The timeline briefly documents key IndieWeb (and influencing thereof) terms/ideas/concepts, implementations, specifications, events, and other achievements; people involved, and dates/URLs for each.
- For the social media timeline features, see:
- chronological feed - what social media timelines originally were
- algorithmic feed - what social media has done to them
- wall - what Facebook originally called their timeline
- public timeline - what Twitter launched with, stream of all public tweets
- homepage - more commonly used in the indieweb community
In every case, a source pointing to an exact date or community verification should be used.
Key (in rough order of how ideas develop, succeed)
- (C) - Conceived. Concept/idea presented, published, discussed.
- (T) - Terminology proposed/defined. Naming things helps talk about them (so says @timoreilly, Brooklyn Beta, 2013[1])
- (E) - Event. A notable meeting or event that furthered the IndieWeb.
- (I) - Implemented. Implementation shipped and deployed live and working on a personal indie web site.
- (L) - Launched. Site, service, software, channel, or group launched.
- (D) - Discontinued. Site, service, software, channel, or group discontinued, closed, shutdown.
- (S) - Specified. Specification written down and publicly published on the web.
For significant IndieWeb / silo / social media / federated / decentralized web companies, products, and services, see and add to:
- 1992 (C): plurality concept — … the Web is the SUPERSET of the FTP, WAIS, Gopher and HTTP spaces.
- 1997-02-01 (T): indie web term & basic concept published as English translation of a French “Manifeste du Web indépendant”, expressing the linking peer-to-peer & collaboration aspects beyond just independent publishing:
Note: This manifesto was discovered by the IndieWeb community years after.indie web is a new type of link between people, it's a free and open space of shared knowledge
- 1997-03-09 (T)(S): Channel Definition Format (CDF) defined & specified in Microsoft submission to W3C by Thomas Reardon
- 1997-03-09 (C): RSS concepts nearly all defined in CDF spec
- 1997-12-17 (T): weblog term coined by Jorn Barger
- ...
- 1999-03 (T)(S): RDF Site Summary (RSS) named in RSS 0.9 specification by Netscape
- 1999-05 (T): blog term coined by Peter Merholz
- ...
- 2001-05-17 (L) Independents Day manifesto launched, conceptual predecessor to the IndieWeb movement
- ...
- 2002-05-08 (T): indie web phrase mentioned publicly as an adjective in phrase
indie web publisher
by Jeffrey Zeldman. See also #1997 use of phrase. - 2002-06-26 (T)(I): Trackback first implemented in Movable Type v2.2 [2] [3]
- 2002-07-07 (C): Pingback concept described as "automatic trackback" by Stuart Langridge[4]
- first automatic way to let someone know that you linked to their site.
- 2002-08 (S): Trackback specification released by Six Apart [5]
- 2002-09-02 (T): Pingback term introduced by Stuart Langridge[6]
- 2002-09-02 (I): Pingback first implemented by Simon Willison ([7] (UK timestamp?)
- Additional source: Tantek conversation with Simon in Brighton, UK 2013-09-07
- 2002-09-02 (I): Pingback second implementation by Stuart Langridge[8] (US/CA timestamp?)
- 2002-09-04 (S): Pingback first specified by Stuart Langridge[9]
- 2002-09-06 (S): RSS 3.0 spec published by Aaron Swartz[10]
- 2002-09-23 (S): Pingback 1.0 spec published by Ian Hickson[11][12][13]
- 2003-03-11 (C): XFN conceived by Tantek Çelik at SXSW with proposal of rel=friend
- 2003-03 (E): SXSW Interactive: Tantek Çelik & Matthew Mullenweg meet, work on XFN
- 2003-05-27 (L): WordPress open source project launched[14]
- 2003-06-29 (C): Atom - concepts described for why Atom (then working name "Echo") was needed and shortly thereafter RSS Atom Wars began
- 2003-12-15 (S): XFN 1.0 specified by Tantek Çelik[15], Eric Meyer[16], and Matt Mullenweg[17]
- 2004-02-11 (T): microformats term introduced by
Tantek Çelik &
Kevin Marks, San Diego, CA
- 2004-08-16 (S): XFN 1.1 specified by
Tantek Çelik, Eric Meyer, and Matt Mullenweg[18], notably:
- (S): rel=me specified as part of XFN 1.1.
- 2004-09-09…11 (E): FOO Camp 2004 at O'Reilly Campus, Sebastopol, CA. photos.
- 2004-09-10 (C): hCard concept as vCard in (X)HTML by
Tantek Çelik
- 2004-09-11 (C): hCalendar concept as HTML class names for iCalendar properties by
Tantek Çelik
- 2004-09-30 (T): hCard term blogged publicly by
Tantek Çelik (privately introduced 2004-09-10)
- 2004-09-30 (T): hCalendar term blogged publicly by
Tantek Çelik (privately introduced 2004-09-11)
- 2005-06-20 (L): microformats.org launched
- 2005-08-19 (E): First BarCamp held in Palo Alto, CA. http://barcamp.org/BarCamp, creating the template for IndieWebCamp and many others.
- 2005-09-24…25 (E): Webzine 2005 conference held in San Francisco, CA. http://webzine2005.com/ (see also Flickr tags #webzine05, #webzine2005, and album). A few BarCamp Founders including
Tantek Çelik participated in helping with the long planning/organizing for this conference, and the logistics discussed there contributed to inspiring them to believe they could create something similar, simpler, which became the first BarCamp, ironically held before Webzine.
- ...
- ...
- 2008-02-01…03 (E): Social Graph FooCamp at O'Reilly Campus, Sebastopol, CA[19][20].photos.
- 2008-06-17 (E): Open Flow 2008/Supernova at Wharton West, San Francisco, CA[21][22]photos.
- 2008-10-03 (C):
use in HTML as a rel microformat (re-use from RFC4685) proposed bySarven Capadisli to 'indicate that the current hEntry is a reply to another hEntry and has a reference point @href' [23]
- 2009-01-08 (E): First Activity Streams Meetup[24]
- 2009-01-14 (I): First implementation to publish
in StatusNet[25] - 2009-04-17…19 (E): Social Web FooCamp at O'Reilly Campus, Sebastopol, CA(archive)[26][27]
- 2010-02-01 (C): RelMeAuth concept described by Tantek[28]
- 2010-02-01 (T): RelMeAuth term proposed by Jeff Lindsay moments later[29]
- 2010-02-01 (C): RelMeAuth user flow, fallback algorithms by Tantek[30]
- 2010-02-03 (C): backfeed concept as "reverse syndication" by Tantek[31]
- 2010-04-30…05-02 (E): FOO East at Microsoft N.E.R.D., Cambridge, Massachussetts
- 2010-05-02 (C): microformats 2.0 proposed by Tantek at FOO East[32]
- 2010-05-03 (T): indie web as a noun published publicly as contrast to an (implied) silo example by Tantek[33]. See also #1997 and #2002 uses of phrase.
- 2010-05-26 (C): POSSE concept described by Tantek[34]
- 2010-06-06 (T): indie web term & concept as distinct from large companies used in private email interview response by Tantek to journalist Craig Grannell of .net magazine (Practical Web Design in the US), later published in said magazine (when? citation?)
- 2010-07-18 (E): Federated Social Web Summit (FSWS2010) in Portland, Oregon
- 2010-07-18 (C): IndieWeb concept refocused as build/selfdogfood/ownyourdata principles conceived by Aaron Parecki & Tantek Çelik in person in Portland, Oregon, the evening after FSWS2010
- 2010-10-06 (C): POSSE architecture drawn by Tantek at Mozilla, Mountain View[35] including backfeed functionality, then referred to as "reverse syndicate".
- 2010-10-08 (E): Open Web FooCamp at O'Reilly Campus, Sebastopol, CA, attended by Tantek where upon arriving he blogged What is the Open Web? before the opening session.
- 2010-12-31 (T): IndieWebCamp as an event name & date proposed by Tantek to Aaron on IM.(AIM logs/archives), and shortly thereafter reached out to Amber Case & Crystal Beasley to start organizing the event together.
- 2011-??-?? (T):
IndieWebCamp logo designed and created by Crystal Beasley
- 2011-02-12 (L): #indiewebcamp on Freenode channel archives started/launched (original link at launch was something indiewebcamp.com, actual channel use likely predates, needs research! and personal logs if anyone has them)
- 2011-02-?? (C):
Ryan Barrett conceived of Bridgy as service for copying comments on shared copies of posts to your blog (backfeed before the term was coined) as a service.
- 2011-05-24…25 (E): W3C Workshop on Identity in the Browser[36][37] at Mozilla, attended by Tantek[38][39]
- 2011-06-25 (E): First IndieWebCamp (based on the BarCamp model) organized by founders Aaron Parecki, Amber Case, Crystal Beasley, Tantek Çelik in Portland, Oregon, thus kicking off the IndieWebCamp movement.
- 2011-07-?? (E):
Ryan Barrett started building first version of Bridgy.
- 2012-01-08 (L):
Ryan Barrett launched first version of Bridgy, a “a throwaway prototype” and the first service to copy comments on shared posts to the original posts on a WordPress blog (conceptually backfeed months before term defined). Supported Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, but not webmention (it didn't exist yet).
