Papers by yusnaini arifin

Currently, the energy we use is still using fossil energy. In the future, the need for energy wil... more Currently, the energy we use is still using fossil energy. In the future, the need for energy will increase because every year there is a large population growth. If you still use fossil energy and don’t find new energy alternatives, then Indonesia will experience a severe energy crisis and certain places will experience blackouts. One of the efforts so that the wind energy crisis can be minimized is to utilize natural energy that has the potensial to generate energy such as the Wind Power Plant. In this study, planning and simulation of Wind Power Plant were carried out to help reduce the use of fossil energy and help the needs of the community in the Talise Beach area. From the results of the study that the average output of wind turbine production is 1,180/hour winh a maximum production of wind turbines per day of 5,665 kW and the construction system cost (NPC) of Rp. 91,340,660,000. Electrical energy that can be generated from wind turbines by utilizing an area of about 42,021.6...

Foristek: Forum Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, May 29, 2022
Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a device that can move the main power source to a backup power... more Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a device that can move the main power source to a backup power source automatically and quickly when the main power source is interrupted or the supply cuts to the load. In this study, ATS was designed based on the Arduino Nano microcontroller as an automatic control that works based on voltage readings. Using the Arduino Nano microcontroller can facilitate the process of making tools and minimize the use of components. This ATS uses the PZEM-004T voltage sensor module. The voltage sensor module functions to detect and measure the value of the PLN voltage. From the test results, it was found that the time lag between the PLN supply being cut off until the battery was supplying and ready to be loaded was an average of 2.79 seconds. Meanwhile, the time lag when the PLN supply turns on again until the battery supply is cut off and the load supply is again served by PLN is 3.07 seconds on average. Other tests found that in measuring battery resistance with a load of 20 watts, the current obtained is 1.66 amperes with a usage resistance of 27 hours, while when the load is 200 watts the current is 16.66 amperes while the resistance to use is 2.7 hours. The length of battery life is affected by the magnitude of the load.
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, May 17, 2019

ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah, 2021
The scarcity of fossil fuel sources and the growing energy demand has resulted in more intensivel... more The scarcity of fossil fuel sources and the growing energy demand has resulted in more intensively searching for alternative energy. One alternative energy source that is suitable for the equatorial region is solar energy. One of the technologies for utilizing solar energy that has begun to be widely used in Indonesia is the photovoltaic (PV) system. The output of PV is highly dependent on environmental conditions, especially the intensity of the sun and temperature. In addition to these two factors, shading (shadows) and soiling (dust) also affects the PV output. So, this must be observed at all times by monitoring the voltage and current as the PV output. This study aims to design a PV panel instrumentation structure based on a data logger. PV output data in the form of voltage and current and environmental conditions such as ambient temperature and solar intensity were recorded in real-time. The measurement results from the data logger will be compared with manual measurements. P...

Foristek, 2021
The disaster that hit Palu City recently caused changes in the quality of water consumed by the c... more The disaster that hit Palu City recently caused changes in the quality of water consumed by the community. To find out whether it is feasible or not, a method is needed to detect a water quality system that is easy to apply at an economical price so that people can know for sure the quality of the water they use for their daily needs. Therefore, a tool is designed to determine the quality of water, which samples are taken around the coast of Tondo by using the Fuzzy Logic method. This design was built using the Arduino module by combining four sensors, namely a pH sensor, a TDS sensor, a Turbidity sensor, and a temperature sensor. Water quality in this study was divided into three groups, namely drinking water (UM), water for washing (UC), and water not suitable for use (TL). While the water quality benchmarks are known from the incorporation of existing sensor readings, so that the value of water quality measured in the study is in the unsuitable category with a fuzzy value of 100 ...
Foristek, Apr 9, 2013
The aim of this research is to track photovoltaic panel following sun orientation in order to obt... more The aim of this research is to track photovoltaic panel following sun orientation in order to obtain maximum output of the panel. This research has been conducted in mechanical and electrical laboratory. The tracking system has used dc motor that utilizes AT Mega 8535 microcontroller to control the movement of the tracking system. The movement is 15 o every hour, from east to west (8 pm – 4 am). Keywords: photovoltaic, single axis, tracking system .

