: industrial : ebm : noise : hard electro : dark ambient : experimental electronics : industec : tbm :
This community is to dicuss items of interest and build a stronger sense of community within the Northern English industrial scene, where there is a hotbed of clubs, DJ's, musicians and activity, taking in towns and areas such as Liverpool, Manchester, Preston, Stoke, Newcastle, Yorkshire, Leeds, York & Sheffield.
Community rules:
You are welcome to post/advertise your club nights/gigs/events/releases/playlists here ONLY if they play a good percentage of industrial music or feature an industrial act either from or playing within the region. Have a read of the community, you'll get the idea.
Posts are moderated and will be deleted if deemed inappropriate, however we will explain why and ask you to repost. 90% of the time this is down to posting big flyers/setlists without using cut-tags.
All images larger than 500 pixels in any dimension, play lists or posts more than 15 lines long in total (including image, a 500x500 pixel image is approx 15 lines long on it's own) need to go behind a cut-tag.
We do not allow eBay or clothing adverts, this is a music community. Try niceboots or uk_ebay_goffs.
X-posted/spam adverts that are not specific to the community will be deleted, ie: industrial music in the North of England.
If your event does not play something in the region of 30-40% industrial music (including subdivisions, industrial rock, EBM, noise etc) please do not advertise here, there are other communities that are more appropriate. gothicnorth and industrialnorth are essentially mutually exclusive. There are very few events that are relevant to both so please advertise in one or other.
This is an information resource, not a vanity community, as such we ask that bands/events post no more than one post/repost per week in here. If you wish to post individual reviews/interviews/adverts please keep them to your acts communtiy/journal/website or collect several together and make a digest post, do not post one per day for a week.
Other clubs that play industrial as part of a wider alternative/goth/rock night: Underworld @ Jillys, Manchester Darklands, York Darkcide, Preston Syn @ The Corporation, Sheffield Black Sheep, Leeds
Media: missjinnyshow, 96.9 All FM, Manchester dark_radio, Dark Assimilation, BCB 106.6FM, Bradford
If you know of any changes to events listed here or any new events that should be added please post and let us know.
As with any community, you get out what you put into it. The more members we have the better the community so spread the word.
If you would like us to list an event/community site in the info page please leave a message.