Using alternative assessments such as observation is one of the various types of evaluation that ... more Using alternative assessments such as observation is one of the various types of evaluation that teachers can apply during the learning process. Each teacher is expected to monitor students while they are studying English in primary schools. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the uses of observation assessments with student learning outcomes. This research focused on 31 fourth graders enrolled in an Islamic elementary school. This research was a correlational study using the observation of evaluation of learning outcomes of alternative English topics for students. In this research, SPSS 25th Version was used to determine the validity or effect. Based on the calculation results, the r count is 0.820 according to the t table with a 5% significance criterion of 0.355; thus, Ha is allowed because r arithmetic is more significant than the r table. According to the research findings, using alternative evaluations in observation substantially give an impac...
The purpose of this research is to find out The Factors of Students' Difficulties in Speaking Eng... more The purpose of this research is to find out The Factors of Students' Difficulties in Speaking English Faced by non-English Department Students. This research was conducted with qualitative research, with using survey method. This research used google form as questionnaire to gain the data. The respondents of this research are the 100 students of non-English department at Faculty of Education UIN SMH Banten. The result of this research showed that there were many factors that students have in English speaking difficulties. They are factor anxiety does not master the vocabulary has value 59% agreed, then factor shy of being an intention has value 57% agreed, then factor lack of confident has value 54% agreed, factor lack of self motivation has value 54% agreed, factor of environmental effect has value 54% agreed, factor there is no preparation has value 53% agreed, then factor fear of wrong pronouncing has value 52% agreed, factor of fear of use the wrong words has value 49% agreed, factor affective of students has value 48% agreed, and the last factor anxiety of being bullied has value 44% agreed. It means students have some factors in speaking problem that should be take more attention.
Mastery of digital literacy is one of skills that must be possessed by modern humans in order to ... more Mastery of digital literacy is one of skills that must be possessed by modern humans in order to compete in the 21st century. However, the use of digital literacy as learning media and information acquisition has not been utilized optimally, included in the three fostered modern Islamic boarding schools (hereinafter pesantren). Therefore, this community service activity has main objective, namely to provide training for ustadz/ustadzah council in designing digital literacy programs that can be integrated in the learning process sustainably. To achieve the objective, this program used Community Based Participatory Research method by involving various parties such as residents of pesantren (kiai, ustadz/ustadzah, librarian and santri), community representatives (literacy activists), and lecturers (universities). Finally, this program has positive implications. This is reflected in: (1) the integration of digital literacy media into the learning process sustainably; (2) the development...
Jo-ELT (Journal of English Language Teaching) Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa & Seni Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP
Metacognitive is the process of thinking about our minds, which is how a process, and control tha... more Metacognitive is the process of thinking about our minds, which is how a process, and control that information to find new understanding/knowledge and seek relationships with other knowledge. The purpose of this study is to discover how students in class XI of Kulni Modern Islamic Boarding School at Cikande, Serang Banten in use English listening metacognitive strategies, as well as the differences in improving English listening comprehension among students before and after receiving metacognitive learning. The population of this study included 61 students from class XI of Kulni Modern Islamic Boarding School at Cikande, Serang Banten. The sample consisted of 29 students from A class XI. The researcher used quantitative data analysis in this study. Data is gathered by administering tests to the class. There are two kinds of tests: pre-test and post-test. According to the study's findings, the average pre-test score at researcher Modern Islamic Boarding School at Cikande, Seran...
