically influence sibling competition among nestling birds. In many species hatching order determine nestling size rank; however, sexually dimorphic growth may confound this correlation, giving one sex a consistent... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyOrnithologyEcologyEvolutionary Ecology
The food requirements of dependent sons and daughters have important implications for evolution of the sex ratio, according to current sex allocation theory. We studied food requirements of nestling American kestrels (Falco sparverius), a... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyOrnithologyEcologyEvolutionary Ecology
This article presents aspects of raptor conservation, including training of local students, developing networks to monitor bird trade and to protect natural areas, establishing banding stations in Veracruz, ecotourism, and cooperative... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyRaptor BiologyRaptor Conservation
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyEcologyRaptor Biology
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyEcologyOrnitologia