Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. carpatica (Willd.) Ascherson & Graebner, a new taxon in the flora o... more Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. carpatica (Willd.) Ascherson & Graebner, a new taxon in the flora of the Julian Alps and Slovenia and its new association Rhododendro hirsuti-Betuletum carpaticae ass. nov. Based on most of its morphological characters the downy birch that grows in cold cirques in the altimontane-subalpine belt of the eastern Julian Alps (Pod Špikom, Za Akom, Beli potok and Smrajka) can be classified into the taxon Betula pubescens subsp. carpatica, which is new to the flora of Slovenia. The stands with Pinus mugo, Rhododendron hirsutum and Alnus viridis where it dominates in the tree layer were described as a new association Rhododendro hirsuti-Betuletum carpaticae ass. nov. (alliance Pinion mugo, class Vaccinio-Piceetea), which is a novelty among Alpine dwarf pine communities. Although they occupy small areas its stands have a significant protective and biotope role, also as the site of rare and protected species such as Cypripedium calceolus and Listera cordata.
Wir präsentieren die Erstfunde von <em>Orobanche lycoctoni</em> für Österreich in den... more Wir präsentieren die Erstfunde von <em>Orobanche lycoctoni</em> für Österreich in den Karnischen Alpen in Kärnten sowie auf dem Grimming in den steirischen Nördlichen Kalkalpen. Die Art wurde erst vor kurzem als eigenständig (wieder-)erkannt und war bis jetzt nur aus Spanien (Cordillera Cantábrica), der Schweiz, Slowenien (Julijske Alpe) und dem unmittelbar angrenzenden Italien (Alpi Giulie) bekannt. Wir diskutieren die Erkennungsmerkmale der Art und vermuten, dass in Zukunft weitere Populationen entdeckt werden.
Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communit... more Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communities on former subalpine hay-fields and meadows with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps (Mts. Crna prst, Kobla, Slatnik, Porezen). Their species composition was compared to the species composition of similar tall herb communities and subalpine grasslands elsewhere in the Alps (Aichinger 1933, Braun-Blanquet 1969, 1976, Beguin 1972, Sutter 1978, Gehu-Franck & al. 1984, Franz 2004 mscr.) and the Dinaric mountains (Horvat 1930, 1962, Fukarek 1957, Horvat & al. 1974). Based on this comparison, most stands with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps are classified into the following syntaxa: Carici ferrugineae-Eryngietum alpinae Seljak ex Dakskobler, Franz & Seljak 2005 ass. nova (alliance Caricion ferrugineae and class Elyno-Seslerietea), Allio victorialis-Eryngietum alpinae Franz (1997) 2004 mscr. var. Serratula macrocephala prov. (alliance Adenostylion alliariae and class Mu...
… für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW) …, 2006
Die Holländische Ulmenwelke, auch als Ulmensterben bekannt, wird von den eingeschleppten Schlauch... more Die Holländische Ulmenwelke, auch als Ulmensterben bekannt, wird von den eingeschleppten Schlauchpilzen Ophiostoma ulmi und Ophiostoma novo-ulmi hervorgeru-fen. Die Krankheitserreger werden von verschiedenen Ulmensplintkäfern (Gattung Scolytus) während des Rei- ...
Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communit... more Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communities on former subalpine hay-fields and meadows with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps (Mts. Crna prst, Kobla, Slatnik, Porezen). Their species composition was compared to the species composition of similar tall herb communities and subalpine grasslands elsewhere in the Alps (Aichinger 1933, Braun-Blanquet 1969, 1976, Beguin 1972, Sutter 1978, Gehu-Franck & al. 1984, Franz 2004 mscr.) and the Dinaric mountains (Horvat 1930, 1962, Fukarek 1957, Horvat & al. 1974). Based on this comparison, most stands with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps are classified into the following syntaxa: Carici ferrugineae-Eryngietum alpinae Seljak ex Dakskobler, Franz & Seljak 2005 ass. nova (alliance Caricion ferrugineae and class Elyno-Seslerietea), Allio victorialis-Eryngietum alpinae Franz (1997) 2004 mscr. var. Serratula macrocephala prov. (alliance Adenostylion alliariae and class Mu...
Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. carpatica (Willd.) Ascherson & Graebner, a new taxon in the flora o... more Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. carpatica (Willd.) Ascherson & Graebner, a new taxon in the flora of the Julian Alps and Slovenia and its new association Rhododendro hirsuti-Betuletum carpaticae ass. nov. Based on most of its morphological characters the downy birch that grows in cold cirques in the altimontane-subalpine belt of the eastern Julian Alps (Pod Špikom, Za Akom, Beli potok and Smrajka) can be classified into the taxon Betula pubescens subsp. carpatica, which is new to the flora of Slovenia. The stands with Pinus mugo, Rhododendron hirsutum and Alnus viridis where it dominates in the tree layer were described as a new association Rhododendro hirsuti-Betuletum carpaticae ass. nov. (alliance Pinion mugo, class Vaccinio-Piceetea), which is a novelty among Alpine dwarf pine communities. Although they occupy small areas its stands have a significant protective and biotope role, also as the site of rare and protected species such as Cypripedium calceolus and Listera cordata.
Wir präsentieren die Erstfunde von <em>Orobanche lycoctoni</em> für Österreich in den... more Wir präsentieren die Erstfunde von <em>Orobanche lycoctoni</em> für Österreich in den Karnischen Alpen in Kärnten sowie auf dem Grimming in den steirischen Nördlichen Kalkalpen. Die Art wurde erst vor kurzem als eigenständig (wieder-)erkannt und war bis jetzt nur aus Spanien (Cordillera Cantábrica), der Schweiz, Slowenien (Julijske Alpe) und dem unmittelbar angrenzenden Italien (Alpi Giulie) bekannt. Wir diskutieren die Erkennungsmerkmale der Art und vermuten, dass in Zukunft weitere Populationen entdeckt werden.
Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communit... more Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communities on former subalpine hay-fields and meadows with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps (Mts. Crna prst, Kobla, Slatnik, Porezen). Their species composition was compared to the species composition of similar tall herb communities and subalpine grasslands elsewhere in the Alps (Aichinger 1933, Braun-Blanquet 1969, 1976, Beguin 1972, Sutter 1978, Gehu-Franck & al. 1984, Franz 2004 mscr.) and the Dinaric mountains (Horvat 1930, 1962, Fukarek 1957, Horvat & al. 1974). Based on this comparison, most stands with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps are classified into the following syntaxa: Carici ferrugineae-Eryngietum alpinae Seljak ex Dakskobler, Franz & Seljak 2005 ass. nova (alliance Caricion ferrugineae and class Elyno-Seslerietea), Allio victorialis-Eryngietum alpinae Franz (1997) 2004 mscr. var. Serratula macrocephala prov. (alliance Adenostylion alliariae and class Mu...
… für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW) …, 2006
Die Holländische Ulmenwelke, auch als Ulmensterben bekannt, wird von den eingeschleppten Schlauch... more Die Holländische Ulmenwelke, auch als Ulmensterben bekannt, wird von den eingeschleppten Schlauchpilzen Ophiostoma ulmi und Ophiostoma novo-ulmi hervorgeru-fen. Die Krankheitserreger werden von verschiedenen Ulmensplintkäfern (Gattung Scolytus) während des Rei- ...
Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communit... more Applying the standard Central-European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) we studied the plant communities on former subalpine hay-fields and meadows with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps (Mts. Crna prst, Kobla, Slatnik, Porezen). Their species composition was compared to the species composition of similar tall herb communities and subalpine grasslands elsewhere in the Alps (Aichinger 1933, Braun-Blanquet 1969, 1976, Beguin 1972, Sutter 1978, Gehu-Franck & al. 1984, Franz 2004 mscr.) and the Dinaric mountains (Horvat 1930, 1962, Fukarek 1957, Horvat & al. 1974). Based on this comparison, most stands with Eryngium alpinum in the southern Julian Alps are classified into the following syntaxa: Carici ferrugineae-Eryngietum alpinae Seljak ex Dakskobler, Franz & Seljak 2005 ass. nova (alliance Caricion ferrugineae and class Elyno-Seslerietea), Allio victorialis-Eryngietum alpinae Franz (1997) 2004 mscr. var. Serratula macrocephala prov. (alliance Adenostylion alliariae and class Mu...
Papers by wilfried FRANZ