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kukerta) merupakan salah satu jenis pengabdian pada masyarakat, maka seyogyan... more Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kukerta) merupakan salah satu jenis pengabdian pada masyarakat, maka seyogyanya program ini berbasis riset. Karena dengan berdasarkan data dari riset, program ini akan lebih berdaya guna bagi persoalan yang dihadapi masyarakat. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan program kuliah kerja nyata memberikan dampak positif baik bagi mahasiswa maupun masyarakat, · dan tentunya juga harus disesuaikan dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi masing-masing wilayah.Kata Kunci: Program Keaksaraan, Masyarakat, Kukert
This paper was mainly intended to explore factors that contributing EFL learners’ speaking anxiet... more This paper was mainly intended to explore factors that contributing EFL learners’ speaking anxiety and strategies that EFL teacher use to assist EFL learners reduce their speaking anxiety. It was a qualitative study involving 3 EFL learners and 1 EFL teacher in speaking class of English Department IAIN SMH Banten. Classroom observation, interview and EFL learners’ reflective journal play as data collection methods. The result of this study indicated that factors contributing to speaking anxiety starting from individuals’ self esteem, environment to behavioral factors. In addition, strategy that EFL teacher applied to reduce EFL learners’ speaking anxiety was applying cooperative learning. Assigning EFL learners to work on group, providing interesting speaking activities and creating non threatening atmosphere of speaking class became the major strategy.
English Review: Journal of English Education, 2020
This present study involved two novice pre-service teachers who had teaching practicum. It focuse... more This present study involved two novice pre-service teachers who had teaching practicum. It focused on their emotion during two-months teaching practicum. Their emotion dealt with personal geography as well as professional geography. The results revealed that pre-service teacher had emotional experience positively and negatively. The emotional experience that pre-service teachers had in personal geographies starting from nervous, anxious, scared, guilty, shame, self-doubt, and being oppressed to being calm, being enthusiasm to teach, having self-confidence, and having good rapport with school citizens. Meanwhile, in term of professional geographies, pre-service teachers' emotions were various, ranging from how to adopt theory to practice, confused how to interpret mentor teachers' feedback to being disciple, learning how to both design lesson plan and manage classroom, learning to dress well and keeping good relation to students, mentor teacher, supervisors, and school staffs...
Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To... more Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To find moral values are showed to the actors in “Frozen”(3) To find literary elements of “Frozen movie”. The writer used descriptive qualitative method in this research. The instrument of this research was the frozen movie. The population of research was all the dialogue among the characters. The theme of movie entitled” Frozen” is about love and affection with family. The plot of this movie is about children who care with his family and can’t change with anything. It is a family movie that makes a simple story and it is use a real character in our life. The director uses the first person point of view. The moral values of the movie are love and affection, cooperation, carefulness, humanity, self-control, share, sorry and Apologizing, confidence, bravery, responsibility, loyalty, honesty. From analyzing moral values hopefully it can build the good character for as children to always care ...
Reflective practice in pre-service language teacher education is required as a tool to critically... more Reflective practice in pre-service language teacher education is required as a tool to critically evaluate the link between theory and practice as well as to explore the beliefs and practices of pre-service English teachers during the teaching practicum programs. This study was aimed to explore the strategies of reflective practice used by pre-service English teachers during their teaching practicum to promote professional development. A case study was adopted as a research design and reflective journals were employed to collect data. The participants involved were six pre-service English teachers who had joined teaching practicum at schools for three months. This study employed thematic analysis for analysing the data from reflective journals. The results revealed that three strategies of reflective practice were identified: recollection, reflection-in-action, and mentoring process. In each strategy, the participants reflected differently based on the learning experiences they had,...
This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teach... more This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teaching practicum. It was one of subjects in teacher education programs. Belief of pre-service English teachers played significant role as it could influence their classroom practices and teaching outcomes. The methodology of research used in this study was qualitative case study. It involved twenty pre-service English teachers from English Department. They were put in twelve schools which located in four towns in Banten Province. This study employed questionnaire and reflective journal as instruments for collecting data. The questionnaire itself was distributed before and after teaching practicum, while reflective journal was filled by twenty pre-service English teachers during teaching practicum.The results of this study revealed that the changing of teachers’ belief varied among participants. The changing belief of pre-service English teachers covered three themes, which consists of (1...