- 2012-03-10 (E): Rise of the IndieWeb at SXSW Interactive led by
Tantek Çelik
- 2012-03-25 (C): First discussion of pingback+microformat-based cross-site comments[40]
- 2012-03-28 (I): IndieAuth implemented by Aaron Parecki[41]
- 2012-06-10 (T): backfeed term proposed by Barnaby Walters[42]
- 2012-06-20 (E): microformats.org 7th Anniversary Celebration at Mozilla, San Francisco.
- 2012-06-20 (T): POSSE term proposed by Tantek Çelik & Will Norris at that event[43]
- 2012-06-22 (T): PESOS term proposed by Tantek[44]
- 2012-06-30 (E): IndieWebCamp 2012 in Portland, Oregon
- 2012-09-09 (E): First IndieWebCampUK in Brighton, England
- 2012-10-05 (C): Idea behind Webmention (“Pingback2 with form data”) first mentioned by Tom Morris [45]
- 2012-10-22 (S): First Webmention specification published by Sandeep Shetty[46]
- 2012-10-22 (I) First release of php-mf2 microformats2 parser[47]
- 2012-10-26 (E): Federated Social Web Summit San Francisco
- 2013-02-18 (I) First release of microformats-ruby microformats2 parser [48]
- 2013-04-19 (I): First indieweb post with federated comments by Laurent Eschenauer[49]
- 2013-04-19 (I): First cross-site indieweb reply post via Pingback by Aaron Parecki[50]
- 2013-05-29 (I): Second indieweb site to show federated comments by Aaron Parecki, via Pingback from Barnaby Walters[51]
- 2013-06-11 (I): First federated indieweb comments via Webmention and h-entry by Aaron Parecki to Sandeep Shetty[52]
- 2013-06-22 (E): Third IndieWebCamp 2013 in Portland, Oregon
- 2013-06-23 (C): comment propagation concept and mechanism proposed by Sandeep Shetty
- 2013-06-25 (I): First indieweb event post with RSVP support by
Ben Werdmüller using idno
- 2013-06-25 (I): First cross-site indieweb RSVP post by
Bret Comnes
- 2013-06-25 (I): Second cross-site indieweb RSVP post by
Aaron Parecki using p3k
- 2013-07-01 (T): PESETAS term proposed by Tantek[53][54]
- 2013-08-07 (E): W3C Workshop on Social Standards in San Francisco, CA, USA
- 2013-09-07 (E): Second IndieWebCampUK 2013 in Brighton, England
- 2013-11-03…04 (E): First IndieWebCamp Los Angeles in Hollywood
- 2013-11-20 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in San Francisco
- 2013-12-01 (L):
Ryan Barrett re-launched Bridgy with full webmention support (it originally only supported WordPress). Also added Instagram to the existing supported silos Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
- 2013-12-04 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in Portland
- 2014-02-27 (I): First release of mf2py microformats2 parser[55]
- 2014-03-07 (E): First IndieWebCamp San Francisco held at Embassy Network, organized by
Amber Case,
Ben Werdmüller,
Tantek Çelik,
Kevin Marks
- 2014-03-25 (L):
Ryan Barrett launched Bridgy Publish, the first standalone POSSE service. It supports Facebook and Twitter posts, replies, likes, and event RSVPs.
- 2014-04-09 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in Chicago
- 2014-04-20 (T): salmon-like upstream comment flow phrase introduced by
Ashton McAllan to more precisely express comment-propagation
- 2014-04-26 (E): First IndieWebCamp NYC held at The New York Times, organized by
Jeremy Zilar,
Tantek Çelik,
Brian J Brennan
- 2014-05-11 (E) WithKnown was started as a company by
Ben Werdmüller
- 2014-05-12 (L): First This Week in the IndieWeb weekly newsletter!
- 2014-06-28 (E): IndieWebCamp 2014 simultaneously in Portland, NYC, Berlin.
- 2014-07-21 (L): Social Web Working Group launched by W3C with chairs
Tantek Çelik,
Evan Prodromou, Arnaud Le Hors, and W3C team contact Harry Halpin
- 2014-09-06 (E): Third IndieWebCampUK in Brighton, England
- 2014-09-10 (L): Known's first beta v0.6 was released
- 2014-09-28 (C)(T): "vouch" param, flow, term extension to webmention proposed by
Tantek Çelik in IRC[56]
- 2014-10-11 (E): First IndieWebCamp Cambridge held at MIT, organized by
Amber Case,
Sandro Hawke,
Tantek Çelik,
Aaron Parecki
- 2014-10-12 (S): Vouch spec drafted by
Tantek Çelik on IWC wiki after whiteboarding flow at IWC Cambridge
- 2014-10-17 (I): Vouch personal site implementations deployed by
Aaron Parecki &
Ben Roberts
- 2014-11-29 (I): Webmention deployed by Pingback inventor
Stuart Langridge on personal site.[57]
- ...
