Papers by wilfredo molina

International Journal of Embryology, Feb 23, 2014
Histochemical studies on the mandibular condyle of the human fetus at gestational ages 12, 14, an... more Histochemical studies on the mandibular condyle of the human fetus at gestational ages 12, 14, and 16 weeks were performed. Methods. Histological sections were stained with Schiff 's periodic reaction for glicoproteins, hematoxiline eosine detects mesenchymal tissue and trichhromic stain for collagen. The ANOVA one-way test was used to evaluate the differences during stained zones in the three fetus groups. Results. The percentage of glycoproteins and mesenchymal tissue was denser at 12 weeks. This percentage decreases at 14 weeks and is less at 16 weeks. An increase in the amount of collagen in the studied weeks was observed. The percentages of glycoproteins, mesenchymal tissue, and collagen were significantly different; 𝑓 = 4373, 9624.8, and 3674, 𝑃 < 0.0001 for the three studied groups. Conclusion. The endochondral bone formation of the mandibular condyle includes modifications of the quantities of glycoproteins, mesenchymal tissue, and collagen.
Journal of diagnosis & case reports, Dec 31, 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 11, 2023
Objective: the purpose of this study is to present the protocol of the first phase of an interact... more Objective: the purpose of this study is to present the protocol of the first phase of an interactive application to stimulate spoken language in the autism spectrum. Materials and methods: the servers where the application will be executed are configured and supplied, which must have as minimum-necessary requirements for the execution of the software, where the services (apache, php server) and the databases (Maria DB, SQL Server) will be housed. 64GB RAM, 4 Cores, 1 TB of Storage, 64Mbits asymmetric speed and OS Linux Centos or Windows Server. Conclusion: The intention of this application is fundamentally to promote the focus of the autistic avoiding distractions.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 9, 2023
The objective of this study was to describe the procedures for coding and categorizing qualitativ... more The objective of this study was to describe the procedures for coding and categorizing qualitative research data applied in the health area. It describes the steps for the integration of processes to construct categories, the criteria for selection and exclusion of categories, the transformation of qualitative data into quantitative, typification, and the adaptability of codes based on the data. Conclusion: qualitative research in health sciences requires the processes of categorization and coding during the analysis and interpretation of the theoretical content to increase the reliability of the results.

Acta scientific dental sciences, Sep 1, 2022
Aim: A new proposal about a frontal cephalometric analysis for the diagnosis of facial asymmetrie... more Aim: A new proposal about a frontal cephalometric analysis for the diagnosis of facial asymmetries. Methods: Forty cases of both sexes with aged between nine and twelve years old were selected and divided into two groups A for asymmetries and B for apparent normality. Frontal cephalograms were performed for both groups. The exposure was 20mAs, and linear and angular measurements were made for the cephalograms of both groups and compared the differences. Before the cephalometric study, a photographic study was carried out where the height of the lower edge of the orbital cavities with respect to the middle plane, the vertical lines of the inner edges of the left and right eye, and the line of the labial commissural were evaluated. Results: In 80% of the cases studied with facial asymmetries that presented cross bites and lateral deviations of the jaw towards the crossed side. In 60% of the cases studied, the angle formed between the basic plane and the plane of the Yugal crest was diminished on the crossed side. In 100% of the cases of unilateral crossbite, the plane of the lower central incisors did not coincide with the central plane. Statistical results: The comparison of the averages between groups A (with facial asymmetry) and B (without facial asymmetry) concerning altered linear or angular values were significantly different, with the p-value = 0.0001. Conclusion: Conclusion: There are several factors that influence facial asymmetry. When several craniofacial elements are involved, the asymmetry is more severe.

