At the industry produce the chips emping gepuk melinlo conventional generally experience of the r... more At the industry produce the chips emping gepuk melinlo conventional generally experience of the resistance at process extortion of oil becaus,' this process walk gravitationly with extortion time about 0.5 hour. Problems of arising ,nLt is oil contLttt in chips emping gepuk melinio still high about 15 ok is while equipment:t o,|extortion of oil which have is not yet can operate in an optimal fashion ( leak is in gravitation with time of 30 minute), is so that needed by the equipments able to improve;repait' the process extortion of oil in chips emping gepuk melinjo fry. This matter will pursue in improvement of capacities produce the chips emping gepuk ntelinio. To increase product to be needed morjih, equipments oJ extartion oftil, so that efiiensi production can be boosted up and peaceful.for the use it and also improve the chips emping product qualitv gepuk. As according to the clauses releasetl by Departemen Kesehatan, oil content in food stut.f ./iied 61., ls /rss than 5 (%. llecause ot ligh oll rate will quicken tlrc process rancidity Besides with high oil rate will be able to improve the cholesterol rate in bloul. F'rom the resir of perception tluring extortion by centifugal oil wringer, extortion tirxe about 2 --3 minute with oil content in chips emping gepuk under or less than 5 oh, so th/1t the result o.f chips emping gepuk yietle4 by seen drier andwill improve the endurance.
Telah dilakukan studi air tanah di beberapa pulau di wilayah kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara. Stu... more Telah dilakukan studi air tanah di beberapa pulau di wilayah kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara. Studi dilakukan dengan mengambil contoh air tanah dari sumur bor dengan kedalaman 150 m di empat lokasi pengambilan contoh yang meliputi Pulau Lancang, Pulau Tidung Besar, Pulau Pramuka dan Pulau Panggang. Metode isotop alam 18 O dan 2 H dan carbon dating 14 C telah digunakan dalam studi ini. Tujuan studi ini selain untuk mengetahui umur air tanah pada ke empat pulau tersebut juga untuk mengetahui adanya intrusi air laut yang masuk kedalam aquifer air tanah, sebagai usaha dalam rangka konservasi air tanah. Berdasarkan hasil carbon dating (isotop 14 C) umur air tanah di ke empat pulau tersebut secara umum berada pada kisaran 20.000 tahun yang memberikan indikasi bahwa ketersedian air tanah dalam masih cukup, sedangkan analisis komposisi isotop alam 18 O dan deuterium menunjukkan bahwa air tanah telah mengalami intrusi air laut.
Liquid pesticide formulation in the form of emulsifier concentrate (EC) is mot e preferable becau... more Liquid pesticide formulation in the form of emulsifier concentrate (EC) is mot e preferable because it does not form clogging and blocking in the tools and precipitding thot harden Based on fired capacity in the whole pesticide formulation industry, abo$ 25 oh prodace emulsifier concentfate. In the emulsian formulation, the imporlant point is unite insoluble matter become a homageny and stableformulalior,for long period. The selection of emulsifier type is very importar.t because il is influenced by quality ond EC formulation stability. Result formula very good is 20 96 propoxure; 5ok Malathion; 5 oA; agrisol ; 2ffi/o DBS: 45 % Xyline dan 5 oZ additive p5w/w) , concenffation alfection test 0.025%o v/v for thinner solvent in 20 strain aedes aegtpti mosquitoes at Semarang killed on 2 hours : 4 mosquitoes,4 hours: l0 mosquitoes, 6 hours = 16 mosquitoes and on 8 hours oll mosquitoes had been died. From emulsion stability test, in oil phase and water phose was found terpentine as slable solvent in the emulsion form, with separated oil percentage at concentration jmg/l about 42o/o. In woter phase emulsion forms micro emulsion wilh white fog colors in whole concentration I , 2 and 3 ppm
The simulation of the piston-cylinder is a simulation in which the shape of the domain changes wi... more The simulation of the piston-cylinder is a simulation in which the shape of the domain changes with time due to the motion of the piston. As it is difficult to get accurate boundary conditions at the surfaces adjacent to the gas inside the cylinder, the cylinder, the piston and the cylinder head must be included in the simulation domain. The calculation time can be reduced significantly by applying a domain decomposition method. The fluid domain is simulated separately from the solid domains. At the interfaces, a temperature boundary condition is applied. The heat fluxes obtained from the fluid simulation are transferred to the solid domain simulation to define a substitute convection boundary condition at the interfaces. Then the interface temperatures obtained from the solid domain simulation are transferred to the fluid domain simulation as the new temperature boundary conditions for the next simulation. The iteration is carried out until the change of interface temperatures less is than 0.1°C. The convergent result is obtained by 9 iterations.
