From IndieWeb

David Shanske is an Indieweb enthusiast from New York, working on Indieweb WordPress plugin development.

Nickname in IRC: GWG.

Current Progress

  • Site uses WordPress
  • Offers a shortener version/redirect at

Wordpress Development

  • Contributor to the 'official' Indieweb Plugin which helps you establish your identity online and installs various Indieweb-themed plugins. It is designed for newcomers to quickly get up and running.
  • Frequent Contributor to the Webmention plugin.
  • Took over the IndieAuth and Micropub plugin development
  • Has forked two themes and made IndieWeb friendly versions of them
    • IW26 - An Indieweb friendly version of the 2016 WordPress Theme
    • Indieweb Publisher - A updated and stripped fork of Independent Publisher
  • Post Kinds Plugin Plugin - Adds support to Wordpress posts for actions such as like, reply, etc. in a manner similar to Post Formats
  • Syndication Links Plugin adds post metadata in the Wordpress post editor to add syndication data to posts. It also adds code to display the syndication links once entered. It optionally creates a UI and a Micropub integration for POSSE. It supports extension by outside plugins and has built-in support for several.
  • Simple Location plugin - adds location and weather support to WordPress posts, comments, users, and terms.
  • JSONFeed for WordPress plugin - Current maintainer of the JSONFeed Plugin for WordPress

WordPress for Indieweb

One of the smallest yet largest issues is how to integrate Indieweb concepts into WordPress. WordPress has its own way of doing things, and one of the hardest things is to plan things out so they neatly integrate into the system. While WordPress is designed to be extensible, replacing large amounts of core functionality creates implementation issues in the long term.

The challenge, which I and others continue to refine, is to come up with ways to add Indieweb functionality in the least invasive way possible, so that a current user of WordPress could easily add support to their site.

Working On

  • Periodically performing bug fixes and minor enhancements to active plugins based on filed issues. Sometimes I get an itch to just knock some issues out of the Github list.
  • Travel and Location - Long term...Each step below is necessary before moving on to the next step.

Hoping to Get to Someday

  • Continuing to refine the plugins created for WordPress and add more functionality for myself and others.
  • Better Support for media, watch, listen, jam...needs improvement in display
  • Event posting
  • Link reviews of places to venue page.