International Journal on Smart Material and Mechatronics, 2016
This paper presents the performance of an unglazed polycrystalline photovoltaic-thermal PVT on 0.... more This paper presents the performance of an unglazed polycrystalline photovoltaic-thermal PVT on 0.045 kg/s mass flow rate. PVT combine photovoltaic modules and solar thermal collectors, forming a single device that receive solar radiation and produces heat and electricity simultaneously. The collector figures out serpentine-parallel tubes that can prolong fluid heat conductivity from morning till afternoon. During testing, cell PV, inlet and outlet fluid temperaturs were recorded by thermocouple digital LM35 Arduino Mega 2560. Panel voltage and electric current were also noted in which they were connected to computer and presented each second data recorded. But, in this performance only shows in the certain significant time data. This because the electric current was only noted by multimeter device not the digital one. Based on these testing data, average cell efficieny was about 19%, while thermal efficiency of above 50% and correspondeng cell efficiency of 11%, respectively.

Corrosion is one of the issues that concerns today because it can lead to destruction of metal.Lo... more Corrosion is one of the issues that concerns today because it can lead to destruction of metal.Low steel carbon is one of metal types that has been widely used in industry, such as motorcycle component (fuel tank), and fuel shelter. However, low carbon steel use is highly suceptible to corrosion. T he corrosion of motorcycle components (fuel tank) can decrease strength, tank life, that will harm the safety of motorists. In addition, corrosion in fuel shelters (premium and pertalite) can result in leakage of the container . The leakage is very vulnerable to fire. This research aims to analize corrosion rate of low carbon steel speciments that immerse in fuels, premium and pertalite. Method of research includes preparation, cutting and weighing of specimens before immersing the specimen in the fuel. Every 384 Jam the specimens were removed from the fuel then clean ed from the impurities andre- weighed .W eight loss was s used in calculating the corrosion rate occurring in the specimen...

Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a device that can move the main power source to a backup power... more Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a device that can move the main power source to a backup power source automatically and quickly when the main power source experiences a disturbance or cut-off of supply to the load. In this study, ATS was designed based on the Arduino Nano microcontroller as an automatic control that works based on voltage readings. Using the Arduino Nano microcontroller can facilitate the process of making tools and minimize the use of components. This ATS uses the PZEM-004T voltage sensor module. The voltage sensor module functions to detect and measure the value of the PLN voltage. From the test results, it was found that the time lag between the PLN supply being cut off until the generator was turned on and ready to load was an average of 2.76 seconds. Meanwhile, the time lag when the PLN supply turns on again until the generator supply is cut off and the load supply is again served by PLN is an average of 1.74 seconds. All working status of this ATS panel can...

Corrosion is one of the issues that concerns today because it can lead to destruction of metal. L... more Corrosion is one of the issues that concerns today because it can lead to destruction of metal. Low steel carbon is one of metal types that has been widely used in industry, such as motorcycle component (fuel tank), and fuel shelter. However, low carbon steel use is highly suceptible to corrosion. The corrosion of motorcycle components (fuel tank) can decrease strength, tank life, that will harm the safety of motorists. In addition, corrosion in fuel shelters (premium and pertalite) can result in leakage of the container. The leakage is very vulnerable to fire. This research aims to analize corrosion rate of low carbon steel speciments that immerse in fuels, premium and pertalite. Method of research includes preparation, cutting and weighing of specimens before immersing the specimen in the fuel. Every 30 days the specimens were removed from the fuel then cleaned from the impurities and re-weighed. Weight loss wass used in calculating the corrosion rate occurring in the speciments. ...

Solar water pumps are one of the solar technologies that is becoming popular to fulfil the water ... more Solar water pumps are one of the solar technologies that is becoming popular to fulfil the water requirement, particularly in the areas with limited or no access to electricity. However, the voltage of photovoltaic (PV), one of solar technology, drops as the temperature rises. Therefore, efforts are required to lower the temperature in the photovoltaic. This study aimed to observe the effect of cooling PV on direct-coupled water pump, motor and pump connected directly to PV. In this study, the cooling method used is floating method. Two module of PV were used. A photovoltaic module is firmly installed on an artificial pool as a cooling PV and the other without cooling. The results showed that a cooling photovoltaic (PV) produced higher power output transferred to motor and pump and had higher efficiency. In general, the power generated during the period measurement by PV with cooling is greater than that of PV without a cooling method. At 17:00 pm, when the intensity reaches 236 W/m...