This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories a... more This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories and to describe the reasons why a writer does code switching in her short stories. It is a case study involving a writer of short story. Three short stories as document analysis and interview served as the data collection method. The result of this research indicated that the intra-sentential type of code switching occurs mostly in her short stories, followed by inter-sentential code switching. In addition, the reasons why code switching occurs are firstly, that certain notions or concepts are simply better expressed in the other language; secondly, code switching is used as a communicative or social strategy to show speaker involvement, mark group identity, exclude someone, raise one's status, show expertise, and so on; thirdly, it is used to refill a linguistic need for a word or an expression; and finally, the last reason is to strengthen command.
Pembelajaran yang baik adalah pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa aktif dan kreatif. Anak akan ... more Pembelajaran yang baik adalah pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa aktif dan kreatif. Anak akan belajar lebih baik jika lingkungan diciptakan alamiah. Belajar akan lebih bermakna jika anak “mengalami” apa yang dipelajarinya, bukan “mengetahui”nya. Selain itu, dengan bantuan media buku cerita bergambar, dapat menjadikan pembelajaran lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning berbantuan media buku cerita bergambar terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian berupa One Group Design dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas IV MI Al-Mujahidin Kota Tangerang dan sampel yaitu kelas IV B. Pembelajaran pada kelompok eksperimen yang menggunakan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning berbantuan media buku cerita bergambar menghasilkan nilai rata-rata 6,8. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes hasil belajar, selanjutnya dianal...
Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To... more Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To find moral values are showed to the actors in “Frozen”(3) To find literary elements of “Frozen movie”. The writer used descriptive qualitative method in this research. The instrument of this research was the frozen movie. The population of research was all the dialogue among the characters. The theme of movie entitled” Frozen” is about love and affection with family. The plot of this movie is about children who care with his family and can’t change with anything. It is a family movie that makes a simple story and it is use a real character in our life. The director uses the first person point of view. The moral values of the movie are love and affection, cooperation, carefulness, humanity, self-control, share, sorry and Apologizing, confidence, bravery, responsibility, loyalty, honesty. From analyzing moral values hopefully it can build the good character for as children to always care ...
This paper isto describe how to understand humor in English comic strips based on the stage of hu... more This paper isto describe how to understand humor in English comic strips based on the stage of humor and the incongruity theory. It is a descriptive qualitative studyand the object of this study is comic strips ̳Rose Is Rose‘. This study finds that humor is there in comic strips. Rose is Rose fulfills the stages of humor, namely the setup, the paradox, the denouement and the release. In addition, Rose is Rose also satisfies the incongruity theory. It means one who reads this comic strips will find enjoyment, at least laughter, as a response to the perception of incongruity.
This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories a... more This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories and to describe the reasons why a writer does code switching in her short stories. It is a case study involving a writer of short story. Three short stories as document analysis and interview served as the data collection method. The result of this research indicated that the intra-sentential type of code switching occurs mostly in her short stories, followed by inter-sentential code switching. In addition, the reasons why code switching occurs are firstly, that certain notions or concepts are simply better expressed in the other language; secondly, code switching is used as a communicative or social strategy to show speaker involvement, mark group identity, exclude someone, raise one’s status, show expertise, and so on; thirdly, it is used to refill a linguistic need for a word or an expression; and finally, the last reason is to strengthen command. Keywords: Code switching, short stories
This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teach... more This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teaching practicum. It was one of subjects in teacher education programs. Belief of pre-service English teachers played significant role as it could influence their classroom practices and teaching outcomes. The methodology of research used in this study was qualitative case study. It involved twenty pre-service English teachers from English Department. They were put in twelve schools which located in four towns in Banten Province. This study employed questionnaire and reflective journal as instruments for collecting data. The questionnaire itself was distributed before and after teaching practicum, while reflective journal was filled by twenty pre-service English teachers during teaching practicum.The results of this study revealed that the changing of teachers’ belief varied among participants. The changing belief of pre-service English teachers covered three themes, which consists of (1...