International journal of clinical case reports and reviews, Jan 10, 2022
A vertebral neoplasm of extraosseous origin, is that which affects the vertebra starting from a t... more A vertebral neoplasm of extraosseous origin, is that which affects the vertebra starting from a tissue that has metastized. Clinical diagnosis and imaging only provide an etiopatological approach due to various sources of metastasis, so early obtaining of material for sample analysis and timely treatment becomes important. Objective: this study presents a 62-year-old male patient who manifested dysphonia, respiratory distress, cervical compressive myelopathy syndrome; being as a whole this picture with characteristics of increasing intensity and persistent imaging compatible with osteolysis of the spinous process of the fourth cervical vertebra. Methods: lateral radiographs of preoperative cervical spine and cervical magnetic resonance without contrast in sequences T1 and T2 as well as cervical magnetic resonance without contrast axial cut sequence T2 were evaluated. A week after the diagnosis by image is taken to the operative table where resection of tumor mass associated with cervical paravertebral muscles, C4 laminectomy and exceresis of an extension of the tumor to the spinal canal (extradural) is performed and the anatomopathological study was performed. Results: The patient presented improvement due to recovery of the respiratory bellows in the immediate post-operative period, although dysphonic persisted. The biopsy result reported mucoepidermoid carcinoma. We are interested in highlighting in this case the particular evolutionary association between the respiratory-laryngeal process, cervical osteolytic process and myelopathic manifestations as a regional development of the mucoepidermoid adenocarcinomatous neoplastic activity.
Routledge eBooks, Sep 15, 2021

International journal of clinical case reports and reviews, Jan 10, 2022
The objective was to evaluate the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in t... more The objective was to evaluate the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in the affected area in the case reported. Methods: Clinical photography, A digital camera was used Olympus SP570UZ with master software 2.0. The images obtained both in the initial phase without treatment and at the 72 hours of treatment were transferred and stored on a 4-core Sansung computer. The autodial adjustment option was selected. In this way, the camera selects the optimal way to take the photo shot. Analysis of the affected skin with scales and scabs. Image J software was used to measure the area selected for the study in both cases. This measurement was made in pixels for the photographic region under study. Results: The image j software program measures the areas in pixels, to decrease in measurement error there was no calibration. That is, the measurement of the areas in pixels was maintained. The percentage ratios of the affected or non-affected areas for both left and right legs are presented in Tables. It is possible to observe the reduction of the affected area. The doubtful areas represent for the left leg 5.21% and for the right leg 30.08% after treatment. Only a clearly visible area with crusts and scabs of 1.60% was observed after treatment.

International journal of clinical case reports and reviews, Jan 10, 2022
Objectives: Lumbar myelomeningocele is the most common type of spina bifida, a defect of embryoni... more Objectives: Lumbar myelomeningocele is the most common type of spina bifida, a defect of embryonic development, in which an incomplete closure of the vertebral arches is observed in addition to dysplastic alterations of the nervous, meningeal, bone and cutaneous tissue. The tissue response to postoperative closure will depend, among other factors, on the population of pluripotent cells such as myofibroblasts present in the tissue at the edges of the lesion. The purpose of the following study was to determine the population of myofibroblasts in the dysplasic dermis associated with lumbar myelomeningocele, to compare the population of myofibroblasts of the edges of the lesion with those of the normal skin of the defect, and to assess the usefulness of the Ammoniac Silver Nitrate technique, in the identification of myofibroblasts. Methods: It was randomly selected 6 newborn patients who went to intervention for the surgical closure of lumbar myelomeningocele, 10 millimeters of both dysplastic and normal eutrophic skin were extracted from each patient, the histological sections were stained with hematoxylin/eosin and ammoniac silver nitrate to detect myofibroblasts. Immunohistochemistry: Anti-alpha-actin Smooth Muscle Actin (SMA) antibody was used to detect alpha actinpositive intracytoplasmic bodies and subplasmalemal plaques. Results: the presence of myofibroblasts, presence of dense subplasmalemal plaques and positive immunostaining for alpha actin in the area of dysplastic dermal tissue were identified. The amount of myofibroblasts was higher in the dysplasic zone, Ammoniac silver nitrate highlighted the dense subplasmalemal plaques of myofibroblasts. A 5:1 ratio was found when comparing the amount of myofibroblasts of the dysplastic dermis with respect to the healthy one, student's T test showed a standard deviation between samples 1.87 and p<0.05. The differences between the two cell populations studied are statistically significant. Conclusions: The presence of myofibroblasts demonstrates the possibility of generating new post-surgical tissue in the cases studied. Ammoniac silver nitrate is a novel and reliable method in the histological determination of subplaslemal plaques of myofibroblasts.
Revista Española de Ortodoncia, 2007
Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar las maloclusiones posiblemente producidas por ... more Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar las maloclusiones posiblemente producidas por cambios en los patrones alimentarios, en tres poblaciones waraos situadas en la zona noreste de Venezuela. Métodos: Fue seleccionada una muestra de 52 individuos waraos con ...

