wpj oomen
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Papers by wpj oomen
Digitalised text of the book of Léon GAUTIER, "La Chanson de Roland", ed. Alfred Mame et Fils, Tours (France), 1875, 5th edition.
Text contains the original 12th c. text as well the 19th c. translation by Léon Gautier and many notes, comments, images and explanations.
but registered anew as an *.rtf file
but registered anew as an *.rtf file
Books by wpj oomen
text copied as *rtf and as *.txt file.
Digitalised text of the book of Léon GAUTIER, "La Chanson de Roland", ed. Alfred Mame et Fils, Tours (France), 1875, 5th edition.
Text contains the original 12th c. text as well the 19th c. translation by Léon Gautier and many notes, comments, images and explanations.
but registered anew as an *.rtf file
but registered anew as an *.rtf file
text copied as *rtf and as *.txt file.