Using alternative assessments such as observation is one of the various types of evaluation that ... more Using alternative assessments such as observation is one of the various types of evaluation that teachers can apply during the learning process. Each teacher is expected to monitor students while they are studying English in primary schools. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the uses of observation assessments with student learning outcomes. This research focused on 31 fourth graders enrolled in an Islamic elementary school. This research was a correlational study using the observation of evaluation of learning outcomes of alternative English topics for students. In this research, SPSS 25th Version was used to determine the validity or effect. Based on the calculation results, the r count is 0.820 according to the t table with a 5% significance criterion of 0.355; thus, Ha is allowed because r arithmetic is more significant than the r table. According to the research findings, using alternative evaluations in observation substantially give an impac...
The purpose of this research is to find out The Factors of Students' Difficulties in Speaking Eng... more The purpose of this research is to find out The Factors of Students' Difficulties in Speaking English Faced by non-English Department Students. This research was conducted with qualitative research, with using survey method. This research used google form as questionnaire to gain the data. The respondents of this research are the 100 students of non-English department at Faculty of Education UIN SMH Banten. The result of this research showed that there were many factors that students have in English speaking difficulties. They are factor anxiety does not master the vocabulary has value 59% agreed, then factor shy of being an intention has value 57% agreed, then factor lack of confident has value 54% agreed, factor lack of self motivation has value 54% agreed, factor of environmental effect has value 54% agreed, factor there is no preparation has value 53% agreed, then factor fear of wrong pronouncing has value 52% agreed, factor of fear of use the wrong words has value 49% agreed, factor affective of students has value 48% agreed, and the last factor anxiety of being bullied has value 44% agreed. It means students have some factors in speaking problem that should be take more attention.
Mastery of digital literacy is one of skills that must be possessed by modern humans in order to ... more Mastery of digital literacy is one of skills that must be possessed by modern humans in order to compete in the 21st century. However, the use of digital literacy as learning media and information acquisition has not been utilized optimally, included in the three fostered modern Islamic boarding schools (hereinafter pesantren). Therefore, this community service activity has main objective, namely to provide training for ustadz/ustadzah council in designing digital literacy programs that can be integrated in the learning process sustainably. To achieve the objective, this program used Community Based Participatory Research method by involving various parties such as residents of pesantren (kiai, ustadz/ustadzah, librarian and santri), community representatives (literacy activists), and lecturers (universities). Finally, this program has positive implications. This is reflected in: (1) the integration of digital literacy media into the learning process sustainably; (2) the development...
Jo-ELT (Journal of English Language Teaching) Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa & Seni Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP
Metacognitive is the process of thinking about our minds, which is how a process, and control tha... more Metacognitive is the process of thinking about our minds, which is how a process, and control that information to find new understanding/knowledge and seek relationships with other knowledge. The purpose of this study is to discover how students in class XI of Kulni Modern Islamic Boarding School at Cikande, Serang Banten in use English listening metacognitive strategies, as well as the differences in improving English listening comprehension among students before and after receiving metacognitive learning. The population of this study included 61 students from class XI of Kulni Modern Islamic Boarding School at Cikande, Serang Banten. The sample consisted of 29 students from A class XI. The researcher used quantitative data analysis in this study. Data is gathered by administering tests to the class. There are two kinds of tests: pre-test and post-test. According to the study's findings, the average pre-test score at researcher Modern Islamic Boarding School at Cikande, Seran...