- 2015-03-19 (E): Second IndieWebCamp Cambridge held at MIT, organized by
Ben Roberts,
Sandro Hawke,
Tantek Çelik,
David Shanske
- 2015-05-09 (E): First IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf organized by Marc Thiele,
Jeremy Keith,
Aaron Parecki
- 2015-06-09 (T): salmentions term introduced by
Ashton McAllan to refer to salmon-like upstream comment flow.
- 2015-06-09 (I): First salmentions implementation by
Kyle Mahan
- 2015-07-11 (E): IndieWebCamp 2015 simultaneously in Brighton & Portland
- 2015-07-12 (I): First SWAT0 implementation across 3 sites & implementations by
Ben Roberts,
Aaron Parecki,
Kevin Marks,
Kyle Mahan[58][59].
- 2015-07-25 (E): First IndieWebCamp Edinburgh organized by
Amy Guy,
Harry Reeder, James Baster
- 2015-07-31 (I): First release of the Haskell microformats2-parser[60]
- 2015-08-13 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in Edinburgh
- 2015-11-07 (E): Third IndieWebCamp Cambridge held at MIT, organized by
Aaron Parecki,
Amy Guy,
Ben Roberts,
Sandro Hawke
- 2015-12-03 (E): Second IndieWebCamp San Francisco held at Mozilla San Francisco, organized by
Tantek Çelik,
Kyle Mahan,
Andi Galpern
- ...
- 2016-01-12 (S): Webmention FPWD (First Public Working Draft) published by W3C
- 2016-01-13 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in Los Angeles
- 2016-01-22 (E): Third IndieWebCamp NYC held at Mozilla New York City organized by
Tantek Çelik,
David Shanske,
Lara Fischer-Zernin
- 2016-03-14 (E): Fourth IndieWebCamp Cambridge held at MIT, organized by
Aaron Parecki,
Amy Guy,
Ben Roberts,
Sandro Hawke
- 2016-04-10 (L): Webmention.rocks validator launched [61]
- 2016-04-16 (E): First IndieWebCamp Nürnberg organized by
Joschi Kuphal,
Aaron Parecki,
Tantek Çelik,
Jeremy Keith
- 2016-05-07 (E): Second IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf organized by Marc Thiele,
Jeremy Keith,
Aaron Parecki
- 2016-05-24 (S): Webmention CR (Candidate Recommendation) published by W3C
- 2016-06-03 (E): First IndieWeb Summit (6th main annual IndieWebCamp) held in Portland, Oregon
- 2016-06-15 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in Bellingham
- 2016-07-04 (L): Moved the indiewebcamp.com website to indieweb.org (rename to IndieWeb)
- 2016-08-27 (E): Fourth IndieWebCamp NYC held at Dalberg Global Development Advisors, New York City organized by
Tantek Çelik,
David Shanske,
Emma Hodge
- 2016-09-21 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in Baltimore
- 2016-09-24 (E): Fifth IndieWebCamp Brighton
- 2016-11-01 (S): Webmention PR (Proposed Recommendation) published by W3C
- 2016-11-04 (E): Second IndieWebCamp LA (first was 2013/Hollywood)
- 2016-11-04 (E): Second IndieWebCamp Berlin
- 2016-11-16 (E): Fifth IndieWebCamp Cambridge
- ...
- ...
- 2017-01-12 (S): Webmention REC (Recommendation) published by W3C. Exactly 1 year after FPWD (fastest W3C FPWD to REC).
- 2017-02-08 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in Berlin
- ...
- 2017-05-04 (E): First IndieWebCamp Bellingham
- 2017-05-13 (E): Third IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf
- 2017-05-20 (E): Second IndieWebCamp Nuremberg
- 2017-05-23 (S): Micropub published as a W3C Recommendation
- 2017-06-24 (E): Second IndieWeb Summit (7th main annual IndieWebCamp) in Portland, Oregon
- 2017-09-08 (E): First IndieWeb at “CAMPFIRE” in Dortmund, Germany
- 2017-09-30 (E): First IndieWebCamp Istanbul in Istanbul, Turkey
- 2017-09-30 (E): Fifth IndieWebCamp NYC
- 2017-11-04 (E): Third IndieWebCamp Berlin
- 2017-12-09 (E): First IndieWebCamp Austin
- 2017-12-01…31 (EILS): First IndieWeb Challenge ships something 23 out of 31 days of December!
- 2018-01-10 (S): JF2 published as a W3C Note!
- 2018-01-18 (S): Post Type Discovery published as a W3C Note!
- 2018-01-20 (E): First IndieWebCamp Baltimore
- 2018-01-22 (L): microformats2 support launched in default Jekyll theme Minima v2.2.0
- 2018-01-23 (S): WebSub published as a W3C Recommendation!
- 2018-01-23 (S): IndieAuth published as a W3C Note!