Intuition is an immediate cognition received directly (self evident), without a reasoning process... more Intuition is an immediate cognition received directly (self evident), without a reasoning process in depth, without requiring a jastifikasi or mathematical proof. Intuition plays a role in understanding the mathematical statements. However, intuition is also very involved in solving mathematical problems. Philosopher and educational experts regard intuition as a mental strategy or method that allows one stating the essence / essence of a phenomenon. The purposed of this study were (1) describe the intuition of students in mathematical problem solving divergent. From the results of this study can be summarized as follows: a) in understanding the problem, the kind of intuition that can be used for students classified in this type of intuition affirmatory. b) in planning the solution, intuition is used for students is to try to use division and multiplication. Jenis intuition is classified in this type of anticipatory intuition c) in implementing the solution, intuition is used is by w...
There are at least 30 high temperature systems; eleven active volcanoes, five degassing volcanoes... more There are at least 30 high temperature systems; eleven active volcanoes, five degassing volcanoes and one caldera volcano controlled by Sumatra Fault Zone over a length of 1700 km. To understand this geothermal field system, some information about geochemistry including isotope composition in its fluid is needed. Sulphur-34 and oxygen-18 isotopes in dissolved sulphate pair have been used to determine the origin of acidic fluid of sulphate and to evaluate the process involved. The fluids from eight hot springs, two fumaroles, four deep wells and crater have been collected in along Sumatra geothermal fields. Sulphur-34 ( 34 0 / 00 suggesting that 87.5% of sulphate oxygen is derived from groundwater oxygen and 12.5% is derived from atmospheric molecular oxygen in sulphide oxidation reaction. In the other hand, hot springs (except Semurup), crater and fumaroles have enriched value of 18 O (SO4) . These enriched values suggest that a higher percentage of atmospherically derived oxygen compared to those from the depth.
Zainal Abidin, Wahyuningsih, Mohamad Endy Yulianto, in paper model of mass transfer system of liq... more Zainal Abidin, Wahyuningsih, Mohamad Endy Yulianto, in paper model of mass transfer system of liquid in churn tank with coat film theory approach explain that Mass transfer in the liquid-liquid phase is an important phenomena in the extraction process. Mass transfer coefficient is one of the factors that influence the rate of mass transfer. Nowadays, in the extraction process of free fatty acid from palm oil with methanol, there's no data of mass transfer coefficient. The goal of this research was todetermine and develop correlation of mass transfer coefficient on the extraction process of palm oil's free fatty acid with methanol, as the solvent. Therefore, the research was held in two major steps. The first step was held a liquid-liquid extraction in the laboratory, and the second step was develop an empirical correlation for mass transfer coefficient in the term of dimensionless groups. Batch extraction was conducted in an agitated vessel. The variables that is studied in the process include temperature process, solvent to feed weight ratio, and impeller speed. Based on the data that was obtained from the experiment, the correlation equation that can be used to calculate the mass transfer coefficient was expressed by Sherwood number and could be correlated turbine Reynolds number, Schmidt The averege deviation of the equation is 9,67 % if it is intended to account for mass transfer coefficient. These dimensionless groups are developed in the range of 3169 to 11750, 6321 to 9897, 0,0007 to 0,0013, and 0,333 to 1 in the Reynolds number, Schmidt number, (dp/dT), and (L/S), respectively.
