Papers by Lorenza Orlandini

Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete
The paper presents a reflection on the LifeComp framework within the planning activities of Servi... more The paper presents a reflection on the LifeComp framework within the planning activities of Service-Learning projects carried out in mixed teams composed of teaching staff and educators from the non-profit sector. By considering the theme of interprofessionality as a central field of the development of the teaching profession within the educational scenarios generated by the pandemic, by national and international indications, the research focuses on the identification of the competences of the LifeComp framework present in the narratives produced by teachers and educators during the first phase of the project. Using service learning is functional to enable the teachers and educators involved to adopt an attitude of research and openness towards the other; at the same time, it is an approach that can provide a methodological framework for designing student-centred interventions and school-territory collaboration that simultaneously develop cognitive and educational skills. Il Serv...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jul 16, 2022

Contesti. Città, territori, progetti
Il presente contributo descrive tre esperienze educative di Outdoor education che hanno previsto ... more Il presente contributo descrive tre esperienze educative di Outdoor education che hanno previsto la riconfigurazione degli ambienti di apprendimento della scuola nell’ottica di un ripensamento radicale del nesso tra ambienti dell’apprendimento e spazi dell’educazione. Progettate e realizzate anche in previsione del ritorno della scuola in presenza nel rispetto delle norme anti contagio, le soluzioni hanno riguardato gli spazi di pertinenza della scuola e, in un caso, travalicando i confini fisici dell’edificio scolastico, hanno permesso alla scuola di aprirsi alla comunità circostante. La realizzazione di ambienti di apprendimento innovativi, sostenibili e inclusivi ha favorito lo stare bene a scuola, una nuova permeabilità tra scuola e quartieri della città, la costruzione di una nuova idea dell’abitare i luoghi fondata anche su obiettivi di sostenibilità ambientale.
IUL Research
Con la pandemia da COVID-19, le scuole hanno dovuto ri-progettare le attività con Didattica a Dis... more Con la pandemia da COVID-19, le scuole hanno dovuto ri-progettare le attività con Didattica a Distanza e Didattica Digitale Integrata. In questo contesto, è stata realizzata l’indagine con la Griglia per l’autovalutazione del livello di istituzionalizzazione del Service Learning di Andrew Furco, adattata al contesto italiano integrandola con le dimensioni dell’innovazione del Movimento delle Avanguardie Educative. Il contributo presenta gli elementi di leadership della Griglia nella prospettiva della comunità educante, basata su partecipazione e condivisione come leve del cambiamento organizzativo e didattico, oltre a un approfondimento sull’Istituto “C. Caniana” di Bergamo per inquadrare l’istituzionalizzazione nello scenario dell’emergenza sanitaria.

In den humanen Leukozyten-Antigenen (HLA) wird die wichtigste genetische Ursache von rheumatoider... more In den humanen Leukozyten-Antigenen (HLA) wird die wichtigste genetische Ursache von rheumatoider Arthritis gesehen. Es wurden bisher mehrere Mechanismen beschrieben, wie diese HLA-Moleküle die Entstehung und den Verlauf der Erkrankung beeinflussen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die differentielle Expression von HLA-DRB-Genen in unterschiedlichen Antigen-präsentierenden Zellen als möglicher Mechanismus untersucht. Dabei wurden strukturelle Unterschiede zwischen den Promotoren des krankheitsassoziierten HLA-DR4-Haplotyps und den neutralen Haplotypen DR7 und DR9 eingehender betrachtet. Allen drei Haplotypen ist gemein, daß sie das DRB4-Gen als zweites funktionelles DRB-Gen tragen, wobei das DRB4-Gen entweder den DRB4A oder den-B-Promotor besitzt. Um den Einfluß einzelner Promotorelemente auf die mit dem Luziferase-Assay bestimmten Transkriptionsaktivitäten näher zu untersuchen, wurde mit Hilfe der surface plasmon resonance die Bindung der Transkriptionsfaktoren aus den Zellkernlysaten von der humanen Monozytenzellinie THP-1 und von der humanen B-Lymphom-Zellinie BJAB an die unterschiedlichen S-, X-, Y-, CCAAT-und TATA-Boxen analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die unterschiedliche Expression von DRB4A und DRB4B durch die ubiquitäre TATA-Box vermittelt wird. Dagegen wurde die INF-γ-Stimulation der HLA-DR-Expression von THP-1-aber auch von BJAB-Zellen durch die für die HLA-DR-Promotoren spezifische X-Box vermittelt. Bei der Analyse von DR4-, DR7-und DR9-positiven Patienten einer bereits gut charakterisierten RA-Kohorte stellte sich heraus, daß der DRB4B-Promotor, welcher im Vergleich zu DRB4A eine höhere transkriptionelle Aktivität besitzt, mit einem schweren Krankheitsverlauf assoziiert ist, so daß eine erhöhte HLA-DR-Expression den Krankheitsverlauf negativ zu beeinflussen scheint.