- 2018-02-13 (D): Social Web Working Group discontinued by W3C, at closure chairs were
Tantek Çelik &
Evan Prodromou, W3C team contacts
Amy Guy &
Sandro Hawke
- 2018-05-05 (E): Fourth IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf
- 2018-06-27 (E): Third IndieWeb Summit (8th main annual IndieWebCamp) in Portland, Oregon
- 2018-07-31 (E): Third IndieWebCamp SF hosted by Mozilla, San Francisco, CA
- 2018-09-22…23 (E): First IndieWebCamp Oxford
- 2018-09-28…29 (E): Sixth IndieWebCamp NYC
- 2018-10-20 (E): Third IndieWebCamp Nuremberg
- 2018-11-02 (E): IndieWeb Organizers Meetup Berlin 2018 hosted by Mozilla, Berlin
- 2018-11-03…04 (E): Fourth IndieWebCamp Berlin hosted by Mozilla, Berlin
- 2018-12-01…31 (EILS): Second IndieWeb Challenge successfully ships something every day of December!
- 2019-01-28…2019-02-01 (E): First IndieWebWeek Vlissingen!
- 2019-02-23…24 (E): Second IndieWebCamp Austin
- 2019-03-08…10 (E): Second IndieWebCamp Online
- 2019-03-30…31 (E): First IndieWebCamp New Haven!
- 2019-05-04…05 (E): Fifth IndieWebCamp Berlin hosted by Mozilla, Berlin
- 2019-05-11…12 (E): Fifth IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf
- 2019-05-18…19 (E): First IndieWebCamp Utrecht!
- 2018-06-29…30 (E): Fourth IndieWeb Summit (9th main annual IndieWebCamp) in Portland, Oregon
- 2019-09-28 (E): Second IndieWebCamp Oxford
- 2019-09-28…29 (E): First IndieWebCamp Amsterdam
- 2019-10-05…06 (E): Seventh IndieWebCamp NYC
- 2019-10-19…20 (E): Sixth IndieWebCamp Brighton
- 2019-11-23…24 (E): Sixth IndieWebCamp Berlin hosted by Mozilla, Berlin
- 2019-12-07…08 (E): Fourth IndieWebCamp SF
- 2019-12-11 (E): First Homebrew Website Club in San Diego
- ...
- 2020-02-08…09 (E): Third IndieWebCamp Online
- 2020-02-22…23 (E): Third IndieWebCamp Austin
- 2020-03-14…15 (E): First IndieWebCamp London (virtual, first online IWC in GMT)
- 2020-06-27…28 (E): First online IndieWebCamp West Coast
- 2020-11-14…15 (E): First online IndieWebCamp East Coast
- 2020-12-25 (E): First online IndieWeb Create Day
- ...
- 2021-01-23 (E): Popup: Respectful Responses
- 2021-05-15 (E): Popup: Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io
- 2021-06-26 (E): Popup: Very Sensitive Data on Your Personal Website
- 2021-07-10 (E): IndieWeb Create Day
- 2021-07-24 (E): Popup: Microsub
- 2021-08-28 (E): Popup: IndieAuth
- 2021-09-25 (E): Popup: Gardens and Streams II
- 2021-10-09 (E): IndieWeb Create Day
- 2021-10-16 (E): Popup: IndieAuth2
- 2021-11-11 (E): Sixth IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf
- 2021-12-25 (E): IndieWeb Create Day
- 2022-01-22 (E): Popup: Analog Meets Online
- 2022-02-19 (E): Popup: Personal Libraries
- 2022-03-05 (E): IndieWeb Create Day
- 2022-04-30...2022-05-01 (E): Seventh IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf
- 2022-07-31 (E): IndieWeb Create Day
- 2022-09-03...04 (E): Seventh IndieWebCamp Berlin
- 2022-09-18 (E): IndieWeb Create Day
- 2022-11-27 (E): Popup: How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable
- 2022-12-26 (E): IndieWeb Create Day
- 2023-07-29 (E) Popup: Build a Website in an Hour
- 2023-09-30 (E) Popup: Build a Website in an Hour
- 2023-10-22 (E): Popup: Multi-Lingual Personal Websites
- 2023-10-28...29 (E): Fourth IndieWebCamp Nuremberg
- 2023-11-24 (E): IndieWeb Create Day - Build Don't Buy
- 2023-12-16...17 (E): First IndieWebCamp San Diego
- 2023-12-25 (E): IndieWeb CreateFest
- 2024-03-09…10 (E): Seventh IndieWebCamp Brighton
- 2024-05-11…12 (E): Eighth IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf
- 2024-08-25 (E): Tenth IndieWebCamp Portland
- 2024-11-09…10 (E): Eighth IndieWebCamp Berlin
- 2024-12-07…08 (E): Second IndieWebCamp San Diego
- ...
