The anaerobic decomposition of urban organic wastes produces significant amounts of environmental... more The anaerobic decomposition of urban organic wastes produces significant amounts of environmentally harmful biogases and leachates. In the context of a circular economy, the valuation of these wastes is an alternative for producing environmental and economic benefits. Hermetia illucens larvae digest a wide range of organic materials, converting them into highvalue protein, oils and organic fertilizer. The bioconversion and weight gain dynamics of larvae fed with household waste (HW), restaurant waste (RW), pig manure (PM) and bovine manure (BM) were measured. By fitting the data to the logistical model, rates of larval weight gain and waste decomposition were calculated. The highest weight gain was obtained with RW (0.315 ± 0.090 g (g· d)-1), followed by BM (0.214 ± 0.054 g (g· d)-1), PM (0.213 ± 0.064 g (g· d)-1), and HW (0.199 ± 0.064 g (g· d)-1). The larvae decomposed PM, RW, and HW with the same efficiency (0.72-0.85 g d-1) and faster than BM (0.53 g d-1). The data adjustment to the logistical model helped analyze the weight gain dynamics of the larvae, as well as the bioconversion of wastes into biomass and the waste decomposition. This information provides criteria for optimizing organic waste management.
RESUMEN. Los ortópteros comúnmente conocidos como chapulines, saltamontes y langostas se agrupan ... more RESUMEN. Los ortópteros comúnmente conocidos como chapulines, saltamontes y langostas se agrupan en la superfamilia Acridoidea. Son de gran importancia agrícola pues suelen hospedar y alimentarse de arvenses, arbustos y cultivos. Los estados con mayor daño por plaga son aquellos cuya altitud es mayor a 2000 m, como es el caso de Michoacán; causando pérdidas en cultivos básicos como maíz, frijol y calabaza. La distribución de los chapulines depende de la disposición y preferencia de alimento. Existen pocos estudios en México sobre la diversidad de poblaciones de acridoideos. Se determinó la distribución y diversidad de las poblaciones de chapulín presentes en cultivos de maíz, con sistema monocultivo y milpa. Se muestrearon dos parcelas con cada tipo de manejo en tres sitios diferentes, realizando capturas dentro y fuera del cultivo. Las colectas se realizaron de julio a noviembre. Se colectaron 2806 ejemplares de chapulín con 18 morfoespecies, las cuales se identificaron utilizando claves taxonómicas. La abundancia, riqueza y diversidad de chapulines fueron mayores en las áreas marginales de los cultivos; la abundancia fue superior en la milpa, la riqueza y la diversidad de especies fue mayor en el monocultivo. La especie que predominó en los agroecosistemas fue Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier (1845). Palabras clave: Ortópteros, diversidad de poblaciones, maíz. Distribution and diversity of grasshoppers in maize agroecosystems of the Pátzcuaro Lake basin ABSTRACT. The orthoptera commonly known as grasshoppers and locusts are grouped in the superfamily Acridoidea. They are of great agricultural importance because they usually host and feed on weeds, shrubs and crops. The states with greater damages by plague are those whose altitude is higher than 2000 m, as is the case of Michoacán; causing losses in basic crops such as corn, beans and squash. Grasshoppers distribution depends on the disposition and preference of food. There exist a few studies in Mexico about the Acridoidea populations diversity. The distribution and diversity of grasshopper populations present in corn crops, with monoculture system and milpa, was determined. Two plots were sampled with each type of management in three different sites, making captures inside and outside the crop. The collections were made from July to November. 2806 specimens of grasshoppers were collected with 18 different morphospecies, which were identified using taxonomic keys. The abundance, richness and diversity of grasshoppers were greater in the marginal areas of crops; abundance was higher in the milpa, species richness and diversity were higher in the monoculture. The predominant species in the agroecosystems was Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier (1845).
The anaerobic decomposition of urban organic wastes produces significant amounts of environmental... more The anaerobic decomposition of urban organic wastes produces significant amounts of environmentally harmful biogases and leachates. In the context of a circular economy, the valuation of these wastes is an alternative for producing environmental and economic benefits. Hermetia illucens larvae digest a wide range of organic materials, converting them into highvalue protein, oils and organic fertilizer. The bioconversion and weight gain dynamics of larvae fed with household waste (HW), restaurant waste (RW), pig manure (PM) and bovine manure (BM) were measured. By fitting the data to the logistical model, rates of larval weight gain and waste decomposition were calculated. The highest weight gain was obtained with RW (0.315 ± 0.090 g (g· d)-1), followed by BM (0.214 ± 0.054 g (g· d)-1), PM (0.213 ± 0.064 g (g· d)-1), and HW (0.199 ± 0.064 g (g· d)-1). The larvae decomposed PM, RW, and HW with the same efficiency (0.72-0.85 g d-1) and faster than BM (0.53 g d-1). The data adjustment to the logistical model helped analyze the weight gain dynamics of the larvae, as well as the bioconversion of wastes into biomass and the waste decomposition. This information provides criteria for optimizing organic waste management.
RESUMEN. Los ortópteros comúnmente conocidos como chapulines, saltamontes y langostas se agrupan ... more RESUMEN. Los ortópteros comúnmente conocidos como chapulines, saltamontes y langostas se agrupan en la superfamilia Acridoidea. Son de gran importancia agrícola pues suelen hospedar y alimentarse de arvenses, arbustos y cultivos. Los estados con mayor daño por plaga son aquellos cuya altitud es mayor a 2000 m, como es el caso de Michoacán; causando pérdidas en cultivos básicos como maíz, frijol y calabaza. La distribución de los chapulines depende de la disposición y preferencia de alimento. Existen pocos estudios en México sobre la diversidad de poblaciones de acridoideos. Se determinó la distribución y diversidad de las poblaciones de chapulín presentes en cultivos de maíz, con sistema monocultivo y milpa. Se muestrearon dos parcelas con cada tipo de manejo en tres sitios diferentes, realizando capturas dentro y fuera del cultivo. Las colectas se realizaron de julio a noviembre. Se colectaron 2806 ejemplares de chapulín con 18 morfoespecies, las cuales se identificaron utilizando claves taxonómicas. La abundancia, riqueza y diversidad de chapulines fueron mayores en las áreas marginales de los cultivos; la abundancia fue superior en la milpa, la riqueza y la diversidad de especies fue mayor en el monocultivo. La especie que predominó en los agroecosistemas fue Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier (1845). Palabras clave: Ortópteros, diversidad de poblaciones, maíz. Distribution and diversity of grasshoppers in maize agroecosystems of the Pátzcuaro Lake basin ABSTRACT. The orthoptera commonly known as grasshoppers and locusts are grouped in the superfamily Acridoidea. They are of great agricultural importance because they usually host and feed on weeds, shrubs and crops. The states with greater damages by plague are those whose altitude is higher than 2000 m, as is the case of Michoacán; causing losses in basic crops such as corn, beans and squash. Grasshoppers distribution depends on the disposition and preference of food. There exist a few studies in Mexico about the Acridoidea populations diversity. The distribution and diversity of grasshopper populations present in corn crops, with monoculture system and milpa, was determined. Two plots were sampled with each type of management in three different sites, making captures inside and outside the crop. The collections were made from July to November. 2806 specimens of grasshoppers were collected with 18 different morphospecies, which were identified using taxonomic keys. The abundance, richness and diversity of grasshoppers were greater in the marginal areas of crops; abundance was higher in the milpa, species richness and diversity were higher in the monoculture. The predominant species in the agroecosystems was Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier (1845).
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