Extraction is an important step for separation of constituents from the plant material. The devel... more Extraction is an important step for separation of constituents from the plant material. The development of new separation techniques for the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries has lately received a lot of attention. Compared with the traditional method of extraction using conventional heating, the microwave heating can be another alternative. Microwave heating technique is a simple, inexpensive and valuable tool in applied chemistry where lesser amount of solvent, simplified manipulation and higher purity of final product with lower cost. In this research, a novel modified microwave extraction system has been designed to extract bioactive component purpose. Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.) and Stenochleana palustris (Bedd.) are fern which is commonly used for traditional treatment. These ferns having medical values which is should not be overlooked by medicinal chemists and pharmacologists, either for modern treatment applications or for research purposes. Since today, not much consideration has been given towards the utility of these fern yet in modern medicinal treatment. Thus, the objective of this research is to propose a novel extraction device based on microwave technology which is quicker and allow substantial saving in energy and cost for the extraction of bioactive component from Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.) and Stenochleana palustris (Bedd.) for the next consideration.
It has been done a determination of δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) and δ 18 O (H 2 O) value from Jakarta deep g... more It has been done a determination of δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) and δ 18 O (H 2 O) value from Jakarta deep groundwater with depth 40-140 m. The aim of this research is to know some procesess influencing the composition of oxygen isotope in groundwater sulphate. A method commonly used to determine δ 18 O (H 2 O) value is according to Epstein-Mayeda. CO 2 gas resulted from equilibration process between water sample and CO 2 gas standard in which oxygen isotopic reaction has occurred, is injected to mass spectrometer. For determination of δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) value, Rafter method is used. CO 2 gas released from reducing sulphate of water sample with graphite is injected to mass spectrometer. The results of δ 18 O (H 2 O) values obtained in this experiment have a narrow range from -5,04 0 / 00 to -6,65 0 / 00 SMOW whereas their δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) values have a wider range from +8,3 0 / 00 to +17,4 0 / 00 SMOW. The more constant values of δ 18 O (H 2 O) performed that evaporation effects might not occur. Based on the similarity between δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) values of deep groundwater and that of marine evaporite sulphate rocks, it is supposed that sulphate of Jakarta deep groundwater was derived from dissolution of this rocks. There was an indication of seawater intrusion around Pejagalan and Kamal Muara Penjaringan area based on the similarity between their δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) values and δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) of modern seawater. The contribution of oxygen from water in sulphide oxidation reaction ranged 0% to 12% suggesting that oxygen in deep groundwater sulphate was mainly derived from atmospheric molecular oxygen
High ligation orchidectomy in paediatric patients is performed for testicular tumours. This is ca... more High ligation orchidectomy in paediatric patients is performed for testicular tumours. This is carried out via open surgery at the inguinal or groin region. In these boys, elective insertion of testicular prostheses is carried out later to improve the external genitalia appearance. In most cases, insertion of testicular prosthesis or implant is carried out via the previous scar, to avoid prosthesis extrusion; however this is usually difficult due to scarring and may cause haematoma and possible infection. We report a novel technique of laparoscopic assisted orchidectomy in an adolescent boy with disorder of sexual development (DSD) whom was suspected of having bilateral gonadal (testicular) malignant change, he successfully underwent bilateral ligation of testicular vessels laparoscopically and removal of both testes via a midline scrotal raphe incision; hence avoiding bilateral groin incisions. With this method, future insertion of testicular prostheses can be carried out via virgin inguinal incisions.