Particularly notable or impactful events from the above, that are worth celebrating as birthdays or anniversaries:
- 08:
- 2012: (L):
Ryan Barrett launched first version of Bridgy
- 2012: (L):
- 12:
- 2016: (S) Webmention W3C FPWD
- 2017: (S) Webmention W3C REC
- 23:
- 2018: (S): WebSub W3C REC
- ...
- 01:
- 1997: (T): indie web phrase introduced in a French with English translation manifesto
- 2010: (C)(T): RelMeAuth concept, term, user flow, fallback algorithms all described
- 03:
- 2010: (C): backfeed concept described as "reverse syndication"
- 11:
- 2004: (T): microformats term introduced by
Tantek Çelik &
Kevin Marks
- 2004: (T): microformats term introduced by
- 12:
- 2011: (L): #indiewebcamp IRC chat archive launched
- 13:
- 2018: (D): Social Web Working Group closed.
- ...
- ...
- 19
- 2013 (I): First cross-site indieweb reply post via Pingback by Aaron Parecki[62]
- ...
- 02
- 2010 (C): microformats 2.0 proposed at FOO East[63]
- 03
- 2010 (T): indie web term published publicly as contrast to an (implied) silo example. See also #1997 use of term.
- 11
- 2013 (I): First federated indieweb comments via Webmention and h-entry by Aaron Parecki to Sandeep Shetty[64]
- 20
- 2005 (L): microformats.org launched
- 2012 (T): POSSE term proposed by Tantek Çelik & Will Norris
- 25
- 2011 (E): First IndieWebCamp (based on the BarCamp model) organized by founders in Portland, Oregon, kicking off the IndieWebCamp movement.
- 2013 (I): First indieweb event post and cross-site RSVPs
- 04
- 2016 (L): indieweb.org launched as expansion from indiewebcamp.com (rename to IndieWeb)
- 18
- 2010 (C): IndieWeb refined as based on make what you need/selfdogfood/ownyourdata principles conceived by Aaron Parecki & Tantek Çelik in person in Portland, Oregon, the evening after FSWS2010
- 16
- 15
- 2003 (S): XFN 1.0 specified by Tantek Çelik[65], Eric Meyer[66], and Matt Mullenweg[67]
- 16-17
- 2023 (E): First IndieWebCamp San Diego'
Needs Dates and incorporation above
Need Dates/Who/Citations for the following, creators and the first example of each:
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) webmention.rocks test suite completed
- Earliest archive.org capture of https://webmention.rocks on 2016-06-02 shows 21 discovery tests, 2 update tests, 1 delete test, 2 receiver tests. The discovery tests existed as early as 2016-04-17 based on the details below.
- 2016-04-09: Tests 1 through 6 published
- 2016-04-10: First mention in indieweb chat
- 2016-04-14:
Aaron Parecki submits post from his site for tests 1-20
- 2016-04-17:
Tantek Çelik submits post from his site for tests 1-21
- 2016-04-20: First published to WD under Implementation > Tools https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-webmention-20160420/
- 2016-04-25:
Aaron Parecki emailed SocialWG list about CR Exit Criteria for Webmention in editor's draft
- Closest archive.org snapshot is of the 2016-04-29 editor's draft captured 2016-05-10
- 2016-05-03:
Aaron Parecki emailed SocialWG list about updated WD mentioning it "includes a link to the test suite"
- Think this refers to the 2016-04-29 WD? Don't see a version with publication date 2016-05-03.
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ interop senders & 2+ receivers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- TODO: refer to github commit history: https://github.com/w3c/webmention/tree/master/implementation-reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 10+ interop senders & 10+ receivers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- TODO: refer to github commit history: https://github.com/w3c/webmention/tree/master/implementation-reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (CT) Micropub first proposed as a concept and/or named as simple mf vocab + OAuth API to post content
- YYYY-MM-DD (S) first draft published on the web (at Micropub?)
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) micropub.rocks test suite launched
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) micropub.rocks test suite completed
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ interop clients & 2+ servers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 10+ interop clients & 10+ servers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (CT) PubSubHubbub proposed as concept and/or named
- YYYY-MM-DD (S) PubSubHubbub drafts published (dates & permalinks)
- YYYY-MM-DD (S) FWPD at W3C (as PubSub?)
