Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (mean weight 70.8±1.0 g SEM) raised in the Sea of Marmara (Tur... more Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (mean weight 70.8±1.0 g SEM) raised in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), were used for a preliminary gastric evacuation study. After being starved 72 hours, three groups of 110 fish, each, were fed ad libitum once, twice or three times in a single day. Ten fish from each group were withdrawn and killed in an anesthetic solution during each sampling at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 hours following the last feeding. Gastric material was removed from the fish and dried for gastric evacuation modelling. Gompertz and logistic models (with fixed asymptotes) best explained the data. The gastric emptying rate of the trout offered a single meal (Group A) was faster than those fed two (Group B) or three (Group C) meals while the emptying patterns of Groups B and C were similar to each other. The time required to evacuate 95% of the gastric material from the first meal was estimated as 54.3, 68.0 and 67.8 h for Groups A, B and C, respectively, accordin...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Küreselleşmenin hızlandığı günümüzde su ürünleri sektörünün özellikle su ürünleri işletmelerinden... more Küreselleşmenin hızlandığı günümüzde su ürünleri sektörünün özellikle su ürünleri işletmelerinden Alabalık işletmelerinin önemi gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Bu araştırmada Tarım, Gıda ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı kayıtlarından alınan Türkiye'deki alabalık işletme adresleri kullanılmıştır. Bu alabalık tesislerine Delphi anket yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Anket sonuçlarında elde edilen uzman görüşlerine göre Türkiye' de alabalık yetiştiriciliğinin sorunlarını çözümlenmesi ve gelişmesine yönelik yapılması gerekenler şunlardır; İşletme açmak, üretimde devamlılığı sağlamak ve üretilen malı pazara sürmek için gerekli olan bürokratik formaliteler azaltılmalıdır. Üretimin kaliteli ve yüksek verimde yapılabilmesi için hastalıktan ari yavru ve yumurta üretimi teşvik edilmelidir. Yem fiyatları yüksektir. Bu nedenle yem kalitesi düşürülmeden fiyatlarda indirime gidilmelidir. Alınan vergilerin azaltılması bu sorunun çözümünde iyi bir adım olabilir. İşletmelerin kredi gereksinimlerinin giderilmesine yönelik kredi sağlayan kuruluşların işletmelerin mevcut durumlarını dikkate alarak alternatif şartlar geliştirmesi yarar sağlayacaktır. Gerek işletmelerin kuruluş aşamasında, gerekse üretim aşamasında ilgili kurumlarca işletmelere yeterli düzeyde teşvik sağlanmalıdır. İşletmelerde genel olarak karşılaşılan sorunların çözümünde kooperatifleşmeye gidilmesi şarttır. Sonuç olarak, Türkiye'nin çeşitli bölgelerinde alabalık yetiştiriciliği sektörü içinde aktif olarak çalışan uzmanların ortaklaşa belirledikleri sorunların uygun bir biçimde çözümlenmesiyle, sektörün ülkemizde gerek ekonomik gerek bilimsel olarak ilerleme kaydedeceği açıkça görülmektedir.
The significance and protection of the biological diversity in the continental waters of countrie... more The significance and protection of the biological diversity in the continental waters of countries in the world has become one of the concerns which should be addressed as a matter of urgency. The scientists consistently underline the fact that several species are endangered to extinct and that the number and population of such species are gradually decreasing. There observed many causes of the extinction of the species. The heavily increase of the human population is the most important reason for this. Such a heavy increase leads to establishment of new settlement areas and constriction of the wild life. In this case, the number of wild species extinct rapidly. Several scientists and members of the nature protection organizations are aware of this particular case and conduct studies to protect the natural environment of the wild life. In this context, the wild life should be given the chance to reproduce through formation of the national parks and natural protection zones. Such par...
Changes in branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity, and the number and size of chloride cells resultin... more Changes in branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity, and the number and size of chloride cells resulting from the transfer of fish into seawater were investigated in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (22.03 ± 0.91 g), which were transferred to full strength seawater (36‰) directly and for 14 days. Whole mortality occurred when the tilapia were transferred into seawater directly. That is, no acclimation was allowed. Branchial chloride cell numbers decreased after seawater exposure, whereas a gradual increase was observed in chloride cell sizes. However, the chloride cells of seawater-adapted individuals showed a 2-fold increase in size (P < 0.05). Initially 5‰ and 10‰ salinity resulted in lowered branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity but then this activity increased and the highest activity was at 25‰ salinity (P < 0.01). This study demonstrated the effects of high salinity through direct and gradual acclimations on branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity and chloride cell abundance.