Research on Education and Media
In the context of the COVID-19 emergency, the closure of Italian schools from March 2020 has impo... more In the context of the COVID-19 emergency, the closure of Italian schools from March 2020 has imposed the full use of distance learning, as well as a general rethinking of time, space and teaching/learning methodologies. In this study, we will introduce the outcomes of an analysis carried out on the planning of Service Learning (SL) activities that took place during the professional training course called ‘All’Avanguardia per l’innovazione’. The course, which was designed before the pandemic, has been redesigned during the health emergency and required teachers to write a project work on didactic planning in SL. From the perspective of distance learning, didactic planning has integrated the ‘virtual’ component and become E-Service Learning or Virtual-Service Learning. This planning has been analysed in relation to the LifeComp framework because it fosters the development of the competences that are necessary to manage the complexity of the current scenario, it perfectly integrates wi...
Service Learning: un approccio pedagogico per la formazione dello
studente, del cittadino e del l... more Service Learning: un approccio pedagogico per la formazione dello
studente, del cittadino e del lavoratore
Service Learning: a pedagogical approach for the development of the
citizen, the student and the worker
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, 2022

Il contributo presenta il tema dell’alternanza scuola-lavoro attraverso le esperienze di alcune s... more Il contributo presenta il tema dell’alternanza scuola-lavoro attraverso le esperienze di alcune scuole delle “Avanguardie educative”, un movimento culturale, nato per iniziativa di Indire e di 22 scuole italiane che, nel corso degli ultimi anni, hanno attivato processi di trasformazione del tempo, dello spazio e delle metodologie didattiche. Obiettivo del Movimento e riconnettere la scuola ai bisogni educativi delle attuali generazioni che vivono e agiscono all’interno della societa della conoscenza (Castells, 2006). L’alternanza e elemento caratterizzante l’idea “Dentro/fuori la scuola”, una delle 12 idee di innovazione proposte alle scuole italiane che entrano a far parte di questa comunita di pratica (Wenger, 2006). In relazione a questo contesto e alla luce anche dei contenuti della Legge n. 107 del 2015, si vuole descrivere il contributo dell’alternanza come opportunita di innovazione didattica e organizzativa per le istituzioni scolastiche. This paper describes the issue of w...
Reports on E-learning, Media and Education Meetings, Jul 7, 2020
Tu sei libero di: riprodurre, distribuire, comunicare al pubblico, esporre in pubblico, rappresen... more Tu sei libero di: riprodurre, distribuire, comunicare al pubblico, esporre in pubblico, rappresentare, eseguire e recitare questo materiale con qualsiasi mezzo e formato alle seguenti condizioni: Attribuzione-Devi riconoscere una menzione di paternità adeguata, fornire un link alla licenza e indicare se sono state effettuate delle modifiche. Puoi fare ciò in qualsiasi maniera ragionevole possibile, ma non con modalità tali da suggerire che il licenziante avalli te o il tuo utilizzo del materiale. NonCommerciale-Non puoi utilizzare il materiale per scopi commerciali. Non opere derivate-Se remixi, trasformi il materiale o ti basi su di esso, non puoi distribuire il materiale così modificato.

This paper describes “Avanguardie educative” (, a Movement ... more This paper describes “Avanguardie educative” (, a Movement of innovative schools being researched by INDIRE with the aim of studying how teaching and organizational changes may be implemented within a school and mainstreamed to other schools. The main ideas of the Movement are described in its “Manifesto” written by INDIRE with the contribution of the 22 school head teachers who are the co-promoters of the Movement. The Manifesto is built around seven pillars that, together, provide the vision for a new school model that is more aligned with the challenges of an ever-changing and -demanding knowledge society: transforming the lecture-based model of schooling (where the teacher speaks and students listen); exploiting ICT’s potential to promote new ways of teaching, learning and assessment; rethinking the learning environment; rearranging the school time; aligning the school culture to the challenges of the knowledge society; investing in networki...
This research contribution aims at describing an educational experience of Service Learning (SL) ... more This research contribution aims at describing an educational experience of Service Learning (SL) realized by the Comprehensive Institute Amerigo Vespucci of Vibo Marina (VV) within the Movement of Avanguardie Educative. The SL protagonists point of view (school principal, teachers, students, community) has studied through semi-structured interviews and specific assessment, self-assessment and observation tools. The paper points out that the SL experience fosters the students development of disciplinary and social skills, the enhancement of their sense of autonomy and responsibility and contributes to the rethinking of teaching and evaluation models.