- YYYY-MM-DD (T) WebSub named (at Social Web WG)
- YYYY-MM-DD (S) first WD/CR/PR at W3C as (WebSub)
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) websub.rocks test suite launched
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) websub.rocks test suite completed
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ interop publishers & 2+ hubs & 2+ subscribers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 10+ interop publishers & 10+ hubs & 10+ subscribers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (CT) IndieAuth as a concept and/or named as something beyond RelMeAuth
- YYYY-MM-DD (S) first specified as a way to do delegated authentication
- YYYY-MM-DD (CT) Webactions first proposed as a concept and/or named
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) Webactions implemented cross-site (with or without a library)
- 2017-04-02 (CT) Microsub first proposed conceptually and named
- 2017-04-09 (S) first draft published on the web at Microsub-spec
- 2017-11-24 (I - server) initial private launch of Aperture [68]
- 2017-11-27 (L - client) Together adds Microsub support [69] available at https://alltogethernow.io
- 2018-01-27 (I - client) Indigenous iOS app adds Microsub support
- 2018-02-27 (L - client) Monocle launched at https://monocle.p3k.io
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ interop clients & 2+ servers impls confirmed by regular use
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) test suite launched
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) test suite completed
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ interop clients & 2+ servers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 10+ interop clients & 10+ servers impls confirmed via test suite impl reports
- YYYY-MM-DD (C) conceived as a noun, with permalink, in contrast to ActivityStreams "like" verb
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) first IndieWeb favorite/like published and original notified via webmention
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) first IndieWeb likes displayed on a post received via webmention
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ published on different sites with different tools/code (and webmentions sent)
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ sites (with different implementations) displaying them received via webmentions
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 3+ published (same criteria)
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 3+ sites displaying received (same criteria)
- YYYY-MM-DD (C) conceived as a noun, with permalink, in contrast to ActivityStreams "share" verb
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) first Indieweb repost published and original notified via webmention
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) first IndieWeb reposts displayed on a post received via webmention
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ published on different sites with different tools/code (and webmentions sent)
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ sites (with different implementations) displaying them received via webmentions
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 3+ published (same criteria)
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 3+ sites displaying received (same criteria)
- YYYY-MM-DD (C) conceived as a noun, with permalink, in contrast to ActivityStreams "RSVP" verb (or whatever their responses to events were for attending and such)
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) first Indieweb RSVP published and original notified via webmention
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) first IndieWeb RSVPs displayed on an event received via webmention
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ published on different sites with different tools/code (and webmentions sent)
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 2+ sites (with different implementations) displaying them received via webmentions
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 3+ published (same criteria)
- YYYY-MM-DD (I) 3+ sites displaying received (same criteria)
other post types
When were other posts types first posted?
- ... (copy from list of post kinds)
- ...
When were other responses first posted, and first received / shown by recipient, 2+, 3+
- ... (copy from list of responses)
When was IndieMark
- (C) conceived as a concept
- (T) named as a term
- (S) first specified
more microformats history
Need Dates/Who/Citations for the following, creators and the first example of each:
- some of the microformats history may be found here:
- (CT) hCard first proposed as a concept and/or named as vCard in HTML by re-using vCard vocab as HTML class names
- (S) hCard first draft spec published (was on Technorati dev wiki (defunct) before microformats.org, check archive.org)
- (S) hCard specified on microformats.org
- (CT) h-card first proposed as a concept and/or named (likely at FOO East session)
- (S) h-card first specified at microformats.org/wiki/h-card
- (CT) hCalendar first proposed as a concept and/or named as vCard in HTML by re-using vCard vocab as HTML class names
- (S) hCalendar first draft spec published (was on Technorati dev wiki (defunct) before microformats.org, check archive.org)
- (S) hCalendar specified on microformats.org
- (CT) h-event first proposed as a concept and/or named (likely at FOO East session)
- (S) h-event first specified at microformats.org/wiki/h-event
- (CT) hReview first proposed as a concept and/or named
- (S) hReview first draft spec published (likely was on Technorati dev wiki (defunct) before microformats.org, check archive.org)
- (S) hReview specified on microformats.org
- ... similarly
- (CT) hAtom first proposed as a concept and/or named
- (S) hAtom first draft spec published (maybe was on Technorati dev wiki (defunct) before microformats.org? check archive.org)
- (S) hAtom specified on microformats.org
- (CT) h-entry first proposed as a concept and/or named (likely at FOO East session)
- (S) h-entry first specified at microformats.org/wiki/h-entry
- (CT) microformats2 first proposed as a concept and/or named (likely at FOO East session)
- (S) microformats2 first specified as a format
- (S) microformats2-parsing spec first published on microformats.org
- (I) first microformats2 parser implemented
- in each language, PHP, Python, JS, node, Ruby, Java
- (L) mf2 test suite launched
- (L) mf2 test suite relatively completed
- (I) first microformats2 parser implemented
- (I) second mf2 parser
- (I) third
- (I) RelMeAuth first implemented / library
- (L) RelMeAuth as a service first launched (IndieAuth.com?)
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) launched additional silo backfeed support (one by one)
Bridgy Publish
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) launched additional silo support (one by one)
- YYYY-MM-DD (C) conceived as an open source library / service to provide a Micropub-to-Twitter posting API (and other silos)
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) launched with support for silos (which in particular)
- YYYY-MM-DD (L) launched additional silo support (one by one)
needs cleanup
The following need cleanup for what aspects need to be documented as historical events of what types (conceived, term defined, specified, implemented, event, etc.)