WOS: 000388312400006Natural fish stocks could be at risk due to interbreeding or competition with... more WOS: 000388312400006Natural fish stocks could be at risk due to interbreeding or competition with farmed fish, which often differ genetically from their counterparts in wild. Farming of sterile or all-female triploids could be a powerfull preventative measure for preservation of natural gene resources or biodiversity of native species. Although, techniques for ploidy are well described in many fish species, there is no report whether the previous techniques applicable in out-off-season production induced by artificial photoperiod that is widely used in salmonid aquaculture. In order to optimize and refund ploidization protocol for off-season production of diploid gynogenomes and triploids three experiments were conducted to determine the optimal UV inactivation of sperm and heat shock treatment of eggs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). High survival at yolk sac absorption stage (82.3-84.5%) and high yields (approx. 100%) were achieved from the range of treatments applied. Ther...
Three diets including 13.2%, 22% or 30.5% carbohydrates as extruded wheat meal were fed to rainbo... more Three diets including 13.2%, 22% or 30.5% carbohydrates as extruded wheat meal were fed to rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (initial weight 34.8 g), for twelve weeks to investigate their influence on growth, protein and energy utilization and carcass composition. Daily feeding rates were 1.76, 2.05 or 2.17 g feed per 100 g body weight for the three diets, respectively, so as to reach a daily allowance of about 35.5 kJ digestible energy per 100 g body weight. No significant differences (p>0.05) in final mean weight or specific growth rate were observed between the treatments. Feed efficiency was negatively correlated to the dietary carbohydrate level. Utilized digestible protein and energy per kg growth were 365, 348, 358 g and 15.4, 15.9, 17.0 MJ, respectively, for the three diets. Apparent net protein and energy utilization of the groups fed a medium or high carbohydrate level were higher than those of the low carbohydrate group. Analysis of fish carcasses at the end of the tr...
Spawning of the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus L.) in captivity was studied at ambient tempe... more Spawning of the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus L.) in captivity was studied at ambient temperature (21.2±1.2°C) during the breeding season in 1998. Broodstock were cultivated in net fishpens and spawned in large fiberglass tanks (10 m diameter) between June and July. Approximately 33.2 million eggs were collected from 30 mature 4-7 year old females, 97% of which were buoyant healthy eggs with diameters ranging 753-801 μm. The eggs were incubat- ed at 19, 21, or 23°C and development and morphological changes were observed until day 50. The best hatching rate (88.9%) was obtained at 19°C. Swim bladder inflation occurred 8-20 days after hatching. The average survival at day 50, at an initial density of 40 larvae/l, was 3.2%. Exogenous feeding began on day 3. Larvae were first fed rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, and later Artemia nauplii. Larvae completed yolk absorption 78 hours after hatching. A green water envi- ronment was maintained by introducing cultured microalgae (Nannoch...
Investigation of fecundity and development rate of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) broodstock... more Investigation of fecundity and development rate of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) broodstock in a commercial farm in Ege Region. In this study, reproductive performance as survival of eggs and larvae, of rainbow trout broodstock (O. mykiss) in a commercial trout farm in Ege Region were investigated. Mean total and relative fecundity values were 2659±100.5 egg/individual and 1708±44.2 egg/kg, respectively. Fertilization rate on average was 91.87±1.55%. After fertilization, survival of the eyed eggs and hatching rate related to total fecundity were 86.02±1.91%and 64.83±4.48%, respectively. Up to free swimming stage (to 16 th day) survival rate was 41.87±0.34%of the total fecundity and survival rate of fry from 16 th day to 120 th was 28.98±3.58%of the total fecundity. There was a positive relationship significantly between broodstock weights-total fecundity and egg diameter, also between total fecundity and egg diameter, while the relationship between broodstock weights and relative fecundity was significant but weak. Furthermore, there was a significant positive correlation between fertilization-eyeing, hatching and free swimming rates (p<0.05). Larvae reached mean weighing 2300±17.1 mg from 30 th day to 120 th day at mean 10°C. Our results show similarity with researches that have been done before. We conclude that trials should be done with broodstock selecting from breeding and at hatcheries which have free disease factors.