ABSTRACT An investigation on dielectrophoretic separation of cells has been conducted using high-... more ABSTRACT An investigation on dielectrophoretic separation of cells has been conducted using high-gradient electric field system (HGES). The HGES system consisted of two concentric cylindrical electrodes whereby the space between them was filled with glass beads. The glass beads were found to distort the electric field generated between the two electrodes and thus creating a high field gradient sites that produce dielectrophoretic force for cells collection. In order to study the effectiveness of the system in separating the cells, a series of experiments have been conducted. Here, yeast cells were introduced into the system and the number of cells collected was measured. The effects of voltage, flow rate, type of matrix, height of matrix and sample concentration have been investigated. In addition, the electric field analysis for the HGES has also been carried out using FEMLAB. Results show that the cells collection is influenced by the effect at the condition with and without electric field. Further analysis on the investigating factors enabled one to predict optimum values for voltage, flow rate, type of matrix, and height of matrix and sample concentration in order to improve the efficiency of the system by reducing the effect when no field is applied.
Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy, 2014
The objective of our review is to investigate the association between dermatomyositis patients an... more The objective of our review is to investigate the association between dermatomyositis patients and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) together with the clinical presentation of the patients and their management in otorhinolaryngology. NPC is a malignant disease with good prognosis on early diagnosis. However, the relationship between the dermatomyositis and NPC and its management is not well defined. A 10-year retrospective review of case records of 21 dermatomyositis patients seen in Otorhinolaryngology Department of Hospital Selayang from January 2000 to November 2010. These patients ranged from 19 to 74 years old and a total of 8 (38%) out of 21 adults with dermatomyositis were detected to have malignancy. Five out of 8 patients had NPC (62.5%). The mean age of patients with NPC and dermatomyositis was 48 years. NPC is diagnosed in 4 out of 5 patients (80%) in the first year of diagnosis of dermatomyositis. The clinical findings of the examination of nasopharynx ranged from hyperemia to exophytic nasopharyngeal mass. Histologically, it is only related to NPC of WHO types II and III. There is a strong relationship between dermatomyositis and malignancy, especially NPC. Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for malignancy in all dermatomyositis patients. Rigid nasoendoscopies and biopsies, serum Epstein-Barr viral capsid IgA antibody and imaging studies are helpful in detecting NPC in dermatomyositis patients.
Telah dilakukan survei untuk mengetahui proses salinisasi air tanah di kota Pasuruan dengan metod... more Telah dilakukan survei untuk mengetahui proses salinisasi air tanah di kota Pasuruan dengan metode isotop alam dan hidrokimia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengkaji korelasi parameter isotop stabil dan unsur kimia utama dalam contoh air hujan, air tanah dangkal, air tanah-dalam dan air laut. Pengkajian ini dilakukan berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah sifat isotop stabil oksigen-18 dan deuterium dalam fenomena siklus hidrologi serta berdasarkan terjadinya perubahan kimia yang menyertai mekanisme proses hidrogeologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kadar klorida yang menjadi indikator air payau di wilayah pantai kota Pasuruan bukan akibat dari intrusi air laut tetapi disebabkan oleh pelarutan aerosol garam yang meresap bersama air hujan lokal sebagai air tanah dangkal. Sedang air payau pada akuifer tertekan (air tanah-dalam) disebabkan terjadinya pelindian formasi akuifer yang berupa batuan sedimen pantai.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2014
Cervical cancer is the third commonest type of cancer among women in Malaysia. Our aim was to det... more Cervical cancer is the third commonest type of cancer among women in Malaysia. Our aim was to determine the distribution of human papilloma virus (HPV) genotypes in cervical cancer in our multi-ethnic population. This was a multicentre study with a total of 280 cases of cervical cancer from 4 referral centres in Malaysia, studied using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) detection of 12 high risk-HPV genotypes. Overall HPV was detected in 92.5% of cases, in 95.9% of squamous cell carcinomas and 84.3%of adenocarcinomas. The five most prevalent high-risk HPV genotypes were HPV 16 (68.2%), 18 (40%), 58 (10.7%), 33 (10.4%) and 52 (10.4%). Multiple HPV infections were more prevalent (55.7%) than single HPV infections (36.8%). The percentage of HPV positive cases in Chinese, Malays and Indians were 95.5%, 91.9% and 80.0%, respectively. HPV 16 and 18 genotypes were the commonest in all ethnic groups. We found that the percentage of HPV 16 infection was significantly higher in Chines...