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kukerta) merupakan salah satu jenis pengabdian pada masyarakat, maka seyogyan... more Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kukerta) merupakan salah satu jenis pengabdian pada masyarakat, maka seyogyanya program ini berbasis riset. Karena dengan berdasarkan data dari riset, program ini akan lebih berdaya guna bagi persoalan yang dihadapi masyarakat. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan program kuliah kerja nyata memberikan dampak positif baik bagi mahasiswa maupun masyarakat, · dan tentunya juga harus disesuaikan dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi masing-masing wilayah.Kata Kunci: Program Keaksaraan, Masyarakat, Kukert
This paper was mainly intended to explore factors that contributing EFL learners’ speaking anxiet... more This paper was mainly intended to explore factors that contributing EFL learners’ speaking anxiety and strategies that EFL teacher use to assist EFL learners reduce their speaking anxiety. It was a qualitative study involving 3 EFL learners and 1 EFL teacher in speaking class of English Department IAIN SMH Banten. Classroom observation, interview and EFL learners’ reflective journal play as data collection methods. The result of this study indicated that factors contributing to speaking anxiety starting from individuals’ self esteem, environment to behavioral factors. In addition, strategy that EFL teacher applied to reduce EFL learners’ speaking anxiety was applying cooperative learning. Assigning EFL learners to work on group, providing interesting speaking activities and creating non threatening atmosphere of speaking class became the major strategy.
English Review: Journal of English Education, 2020
This present study involved two novice pre-service teachers who had teaching practicum. It focuse... more This present study involved two novice pre-service teachers who had teaching practicum. It focused on their emotion during two-months teaching practicum. Their emotion dealt with personal geography as well as professional geography. The results revealed that pre-service teacher had emotional experience positively and negatively. The emotional experience that pre-service teachers had in personal geographies starting from nervous, anxious, scared, guilty, shame, self-doubt, and being oppressed to being calm, being enthusiasm to teach, having self-confidence, and having good rapport with school citizens. Meanwhile, in term of professional geographies, pre-service teachers' emotions were various, ranging from how to adopt theory to practice, confused how to interpret mentor teachers' feedback to being disciple, learning how to both design lesson plan and manage classroom, learning to dress well and keeping good relation to students, mentor teacher, supervisors, and school staffs...
Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To... more Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To find moral values are showed to the actors in “Frozen”(3) To find literary elements of “Frozen movie”. The writer used descriptive qualitative method in this research. The instrument of this research was the frozen movie. The population of research was all the dialogue among the characters. The theme of movie entitled” Frozen” is about love and affection with family. The plot of this movie is about children who care with his family and can’t change with anything. It is a family movie that makes a simple story and it is use a real character in our life. The director uses the first person point of view. The moral values of the movie are love and affection, cooperation, carefulness, humanity, self-control, share, sorry and Apologizing, confidence, bravery, responsibility, loyalty, honesty. From analyzing moral values hopefully it can build the good character for as children to always care ...
Reflective practice in pre-service language teacher education is required as a tool to critically... more Reflective practice in pre-service language teacher education is required as a tool to critically evaluate the link between theory and practice as well as to explore the beliefs and practices of pre-service English teachers during the teaching practicum programs. This study was aimed to explore the strategies of reflective practice used by pre-service English teachers during their teaching practicum to promote professional development. A case study was adopted as a research design and reflective journals were employed to collect data. The participants involved were six pre-service English teachers who had joined teaching practicum at schools for three months. This study employed thematic analysis for analysing the data from reflective journals. The results revealed that three strategies of reflective practice were identified: recollection, reflection-in-action, and mentoring process. In each strategy, the participants reflected differently based on the learning experiences they had,...
This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teach... more This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teaching practicum. It was one of subjects in teacher education programs. Belief of pre-service English teachers played significant role as it could influence their classroom practices and teaching outcomes. The methodology of research used in this study was qualitative case study. It involved twenty pre-service English teachers from English Department. They were put in twelve schools which located in four towns in Banten Province. This study employed questionnaire and reflective journal as instruments for collecting data. The questionnaire itself was distributed before and after teaching practicum, while reflective journal was filled by twenty pre-service English teachers during teaching practicum.The results of this study revealed that the changing of teachers’ belief varied among participants. The changing belief of pre-service English teachers covered three themes, which consists of (1...
