Papers by wahyudi ramdhan

HİKMET-Akademik Edebiyat Dergisi (Journal Of Academic Literature), 2021
Religion and belief are one of the most important factors affecting people in many aspects (cogni... more Religion and belief are one of the most important factors affecting people in many aspects (cognitive, affective, behavioral, etc.), as well as having a strong influence on the shaping of individual and social life. Religion, which has many sociological and psychological functions, varies regarding to the developmental stages of the individual. The religious development process, taking its place in the affective structure, which is one of the developmental stages, has its own characteristics. In this study, it is aimed to examine the conception of belief /god in the stories of Ömer Seyfettin, one of the pioneers of Turkish children's literature, in terms of child education. In this study, in which qualitative research method was used, the data were obtained by the documentation technique. Content analysis technique was applied for the analysis of the data.

Pengembangan masyarakat merupaya upaya dalam meningkatkan kemandirian individu maupun kelompok se... more Pengembangan masyarakat merupaya upaya dalam meningkatkan kemandirian individu maupun kelompok seraya menjadi solusi peningkatan dan perkembangan kualitas diri menjadi lebih baik. Eksistensi kelompok masyarakat dalam memprogram dan mengawal suksesnya tujuan kelembagaan memang sangat di harapkan, dimana SDM didalamnya harus mempu beradaptasi dan segera mengambil peluang yang ada. Konsep wakaf merupakan salah satu yang menjadi perantara bagi masyarakat yang memiliki dana lebih untuk ditunaikan dalam pyorek-proyek keummatan guna mencapai tujuan-tujuan strategis dan berkelanjutan dimana asas manfatnya akan kembali kepada masyararakat/umat selain karena amal wakaf itu sendiri menjadi perintah agama. Pendampingan penghimpunan dan Pengelolaan wakaf ini dilakukan dengan metode penyuluhan melalui beberapa tahapan, diantaranya, 1) Perencanaan program kegiatan; 2) Implementasi rencana kegiatan 3) Pelaksanaan evaluasi dan pelaporan kegiatan. Pendampingan ini merupayakan upaya dalam meningkatk...
AL-THIQAH : Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman, Oct 11, 2019

International Journal of Data and Network Science, 2022
This study aims to determine the effect of e-readiness, e-learning, e-book on the achievement of ... more This study aims to determine the effect of e-readiness, e-learning, e-book on the achievement of graduate students; and the influence of e-readiness, e-learning, and e-books on the achievement of graduate students. The research population is graduate students with a sample of 210 doctoral students in Jakarta. The sample selection method is simple random sampling. The research method is a survey method with an associative approach. The data analysis technique is structural equation modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 3.3.3 software and the data was obtained through the distribution of online questionnaires. The results show that there was an effect of e-readiness on graduate achievement; there was an effect of e-learning on graduate achievement; and finally, there was an effect of e-books on graduate achievement. This research can indicate that the curriculum developed by the students is in accordance with the learning outcomes, especially in the implementation of the learning process.
The need for physical activities along with sports and Arts activities are increasing with the gr... more The need for physical activities along with sports and Arts activities are increasing with the growing population and the work pressure in different global regions. For getting relieved from this hectic lifestyle. The educational sectors are therefore now evolving various outdoor activities in their instruction system so that faculties and students both can be satisfied from their lifestyles after spending a busy day. In this study, how such activities are playing an important role for making the leisure period effective, has been illustrated. After taking the survey over 379 students and 263 faculties of Isabela State University, the result has been described here to get better understanding. The significance of physical education has been emphasized in this study based on the survey result where respondents have found responses in a positive way to improve health measures.

Kegiatan bertujuan dalam peningkatan produksi pertanian organik melalui implementasi sistem hidro... more Kegiatan bertujuan dalam peningkatan produksi pertanian organik melalui implementasi sistem hidroponik. Sedangkan obyek kegiatan ini ialah para ibu rumah tangga dan pemuda desa kombengan. Adapun metode pelatihan ini menggunakan pendekatan pragmatis learning by doing dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab, praktek instrumen hidroponik. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah(1) peningkatan pengetahuan dan minat peserta yang ditunjukkan oleh persentase peserta pelatihan yang melakukan interaktif sebesar 85%, (2) tingkat pengetahuan dan penguasaan teknologi dalam pembuatan instrumen hidroponik juga tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh interaksi pada saat praktikum pembuatan instrumen hidroponik dengan persentase sebesar 88% dari total peserta pelatihan, dan (3) tingkat pengetahuan dan penguasaan teknologi dalam budidaya hidroponik sangat tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh interaksi pada saat praktikum budidaya hidroponik dengan persentase sebesar 95% dari total peserta pelatihan.

