The public personnel process in the United States is political. It is part and parcel of who gets... more The public personnel process in the United States is political. It is part and parcel of who gets what from government. Yet, traditionalists in the personnel flield aver that the relationship between politics and personnel practice is an oxymoron. They see administration and politics as separate entities. For them, merit is the gauge by which personnel decisions are to be made and use of any other criteria corrupts the process.
The public personnel process in the United States is political. It is part and parcel of who gets... more The public personnel process in the United States is political. It is part and parcel of who gets what from government. Yet, traditionalists in the personnel flield aver that the relationship between politics and personnel practice is an oxymoron. They see administration and politics as separate entities. For them, merit is the gauge by which personnel decisions are to be made and use of any other criteria corrupts the process.
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