At the industry produce the chips emping gepuk melinlo conventional generally experience of the r... more At the industry produce the chips emping gepuk melinlo conventional generally experience of the resistance at process extortion of oil becaus,' this process walk gravitationly with extortion time about 0.5 hour. Problems of arising ,nLt is oil contLttt in chips emping gepuk melinio still high about 15 ok is while equipment:t o,|extortion of oil which have is not yet can operate in an optimal fashion ( leak is in gravitation with time of 30 minute), is so that needed by the equipments able to improve;repait' the process extortion of oil in chips emping gepuk melinjo fry. This matter will pursue in improvement of capacities produce the chips emping gepuk ntelinio. To increase product to be needed morjih, equipments oJ extartion oftil, so that efiiensi production can be boosted up and peaceful.for the use it and also improve the chips emping product qualitv gepuk. As according to the clauses releasetl by Departemen Kesehatan, oil content in food stut.f ./iied 61., ls /rss than 5 (%. llecause ot ligh oll rate will quicken tlrc process rancidity Besides with high oil rate will be able to improve the cholesterol rate in bloul. F'rom the resir of perception tluring extortion by centifugal oil wringer, extortion tirxe about 2 --3 minute with oil content in chips emping gepuk under or less than 5 oh, so th/1t the result o.f chips emping gepuk yietle4 by seen drier andwill improve the endurance.
Telah dilakukan studi air tanah di beberapa pulau di wilayah kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara. Stu... more Telah dilakukan studi air tanah di beberapa pulau di wilayah kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara. Studi dilakukan dengan mengambil contoh air tanah dari sumur bor dengan kedalaman 150 m di empat lokasi pengambilan contoh yang meliputi Pulau Lancang, Pulau Tidung Besar, Pulau Pramuka dan Pulau Panggang. Metode isotop alam 18 O dan 2 H dan carbon dating 14 C telah digunakan dalam studi ini. Tujuan studi ini selain untuk mengetahui umur air tanah pada ke empat pulau tersebut juga untuk mengetahui adanya intrusi air laut yang masuk kedalam aquifer air tanah, sebagai usaha dalam rangka konservasi air tanah. Berdasarkan hasil carbon dating (isotop 14 C) umur air tanah di ke empat pulau tersebut secara umum berada pada kisaran 20.000 tahun yang memberikan indikasi bahwa ketersedian air tanah dalam masih cukup, sedangkan analisis komposisi isotop alam 18 O dan deuterium menunjukkan bahwa air tanah telah mengalami intrusi air laut.
Liquid pesticide formulation in the form of emulsifier concentrate (EC) is mot e preferable becau... more Liquid pesticide formulation in the form of emulsifier concentrate (EC) is mot e preferable because it does not form clogging and blocking in the tools and precipitding thot harden Based on fired capacity in the whole pesticide formulation industry, abo$ 25 oh prodace emulsifier concentfate. In the emulsian formulation, the imporlant point is unite insoluble matter become a homageny and stableformulalior,for long period. The selection of emulsifier type is very importar.t because il is influenced by quality ond EC formulation stability. Result formula very good is 20 96 propoxure; 5ok Malathion; 5 oA; agrisol ; 2ffi/o DBS: 45 % Xyline dan 5 oZ additive p5w/w) , concenffation alfection test 0.025%o v/v for thinner solvent in 20 strain aedes aegtpti mosquitoes at Semarang killed on 2 hours : 4 mosquitoes,4 hours: l0 mosquitoes, 6 hours = 16 mosquitoes and on 8 hours oll mosquitoes had been died. From emulsion stability test, in oil phase and water phose was found terpentine as slable solvent in the emulsion form, with separated oil percentage at concentration jmg/l about 42o/o. In woter phase emulsion forms micro emulsion wilh white fog colors in whole concentration I , 2 and 3 ppm
The simulation of the piston-cylinder is a simulation in which the shape of the domain changes wi... more The simulation of the piston-cylinder is a simulation in which the shape of the domain changes with time due to the motion of the piston. As it is difficult to get accurate boundary conditions at the surfaces adjacent to the gas inside the cylinder, the cylinder, the piston and the cylinder head must be included in the simulation domain. The calculation time can be reduced significantly by applying a domain decomposition method. The fluid domain is simulated separately from the solid domains. At the interfaces, a temperature boundary condition is applied. The heat fluxes obtained from the fluid simulation are transferred to the solid domain simulation to define a substitute convection boundary condition at the interfaces. Then the interface temperatures obtained from the solid domain simulation are transferred to the fluid domain simulation as the new temperature boundary conditions for the next simulation. The iteration is carried out until the change of interface temperatures less is than 0.1°C. The convergent result is obtained by 9 iterations.