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2010
Bu çalışmada, deniz suyuna doğrudan transfer edilen gökkuşağı alabalıklarının (yaklaşık 285 gr) b... more Bu çalışmada, deniz suyuna doğrudan transfer edilen gökkuşağı alabalıklarının (yaklaşık 285 gr) büyüme performansları ve yaşama oranları yüzer alabalık işletmesinde yaz boyunca 90 gün takip edilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda gökkuşağı alabalıkları 285 – 289 gr canlı ağırlıktan 667.3 – 675.8 gr’a ulaşmışlardır. Yem değerlendirme katsayısı 1.129 – 1.136 olarak, mortalite ise %6.07 – 7.19 oranında saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, yüzer alabalık işletmesinde elde edilen verilerin önceki çalışmalarla kıyaslandığında makul sonuçlar olduğu görülmüştür. Teknik ve idari sorunlar çözülebildiği takdirde, yüzer alabalık işletmesi açık deniz balık yetiştiriciliği açısından günümüzde önemli bir fırsat olabilir.In this study, growing performance, food conversion ratio and survival of rainbow trout (around 285 g) which were transferred to seawater for directly was investigated in the mobile fish farm during summer season for 90 days. At the end of study, rainbow trouts reached from weighing 285 &amp;#8211; 289 g to 667.3 &amp;#8211; 675.8 g. FCR were around 1.129 &amp;#8211; 1.136. Mortality occurred around 6.07 &amp;#8211; 7.19%. As a result, growth performance and survival of rainbow trout in the mobile fish farm was considerably well when comparing with previous studies. Mobile fish farm can be an important opportunity nowadays for off-shore aquaculture, if technical and administrative problems could be solved
Culture of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus, 1758) in seawater. Brown trout (Salmo trutta... more Culture of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus, 1758) in seawater. Brown trout (Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus, 1758) shows fairly good survival and growth rate even in summer when it is transfered to the sea where high salinity conditions exist. Many investigations has been done related with this subject. After all this experiments, it has been accepted that brook trout (40 gr) can be transfered in to the sea having 35‰ salinity. This species can be cultured on the coasts of Black Sea, Marmara Sea and Aegean Sea of Turkey. In this article, literature knowledge on the mariculture of Brown trout was given.
In this study, certain water quality parameters (water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, to... more In this study, certain water quality parameters (water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), phosphate (PO4), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and (BOD5) in the effluents and the efficiency of the treatment systems for eliminating wastes at a commercial trout farm with a capacity of 10 tons/year in Izmir (Kemalpasa) were examined. The DO, temperature, pH, TIN, PO4, NO2, NO3, and BOD5 measured, were different in the outlet waters when compared with the inlet waters (p<0.05). The settling basin did not reduce the TIN and PO4, on the contrary, it caused an increase in the nitrogen (N) up to 19.9% and phosphorus (P) up to 20.30%, while the wetlands reduced the N, P, and BOD 5 up to 53.2%, 58.2%, and 36.5%, respectively (p<0.05). According to the chemical and biological methods, the averages of the TIN and P loads for one tone of cultured trout without treatment were estimated to be were 80 kg and 7 kg, respectively. The annual TIN load of this trout farm was estimated to be 21.3 kg while the TP load was 2.9 kg for one tone of cultured trout when the treatment efficiency was taken into account. The microbiological analyses conducted with the effluent waters showed that the rate of aerobic mesophilic bacteria was found to be high in the summer but low in the winter. It was also detected that the coliform group bacteria were present in the environment in the summer while their occurence was with-in standards in the winter. Interactions of the 9 water quality parameters were identified through the linear regression analysis in order to reduce the environmental effects of the facility DO= 28.296 – (0.248 × BOD 5 ) – (2.948 × pH) + (0.189 × temperature) + (0.851 × inlet water) + (0.163 × winter) (R2=0.912). According to this model, the DO values were increased by the temperature, inlet water and the winter season while reduced by the BOD5 and pH. The dissolved oxygen content in the wetland outlet water was measured as being high because of the nutrient and temperature rises which boosted photosyntesis. It was concluded that using mechanical settling methods were inadequate to minimise the nutrients released into the receiving water body so wetlands should be constructed in such a way as to receive the flow of effluents from the trout farms. As a result the quality of water used by the facility has no adverse impact on the aquaculture and environmental ecosystem.
This study is the first spawning and larval rearing of the F1 hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysop... more This study is the first spawning and larval rearing of the F1 hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops ♀ X M. saxatilis ♂) grown in culture conditions in Turkey. The F1 Hybrid striped bass was fed with commercial pellet feed in floating net cages. They reached the sexual maturity at two years old. Female brood fish were given 30 µg/kg of LHRH-a (Lutenizing hormone releasing hormone analogue) and male fish given 10 µg/kg; of CHP(Dried carp pituitary), 4 mg/kg was used for the female and half that amount for the male for induced breeding. The fish injected LHRHa were successfully induced to both strip spawning and tank spawning by a single hormone injection. However, fish injected CPH and saline, untreated control did not spawn. Latency period was found to be 20.41±0.91 hour. In term of fertilization rate, larval deformity rate no significant difference was found between tank spawning and strip spawning (p>0.05).Fertilization rates ranged from 56.3% to 85.4% and hatch rates were between 0.99% and 46.88%, whereas the level of larval deformities ranged between 81.25% and 100%. Hatched larvae were placed into 400-liter rectangular tanks with water discharge of 4 liter/minute at a stocking density of 30 larvae/liter. After larvae hatching, they were given artemia nauplii for 5-19 days. Trout granule feed (300-500 micron) also started to be given in addition to artemia nauplii afterwards. Granule feed was started eating completely 24 th days. The larvae obtained from a single hatch in the production season reached 2.87 cm length in 32 days with 2.7% survival rate. Of this study was terminated due to white spot disease (Ichtyophthirius multifilis) arising from sudden change in water temperature. The F2 progenies were not deemed to be available for aquaculture due to poor fertilization, poor hatching, low survival rate and high deformity rate. For the progenies of the hybrid striped bass that grow in natural water, it was suggested that their ecology in waters in Turkey be first studied and brought into aquaculture afterwards.