Nahdlatul Ulama, the majority of whose members are mostly from the lower class, initiated to coll... more Nahdlatul Ulama, the majority of whose members are mostly from the lower class, initiated to collect coins from members. Regardless of the rich or poor all members are asked to participate. On this basis, the aim of the Coin Care Movement Program is the movement of the NU population to collect coins from the houses of Nahdliyin residents whose benefits are to solve various problems in aspects of life and realize Jam'iyyah independence. The results of the mentoring activities obtained were (1) the condition of the Ngronggot village community before the mentoring although the spirit of diversity and social solidarity was very high but still individual, (2) The form of the assistance activities carried out included awareness of their potential so that they always think positively, and vocational training the following applications so that new entrepreneurs emerge (3) After the mentoring program is complete, community trust in self-potential, both economic and religious, emerges tog...
This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership on organizational commitme... more This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership on organizational commitment with primary school teacher job satisfaction as an intervening variable at Labore Coffee & Eatery Malang. This study involved 140 primary school teachers in Pati, Central Java. This type of research uses a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique used in this study was a smart PLS (Partial Least Square). The questionnaire data was distributed online using the snowball sampling method. The results showed that transformational leadership has a positive & significant effect on teacher satisfaction and positive & significant impact on organizational commitment, as well as teacher job satisfaction which has a positive & significant effect on organizational commitment, and job satisfaction does not work effectively as an intervening variable.

In the research, this time will try to discuss curriculum development based on multicultural educ... more In the research, this time will try to discuss curriculum development based on multicultural education. Given the very diverse curriculum development, which consists of elements (1) planning ; (2) implementation ( 3 ) evaluation. But in this research, not all elements of curriculum development are a concern, but will only be focused on elements of curriculum planning done by SMA 2 Kediri. This approach uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. Whereas in collecting data using participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. And the data collected was analyzed using an interactive analysis model. Results of the research showed that although the p Planning for curriculum at the high school one using parallel model through three stages., Namely (1) the planning strategic, (2) planning program, and (3) planning learning activities to produce products containing the dimensions of multicultural through a process that also includes multicultural dimension Key...
Dharma: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2020
The Covid 19 effect has made many people experience a decrease and even loss of income. One way t... more The Covid 19 effect has made many people experience a decrease and even loss of income. One way that can be done to restore the economic activities of the community, especially in Sadah village, is by developing innovations from the local potential of the community. This service activity is carried out through the preparatory stage for program implementation by coordinating and conducting socialization to the community. Meanwhile, the program implementation process stage is carried out through workshops in each hamlet in Sadah Village. The output of this local government is a product that is brought by the Sadah Village community in processing coconut chips. It is hoped that the processed coconut chips will have more selling value so that they can restore the economy of the people of Sadah Village.

Al'adalah, 2020
The interrelation between religion and culture is very closely related to the traditions of human... more The interrelation between religion and culture is very closely related to the traditions of human life so that religion often gives birth to culture or civilization for the enjoyment of human life on the surface of the earth. In the view of some sociologists, it is said that Islam is called the religion of civilization. In the case of the interrelation between religion and culture for the Javanese as the majority ethnic group in the archipelago, it is an interesting thing to study. Islam entered Java in a peaceful way, starting with the common people until gradually entering the palace level. The Javanese responded well to the entry of Islam to Java. Because Islam easily socializes with Javanese people. Javanese people are fascinated by Islamic teachings that introduce the unity of Allah. Islam is mixed with Javanese culture because Islam is intended to facilitate the spread of its religion. However, until now, Javanese culture is still attached to Islamic teachings, which are still...
Edupedia, 2019
This study is a Library Research written based on the results of studies of various library mater... more This study is a Library Research written based on the results of studies of various library materials, both in the form of books, journals, articles and so on related to schools and communities that are collided with multicultural terms. In line with the method, the data collection techniques used in this study are documentary techniques, in the sense that data is collected through documents as referred to as library material. The data collected in this study is then analyzed using content analysis. The results of the discussion are that multicultural-based schools and communities are formal educational institutions and community environments that uphold and recognize the existence of plurality of identities in the community and willing to accept all forms of diversity

LISAN AL-HAL: Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran dan Kebudayaan, 2016
Traditional Islamic thought in general provides limited role of women as wives and mothers. Based... more Traditional Islamic thought in general provides limited role of women as wives and mothers. Based on the view of classical Islamic texts and literature are still seen that women are still marginalized, or in other words, women are still under the domination of men. Therefore, women need to construct a discourse or text at will. It is undeniable that the interpretation of the classical scholars on the concept of equality of men and women from the perspective of today may well be judged as biased. For interpretations of the past can not be released to the socio-historical context of the time. Departing from the problems mentioned above then this article would like to see and analyze how the concepts offered and presented Islam in view of gender equality between men and women starting from the concept of gender so that the concept of gender bias by sex.Selanjutnyan followed by a discussion of the word gender mufrodat in the Qur'an and concludes with the interpretation of the discou...