Intuition is an immediate cognition received directly (self evident), without a reasoning process... more Intuition is an immediate cognition received directly (self evident), without a reasoning process in depth, without requiring a jastifikasi or mathematical proof. Intuition plays a role in understanding the mathematical statements. However, intuition is also very involved in solving mathematical problems. Philosopher and educational experts regard intuition as a mental strategy or method that allows one stating the essence / essence of a phenomenon. The purposed of this study were (1) describe the intuition of students in mathematical problem solving divergent. From the results of this study can be summarized as follows: a) in understanding the problem, the kind of intuition that can be used for students classified in this type of intuition affirmatory. b) in planning the solution, intuition is used for students is to try to use division and multiplication. Jenis intuition is classified in this type of anticipatory intuition c) in implementing the solution, intuition is used is by w...
There are at least 30 high temperature systems; eleven active volcanoes, five degassing volcanoes... more There are at least 30 high temperature systems; eleven active volcanoes, five degassing volcanoes and one caldera volcano controlled by Sumatra Fault Zone over a length of 1700 km. To understand this geothermal field system, some information about geochemistry including isotope composition in its fluid is needed. Sulphur-34 and oxygen-18 isotopes in dissolved sulphate pair have been used to determine the origin of acidic fluid of sulphate and to evaluate the process involved. The fluids from eight hot springs, two fumaroles, four deep wells and crater have been collected in along Sumatra geothermal fields. Sulphur-34 ( 34 0 / 00 suggesting that 87.5% of sulphate oxygen is derived from groundwater oxygen and 12.5% is derived from atmospheric molecular oxygen in sulphide oxidation reaction. In the other hand, hot springs (except Semurup), crater and fumaroles have enriched value of 18 O (SO4) . These enriched values suggest that a higher percentage of atmospherically derived oxygen compared to those from the depth.
Zainal Abidin, Wahyuningsih, Mohamad Endy Yulianto, in paper model of mass transfer system of liq... more Zainal Abidin, Wahyuningsih, Mohamad Endy Yulianto, in paper model of mass transfer system of liquid in churn tank with coat film theory approach explain that Mass transfer in the liquid-liquid phase is an important phenomena in the extraction process. Mass transfer coefficient is one of the factors that influence the rate of mass transfer. Nowadays, in the extraction process of free fatty acid from palm oil with methanol, there's no data of mass transfer coefficient. The goal of this research was todetermine and develop correlation of mass transfer coefficient on the extraction process of palm oil's free fatty acid with methanol, as the solvent. Therefore, the research was held in two major steps. The first step was held a liquid-liquid extraction in the laboratory, and the second step was develop an empirical correlation for mass transfer coefficient in the term of dimensionless groups. Batch extraction was conducted in an agitated vessel. The variables that is studied in the process include temperature process, solvent to feed weight ratio, and impeller speed. Based on the data that was obtained from the experiment, the correlation equation that can be used to calculate the mass transfer coefficient was expressed by Sherwood number and could be correlated turbine Reynolds number, Schmidt The averege deviation of the equation is 9,67 % if it is intended to account for mass transfer coefficient. These dimensionless groups are developed in the range of 3169 to 11750, 6321 to 9897, 0,0007 to 0,0013, and 0,333 to 1 in the Reynolds number, Schmidt number, (dp/dT), and (L/S), respectively.