The aquaculture industry is one of the fastest growing animal husbandry industries in the world w... more The aquaculture industry is one of the fastest growing animal husbandry industries in the world with its annual growth rate. However, several disease outbreaks are posing a problem to the development of this sector. These problems constitute the largest single cause of economic losses in aquaculture. Therefore, new methods are needed to overcome disease problems. In the last decades, many fish farmers have attempted to use food additives and antibiotics to cope with fish disease problem. However, the use of antibiotics in fish farming is restricted in many countries due to occurrence of antibiotic residues in aquaculture products that threat human health. Antibiotics also cause immune-saving effect in aquatic pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, several new environment-friendly preventive and prophylactic methods are being developed nowadays to control such diseases and to maintain a healthier microbial environment in aquaculture systems. One of the methods used are probiotic supplementation to the aquatic animal in order to manipulate the gut flora and to control the microbial activity. The probiotics are described as live microorganisms which have beneficial effects on the health and physiology of host organisms. Prebiotics are also defined as non-digestible materials which provide host isolation by inhibiting the activity of harmful pathogenic microorganisms in the environment as well as supporting the development of beneficial probiotic bacteria by dint of mechanisms of various actions in the environment. The studies of prebiotics in fish have mainly researched the effect on growth, feed conversion, gut microbiota and resistance against pathogenic bacteria. Considering these components, the results have been obtained from previous scientific studies were investigated, advantages and disadvantages have been highlighted in this study.
Keywords:Tilapia, reproduction, aquaculture, aquaponics. ABSTRACT In order to close the food gap ... more Keywords:Tilapia, reproduction, aquaculture, aquaponics. ABSTRACT In order to close the food gap resulting from population growth, cheaper and more quality producible species gain importance in the world. Since tilapia has a lot of positive characteristics desired for culture, they are among the significant species and have a rising value. Tilapia is known to have about 100 species and its culture began in Africa and spread to many other countries. There may be some problems in tilapia culture including the tropical regions to which they are indigenous. Tilapia species are not found in Turkey’s natural waters but studies towards their culture began in 1970s. Although a lot of scientific research has been conducted, required levels have not been reached yet. In this study, information regarding the general characteristics of tilapia, reproduction biology, production techniques, and problems in aquaculture and their use in aquaponic system has been presented.
The rainbow trout is an intensively cultured species because of its more cultivatable character t... more The rainbow trout is an intensively cultured species because of its more cultivatable character than the brown trout. In this experiment, the brown trout culture did not expand due to low growth performance compared to that of the rainbow trout. This experiment was conducted in a commercial trout farm, Aegean Area (Turkey). Growth performances and survivals of rainbow and brown trouts from fry to fingerling were observed for 155 days. Growth performances, feed conversion rates and survivals were determined. The initial weights of the rainbow and brown trouts were 0.1 ± 0.01 g. Final weights were 26.5 ± 5.19 g and 12.97 ± 2.74 g, respectively at the end of experiment. Survival and FCR of rainbow and brown trouts were 83.9 and 80% ; 0.59 and 0.61 respectively. As a result, there is a similarity between these two trout species in point of survivals and FCR's although growth performance of the rainbow trout was significantly better than that of the brown trout.
Anesthetics are used for performing basic procedures such as weighing, tagging, experimental work... more Anesthetics are used for performing basic procedures such as weighing, tagging, experimental work, harvesting, spawning procedures and during transportation to prevent physical injury and reduce metabolism in aquaculture. Using of natural plant materials such as clove oil (eugenol) for sedation of fish becomes more important in aquaculture industry. In this experiment, different concentrations of clove oil (20, 30 and 40 ppm) were applied on broodstock of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) of different genders. Times to induction and recovery from anesthesia were measured. No fish died during trials. Induction times of anesthesia varied with clove oil concentrations, decreasing with the increase of clove oil concentrations. On the other hand, recovery times increased with decreasing of clove oil concentrations only on male trouts. The induction times for fish exposed to 20 ppm clove oil were generally longer compared to 30 and 40 ppm (p<0.05). Dose of 30 ppm clove oil produced rapid anesthesia with shorter recovery for females in both of species. On the other hand, the shorter recovery times were recorded for males in both species at 20 ppm. According to our results, recovery times were more gender-dependent for adult rainbow and brown trouts (p<0.05). Recovery times were shorter in adult females than males, especially for 30 and 40 ppm clove oil, while male brown trouts were induced longest times in these dosages (p<0.05). It can be said that as an environmental friendly substance clove oil with optimal dose of 30 ppm can be administered for anesthesia safely in both of adult male and female trouts.
Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (mean weight 70.8±1.0 g SEM) raised in the Sea of Marmara (Tur... more Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (mean weight 70.8±1.0 g SEM) raised in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), were used for a preliminary gastric evacuation study. After being starved 72 hours, three groups of 110 fish, each, were fed ad libitum once, twice or three times in a single day. Ten fish from each group were withdrawn and killed in an anesthetic solution during each sampling at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 hours following the last feeding. Gastric material was removed from the fish and dried for gastric evacuation modelling. Gompertz and logistic models (with fixed asymptotes) best explained the data. The gastric emptying rate of the trout offered a single meal (Group A) was faster than those fed two (Group B) or three (Group C) meals while the emptying patterns of Groups B and C were similar to each other. The time required to evacuate 95% of the gastric material from the first meal was estimated as 54.3, 68.0 and 67.8 h for Groups A, B and C, respectively, accordin...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Küreselleşmenin hızlandığı günümüzde su ürünleri sektörünün özellikle su ürünleri işletmelerinden... more Küreselleşmenin hızlandığı günümüzde su ürünleri sektörünün özellikle su ürünleri işletmelerinden Alabalık işletmelerinin önemi gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Bu araştırmada Tarım, Gıda ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı kayıtlarından alınan Türkiye'deki alabalık işletme adresleri kullanılmıştır. Bu alabalık tesislerine Delphi anket yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Anket sonuçlarında elde edilen uzman görüşlerine göre Türkiye' de alabalık yetiştiriciliğinin sorunlarını çözümlenmesi ve gelişmesine yönelik yapılması gerekenler şunlardır; İşletme açmak, üretimde devamlılığı sağlamak ve üretilen malı pazara sürmek için gerekli olan bürokratik formaliteler azaltılmalıdır. Üretimin kaliteli ve yüksek verimde yapılabilmesi için hastalıktan ari yavru ve yumurta üretimi teşvik edilmelidir. Yem fiyatları yüksektir. Bu nedenle yem kalitesi düşürülmeden fiyatlarda indirime gidilmelidir. Alınan vergilerin azaltılması bu sorunun çözümünde iyi bir adım olabilir. İşletmelerin kredi gereksinimlerinin giderilmesine yönelik kredi sağlayan kuruluşların işletmelerin mevcut durumlarını dikkate alarak alternatif şartlar geliştirmesi yarar sağlayacaktır. Gerek işletmelerin kuruluş aşamasında, gerekse üretim aşamasında ilgili kurumlarca işletmelere yeterli düzeyde teşvik sağlanmalıdır. İşletmelerde genel olarak karşılaşılan sorunların çözümünde kooperatifleşmeye gidilmesi şarttır. Sonuç olarak, Türkiye'nin çeşitli bölgelerinde alabalık yetiştiriciliği sektörü içinde aktif olarak çalışan uzmanların ortaklaşa belirledikleri sorunların uygun bir biçimde çözümlenmesiyle, sektörün ülkemizde gerek ekonomik gerek bilimsel olarak ilerleme kaydedeceği açıkça görülmektedir.
The significance and protection of the biological diversity in the continental waters of countrie... more The significance and protection of the biological diversity in the continental waters of countries in the world has become one of the concerns which should be addressed as a matter of urgency. The scientists consistently underline the fact that several species are endangered to extinct and that the number and population of such species are gradually decreasing. There observed many causes of the extinction of the species. The heavily increase of the human population is the most important reason for this. Such a heavy increase leads to establishment of new settlement areas and constriction of the wild life. In this case, the number of wild species extinct rapidly. Several scientists and members of the nature protection organizations are aware of this particular case and conduct studies to protect the natural environment of the wild life. In this context, the wild life should be given the chance to reproduce through formation of the national parks and natural protection zones. Such par...
Changes in branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity, and the number and size of chloride cells resultin... more Changes in branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity, and the number and size of chloride cells resulting from the transfer of fish into seawater were investigated in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (22.03 ± 0.91 g), which were transferred to full strength seawater (36‰) directly and for 14 days. Whole mortality occurred when the tilapia were transferred into seawater directly. That is, no acclimation was allowed. Branchial chloride cell numbers decreased after seawater exposure, whereas a gradual increase was observed in chloride cell sizes. However, the chloride cells of seawater-adapted individuals showed a 2-fold increase in size (P < 0.05). Initially 5‰ and 10‰ salinity resulted in lowered branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity but then this activity increased and the highest activity was at 25‰ salinity (P < 0.01). This study demonstrated the effects of high salinity through direct and gradual acclimations on branchial Na +-K +-ATPase activity and chloride cell abundance.
