Papers by yulie wahyuningsih

Capital, Sep 1, 2022
Financial statements are essentially an act of assessing the financial condition and potential of... more Financial statements are essentially an act of assessing the financial condition and potential of a business entity in an accounting period which is commonly referred to as a balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. This study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference between the Liquidity ratio (X1). Solvency (X2), Profitability (X3), Operating Ratio (X4), Profit Margin (X5), and Labor Effectiveness (X6), with the average ratio for 5 years, in assessing the financial performance of the Koperasi KUD Minatani Brondong. This study uses a parametric descriptive method, by interpreting the financial performance of the Koperasi KUD Minatani Brondong in the 2017-2021 financial year (5 years). This study also uses a census or saturated sample, because all members of the population are sampled, the research data used are secondary data. Furthermore, the t-test analysis method is used for descriptive hypothesis testing with interval data for one sample and partial direction coefficients. The results showed that the financial statements of the Koperasi KUD Minatani Brondong for the 2017-2021 financial year, including liquidity ratios, solvency, profitability, operating ratios, profit margins, and labor effectiveness, were simultaneously in a low condition (enough to provide benefits). It is also known that there are inefficiencies in the aspect ratio of profit margins and operating ratios, or working with very large operating costs. the ratio of liquidity, solvency, profitability, profit margin, operating ratio, and labor productivity, proved to be significantly different.

CAPITAL: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Latar belakang penilitian ini mengacu pada pemikiran bahwa setiap organisasi perlu memperhatikan ... more Latar belakang penilitian ini mengacu pada pemikiran bahwa setiap organisasi perlu memperhatikan kepuasan kerja anggota organisasi, sebab kepuasan kerja merupakan salah satu kriteria untuk mengukur keberhasilan suatu organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk medeskripsikan aspek kerja dan kepuasan kerja. Penilitian juga bermaksud untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh aspek kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, serta mengetahui variabel manakah diantara variabel aspek kerja yang dominan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksplanatif, dengan mengambil sampel 60 Dosen dan karyawan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cara proportional simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 6 variabel yaitu gaji (X1) upah lembur (X2), tunjangan (X3), promosi jabatan (X4), penyelia (X5), dan rekan kerja (X6) ternyata rekan kerja (X6) menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja.
Introduction: This study aims to explore the social and economic effects of society (education, e... more Introduction: This study aims to explore the social and economic effects of society (education, environment, income and social culture) on the quality of children’s education in rural communities in Paciran. Method: This type of research is a quantitative study, while the method of dividing the data is by questionnaires. The population in this study is the village of Paciran RT 08 / RW 01. Background Problems: The problem raised in this study is how the influence of the Social Economy of the Community on the education of Paciran village children. Finding/Results: From the results of the research conducted and the existing tests stated that F count > F table, then the Ho Test was accepted or in other words the Social Economy of Paciran village community influenced the children's education in Paciran village. Keywords : Social Economy, Quality of Children's Education.
Papers by yulie wahyuningsih