Papers by Hanny Handiyani
Belitung Nursing Journal, Apr 18, 2023

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022
BACKGROUND: Technological advances are needed to provide nursing care for patients, however, ther... more BACKGROUND: Technological advances are needed to provide nursing care for patients, however, there are still different perceptions of nurses in accepting its application in health care. This is because the use of these technologies can affect job satisfaction of nurses. AIM: This study aims to identify the digital technology in nursing and its effect on nurses’ job satisfaction. METHODS: This study used a systematic review method, where the articles are obtained on scientific databases such as PubMed, PubMed Central, Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Sciences, that were published from 2019 to 2021. Meanwhile, the preferred reporting items were analyzed using Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. RESULTS: Out of the 312 articles that were screened and checked, only 17 fulfill the eligibility criteria. The result showed that six articles were perceived as positive on the use of technology by nurses, six articles were positive and negative, and five articles were all negative. Further...

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2014
Implementation of leader nurse in roles and functions management to nurses safety was infl uenced... more Implementation of leader nurse in roles and functions management to nurses safety was infl uenced byseveral factors.The purposeof this studywere to investigate the most associating factors that related to implementation ofrolesandfunctions management of head nurse in the application of nursing safety. This study used correlativedescriptiveresearchmethod. The research samplewere 40 people and used total samplingtechniques. Personality factorsand socialorganizations havea signifi cant association withthe implementation ofrolesandfunctions management of head nurseto nursing safety application(p= 0,036andp=0,004). Personalityand socialorganizations neededthe attention of hospital managementthrough evaluation ofotherfactorsthat could be increasing the implementation of leader nurse roleand function management to application of nurses safety.

Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
This study report aims to identify planned changes in the initiation of optimization of the plann... more This study report aims to identify planned changes in the initiation of optimization of the planning function in Linen Management. This method uses a case study approach using interviews, document review and observation, and Ishikawa's analysis. the results of the study shared that the application of the planning function in linen handling had not been optimal, as a result it had an impact on nursing services in the room. The management of linen in the room does not yet have standard guidelines and regulations for managing linen in each room. In conclusion, optimizing the planning function of the Head Nurse in linen management through drafting guidelines for linen management, the leadership's efforts to strengthen and sustain changes can be made by ratifying linen management regulations.Keywords: planning function, service quality, linen management, planned change.
Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
This research aims to conduct resocialization by providing repeated understanding and service gui... more This research aims to conduct resocialization by providing repeated understanding and service guidelines as a reference in services that staff can follow and implement. The method used is a pilot study using observation techniques, interviews, and questionnaires with the head of the room managerial function approach. The study results showed that the resocialization of cardiovascular palliative service guidelines with audio-visual methods in the form of videos made staff more familiar with and understanding cardiovascular palliative care. Resocializing service guidelines in cardiovascular palliative unit services show increased staff knowledge about cardiovascular palliative services. In conclusion, resocialization can increase knowledge and understanding of regulation. Keywords: Cardiovascular Palliative Guide, Kurt Lewin Changes, Resocialization

Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta
Thriving technology, information, and communication drive mobile health development to induce cha... more Thriving technology, information, and communication drive mobile health development to induce changes in health service delivery. The Android-based SIMADU application is a substitute for the manual and conventional administration system. It encourages Posyandu cadres to use the android-based application, which is considered more productive, and thereby making Posyandu activities more efficient. This research is discussing the Android-based SIMADU application. Method used is a descriptive survey, carried out in Posyandu Flamboyan, Mawar, Cempaka, and Kenanga, all addressed in Kukusan Beji Depok West Java. Data collection techniques are observation and questionnaire distribution. The sample is 25 cadres from Posyandus in Kukusan Beji. The results is 78.1% of Posyandu cadres advocate the use of the SIMADU application. 68.8% of Posyandu cadres entail an engineer who can assist them to use the SIMADU application. The SIMADU application features are attested to be effective to elevate Pos...
Nursing Management, May 1, 2023

Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
This study aims to identify collaborative practices in inpatient rooms and design improvement pro... more This study aims to identify collaborative practices in inpatient rooms and design improvement proposals according to applicable policies and standards. The method used is a pilot project using the Kurt Lewin stage of change approach. Data was collected through secondary data analysis, interviews, observations and surveys using questionnaires. There were 264 survey respondents consisting of primary nurses and associate nurses. Problem analysis was carried out using a fishbone, preparation of a plan of action, implementation, and evaluation of the structure and discussion based on the literature review. The results showed barriers to interprofessional communication in the inpatient room. The most common barriers between doctors and nurses are patient planning, implementation collaboration, and discharge planning. In conclusion, drafting the IPCP competency guidelines for nurses can support nurses in interprofessional collaboration practice in inpatient rooms. Keywords: Interpro...

Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
This study aims to identify the implementation of the clinical authority of nurses in outpatient ... more This study aims to identify the implementation of the clinical authority of nurses in outpatient units based on the level of competence of nurses. The research method used is a case study (identification of problems, problem analysis and problem priority setting, preparation of Plan of Action (POA), implementation and evaluation). The results showed that the performance of clinical authority by nurses according to the level of the career path they had, namely nurses with PK I level of clinical authority were sometimes carried out (66.7%), PK II Medical Surgery (50%) and PK III Medical (57.1%) levels of authority. Clinically, it is rarely performed, at the level of PK III, the clinical authority is often performed (60%), at the PK III level, the clinical authority is emergency (100%), the PK III level is Neuroscience. Clinicians often do it (50%) and the PK III, Nephrology level of clinical authority, is always done (75%). In conclusion, there are still many particular actions accord...
Jurnal Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Keperawatan, Nov 30, 2022

Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari, 2021
This study aims to analyze career paths and interest in being an intensive nurse and develop prob... more This study aims to analyze career paths and interest in being an intensive nurse and develop problem-solving solutions by conducting interactive discussion activities to disseminate intensive unit services to attract interest in becoming an intensive nurse. The method used is a case study and analysis of results and implementation gaps with a discussion based on the literature review. The results of the career path analysis research, respondents have a D3 nursing education level (90%), 5-8 years of service (87.5%), occupy the last PK level 1-5 years (93.4%) and attend BHD, PPI training, PCNT, BHL/PALS, and basic KMB training (53.3%). Interest in being an intensive nurse (63.3%). Interest in carrying out their respective roles as caregivers, educators, and researchers (60%). In conclusion, some nurses are interested in becoming intensive nurses with the appropriate level of education, tenure, and career level and have attended basic training to become intensive nurses. However, when ...

JOSING: Journal of Nursing and Health, 2022
This study aims to identify the factors that influence interest in becoming an intensive nurse. T... more This study aims to identify the factors that influence interest in becoming an intensive nurse. The design of this study used a cross-sectional approach. The results showed self-efficacy, appreciation, work unit, age, family support and supervisor support (p=<0.001), years of service (p=0.005), gender (p=0.002), career level (p=0.004), and experience. Training (p=0.003) affected the interest of intensive nurses. On the other hand, knowledge and level of education were not influenced by the pull of intensive nurses. The results of multiple linear regression analysis found that the most influential interest factors in becoming an intensive nurse were self-efficacy, followed by rewards, work units, and gender. These four factors contributed 57.4% in influencing the interest in becoming an intensive nurse. In conclusion, what most determines interest in becoming an intensive nurse is self-efficacy. Keywords: Determinants, Interests, ICU Nurse

Jurnal Ners
Introduction: Humidifier is a device for delivering oxygen to the patients. Before using it, the ... more Introduction: Humidifier is a device for delivering oxygen to the patients. Before using it, the humidifier tube should fill with sterile water. There was a recent study that administering oxygen less than five liter per minutes, the tube was not load with the sterile water. This research aim was to describe the difference between bacterial growth in the humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy. Method: The design was the analytic survey with purposive sampling method. The samples were 24 patients. They were divided into two groups. Group one, consisted of 12 patients with humidifier and the others with non humidifier. The instrument was culture equipments diagnostic test and observation guidance. The hypothesis was there was no difference bacterial growth existence in humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy. Result: The results showed that there was no significance difference of bacterial growth at time of zero hour (p=0.131). ...

Jurnal Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Keperawatan, 2021
Rumah sakit harus menetapkan regulasi dan proses untuk mendukung pelibatan pasien dalam proses as... more Rumah sakit harus menetapkan regulasi dan proses untuk mendukung pelibatan pasien dalam proses asuhan sebagai upaya memfasilitasi keterlibatan pasien secara aktif. Adanya keterbatasan interaksi antara perawat dan pasien secara aktif menjadi sebuah tantangan tersendiri di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan fungsi manajemen kepala ruangan dengan pelibatan pasien dalam asuhan keperawatan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional terhadap 238 perawat dengan menggunakan kuesioner online. Hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan korelasi Pearson menunjukan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara fungsi manajemen kepala ruangan dengan pelibatan pasien (p < 0,001). Kepala ruangan memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan pelibatan pasien dalam asuhan keperawatan di masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan melakukan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, ketenagaan, pengarahan, dan pengawasan secara optimal.

Enfermeria clinica, 2021
Patient satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of nursing services in M and P Hospitals had ... more Patient satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of nursing services in M and P Hospitals had not reached the standard communication skill andsatisfaction with case management services. The aim is to analyze the correlation between the communication skills and patient satisfaction. This cross-sectional study from110 patients who recognized nurse case manager and obtained patient service management. It used correlation test and multiple logistic regression analysis. The instrument was modified from Korean-PSCCM and CMQQ. There was a significant relationship between communication skills and patient satisfaction (p<0.001, α<0.05). The communication skills were good in all except for the informative and satisfied so good except for efficiency. Communication skillsare the most influencing factor (OR: 9.64). Good communication skills are likely to increase satisfaction. Recomendation: Hospital management needs to improve patient satisfaction by improving communication skills.

Manajemen risiko adalah suatu aktivitas dalam manajemen untuk melaksanakan prevensi terhadap keja... more Manajemen risiko adalah suatu aktivitas dalam manajemen untuk melaksanakan prevensi terhadap kejadian yang tidak diharapkan. Dalam konteks perawat yang bekerja di rumah sakit, manajemen risiko harus dilakukan dengan serius karena dapat berakibat fatal baik kepada pasien, keluarga pasien, petugas rumah sakit, bahkan perawat yang bersangkutan. Kemampuan merencanakan, mengimplemen- tasikan dan mengevaluasi manajemen risiko harus dimiliki oleh manajer keperawatan sebagai pemimpin organisasi keperawatan dan sebagai bagian organisasi pelayanan kesehatan. Buku Manajemen Risiko bagi Manajer Keperawatan dalam Meningkatkan Mutu dan Keselamatan Pasien disusun untuk memberikan bekal pengetahuan dan juga landasan untuk melaksanakan pengelolaan risiko dan hal ini juga sesuai dengan Permenkes Nomor 11 Tahun 2017 tentang Keselamatan Pasien yang menyebutkan bahwa sistem pelayanan kesehatan harus menjamin pelaksanaan asuhan pasien menjadi lebih aman melalui upaya yang meliputi asesmen risiko; identif...
Papers by Hanny Handiyani