Papers by Marilia Coutinho

Cadernos de Ciência & …, 1999
RESUMO A Tripanossomíase americana, conhecida como doença de Chagas, foi descoberta em 1909 sob c... more RESUMO A Tripanossomíase americana, conhecida como doença de Chagas, foi descoberta em 1909 sob circunstâncias peculiares: o autor da descoberta, Carlos Chagas, havia sido enviado a um povoado em Minas Gerais para dirigir uma campanha antimalárica quando tomou conhecimento de um inseto hematófago-o vetor da infecção parasitária. Ele havia sido alertado sobre a coincidência de sintomas peculiares e a presença deste inseto nas casas de barro e madeira da região. Chagas estava ao mesmo tempo envolvido nas controvérsias teóricas da protozoologia internacional, na consolidação de um espaço para a ciência no Brasil, e em questões sanitárias e nacionalistas daquele período. Neste contexto, Chagas orquestrou um excepcional discurso de descoberta, contemplando a biologia do parasita, seu ciclo de vida e seu modo de transmissão. Além disso, ele produziu uma descrição clínica da nova doença. No entanto, apesar da imediata consagração internacional, os arranjos institucionais instáveis em que Chagas trabalhava comprometeram a legitimidade local da descoberta por décadas. Internacionalmente aceito, Chagas foi rejeitado em casa. Palavras-chave: Carlos Chagas, doença de Chagas, história da medicina, história da ciência, medicina tropical, parasitologia, prêmio Nobel. THE DISCOVERY OF CHAGAS DISEASE ABSTRACT American Trypanosomiasis, known as Chagas disease, was discovered in 1909 under peculiar circumstances: its discoverer, Carlos Chagas, was sent to a small village of Central Brazil to carry out an anti-malaria campaign when he came across a blood sucking insect-the vector for the parasite infection. He had been alerted to the coincidence of peculiar symptoms and the presence of this insect in the wood and earth dwellings of the region. He was deeply involved in theoretical controversies in international protozoology; he was engaged in the consolidation of a scientific role and correspondent institutional conditions in Brazil, and equally immersed in the nationalist sanitary struggles of his days. In this context, Chagas assembled a remarkable discovery discourse, regarding the biology of the parasite, its cycle and mode of transmission. Further he provided the clinical description of a new disease. Nevertheless, despite immediate international recognition, the unstable institutional arrangements surrounding his work damaged its local legitimacy for decades. Accepted abroad, he was widely rejected at home.
The Cambridge History of Science, 2020
Brazil is a newcomer in modern scientific and technological activities. Its contemporary scientif... more Brazil is a newcomer in modern scientific and technological activities. Its contemporary scientific and technological institutions were mainly established after the higher education reform of 1968. Between 1500 and 1808 Brazil was a colony in the Portuguese Empire, which did not allow the establishment of universities or research institutions in its possessions, as the Spanish had in other parts of America. Still, the region was the subject of interest and curiosity by European travelers and naturalists, who produced detailed descriptions and pictorial representations of its fauna, flora, inhabitants, and landscape.

ABSTRACT Many sports have been using different types of accessories in order to increase the safe... more ABSTRACT Many sports have been using different types of accessories in order to increase the safety or performance of athletes. Among these stands out the modalities powerlifting, which presents specific workout accessories: clothes stand and elastic bands? However, the use and efficiency of such accessories still some controversy because of its real efficiency during training and competitions. This controversy is based on the mechanical effect of the elastic components of such equipment, which increases the loading capacity of athletes. This effect of an additional force is also known as carry-over. The carry-over effect is the use of these accessories polemic by two basic principles, the first principle refers to the security provided by these accessories, the second basic principle concerns the improvement of performance. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct a brief review of literature on the biomechanical effects of using the elastic band at the knee during squats in powerlifting. This review seeks to raise the real effects already studied the use of elastic band, their role in assisting the year and possible effects on the mechanical performance.
Cadernos De Ciencia Tecnologia, 1998
RESUMO O surgimento da biologia molecular é considerado um episódio espetacular no desenvolviment... more RESUMO O surgimento da biologia molecular é considerado um episódio espetacular no desenvolvimento das ciências da vida. Sua qualificação como revolução científica, no entanto, é questionável. Este episódio não se conforma ao modelo kuhniano de revoluções científicas. No entanto, também não pode ser descrito como uma redução teórica. Trata-se de uma descontinuidade, porém sem substituição teórica. Ao ampliar o estudo do episódio para incluir os grupos de cientistas envolvidos, sua organização e sua dinâmica, ele se parece muito mais com um processo de diversificação disciplinar. Os modelos propostos por L. Fleck e P. Bourdieu ajudam a examinar o jogo concorrencial que culminou nesta diversificação.
From Malaria to AIDS, 2003

