Proceedings of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
The article makes an attempt to accomplish a comprehensive research of the Vasyl Stefanyk’s socio... more The article makes an attempt to accomplish a comprehensive research of the Vasyl Stefanyk’s socio-political activities in the corpus of the Austrian periodicals during 1895–1918 time period. The scientific novelty of our paper is that we introduce here in the Ukrainian (as well as foreign) socio-humanitarian discourse of archeography, bibliography and press studies new, previously not elicited, foreign-language (i.e., in German) press publications about lifetime, creative path and mainly — socio-political campaign of Vasyl’ Stefanyk. For the first time we have elicited 72 (seventy-two) publications in the press of Austro-Hungary of the stated period containing mentions about Stefanyk. Methodology. In this research we have mainly used qualitative methods of scholarship, specifically, method of archival and bibliographical heuristics as well as historical methods, in particular the method of diachronic comparative analysis and the method of “structured, focused comparison” (Alexander,...

Proceedings of Research and Scientific Institute for Periodicals
The article makes an attempt to elucidate the specificity of coverage of epidemics, specifically ... more The article makes an attempt to elucidate the specificity of coverage of epidemics, specifically the typhus epidemic in the Eastern Galicia during 1919–1920s in the Ukrainian-language interwar press. The object of the research is the Ukrainian mainstream press of Galicia (the social-democratic newspaper Vpered (Lviv) and the Ukrainian émigré press in the USA (the newspaper Svoboda (Jersey City). The study aims to elucidate peculiarities of epidemic communications in the editorial bent of the Ukrainian press, in particular narratives, functional direction, and approaches to the typhus epidemic coverage in different print media. The Research Methodology: bibliographical heuristics, logical methods, functional analysis, diachronic comparative analysis, narrative configuration in qualitative analysis (D. Polkinghorne (1995). The main results/findings: the common and different approaches, narratives and functions in the typhus epidemic coverage have been elucidated on the basis of the an...
Вісник Львівського університету. Серія журналістика, Dec 2, 2016
Social Science Research Network, Nov 1, 2019
Social Science Research Network, Sep 19, 2019
Obraz, 2020
Penser l’histoire des Medias is the title of the latest co-authored (collective) monograph under ... more Penser l’histoire des Medias is the title of the latest co-authored (collective) monograph under the direction of Claire Blandin, Emmanuelle Fantin, Francois Robinet and Valerie Schafer. It is devoted to the study of media history in the West, specifically, «the historiographic and academic path it went through, but also its actuality and its perspectives».
Social Science Research Network, Feb 20, 2020
Social Science Research Network, 2019
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
Social Science Research Network, Mar 30, 2018
Revue des études slaves, 2018

Proceedings of Research and Scientific Institute for Periodicals, 2020
This paper seeks to develop new avenues for a study of the Ukrainian foreign-language press in Eu... more This paper seeks to develop new avenues for a study of the Ukrainian foreign-language press in Europe during the Ukrainian Revolution (1917―1921s). Specifically, it aims to explore the so-called «cartographic» argument in the editorial policies and content of these periodicals issued in West European languages in the West European countries. More specifically, we seek to study map propaganda on the basis of the content of the Ukrainian press published in the West European languages in Europe during the Paris Peace Conference (1919―1920s). The latter aimed at justifying the territorial integrity of Ukraine in terms of the Ukrainian terrains in the Eastern Europe and its representation in the European maps. It originated in the early 1900s, specifically, in Austria, and more specifically ― in the Ukrainian German-language reviews («Ruthenische Revue» and «Ukrainische Rundschau»). In our view, the Ukrainian post-WWI map propaganda was inspired by the Count M. Tyshkevych (Tyszkiewicz) a...
Slavic & East European Information Resources

Proceedings of Research and Scientific Institute for Periodicals
It has been attempted to make an empirical study of the framing of the Jewish pogroms upon the Uk... more It has been attempted to make an empirical study of the framing of the Jewish pogroms upon the Ukrainian terrains in 1919 in the Ukrainian press in the West European languages in Europe (1919―1920s). For the first time, in the communication and media studies discourses, there have been elicited new, previously unknown, findings of specificity of the framing of the Jewish pogroms in the Ukrainian foreignlanguage periodicals. Those were: «Bulletiner fra det Ukrainske Pressburo» (Copenhagen, 1919—1920s), «La Voce dell “Ucraina”» (Roma, 1919—1920s), «The Ukraine» (London, 1919—1920s), «Bureau Ukrai nien de Presse: Bulletin d’Informations» (Paris, 1919—1920s), «France et Ukraine» (Paris, 1920), «L’Europe Orientale» (Paris, 1919—1920s), «Die Ukraine» (Berlin, 1918—1926s). First, it has been elucidated that the «attribution of responsibility» frame was dominant in the content of the Ukrainian foreign-language press in Western Europe. Second, the conclusion about dialectic of the frames of ...

The Committee of Salvation of Ukraine (Constantinople, 1921–1922): Information-propagandist and i... more The Committee of Salvation of Ukraine (Constantinople, 1921–1922): Information-propagandist and international-diplomatic activities (based on the materials of the French-language magazine “La Libre Ukraine”)
The paper deals with the research of information-propagandist and international-diplomatic activities of the Committee of Salvation of Ukraine (Constantinople, 1921–1922). On the basis of publications of the print organ of this organization, – the French-language magazine “La Libre Ukraine” the aim and program foundations of this organization have been outlined, functions, contribution, role and significance of its leaders – O. V. Addiassewich and V. M. Bogomolets – have been studied and the most important stages in its information, propagandist and international-diplomatic activities in 1921–1922 yrs have been explored.
Key words: the Committee of Salvation of Ukraine, organization, “La Libre Ukraine”, magazine, Constantinople.
The paper deals with the research of information-propagandist and international-diplomatic activities of the Committee of Salvation of Ukraine (Constantinople, 1921–1922). On the basis of publications of the print organ of this organization, – the French-language magazine “La Libre Ukraine” the aim and program foundations of this organization have been outlined, functions, contribution, role and significance of its leaders – O. V. Addiassewich and V. M. Bogomolets – have been studied and the most important stages in its information, propagandist and international-diplomatic activities in 1921–1922 yrs have been explored.
Key words: the Committee of Salvation of Ukraine, organization, “La Libre Ukraine”, magazine, Constantinople.
The paper deals with the research of information-propagandist and international-diplomatic activities of the Committee of Salvation of Ukraine (Constantinople, 1921–1922). On the basis of publications of the print organ of this organization, – the French-language magazine “La Libre Ukraine” the aim and program foundations of this organization have been outlined, functions, contribution, role and significance of its leaders – O. V. Addiassewich and V. M. Bogomolets – have been studied and the most important stages in its information, propagandist and international-diplomatic activities in 1921–1922 yrs have been explored.
Key words: the Committee of Salvation of Ukraine, organization, “La Libre Ukraine”, magazine, Constantinople.