One of the technologies that utilizes solar energy in delivering electric energy is photovoltaic ... more One of the technologies that utilizes solar energy in delivering electric energy is photovoltaic (PV) system. It converts solar energy into electric energy directly which is environmental friendly, non-pollution, not taking fossil fuel and low cost maintenance. Mineral Resources (ESDM) is one of the offices which uses PV system in Palu municipality. However, only 3 AC powered by non battery-PV is used in ESDM. In the future, ESDM have planned to add the capacity of PV system to supply the other AC. The objective of this study was to design PLTS system for supplying other AC and lighting especially in evening. In this case, sun panel capacity, battery, BCR, and inventers will be determined. This study also aims giving information about investment cost which is needed by PLTS with battery without battery and PLN. The calculation in this study used data from BMKG Meteorology Station Palu and Mineral Sources (ESDM) office of Central Sulawesi. The results showed that the capacity power f...

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain dan menguji hybrid panel surya type monocrystalline daya 6... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain dan menguji hybrid panel surya type monocrystalline daya 60 Wh pada laju aliran fluida 0,027 kg/s. Dari hasil beberapa penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa panel monocrystalline menyerap panas yang besar dibandingkan dengan yang jenis polycrystalline pada kondisi cuaca yang sama. Jika ini terjadi dalam jangka waktu yang lama, maka suhu permukaan panel akan semakin tinggi yang berimplikasi menurunnya efisiensi elektrik dan/atau konversi energi panas menjadi energi listrik akan berkurang. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan media pendingin yang saling menguntungkan. Artinya dengan menhybrid dengan sirkulasi fluida (T) pada photovoltaic (PV) atau PVT, akan mempertahankan bahkan meningkatkan efisiensi elektrik PVT meskipun efisiensi thermal pada artikel ini masih perlu ditingkatkan. Disamping itu, arus yang dihasilkan lebih besar jika dengan PVT dibandingkan PV, sementara tegangan listrik cenderung tetap. Efisiensi elektrik maksimum PVT yang dihasilkan a...

Program PKM merupakan program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kelompok... more Program PKM merupakan program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kelompok masyarakat yang mandiri secara ekonomi melalui kelompok nelayan. Program PKM ini sasarannya adalah untuk membangkitkan wirausaha melalui kelompok nelayan secara home industri pembuatan difersifikasi pengering ikan dan olahan ikan. Program PKM ini akan dilaksanakan di Desa Masaingi Kecamatan Sindue Kabupaten Donggala yang memiliki potensi perairan sepanjang pesisir desa sehingga setiap musim ikan, ikan akan melimpah. Kelompok pengolahan ikan ini merupakan kelompok mitra yang yang telah dibentuk berdasarkan keputusan Kepala Desa Masaingi pada tanggal 9 Mei 2018 tahun ini, sehingga diperlukan pembinaan lebih lanjut terutama pengeringan ikan dan hasil olahan ikan. Metode pelaksanaan yang akan dikembangkan dalam program ini adalah metode penyuluhan dan pelatihan meliputi pelatihan teknis menggunakan alat pengering ikan dan pelatihan cara mengolah ikan. Pelatihan teknis merupakan peman...
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian
Investigating coconut water as inhibitors to protect low-carbon steel from corrosion in 3.5% NaCl... more Investigating coconut water as inhibitors to protect low-carbon steel from corrosion in 3.5% NaCl has been studied by weight loss method. The weight loss of steel was identified by immersion test. The coconut water used was young and old coconut water. The concentration of coconut water, whether young and old, in 3.5% NaCl was varied. The results showed that the corrosion rate of steel decreased with increasing coconut water concentration. Furthermore, old coconut water can further reduce the rate of corrosion in mild steel comparing young coconut water.
Papers by yusnaini arifin