Acta Scientific Dental Scienecs
Aim: A new proposal about a frontal cephalometric analysis for the diagnosis of facial asymmetrie... more Aim: A new proposal about a frontal cephalometric analysis for the diagnosis of facial asymmetries. Methods: Forty cases of both sexes with aged between nine and twelve years old were selected and divided into two groups A for asymmetries and B for apparent normality. Frontal cephalograms were performed for both groups. The exposure was 20mAs, and linear and angular measurements were made for the cephalograms of both groups and compared the differences. Before the cephalometric study, a photographic study was carried out where the height of the lower edge of the orbital cavities with respect to the middle plane, the vertical lines of the inner edges of the left and right eye, and the line of the labial commissural were evaluated. Results: In 80% of the cases studied with facial asymmetries that presented cross bites and lateral deviations of the jaw towards the crossed side. In 60% of the cases studied, the angle formed between the basic plane and the plane of the Yugal crest was diminished on the crossed side. In 100% of the cases of unilateral crossbite, the plane of the lower central incisors did not coincide with the central plane. Statistical results: The comparison of the averages between groups A (with facial asymmetry) and B (without facial asymmetry) concerning altered linear or angular values were significantly different, with the p-value = 0.0001. Conclusion: Conclusion: There are several factors that influence facial asymmetry. When several craniofacial elements are involved, the asymmetry is more severe.

International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews, 2022
Summary: A vertebral neoplasm of extraosseous origin, is that which affects the vertebra starting... more Summary: A vertebral neoplasm of extraosseous origin, is that which affects the vertebra starting from a tissue that has metastized. Clinical diagnosis and imaging only provide an etiopatological approach due to various sources of metastasis, so early obtaining of material for sample analysis and timely treatment becomes important. Objective: This study presents a 62-year-old male patient who manifested dysphonia, respiratory distress, cervical compressive myelopathy syndrome; being as a whole this picture with characteristics of increasing intensity and persistent imaging compatible with osteolysis of the spinous process of the fourth cervical vertebra. Methods: lateral radiographs of preoperative cervical spine and cervical magnetic resonance without contrast in sequences T1 and T2 as well as cervical magnetic resonance without contrast axial cut sequence T2 were evaluated. A week after the diagnosis by image is taken to the operative table where resection of tumor mass associated...

International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews, 2022
Objectives: Lumbar myelomeningocele is the most common type of spina bifida, a defect of embryoni... more Objectives: Lumbar myelomeningocele is the most common type of spina bifida, a defect of embryonic development, in which an incomplete closure of the vertebral arches is observed in addition to dysplastic alterations of the nervous, meningeal, bone and cutaneous tissue. The tissue response to postoperative closure will depend, among other factors, on the population of pluripotent cells such as myofibroblasts present in the tissue at the edges of the lesion. The purpose of the following study was to determine the population of myofibroblasts in the dysplasic dermis associated with lumbar myelomeningocele, to compare the population of myofibroblasts of the edges of the lesion with those of the normal skin of the defect, and to assess the usefulness of the Ammoniac Silver Nitrate technique, in the identification of myofibroblasts. Methods: It was randomly selected 6 newborn patients who went to intervention for the surgical closure of lumbar myelomeningocele, 10 millimeters of both dys...

