Papers by vinyet panyella
Annals de l'Institut d'Estudis Empordanesos, 2007
Poetry has been written in various forms of the Catalan language (Catalan, Valencian, Balearic Ca... more Poetry has been written in various forms of the Catalan language (Catalan, Valencian, Balearic Catalan, especially) for nearly six hundred years, covering an area that stretches from Roussillon in southern France, southwards to Alacant (Alicante) and beyond in the Eastern seabord of Spain, and as far across the Medierranean as Alguer (Alghero) in Sardinia. Our four distinguished poets-Gaspar Jaén from Elx (Elche), Ponç Pons from Alaior (Menorca) and Carles Duarte and Vinyet Panyella from the major Catalan-speaking area of Barcelona-will read selections from a varied body of work that testifies to the vitality of poetry in the language today.
Presentacio de la segona part del Mapa d’arquitectura i paisatge urba noucentistes, a carrec de R... more Presentacio de la segona part del Mapa d’arquitectura i paisatge urba noucentistes, a carrec de Raquel Lacuesta i Joaquim M. Puigvert i MerceVidal; presentacio de l’edicio de les ponencies del I Simposi, a carrec de Vinyet Panyella del Consorci del Patrimoni de Sitges i conclusions finals del 'II Simposi Internacional sobre el Noucentisme', a carrec de Robert Davidson de la University of Toronto

Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues, 1993
Like all national libraries, the Biblioteca de Catalunya is being affected by change. Founded in ... more Like all national libraries, the Biblioteca de Catalunya is being affected by change. Founded in 1907, it had a difficult time from the mid-1930s until constitutional government was restored, but received full recognition of its status and role as the national library of Catalonia in 1981; this was reinforced in 1993. It receives Catalan material on legal deposit, is responsible for the Catalan national bibliography and union catalogue, and acquires additional material by purchase, donation and exchange. Its collections, mainly of printed books and music, manuscripts and prints, number over 2 million items and include many rare and valuable documents. It also has an accepted leadership role among Catalan libraries. The changes afoot are mainly in the automation of acquisitions and cataloguing, where the library was a late starter but where much progress has already been made; in the progressive introduction of managerial methods into all procedures; and most conspicuously in a radic...
Inspel, 1988
Le role principal des services documentation, bibliotheque, archives est de fournir les informati... more Le role principal des services documentation, bibliotheque, archives est de fournir les informations bibliographiques, documentaires et legislatives dont les parlementaires peuvent avoir besoin. Les modalites de l'organisation et de la dependance de cette bibliotheque sont examinees
Papers by vinyet panyella