LISAN AL-HAL: Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran dan Kebudayaan, 2020
SMAN 2 Kediri is a school that was established in the era of independence which is a condition of... more SMAN 2 Kediri is a school that was established in the era of independence which is a condition of historical value and is very adaptive and responsive to the dynamics of plural societies and the development of the education world in Kediri. And in maintaining the diversity that exists, the school has organized education in a democratic and fair and not decriminative manner through a curriculum filled with multicultural values. So as to uncover the application of the curriculum with a load of multicultural values, a study was carried out on the concept of muticultural values that grew and developed in SMA 2 Kediri. This research is a qualitative research with case study research and in data collection using in-depth interviews and observation techniques, as well as documentation. Then the data analysis technique uses interactive techniques from Milles and Huberman. The results showed that the concept of multicultural values implemented in SMA 2 Kediri is a concept of interrelated val...

As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, Apr 20, 2019
This Community Service stems from the desire to provide skills that can improve the economy in Ro... more This Community Service stems from the desire to provide skills that can improve the economy in Rong Durin, Bangkalan by utilizing existing natural products so that they are more economically valuable. The benefit of rambutan natural resources is not the fruit only but the skin which has only become waste. Based on this phenomenon, the rambutan skin waste is extracted into a drink that is suitable for consumption. The method and approach used is problem solving with a short learning by doing method which is done through lectures, discussions and practices. While the results obtained from this activity are 1) the existence of knowledge and skills to process rambutan skin waste into rambutan tea drinks, 2) The product is produced in the form of rambutan tea from rambutan skin extraction. 3) Increased awareness of the environment and the creation of jobs. The two results above are expected to be able to improve the economy of the people of Rong Durin Village, the majority of whom are farmers

As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2020
Nahdlatul Ulama, the majority of whose members are mostly from the lower class, initiated to coll... more Nahdlatul Ulama, the majority of whose members are mostly from the lower class, initiated to collect coins from members. All members are asked to participate. Therefore Board of Management of Nahdlatul Ulama Nganjuk regency launched the NU Caring Coin Movement program. It is the movement of NU members to collect coins from the homes of residents of Nahdliyin whose benefits are to solve various problems in aspects of life and realize the independence of jam'iyyah. The results of the mentoring activities obtained were first, the condition of Ngronggot village society before the mentoring although the spirit of diversity and social solidarity was very high but still individual. Second, The form of the assistance activities carried out included awareness of their potential so that they always think positively, and vocational training the following applications so that new interpreneurs emerge. Third, after the mentoring program is complete, community trust in self potential, both ec...

Syaikhuna: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pranata Islam, 2019
This research is the kind of research the field with the approach descriptive qualitative with th... more This research is the kind of research the field with the approach descriptive qualitative with the title the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik. This research aim store view the process of implementation of character education on early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik and to know the supporting factors and the inhibitors. The technique of data collection is by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Analysis of data is with three stages, the reduction of data, presentation of data, and with draw all conclusions/verification. These research finding scan be concluded that the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik is through three rounds of including planning, implementation, and evaluation. The planning in the process of the implementation of characters education is begun by inserting the character values in to the school curriculum, annua...

Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2019
This research discuss about curriculum development of multicultural. The discussions about curric... more This research discuss about curriculum development of multicultural. The discussions about curriculum development are very diverse which consists of elements (1) planning; (2) implementation (3) evaluation. But in this research, not all elements of curriculum development are a concern, but will only be focused on the curriculum planning element done by SMA 1 Kediri. This research uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. Whereas in collecting data using participatory observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. And the data collected was analyzed using an interactive analysis model. The results of this research show that curriculum planning in SMA 1 uses a parallel model through three stages, namely (1) strategic planning, (2) program planning and (3) planning of learning activities by producing products containing multicultural dimensions through processes that also contain dimensions multicultural

Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman, 2019
NU has explicitly voiced the importance of Muslims within and outside the country to reconsider a... more NU has explicitly voiced the importance of Muslims within and outside the country to reconsider and rethink the concept of Islam Nusantara in dealing with radicalism and terrorism. It is such a historical consciousness seen clearly from the roles played by the religious social organization in materializing the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal jamaah (Aswaja). On this stand, NU has been capable of brilliantly articulating religious teachings that are at least based on both textual and contextual aspects. The success of NU in propagating the concept of Islam Nusantara is due to the role of its prominent clerics and Muslim scholars (ulema) for skillfully being able to sow the seeds of Islamic teachings in a peaceful and courteous means in the face of any threats posed by the radical and extremist groups. On this stand, NU is committed to doing its best services for the country and even taking part in internationalizing its moderate and tolerant teachings of Islam to other countries.
Papers by wahyudi ramdhan