WOS: 000388312400006Natural fish stocks could be at risk due to interbreeding or competition with... more WOS: 000388312400006Natural fish stocks could be at risk due to interbreeding or competition with farmed fish, which often differ genetically from their counterparts in wild. Farming of sterile or all-female triploids could be a powerfull preventative measure for preservation of natural gene resources or biodiversity of native species. Although, techniques for ploidy are well described in many fish species, there is no report whether the previous techniques applicable in out-off-season production induced by artificial photoperiod that is widely used in salmonid aquaculture. In order to optimize and refund ploidization protocol for off-season production of diploid gynogenomes and triploids three experiments were conducted to determine the optimal UV inactivation of sperm and heat shock treatment of eggs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). High survival at yolk sac absorption stage (82.3-84.5%) and high yields (approx. 100%) were achieved from the range of treatments applied. Ther...
Three diets including 13.2%, 22% or 30.5% carbohydrates as extruded wheat meal were fed to rainbo... more Three diets including 13.2%, 22% or 30.5% carbohydrates as extruded wheat meal were fed to rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (initial weight 34.8 g), for twelve weeks to investigate their influence on growth, protein and energy utilization and carcass composition. Daily feeding rates were 1.76, 2.05 or 2.17 g feed per 100 g body weight for the three diets, respectively, so as to reach a daily allowance of about 35.5 kJ digestible energy per 100 g body weight. No significant differences (p>0.05) in final mean weight or specific growth rate were observed between the treatments. Feed efficiency was negatively correlated to the dietary carbohydrate level. Utilized digestible protein and energy per kg growth were 365, 348, 358 g and 15.4, 15.9, 17.0 MJ, respectively, for the three diets. Apparent net protein and energy utilization of the groups fed a medium or high carbohydrate level were higher than those of the low carbohydrate group. Analysis of fish carcasses at the end of the tr...
Spawning of the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus L.) in captivity was studied at ambient tempe... more Spawning of the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus L.) in captivity was studied at ambient temperature (21.2±1.2°C) during the breeding season in 1998. Broodstock were cultivated in net fishpens and spawned in large fiberglass tanks (10 m diameter) between June and July. Approximately 33.2 million eggs were collected from 30 mature 4-7 year old females, 97% of which were buoyant healthy eggs with diameters ranging 753-801 μm. The eggs were incubat- ed at 19, 21, or 23°C and development and morphological changes were observed until day 50. The best hatching rate (88.9%) was obtained at 19°C. Swim bladder inflation occurred 8-20 days after hatching. The average survival at day 50, at an initial density of 40 larvae/l, was 3.2%. Exogenous feeding began on day 3. Larvae were first fed rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, and later Artemia nauplii. Larvae completed yolk absorption 78 hours after hatching. A green water envi- ronment was maintained by introducing cultured microalgae (Nannoch...
Investigation of fecundity and development rate of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) broodstock... more Investigation of fecundity and development rate of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) broodstock in a commercial farm in Ege Region. In this study, reproductive performance as survival of eggs and larvae, of rainbow trout broodstock (O. mykiss) in a commercial trout farm in Ege Region were investigated. Mean total and relative fecundity values were 2659±100.5 egg/individual and 1708±44.2 egg/kg, respectively. Fertilization rate on average was 91.87±1.55%. After fertilization, survival of the eyed eggs and hatching rate related to total fecundity were 86.02±1.91%and 64.83±4.48%, respectively. Up to free swimming stage (to 16 th day) survival rate was 41.87±0.34%of the total fecundity and survival rate of fry from 16 th day to 120 th was 28.98±3.58%of the total fecundity. There was a positive relationship significantly between broodstock weights-total fecundity and egg diameter, also between total fecundity and egg diameter, while the relationship between broodstock weights and relative fecundity was significant but weak. Furthermore, there was a significant positive correlation between fertilization-eyeing, hatching and free swimming rates (p<0.05). Larvae reached mean weighing 2300±17.1 mg from 30 th day to 120 th day at mean 10°C. Our results show similarity with researches that have been done before. We conclude that trials should be done with broodstock selecting from breeding and at hatcheries which have free disease factors.