Extraction is an important step for separation of constituents from the plant material. The devel... more Extraction is an important step for separation of constituents from the plant material. The development of new separation techniques for the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries has lately received a lot of attention. Compared with the traditional method of extraction using conventional heating, the microwave heating can be another alternative. Microwave heating technique is a simple, inexpensive and valuable tool in applied chemistry where lesser amount of solvent, simplified manipulation and higher purity of final product with lower cost. In this research, a novel modified microwave extraction system has been designed to extract bioactive component purpose. Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.) and Stenochleana palustris (Bedd.) are fern which is commonly used for traditional treatment. These ferns having medical values which is should not be overlooked by medicinal chemists and pharmacologists, either for modern treatment applications or for research purposes. Since today, not much consideration has been given towards the utility of these fern yet in modern medicinal treatment. Thus, the objective of this research is to propose a novel extraction device based on microwave technology which is quicker and allow substantial saving in energy and cost for the extraction of bioactive component from Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.) and Stenochleana palustris (Bedd.) for the next consideration.
It has been done a determination of δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) and δ 18 O (H 2 O) value from Jakarta deep g... more It has been done a determination of δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) and δ 18 O (H 2 O) value from Jakarta deep groundwater with depth 40-140 m. The aim of this research is to know some procesess influencing the composition of oxygen isotope in groundwater sulphate. A method commonly used to determine δ 18 O (H 2 O) value is according to Epstein-Mayeda. CO 2 gas resulted from equilibration process between water sample and CO 2 gas standard in which oxygen isotopic reaction has occurred, is injected to mass spectrometer. For determination of δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) value, Rafter method is used. CO 2 gas released from reducing sulphate of water sample with graphite is injected to mass spectrometer. The results of δ 18 O (H 2 O) values obtained in this experiment have a narrow range from -5,04 0 / 00 to -6,65 0 / 00 SMOW whereas their δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) values have a wider range from +8,3 0 / 00 to +17,4 0 / 00 SMOW. The more constant values of δ 18 O (H 2 O) performed that evaporation effects might not occur. Based on the similarity between δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) values of deep groundwater and that of marine evaporite sulphate rocks, it is supposed that sulphate of Jakarta deep groundwater was derived from dissolution of this rocks. There was an indication of seawater intrusion around Pejagalan and Kamal Muara Penjaringan area based on the similarity between their δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) values and δ 18 O (SO 4 2-) of modern seawater. The contribution of oxygen from water in sulphide oxidation reaction ranged 0% to 12% suggesting that oxygen in deep groundwater sulphate was mainly derived from atmospheric molecular oxygen
High ligation orchidectomy in paediatric patients is performed for testicular tumours. This is ca... more High ligation orchidectomy in paediatric patients is performed for testicular tumours. This is carried out via open surgery at the inguinal or groin region. In these boys, elective insertion of testicular prostheses is carried out later to improve the external genitalia appearance. In most cases, insertion of testicular prosthesis or implant is carried out via the previous scar, to avoid prosthesis extrusion; however this is usually difficult due to scarring and may cause haematoma and possible infection. We report a novel technique of laparoscopic assisted orchidectomy in an adolescent boy with disorder of sexual development (DSD) whom was suspected of having bilateral gonadal (testicular) malignant change, he successfully underwent bilateral ligation of testicular vessels laparoscopically and removal of both testes via a midline scrotal raphe incision; hence avoiding bilateral groin incisions. With this method, future insertion of testicular prostheses can be carried out via virgin inguinal incisions.