This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories a... more This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories and to describe the reasons why a writer does code switching in her short stories. It is a case study involving a writer of short story. Three short stories as document analysis and interview served as the data collection method. The result of this research indicated that the intra-sentential type of code switching occurs mostly in her short stories, followed by inter-sentential code switching. In addition, the reasons why code switching occurs are firstly, that certain notions or concepts are simply better expressed in the other language; secondly, code switching is used as a communicative or social strategy to show speaker involvement, mark group identity, exclude someone, raise one's status, show expertise, and so on; thirdly, it is used to refill a linguistic need for a word or an expression; and finally, the last reason is to strengthen command.
Pembelajaran yang baik adalah pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa aktif dan kreatif. Anak akan ... more Pembelajaran yang baik adalah pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa aktif dan kreatif. Anak akan belajar lebih baik jika lingkungan diciptakan alamiah. Belajar akan lebih bermakna jika anak “mengalami” apa yang dipelajarinya, bukan “mengetahui”nya. Selain itu, dengan bantuan media buku cerita bergambar, dapat menjadikan pembelajaran lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning berbantuan media buku cerita bergambar terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian berupa One Group Design dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas IV MI Al-Mujahidin Kota Tangerang dan sampel yaitu kelas IV B. Pembelajaran pada kelompok eksperimen yang menggunakan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning berbantuan media buku cerita bergambar menghasilkan nilai rata-rata 6,8. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes hasil belajar, selanjutnya dianal...
Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To... more Abstract: The objectives of the research (1) to find the moral values in “Frozen movie” (2) To find moral values are showed to the actors in “Frozen”(3) To find literary elements of “Frozen movie”. The writer used descriptive qualitative method in this research. The instrument of this research was the frozen movie. The population of research was all the dialogue among the characters. The theme of movie entitled” Frozen” is about love and affection with family. The plot of this movie is about children who care with his family and can’t change with anything. It is a family movie that makes a simple story and it is use a real character in our life. The director uses the first person point of view. The moral values of the movie are love and affection, cooperation, carefulness, humanity, self-control, share, sorry and Apologizing, confidence, bravery, responsibility, loyalty, honesty. From analyzing moral values hopefully it can build the good character for as children to always care ...
This paper isto describe how to understand humor in English comic strips based on the stage of hu... more This paper isto describe how to understand humor in English comic strips based on the stage of humor and the incongruity theory. It is a descriptive qualitative studyand the object of this study is comic strips ̳Rose Is Rose‘. This study finds that humor is there in comic strips. Rose is Rose fulfills the stages of humor, namely the setup, the paradox, the denouement and the release. In addition, Rose is Rose also satisfies the incongruity theory. It means one who reads this comic strips will find enjoyment, at least laughter, as a response to the perception of incongruity.
This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories a... more This research is intended to find out the types of code switching that is used in short stories and to describe the reasons why a writer does code switching in her short stories. It is a case study involving a writer of short story. Three short stories as document analysis and interview served as the data collection method. The result of this research indicated that the intra-sentential type of code switching occurs mostly in her short stories, followed by inter-sentential code switching. In addition, the reasons why code switching occurs are firstly, that certain notions or concepts are simply better expressed in the other language; secondly, code switching is used as a communicative or social strategy to show speaker involvement, mark group identity, exclude someone, raise one’s status, show expertise, and so on; thirdly, it is used to refill a linguistic need for a word or an expression; and finally, the last reason is to strengthen command. Keywords: Code switching, short stories
This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teach... more This study investigated the changing belief of pre-service English teachers during they did teaching practicum. It was one of subjects in teacher education programs. Belief of pre-service English teachers played significant role as it could influence their classroom practices and teaching outcomes. The methodology of research used in this study was qualitative case study. It involved twenty pre-service English teachers from English Department. They were put in twelve schools which located in four towns in Banten Province. This study employed questionnaire and reflective journal as instruments for collecting data. The questionnaire itself was distributed before and after teaching practicum, while reflective journal was filled by twenty pre-service English teachers during teaching practicum.The results of this study revealed that the changing of teachers’ belief varied among participants. The changing belief of pre-service English teachers covered three themes, which consists of (1...
Papers by yayu heryatun