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2010
Bu çalışmada, deniz suyuna doğrudan transfer edilen gökkuşağı alabalıklarının (yaklaşık 285 gr) b... more Bu çalışmada, deniz suyuna doğrudan transfer edilen gökkuşağı alabalıklarının (yaklaşık 285 gr) büyüme performansları ve yaşama oranları yüzer alabalık işletmesinde yaz boyunca 90 gün takip edilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda gökkuşağı alabalıkları 285 – 289 gr canlı ağırlıktan 667.3 – 675.8 gr’a ulaşmışlardır. Yem değerlendirme katsayısı 1.129 – 1.136 olarak, mortalite ise %6.07 – 7.19 oranında saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, yüzer alabalık işletmesinde elde edilen verilerin önceki çalışmalarla kıyaslandığında makul sonuçlar olduğu görülmüştür. Teknik ve idari sorunlar çözülebildiği takdirde, yüzer alabalık işletmesi açık deniz balık yetiştiriciliği açısından günümüzde önemli bir fırsat olabilir.In this study, growing performance, food conversion ratio and survival of rainbow trout (around 285 g) which were transferred to seawater for directly was investigated in the mobile fish farm during summer season for 90 days. At the end of study, rainbow trouts reached from weighing 285 &amp;#8211; 289 g to 667.3 &amp;#8211; 675.8 g. FCR were around 1.129 &amp;#8211; 1.136. Mortality occurred around 6.07 &amp;#8211; 7.19%. As a result, growth performance and survival of rainbow trout in the mobile fish farm was considerably well when comparing with previous studies. Mobile fish farm can be an important opportunity nowadays for off-shore aquaculture, if technical and administrative problems could be solved
Culture of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus, 1758) in seawater. Brown trout (Salmo trutta... more Culture of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus, 1758) in seawater. Brown trout (Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus, 1758) shows fairly good survival and growth rate even in summer when it is transfered to the sea where high salinity conditions exist. Many investigations has been done related with this subject. After all this experiments, it has been accepted that brook trout (40 gr) can be transfered in to the sea having 35‰ salinity. This species can be cultured on the coasts of Black Sea, Marmara Sea and Aegean Sea of Turkey. In this article, literature knowledge on the mariculture of Brown trout was given.
In this study, certain water quality parameters (water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, to... more In this study, certain water quality parameters (water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), phosphate (PO4), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and (BOD5) in the effluents and the efficiency of the treatment systems for eliminating wastes at a commercial trout farm with a capacity of 10 tons/year in Izmir (Kemalpasa) were examined. The DO, temperature, pH, TIN, PO4, NO2, NO3, and BOD5 measured, were different in the outlet waters when compared with the inlet waters (p<0.05). The settling basin did not reduce the TIN and PO4, on the contrary, it caused an increase in the nitrogen (N) up to 19.9% and phosphorus (P) up to 20.30%, while the wetlands reduced the N, P, and BOD 5 up to 53.2%, 58.2%, and 36.5%, respectively (p<0.05). According to the chemical and biological methods, the averages of the TIN and P loads for one tone of cultured trout without treatment were estimated to be were 80 kg and 7 kg, respectively. The annual TIN load of this trout farm was estimated to be 21.3 kg while the TP load was 2.9 kg for one tone of cultured trout when the treatment efficiency was taken into account. The microbiological analyses conducted with the effluent waters showed that the rate of aerobic mesophilic bacteria was found to be high in the summer but low in the winter. It was also detected that the coliform group bacteria were present in the environment in the summer while their occurence was with-in standards in the winter. Interactions of the 9 water quality parameters were identified through the linear regression analysis in order to reduce the environmental effects of the facility DO= 28.296 – (0.248 × BOD 5 ) – (2.948 × pH) + (0.189 × temperature) + (0.851 × inlet water) + (0.163 × winter) (R2=0.912). According to this model, the DO values were increased by the temperature, inlet water and the winter season while reduced by the BOD5 and pH. The dissolved oxygen content in the wetland outlet water was measured as being high because of the nutrient and temperature rises which boosted photosyntesis. It was concluded that using mechanical settling methods were inadequate to minimise the nutrients released into the receiving water body so wetlands should be constructed in such a way as to receive the flow of effluents from the trout farms. As a result the quality of water used by the facility has no adverse impact on the aquaculture and environmental ecosystem.
This study is the first spawning and larval rearing of the F1 hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysop... more This study is the first spawning and larval rearing of the F1 hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops ♀ X M. saxatilis ♂) grown in culture conditions in Turkey. The F1 Hybrid striped bass was fed with commercial pellet feed in floating net cages. They reached the sexual maturity at two years old. Female brood fish were given 30 µg/kg of LHRH-a (Lutenizing hormone releasing hormone analogue) and male fish given 10 µg/kg; of CHP(Dried carp pituitary), 4 mg/kg was used for the female and half that amount for the male for induced breeding. The fish injected LHRHa were successfully induced to both strip spawning and tank spawning by a single hormone injection. However, fish injected CPH and saline, untreated control did not spawn. Latency period was found to be 20.41±0.91 hour. In term of fertilization rate, larval deformity rate no significant difference was found between tank spawning and strip spawning (p>0.05).Fertilization rates ranged from 56.3% to 85.4% and hatch rates were between 0.99% and 46.88%, whereas the level of larval deformities ranged between 81.25% and 100%. Hatched larvae were placed into 400-liter rectangular tanks with water discharge of 4 liter/minute at a stocking density of 30 larvae/liter. After larvae hatching, they were given artemia nauplii for 5-19 days. Trout granule feed (300-500 micron) also started to be given in addition to artemia nauplii afterwards. Granule feed was started eating completely 24 th days. The larvae obtained from a single hatch in the production season reached 2.87 cm length in 32 days with 2.7% survival rate. Of this study was terminated due to white spot disease (Ichtyophthirius multifilis) arising from sudden change in water temperature. The F2 progenies were not deemed to be available for aquaculture due to poor fertilization, poor hatching, low survival rate and high deformity rate. For the progenies of the hybrid striped bass that grow in natural water, it was suggested that their ecology in waters in Turkey be first studied and brought into aquaculture afterwards.