ABSTRACT An investigation on dielectrophoretic separation of cells has been conducted using high-... more ABSTRACT An investigation on dielectrophoretic separation of cells has been conducted using high-gradient electric field system (HGES). The HGES system consisted of two concentric cylindrical electrodes whereby the space between them was filled with glass beads. The glass beads were found to distort the electric field generated between the two electrodes and thus creating a high field gradient sites that produce dielectrophoretic force for cells collection. In order to study the effectiveness of the system in separating the cells, a series of experiments have been conducted. Here, yeast cells were introduced into the system and the number of cells collected was measured. The effects of voltage, flow rate, type of matrix, height of matrix and sample concentration have been investigated. In addition, the electric field analysis for the HGES has also been carried out using FEMLAB. Results show that the cells collection is influenced by the effect at the condition with and without electric field. Further analysis on the investigating factors enabled one to predict optimum values for voltage, flow rate, type of matrix, and height of matrix and sample concentration in order to improve the efficiency of the system by reducing the effect when no field is applied.
Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy, 2014
The objective of our review is to investigate the association between dermatomyositis patients an... more The objective of our review is to investigate the association between dermatomyositis patients and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) together with the clinical presentation of the patients and their management in otorhinolaryngology. NPC is a malignant disease with good prognosis on early diagnosis. However, the relationship between the dermatomyositis and NPC and its management is not well defined. A 10-year retrospective review of case records of 21 dermatomyositis patients seen in Otorhinolaryngology Department of Hospital Selayang from January 2000 to November 2010. These patients ranged from 19 to 74 years old and a total of 8 (38%) out of 21 adults with dermatomyositis were detected to have malignancy. Five out of 8 patients had NPC (62.5%). The mean age of patients with NPC and dermatomyositis was 48 years. NPC is diagnosed in 4 out of 5 patients (80%) in the first year of diagnosis of dermatomyositis. The clinical findings of the examination of nasopharynx ranged from hyperemia to exophytic nasopharyngeal mass. Histologically, it is only related to NPC of WHO types II and III. There is a strong relationship between dermatomyositis and malignancy, especially NPC. Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for malignancy in all dermatomyositis patients. Rigid nasoendoscopies and biopsies, serum Epstein-Barr viral capsid IgA antibody and imaging studies are helpful in detecting NPC in dermatomyositis patients.
Telah dilakukan survei untuk mengetahui proses salinisasi air tanah di kota Pasuruan dengan metod... more Telah dilakukan survei untuk mengetahui proses salinisasi air tanah di kota Pasuruan dengan metode isotop alam dan hidrokimia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengkaji korelasi parameter isotop stabil dan unsur kimia utama dalam contoh air hujan, air tanah dangkal, air tanah-dalam dan air laut. Pengkajian ini dilakukan berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah sifat isotop stabil oksigen-18 dan deuterium dalam fenomena siklus hidrologi serta berdasarkan terjadinya perubahan kimia yang menyertai mekanisme proses hidrogeologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kadar klorida yang menjadi indikator air payau di wilayah pantai kota Pasuruan bukan akibat dari intrusi air laut tetapi disebabkan oleh pelarutan aerosol garam yang meresap bersama air hujan lokal sebagai air tanah dangkal. Sedang air payau pada akuifer tertekan (air tanah-dalam) disebabkan terjadinya pelindian formasi akuifer yang berupa batuan sedimen pantai.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2014
Cervical cancer is the third commonest type of cancer among women in Malaysia. Our aim was to det... more Cervical cancer is the third commonest type of cancer among women in Malaysia. Our aim was to determine the distribution of human papilloma virus (HPV) genotypes in cervical cancer in our multi-ethnic population. This was a multicentre study with a total of 280 cases of cervical cancer from 4 referral centres in Malaysia, studied using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) detection of 12 high risk-HPV genotypes. Overall HPV was detected in 92.5% of cases, in 95.9% of squamous cell carcinomas and 84.3%of adenocarcinomas. The five most prevalent high-risk HPV genotypes were HPV 16 (68.2%), 18 (40%), 58 (10.7%), 33 (10.4%) and 52 (10.4%). Multiple HPV infections were more prevalent (55.7%) than single HPV infections (36.8%). The percentage of HPV positive cases in Chinese, Malays and Indians were 95.5%, 91.9% and 80.0%, respectively. HPV 16 and 18 genotypes were the commonest in all ethnic groups. We found that the percentage of HPV 16 infection was significantly higher in Chines...
Papers by MR Faithful