Journal of Diagnosis & case Reports, 2021
The objective was to evaluate the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in t... more The objective was to evaluate the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in the affected area in the case reported. Methods. Clinical photography a digital camera was used Olympus SP570UZ with master software 2.0. The images obtained both in the initial phase without treatment and at the 72 hours of treatment were transferred and stored on a 4-core Sansung computer. The auto-dial adjustment option was selected. In this way, the camera selects the optimal way to take the photo shot. Analysis of the affected skin with scabs. Image J software was used to measure the area selected for the study in both cases. This measurement was made in pixels for the photographic region under study. Results. The image j software program measures the areas in pixels, to decrease in measurement error there was no calibration. That is, the measurement of the areas in pixels was maintained. The percentage ratios of the affected or non-affected areas for both left and right legs are pre...

Objectives: The objective was to evaluate the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicyl... more Objectives: The objective was to evaluate the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in two reported cases of patients with seborrheic dermatitis associated with psoriasis. Methods: Clinical photographs of the frontal region and retro headset were taken with a digital camera olimpus SP570UZ with master software 2.0. The images obtained both in the initial phase of the study and at the 24 hours of treatment were transferred and stored on a 4-core Sansung computer. Image J software was used to measure the area selected for the study in both cases. This measurement was made in pixels for the photographic region under study. Aspects such as the presence of erythematous scales, inflammatory zones, hyperkeratosis, or scabs were evaluated before and after treatment. Results: Case 1 showed a 48.89% reduction in the affected area after 24 hours of treatment. Case 2 showed a 52.98% reduction at 24 hours of treatment. Conclusions: The keratolytic and anti-inflammatory actio...

Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions, 2019
Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the tongue position during deglutition with res... more Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the tongue position during deglutition with respect to the occlusal plane in class III patients with teeth in centric occlusion. Methods: 24 lateral cephalometric radiographs of a group of 30 class III patients were randomly selected and divided into two Groups: The fi rst group for class III patients with open bite and the second group for class III patients with inverted overbite. The angles formed by the plane of the tongue and the occlusal plane obtained in all the samples were compared between the two studied groups. The T-test was used to evaluate the differences among studied angles. Results: The average of the anterior angles in patients with inverted overbite was lower than the average of the anterior-lower angles in class III patients with open bite. Anterior-lower angles with values between 24.17 and 34.08 were observed for class III with inverted overbite. T test of equality of means 6.661 signifi cance, the angles were signifi cantly different (p< .001) in both studied cases. Conclusion: Tongue posture is signifi cantly different during deglutition in class III with open bite and inverted overbite.

Romanian journal of morphology and embryology = Revue roumaine de morphologie et embryologie, 2010
The aim of the present investigation is to examine if the histological maturation of the neuromus... more The aim of the present investigation is to examine if the histological maturation of the neuromuscular junction in the masseters of human fetuses has already begun by the 12-th week of gestation or not. Twenty-four masseter muscles from 14 human fetuses at gestational age 12 weeks were divided into two groups. In the first group, muscle sections were stained with Bielschowsky and Holzer stains for examination of neurofibrils and glial cells respectively. In the second group, rhodamine and fluorescein conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin were used to detect nicotinic receptors and anti-GAD for neuronal terminals. It was observed the presence of one axon for each end-plate and glial cells spread over a branched axon. The nicotinic receptors clustered in the neuromuscular junction, neuronal terminals and large oval nucleus were detected. These observations suggest that the maturation of the neuromuscular junctions of the masseter muscles in the human fetuses has already begun at the 12-th wee...
Papers by wilfredo molina