The aquaculture industry is one of the fastest growing animal husbandry industries in the world w... more The aquaculture industry is one of the fastest growing animal husbandry industries in the world with its annual growth rate. However, several disease outbreaks are posing a problem to the development of this sector. These problems constitute the largest single cause of economic losses in aquaculture. Therefore, new methods are needed to overcome disease problems. In the last decades, many fish farmers have attempted to use food additives and antibiotics to cope with fish disease problem. However, the use of antibiotics in fish farming is restricted in many countries due to occurrence of antibiotic residues in aquaculture products that threat human health. Antibiotics also cause immune-saving effect in aquatic pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, several new environment-friendly preventive and prophylactic methods are being developed nowadays to control such diseases and to maintain a healthier microbial environment in aquaculture systems. One of the methods used are probiotic supplementation to the aquatic animal in order to manipulate the gut flora and to control the microbial activity. The probiotics are described as live microorganisms which have beneficial effects on the health and physiology of host organisms. Prebiotics are also defined as non-digestible materials which provide host isolation by inhibiting the activity of harmful pathogenic microorganisms in the environment as well as supporting the development of beneficial probiotic bacteria by dint of mechanisms of various actions in the environment. The studies of prebiotics in fish have mainly researched the effect on growth, feed conversion, gut microbiota and resistance against pathogenic bacteria. Considering these components, the results have been obtained from previous scientific studies were investigated, advantages and disadvantages have been highlighted in this study.
Keywords:Tilapia, reproduction, aquaculture, aquaponics. ABSTRACT In order to close the food gap ... more Keywords:Tilapia, reproduction, aquaculture, aquaponics. ABSTRACT In order to close the food gap resulting from population growth, cheaper and more quality producible species gain importance in the world. Since tilapia has a lot of positive characteristics desired for culture, they are among the significant species and have a rising value. Tilapia is known to have about 100 species and its culture began in Africa and spread to many other countries. There may be some problems in tilapia culture including the tropical regions to which they are indigenous. Tilapia species are not found in Turkey’s natural waters but studies towards their culture began in 1970s. Although a lot of scientific research has been conducted, required levels have not been reached yet. In this study, information regarding the general characteristics of tilapia, reproduction biology, production techniques, and problems in aquaculture and their use in aquaponic system has been presented.
The rainbow trout is an intensively cultured species because of its more cultivatable character t... more The rainbow trout is an intensively cultured species because of its more cultivatable character than the brown trout. In this experiment, the brown trout culture did not expand due to low growth performance compared to that of the rainbow trout. This experiment was conducted in a commercial trout farm, Aegean Area (Turkey). Growth performances and survivals of rainbow and brown trouts from fry to fingerling were observed for 155 days. Growth performances, feed conversion rates and survivals were determined. The initial weights of the rainbow and brown trouts were 0.1 ± 0.01 g. Final weights were 26.5 ± 5.19 g and 12.97 ± 2.74 g, respectively at the end of experiment. Survival and FCR of rainbow and brown trouts were 83.9 and 80% ; 0.59 and 0.61 respectively. As a result, there is a similarity between these two trout species in point of survivals and FCR's although growth performance of the rainbow trout was significantly better than that of the brown trout.
Anesthetics are used for performing basic procedures such as weighing, tagging, experimental work... more Anesthetics are used for performing basic procedures such as weighing, tagging, experimental work, harvesting, spawning procedures and during transportation to prevent physical injury and reduce metabolism in aquaculture. Using of natural plant materials such as clove oil (eugenol) for sedation of fish becomes more important in aquaculture industry. In this experiment, different concentrations of clove oil (20, 30 and 40 ppm) were applied on broodstock of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) of different genders. Times to induction and recovery from anesthesia were measured. No fish died during trials. Induction times of anesthesia varied with clove oil concentrations, decreasing with the increase of clove oil concentrations. On the other hand, recovery times increased with decreasing of clove oil concentrations only on male trouts. The induction times for fish exposed to 20 ppm clove oil were generally longer compared to 30 and 40 ppm (p<0.05). Dose of 30 ppm clove oil produced rapid anesthesia with shorter recovery for females in both of species. On the other hand, the shorter recovery times were recorded for males in both species at 20 ppm. According to our results, recovery times were more gender-dependent for adult rainbow and brown trouts (p<0.05). Recovery times were shorter in adult females than males, especially for 30 and 40 ppm clove oil, while male brown trouts were induced longest times in these dosages (p<0.05). It can be said that as an environmental friendly substance clove oil with optimal dose of 30 ppm can be administered for anesthesia safely in both of adult male and female trouts.
Papers by yusuf güner