Many sports have been using different types of accessories in order to increase the safety or per... more Many sports have been using different types of accessories in order to increase the safety or performance of athletes. Among these stands out the modalities powerlifting, which presents specific workout accessories: clothes stand and elastic bands? However, the use and efficiency of such accessories still some controversy because of its real efficiency during training and competitions. This controversy is based on the mechanical effect of the elastic components of such equipment, which increases the loading capacity of athletes. This effect of an additional force is also known as carry-over. The carry-over effect is the use of these accessories polemic by two basic principles, the first principle refers to the security provided by these accessories, the second basic principle concerns the improvement of performance. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct a brief review of literature on the biomechanical effects of using the elastic band at the knee during squats in powerlifting. Thi...
Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian physician, discovered the American trypanosomiasis in 1909. Like other... more Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian physician, discovered the American trypanosomiasis in 1909. Like other remarkable discoveries of those days, his work helped to articulate the insect-vector theory and other theoretical guidelines in tropical medicine. Unlike all other discoveries, all the stages of this work were accomplished in a few months and by a single man. Chagas' discovery was widely recognized at home and abroad. He was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize -in 1913 and in 1921-, but never received the award. Evidence suggests that the reasons for this failure are related to the violent opposition that Chagas faced in Brazil. The contentions towards Chagas were related to a rejection of the meritocratic procedures that gave him prominence, as well as to local petty politics.

Social Studies of Science, 1999
Periphral countries are at a disadvantage with respect to the construction of scientific knowledg... more Periphral countries are at a disadvantage with respect to the construction of scientific knowledge, which is mostly carried out by a small number of traditional core loci countries. However, in a few cases, groups of scientists are able to break through exclusion barriers. Sometimes they tackle relevant issues, share values and procedures with core loci representatives, and take part in heated controversies: in short, they participate in the construction of legitimate science. These scientists form centers of excellence in scientifically marginal countries. In this paper, contextual conditions involving the emergence, establishment and decline of such enterprises are discussed, on the basis of examples drawn from the history of Chagas disease (Cd). In this history, we see a major discovery established, deconstructed and re-established. Quantitative analyses of publication on CD over 70 years show the relation between the choice of different types of journals and methodological approaches, and the legitimation strategies adopted by different groups of practitioners. It also shows the outcomes of such strategies in terms of production concentration, emergence of new authors and growth of institutional work. This story shows that it is important for the pioneers to establish a different intellectual culture in their local environment. Unless they do so, and gain its acceptance among their immediate colleagues, the enterprise cannot preserve its status as a centre of excellence.

Revista de Saúde Pública, 2006
Há uma contradição entre a percepção de diferentes setores da elite quanto às questões da fome e ... more Há uma contradição entre a percepção de diferentes setores da elite quanto às questões da fome e nutrição no Brasil. Por um lado, o carro-chefe da política social do atual governo brasileiro é o Programa Fome Zero. Esse programa se baseia na concepção de que a condição de fome é socialmente relevante no País. Por outro lado, a comunidade científica na área de nutrição, por meio de estudos epidemiológicos, destaca a obesidade como um dos problemas de saúde pública mais graves no Brasil. O motivo pelo qual a percepção pública está dissociada da produção de conhecimento sobre o assunto tem raízes antigas, relacionadas às dificuldades de institucionalizar a ciência no Brasil. Isso se refletiu numa relativa falta de legitimidade do discurso científico. A novidade nessa situação é a conquista de maior visibilidade internacional, pela comunidade científica em epidemiologia nutricional. O futuro da aplicação prática dos resultados da pesquisa em epidemiologia nutricional no Brasil depende d...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 1999
Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian physician, discovered the American trypanosomiasis in 1909. Like other... more Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian physician, discovered the American trypanosomiasis in 1909. Like other remarkable discoveries of those days, his work helped to articulate the insect-vector theory and other theoretical guidelines in tropical medicine. Unlike all other discoveries, all the stages of this work were accomplished in a few months and by a single man. Chagas' discovery was widely recognized at home and abroad. He was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize - in 1913 and in 1921-, but never received the award. Evidence suggests that the reasons for this failure are related to the violent opposition that Chagas faced in Brazil. The contentions towards Chagas were related to a rejection of the meritocratic procedures that gave him prominence, as well as to local petty politics.
Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian physician, discovered the American trypanosomiasis in 1909. Like other... more Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian physician, discovered the American trypanosomiasis in 1909. Like other remarkable discoveries of those days, his work helped to articulate the insect-vector theory and other theoretical guidelines in tropical medicine. Unlike all other discoveries, all the stages of this work were accomplished in a few months and by a single man. Chagas' discovery was widely recognized at home and abroad. He was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize -in 1913 and in 1921-, but never received the award. Evidence suggests that the reasons for this failure are related to the violent opposition that Chagas faced in Brazil. The contentions towards Chagas were related to a rejection of the meritocratic procedures that gave him prominence, as well as to local petty politics.
Papers by Marilia Coutinho