In the 1960s, the school principal Marcello Trentanove carried out a pilot project at the Rimaggi... more In the 1960s, the school principal Marcello Trentanove carried out a pilot project at the Rimaggio school near Florence. The school’s classrooms integrated outside areas and internal spaces to promote differentiated educational pathways and open classes. This innovation led to an overhaul of the traditional ‘undifferentiated classroom’ space.Two elements characterized this change: the educational cluster and the internally diversified classroom. The same original elements – reinterpreted in a modern way _ are today at the centre of an innovative school refurbishment plan. The educational cluster organization offers solutions linked to the concept of the "classroom plus", supporting workshop-based practices and organization by subject departments. The classroom is internally divided into learning zones and connected to the external spaces.The paper takes a deeper look at the actual spatial configuration of the school, highlighting the continuity with the innovation introduc...

This paper describes the elements that characterize innovation processes implemented by the found... more This paper describes the elements that characterize innovation processes implemented by the founder member schools (leading schools) which has promoted activities of the Avanguardie Educative Movement together with the National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (Indire Agency). Innovation experiences have been analyzed by using a narrative tool based on the DigCompOrg Framework. This initial analysis led to identify some common elements among the 13 upper secondary schools examined. The professional development resulted to be one of the main drivers for educational and organizational innovation. Lo sviluppo professionale a supporto dell’innovazione didattica. Le esperienze delle scuole capofila del Movimento delle Avanguardie Educative Il presente contributo descrive gli elementi caratterizzanti i processi di innovazione messi in atto dal primo nucleo di scuole (scuole fondatrici) che, insieme a Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerc...

As part of the PON Piccole Scuole adult training workshop on Service Learning(SL) pedagogical app... more As part of the PON Piccole Scuole adult training workshop on Service Learning(SL) pedagogical approach, eleven documentation notebooks on teachingpractices produced by participants have been analyzed. The class waspart of a broader training course set up by Indire in March 2019, addressedto all Italian schools enrolled into the Small Schools Movement. It was structuredin two editions, one addressed to the schools of Central and SouthernItaly and one for the schools of the Center-North. As a final paper eachtrainee has produced a “Documentation Notebook” of the daily practice intothe classroom and a “Teaching Plan” of her/his SL course. This contributionanalyzes the documentation notebooks produced during the first edition(March-June). Each notebook was structured around narrative inputs elaboratedby Indire starting from the eight educational quality criteria for a SLproject (National Youth Leadership Council, 2008). The narrative practice(Bruner, 1992) encourages the process of “rem...

Research on Education and Media, 2016
This article presents “Avanguardie Educative” (, a cultura... more This article presents “Avanguardie Educative” (, a cultural movement founded to gather the most significant experiences of organizational and educational innovation in Italian schools and encourage transformation of the traditional lecture-based school model. With the aim of supporting an innovation process that has emerged from bottom -up reasoning, INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) and 22 founder member schools (advanced schools) have produced a manifesto based on seven pillars that inspired the “Gallery of 12 Ideas” -experiences of innovation re-elaborated by researchers based on experience gained in certain Italian schools, which, some time ago, began to gradually change the organization, school time and space for teaching in ways that would encourage pupils to take an active role in teaching -learning processes. The Avanguardie Educative movement currently includes 416 schools that are tryin...
Papers by Lorenza Orlandini
studente, del cittadino e del lavoratore
Service Learning: a pedagogical approach for the development of the
citizen, the student and the worker
studente, del cittadino e del lavoratore
Service Learning: a pedagogical approach for the development of the
citizen, the student and the worker
MIUR Federmeccanica e INDIRE è finalizzato alla sperimentazione
nazionale dell’alternanza scuola lavoro ed ha preso avvio
operativo nel 2016.
Gli obiettivi dell’intervento, che ha coinvolto 50 istituti scolastici,
• generare un processo di innovazione sociale, proponendo,
su scala nazionale, un modello per la messa a
regime dell’Alternanza Scuola Lavoro che tenga conto
delle proposte “sperimentali” che hanno funzionato e
che sono sostenibili ad impatto sistemico;
• mettere al centro dell’esperienza dell’Alternanza l’apprendimento
nei luoghi di lavoro, quale elemento irrinunciabile
del percorso curricolare, riconoscendone la
piena “equivalenza formativa” ai fini dello sviluppo di
competenze previste dal PECUP degli istituti tecnici e
• fare della “co-progettazione” scuola-impresa un elemento
imprescindibile per la definizione dei percorsi di
Alternanza Scuola Lavoro;
• trasformare l’organizzazione didattica, anche nelle materie
di base, per promuovere il protagonismo degli studenti.
All'interno del libro si espongono i risultati della sperimentazione, le analisi e le riflessioni sulla sua valenza operativa e i possibili sviluppi. INDIRE presenta i dati relativi al monitoraggio quantitativo realizzato in merito al percorso svolto con le 50 scuole partecipanti.