Blog posts of why IndieWeb is important.
Webmention.io and pingback.me before that
Note: Below is a draft of unorganized data with rough dates. Needs cleanup. Source: @caseorganic conversation with @t, IndieWebCamp UK 2013-09-08
Rise of Pingback Spam
Decline of Personal Sites
- Distracted by RSS/ATOM wars, blogs began to decline
- Hosted blogs, people turned to social networks more than blogging
- Eventual fade of RSS/ATOM
- DiSo initiative launched
2010: State of Blogs
- Not much personal blog activity
- WordPress heavy and dominant
- DiSo initiative last post - future of DiSo
- Github hosted blogs, Medium for frontpage Hacker News
Siloed blogging and writing frameworks.
- MEDIUM: Don’t claim ownership but reserve the right to use your content even if they get acquired in the future.
- Wikia: Communities don’t own their content and can’t transfer it off their site.
Differences between 2013 and 2003
- Short status updates became an acceptable form of content
- Easy enough to show an entire conversation or a link to another page
2011 (E): IndieWebCamp Conf
- Purpose: Show, don’t tell
- Builders Only. Must have your own domain name and actively build stuff for it to attend.
- Use your domain name and OpenID to sign into the IndieWebCamp MediaWiki. http://indiewebcamp.com/
- Could only add self to the attendee list if you use your domain name to log into the site.
- IndieAuth implemented on IndieWebCamp.com (replaced OpenID)
- 2012-06 (E): IndieWebCamp2012: changed from Builders-only to Creators-only to more explicitly include UX+design
- Again, could only add self to the attendee list if you use your domain name to log into the site.
- Domain Name, rel=me, mediawiki
- 2012-09 (E): IndieWebCampUK 2012 (first in the UK)
Similar Resource
See also these timeline examples:
- For approaches to sections, styling of this timeline page:
- http://www.media.mit.edu/wearables/lizzy/timeline.html
- https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/07/16/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-stable-career-jobs-employment-automation-economy
- blog post: https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/07/16/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-stable-career-jobs-employment-automation-economy/
- Graphical timelines:
- Web 30th: http://web30.web.cern.ch/web-history#block-views-timeline-block
- W3C 10th anniversary 1994-2004:
- Spacecraft: https://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/downloads/#gallery-infographics-1
- Personal timelines: http://cheeaun.github.io/life/
- Electronic music evolution over time: http://music.ishkur.com/
- Tools to generate graphical timelines:
- JS: https://gojs.net/latest/samples/timeline.html
- https://github.com/molly/static-timeline-generator
- TimelineJS https://timeline.knightlab.com/, an open source project from the Knight Lab
- Scrolling vertical timeline design:
See Also
- history
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- http://microformats.org/wiki/history-of-microformats
- Posts about the IndieWeb
- public timeline
- wall
- homepage
- process this for GNU Social and Mastodon events, software, sites related to federation etc. https://thomask.sdf.org/blog/2018/08/19/from-gnu-social-to-mastodon.html
- process this for StatusNet, GNU Social, Quitter events, software, sites related to federation etc. https://www.coactivate.org/projects/disintermedia/blog/2017/04/01/a-brief-history-of-the-gnu-social-fediverse-and-the-federation/
- https://adactio.com/notes/14815 (tweet copy: https://twitter.com/adactio/status/1096374143703048192)
- "Progressive enhancement.
Marking up (and styling) an interactive timeline that looks good in a modern browser and still works in the first ever web browser.
https://adactio.com/notes/14815" @adactio February 15, 2019
- "Progressive enhancement.
- Example presentation of past & future events: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZDx5OarV_Q/
- to-do: Extract dates from http://martin.atkins.me.uk/activity-streams/ regarding AS1/Atom and AS1JSON, e.g. AS concepts at IIW 2008, AS1/Atom first draft, first AS meetup 2009-01-08 at SixApart, AS1/JSON first draft
- to-do: add OSBridge conference/barcamp events to the timeline, given relevance to IndieWeb talks given and adjacency to first IndieWebCamp 2011
- Possible sources of (C)oncepts or (T)erminology origins and maybe relevant (E)vents if any discussed anything related to eventual IndieWeb concepts, principles, technologies: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-socialweb/ and https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-federatedsocialweb/ (would be interesting if there are any messages about anything that was (L)aunched or (I)mplemented which eventually became part of IndieWeb things)
- https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/timeline/
- Interesting timeline display based on JSON data: https://tag.w3.org/history/
- Open source static timeline generator: https://github.com/molly/static-timeline-generator
- brainstorming CSS / design from FReSH 2024-11-21: https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/VwoJoGR